Mission: Being Aware in My Life Is Key, For Me! Everything I Do, I Do With My Full Attention. Every Day

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On this platform, I give you a peek into my lifestyle, with a focus on nutrition. I want to
inspire you to become (more) aware of your own choices and your own life. And I hope that
in becoming (more) aware, you will act accordingly in the world to create a happy and
healthy lifestyle for yourself and for the world around you.

I have formulated seven key factors that I believe contribute to living the happiest and healthiest life
possible. I hope they inspire you. And by inspire, I mean really inspire. It isn’t my intention to push
you into anything nor do I claim that my ideas are the only way to achieve happiness. These factors
should be seen as a sort of toolkit – take what is useful to you and just leave the rest in the box. ; )

1.Good Vibes 
Being aware in my life is key, for me! Everything I do, I do with my full attention. Every day.
Whether it’s eating or taking care of myself, or others or the planet. Being aware of your thought
patterns is, in my opinion, just as important. You can easily convince yourself of something by
believing that your negative thoughts are justified. But they usually aren’t. I’ve learned to listen to
my thoughts. Just listen. You don’t necessarily have to do anything in response to them – they are
just thoughts after all. Sometimes they are true and sometimes they are not. Either way, there are a
ton of them every day. What is great about this is that you can choose which ones you react to and
which ones you ignore. I try to react to my positive thoughts as much as possible. I believe that you
attract into your life whatever you focus on, so why not make it something positive, right? In this
way, you’ll create positive vibes and make yourself happier. It works for me, anyway. What also
helps me to be positive in life is to dare to be vulnerable, even in response to things that you find
difficult. It’s a bit of a paradox, but I believe it’s exactly what you need to achieve what you set out
to achieve. It is so important to really see what is and what is not going well and not just stick your
head in the sand. I know very well that I don’t do everything perfectly, but thankfully I don’t need to.
I feel like crap sometimes, angry or sad. These are all feelings that are allowed to come up. And by
acknowledging the more difficult moments, I’m better able to put things into perspective and keep
my negative thinking at bay. I allow the feelings to exist, but I choose to focus on the positive in my
life and, in this way, a whole bunch of good vibes are created. It’s so great.

2. Relax
If you’re constantly switched ‘ON’, your body will be knocked out of balance. Always being on-call
or ready to respond creates a certain amount of stress, which, in turn, affects your body. Because the
physical and mental well-being are so closely linked, I think it’s essential to take the time to relax
when necessary. This allows me to recharge. I share the ways that I relax in my lifestyle book.
3. Food Philosophy
‘Healthy eating’ is a relative term. I really believe that. There isn’t one, single way to eat healthy.
Everybody has different cravings, needs and habits. Moreover, every body is different, which means
that everyone’s nutritional needs are different, too. Over the years, I have developed my own vision
on food and nutrition. Based on the way I was raised and developments in the food industry, I came
up with my own opinion on the issue. I have built upon and updated knowledge I gained growing up,
but I always keep in the back of my mind the wisdom that my grandparents and parents shared with
me. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It really doesn’t. The purer the food (Powerfood), the better.
This is what I learned and it is what I truly want to share with all of you. I’m not saying that my
vision is the only legitimate one out there, but it is the way of eating and living that makes me happy.

I ensure that the lion’s share of my diet is plant-based. I choose vegetables and/or fruit as the key
ingredient in my meals and add as few animal products as possible. Eating this way makes me feel
better and I believe it is better for the environment. This is also why I tend to choose local, seasonal
products. I do, however, like to experiment every now and then with ingredients from other countries
and cultures… I’m definitely still curious and love to learn – especially when it comes to food. But
no matter what, I make sure the food I eat is organic where possible. I like to support organic
agriculture and think that chemical pesticides and herbicides are simply not good for the environment
or our own health.

I believe that taking good care of yourself is also an essential part of a happy and healthy lifestyle.
You are at your most beautiful when you care for your body. Taking care of yourself, of course,
includes staying fit and healthy, but it all begins with accepting and appreciating the way you
look. You are so beautiful. Really. OMG, take a good look at yourself! Even the things you think
aren’t good enough are fantastic. Trust me. Maintaining a positive self-image is the most important
aspect of self-care.

