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Simple Past To Be

1.Complete the sentences using was or were:

1. I was happy.
2. Where were you born?
3. In 1979, home consoles were very cheap.
4. The Tetris was an American game.
5. Sega Rally was a racing game.
6. Who was your first teacher?
7. When was your last birthday?
8. What was your favorite subjects last year?
9. Where were you at 8 o'clock this morning?
10. Alice was my best friends.
2. Rewrite the next sentences to simple past and add the temporal adverbs in
1. I am not a teacher. (last year)
Last year I was a teacher
2. They are having a party. (Last weekend)
Last weekend they were having a party
3. We are delighted to see him. (usually)
We were usually delighted to see him
4. He is still in his bedroom (yesterday
Since yesterday he is still in his bedroom
5. She is a bit scared. (after the class)
She was a bit scared after the class
6. You are not on the list. (last semester)
Last semester you were not on the list
7. This test is so easy. (last unit)
Last unit this test was so easy
8. Students aren’t at school now. (yesterday)
Students weren’t at school yesterday
9. My sister is not a good student. (at elementary school)
At elementary school my sister is not a good student
10.The teachers are happy in their houses, (last week)
The teachers were happy in their house last week
2. Think about a moment in the past and describe it using “was/were” (use 100 words
as minimum)

As a child, I was very shy. I did not like to play with other children and
I was always alone. My parents were worried about me, but I think I was happy that way,
with my pictures and my imagination. I was always making up stories and drawing them.
Maybe that was why I became an illustrator later. I was not interested in school at all, but I
managed to get good marks, and all my teachers were very impressed and said I was
exceptionally smart. I don’t know if they were right, but I did very well in high school and
university later on.

When I was a child ,I remember my cousin and I were so playful ,and because of his
fault I got into a lot of troubles, one day I remember that we jump a fence and I cut my
finger with a glass,this was horrible because I could see my bone ,also I remember that
our parents get mad with us because we ran away from home and we fight for no
reason ,another thing I remember,my cousin and I always convinced my parents so that he
could sleep at my house and we play games with his new PSP

4. Translate the next questions

1. ¿Dónde estabas ayer?
Where were you yesterday
2. ¿Qué edad tenías en el 2010?
How old were you in 2010
3. ¿En dónde naciste?
Where do you born
4. ¿Cuál era el empleo de tu abuelo?
What was the job of your granfather´s job
5. ¿Cuándo fueron los juegos olímpicos de Sídney, Australia?
When were the olimpic games of sidney, australi

Enrique Lopez Mejia 2°A N.L. 21

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