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Exercise 1 page 53

1. What is the Internet? – b)

2. Who started the Internet? – d)
3. What is the World Wide Web? – a)
4. What can the Web be used for? – c)
Exercise 2 page 54
1. How are computers linked together on the Internet?
Millions of computers linked together in a computer network. The network allows all computers
to interact with each other.
2. Who started the Internet? When?
The Internet was started by the United States Department of Defense in 1969.
3. What does a typical web page look like?
A typical web page is a text file in HTML format that can contain links to files in other formats
(text, graphics, video, audio, multimedia, applets, application programs, databases, web services,
and so on), as well as hyperlinks to quickly navigate to other web pages or access link files.
4. What are some specific things you can do on the Web?
 Take academic courses and improve your skills.
 Download e-books, audio books, or read them online.
 Using the Internet, we can find out about the latest events around the world.
 Listen favorite songs; watch your favorite movies, or motivational videos.
 Make payments over the Internet.
 Play educational games.
 Meeting new people.
 Make a Skype call to a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time. Or use email to write
to your loved ones.
 Online shopping.
Exercise 3 page 131
1. Current events
2. World Wide Web
3. E-mail message
4. Surfing the net
5. Download information
6. Web sites
7. Computer screen
Exercise 1 page 136
1. C
2. E
3. D
4. A
5. F
6. B
Exercise 4 page 137
 You can follow the latest world news, find out about BBC World Service radio
programmes and links quizzes and songs lyric at
 You can use a variety of online dictionaries download at
 The British Council has a web-site where you can find variety of game activities and a
list of resources suitable both for adults and younger learners at

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