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Name: ________________________________________________

Section: ________________________________________________


Section #1: All atoms are electrically neutral
1. The nucleus of an isotope of chlorine contains 20 neutrons.
a. What is the atomic number of this isotope?

b. What is its mass number?

c. Write the atom’s isotope symbol in the box below.

2. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are present in the isotope of oxygen represented by the
following symbol?

O Protons _____ Neutrons _____ Electrons _____

3. Write the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons from the following isotopes. Draw their isotope
symbols in the boxes provided.
a. potassium-39
Protons _____

Neutrons _____

Electrons _____

b. boron-11
Protons _____

Neutrons _____

Electrons _____

c. magnesium-25
Protons _____

Neutrons _____

Electrons _____
Section #2: Atoms may be electrically neutral or electrically charged (ion).
Symbol Name Atom or Ion?
a. Protons: 2 4 -1
Neutrons: 2 He Helium-4 Ion (negative)
Electrons: 3 2

b. Protons: 12
Neutrons: 13 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 12

c. Protons: 21
Neutrons: 24 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 21

d. Protons: 29
Neutrons: 63 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 29

e. Protons: 34
Neutrons: 45 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 34

f. Protons: 60
Neutrons: 84 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 60

g. Protons: 74
Neutrons: 110 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 74

h. Protons: 81
Neutrons: 123 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 81

i. Protons: 109
Neutrons: 159 ____________ ____________
Electrons: 109

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