Aspire College Hafizabad: Mid Term Examination (2020)

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Aspire College Hafizabad

Mid Term Examination (2020) Date: ___/____/____

Total Marks: 50 Time: 02:00 Hrs.
Program: BSIT (3rd Semester) Subject: Technical Writing
Name: __________________ Roll No.
Objective Type
Q.1: Multiple Choice Questions: Identify the letter of choice that best
completes the statements. (15)
i. __________ is an essential ingredient of all fields of study
(a) plam (b) problem (c) proposal (d) research
ii. There are two types of abstracts informative and ___________
(a) ordinary (b) objective (c) indicative (d) impartial
iii. An abstract does not contain any __________ figure or table references.
(a) ideas (b) bibliography (c) proposals (d) contents
iv. Conclusion should stem directly from the __________ presented.
(a) thought (b) idea (c) data (d) proposal
v. In _________ no extra material should be introduced.
(a) proposals (b) conclusions (c) reports (d) papers
vi. A ___________ is a long research report.
(a) proposal (b) thesis (c) summary (d) scheme
vii. ___________ are an important type of job related writing.
(a) books (b) letters (c) reports (d) proposals
viii. Two basic types of proposals are sale proposal and _________ proposals.
(a) product (b) good (c) research (d) complete
ix. __________ enables the reader to easily locate visual aids quickly.
(a) proposals (b) list of tables figures (c) letter (d) reports
x. Appendices, as informal reports are ___________ in proposals as well.
(a) clear (b) compulsory (c) brief (d) optional
xi. __________ give the list of sources used or quoted in proposal.
(a) references (b) points (c) hints (d) examples
xii. Seeking to gain a quick review, some evaluators will read only ____________
(a) scheme (b) contents (c) executive summary (d)proposal
xiii. ____________ proposals are academic in nature.
(a) sales (b) research (c) business (d) research
xiv. ______________ proposals are also called business proposals
(a) clients (b) product (c) sale (d) job
xv. Administrator questionnaire has ___________ types
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
Subjective Type
i. Define questionnaire and give the types.
ii. Define report and its types.
iii. What are the rules for technical writing?
iv. Discuss brainstorming along with some example.
v. Give the Principles of formal outline.
vi. Differentiate between abstract and summary.
vii. As a fresh graduate in engineering, you have decided to establish a manufacturing
wait in your home town for this purpose you have decided to avail yourself of the
liberalized loan facility under the self-employment scheme therefore, you wish to
submit an unsolicited technical proposal for the manufacture of an item of your choice
seeking loan from the state industrial development corporation (SIDC) Lahore.
 Now draft this proposal to be sent to the director, SIDC, Lahore inventing the
necessary details.


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