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Petrel: Flatten 2D line by using calculator

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For 2D seismic line, we can do ‘Flatten horizon’ in the interpretation
But in the case you want to save the flattened line as a new 2D line, this
workflow help you to realize this.
1. Create a surface(Surface1) by using the horizon. As a skill, you may
select ‘Get limits from select’ from Geometry tab and uncheck ‘Ensure all
nodes get a value’ under Algorithm>Expert. Then you will get a surface
along the horizon.
2. Post the 2D seismic line on the interpretation window. Open seismic
calculator and input the expression:
Flatten_line=If(Surface1(X,Y)>=-1000 ,test(K-(Surface1(X,Y)-(-1000))/4) ,test(K+((-1000)-Surface1(X,Y))/4) )

• Flatten_line is resultant flattened 2D seismic from this calculator expression
• Surface1 is surface created from the horizon in the previous step
• -1000 means the horizon will flattened at -1000ms, 4 means the sample rate of the 2D seismic line.
• Surface1(X,Y)>=-1000 means the Surface1 is above -1000ms.
• Surface1(X,Y)-(-1000) is the difference between Surface1 and the reference time(-1000ms).
• test is original 2D seismic

By running expression, you will get a Flatten_line under the original 2D

3. Then you can realize the Flatten_line to a real flatten 2D line.

Notes: you may change -1000 to other value to get the line flattened at your
preferred time.

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