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Life Cycle Worksheet

Sketch or picture of fish

Name of Fish: ____________________________________________________________________

Egg size: _______________ LARVAL FISH:
Month of hatch: _________
Incubation time:_________
Comments: _____________
Comments: _____________


Age at first spawning:_________________

Frequency of spawning: _______________
Preferred spawning habitat:____________
Comments: _____________
Spawning season:____________________
Average number of eggs deposited
(varies by size of female):______________ ______________________

Spawning behavior:___________________

Comments: _________________________

Habitat:________________ Habitat:________________

Diet:___________________ Diet:___________________

Average lifespan:_________ Comments: _____________

Comments: _____________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________

Life cycle: Reproductive strategies
reproductive strategies
In general, animals use one of two basic reproductive strategies. They may produce:

n Limitednumbers of offspring, reproduce infrequently, and n Massive quantities of offspring, reproduce more frequent-
invest significant nutritional resources and time to ensure ly, and invest hardly any time or resources in any one
a high probability of survival for each offspring (e.g., offspring (e.g., fish).
humans, elephants);

Example reproductive strategies of Great Lakes Fish

While Great Lakes fish typically produce eggs in mass sediment. Removal of natural bedrock such as in the
quantities, the number of eggs and amount of energy creation of shipping channels is thought to interfere with
invested into each egg varies by species. lake whitefish spawning.

n Smallmouth bass: Female smallmouth bass produce n Lake sturgeon: Lake sturgeon have a slow reproductive
eggs in the spring. Males build nests in shallow gravel cycle and spawn only once every four years on average.
areas near a rock or log for shelter and guard the fertilized Fast flowing water is best for sturgeon. Lake sturgeon
eggs. After smallmouth bass hatch and emerge from the compete with power companies for habitat because high
gravel, they form balls up to three feet in diameter con- gradient (steep), fast flowing sections of rivers are also
taining hundreds of fry. The male continues to guard his good places to produce hydro-electric power. 
offspring as they begin to move apart and wander farther
from the nest until the fry are so far apart that guarding is n Round goby: Female round gobies spawn repeatedly
no longer possible. from April to September. Males build nests and guard
their eggs and young, but most die soon after spawning.
n Lakewhitefish: Lake whitefish are open water fish but
spawn near shore in the fall. Spawning takes place at Round gobies are an invasive species that presumably
night close to the surface and is very active. Male and arrived in the ballast water of vessels coming into the
female fish sometimes leap out of the water during Great Lakes. They can tolerate degraded water quality
spawning. Eggs fall to the bottom and remain there until and are able to withstand low oxygen concentrations
hatching in the spring. Winter ice cover may help keep for several days. They compete with native species for
wind from stirring the bottom and covering the eggs with spawning habitat.

The chart below compares the reproductive strategies of four Great Lakes fish.
Notice the differences in lifespan, age at first spawning, eggs per pound than lake sturgeon. However, lake sturgeon
and spawn interval among these fish. Round gobies have a eggs are much bigger than lake whitefish eggs. In relation
shorter lifespan but reproduce several times per year. Lake to lake whitefish, lake sturgeon tend to invest more energy
sturgeon live longer but reproduce less frequently. and time in fewer offspring with the goal to ensure a high
probability of survival for each.
Also notice the differences in egg size and number of eggs
produced. Lake whitefish produce a greater number of

Lake whitefish Lake sturgeon Round goby
80-150 years 2-3 years
Lifespan 15 years 10 years
(female) (female)
Age at first 5-7 years 24-26 years 1-2 years
2-8 years
spawning (female) (female) (female)

Every 2-3 Every 4-6 Many times per

Spawn interval Every year
years years (female) year (female)

1.2 - 2.5 mm ~2.3 mm in 2.7-3.5 mm

Egg size ~3 mm in diameter
diameter diameter diameter
~7000 per 8000-16000 4000-6000 per 80 - 600 (goby
Number of eggs
pound per pound pound weigh <1 pound)

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