5. Exercise 
I work up a sweat about three times a week. Working out has a positive influence on my health, my
self-confidence and my focus. But even ‘exercise’ in a less intense form has this effect… Walking,
dancing, jumping on a trampoline – I love it all! Getting enough exercise is essential to feeling
good, but it is just as important not to be too hard on yourself.

6. Home
To me, my home is my protective cocoon where I can be myself. It’s my safe haven and literally my
comfort zone. I can relax at home. Feeling at home depends on a number of factors for me,
including light, cleanliness and calm. Having said that, everyone’s definition of a nice home is
different. I create that safe-haven feeling with homemade scents and cleaning products, plants and
good music. For you, something else might be key. Whatever you do, make sure that wherever or
whatever you call home is a pleasant, healthy environment for you. You deserve it. : )

7. Planet
Sometimes I experience one of those moments, when I head out the door, on my own, into nature,
preferably with bare feet, that brings me even closer to nature. It makes me feel good. We, as human
beings, just like plants, animals, matter, meteorological and geological processes, space, atoms and
energy, are a part of nature. We are all one. And we all call Mother Earth home, the planet that we
are allowed to make use of. I think that’s amazing! And no, I probably don’t have to tell you how
important it is that we take care of our planet. But I’m going to anyway… ; )

Terms like climate change, the collapse of biodiversity and plastic soup are ones that we hear more
and more often these days. Unfortunately, things are not going well in terms of the health of our
beautiful planet. We number in the billions and are exhausting the world. Because we live in
societies characterized by mass consumption, we use huge amounts of fossil fuels, deforest massive
areas and overfish our oceans. We emit far too much greenhouse gas. We also need to be concerned
about the disappearance of insects – without them, we will be unable to grow food.
Anne Timmer

I am an optimist and believe that many things in life will turn out fine. But when it comes to the
environment, I find it difficult to stay positive sometimes. There is, however, a positive way to deal
with these feelings and to make a difference. I’m not asking you to go out a be a superhuman and
save the world on your own. And spending your time feeling guilty about having being ‘less aware’
in the past is counterproductive. No, making a positive switch is all about the now. You can make a
difference right now, just like I can. Saving the planet really does start with you. There are so many
choices you can make that will contribute to making sure our planet stays habitable. Below is a list of
a few things that I do to make a contribution. Maybe some of these will work for you, too…
– Connect with nature as deeply and as often as possible. 
– Make sure the dishwasher is full before running it. 
– I switched to an energy provider that delivers green energy. 
– Shower only as long as necessary. 
– If you’re cold in your house, put on a sweater before turning up the heat. 
– Cook with natural materials as much as possible. 
– Eat a plant-based diet. 
– Reduce food waste.
– Recycle. 
– I compost. 
– And I have my own vegetable garden (window-sill gardens count, too!).

And now one more thing, full disclosure: I do have one big weakness when it comes to the
environment. Flying. I really love to travel. But no matter how good it is for my mental health, I’m
not doing the planet any favors by getting on a plane. I know this. I think long and hard before I book
a long flight. A holiday closer to home can also be great. When planning travel, I also consider
driving or taking the train instead of flying. Whenever I think about getting in the car to go
somewhere, I consider whether or not I can bike or take public transport. Is it bike-able? If so, I get
on my bike.

So, no, I’m definitely not perfect, but it all begins with awareness. I’m convinced of this. Every small
step we take in the right direction has a positive effect on the future of our planet. It’s a reassuring
thought. Something to hold on to as the future of our planet approaches.

Go get ‘em!  
That’s it. That is what my company and I stand for. These are the things that keep me happy and
healthy and help me to strive toward the best version of myself. My vision changes every day based
on the things I learn and experience, but what I’ve shared above is the basis of everything. It is and
will always be the foundation upon which I build everything else.

I hope that this website inspires you to be the best version of yourself you can be without being too
hard on yourself. I hope that it helps you find balance and motivates you to be good to yourself and
your surroundings. I hope you can use it as a guide and that it offers a bit of support. Only you can
lead your own life. No one else. 

                           With love,

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