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r Calculation of the Resonant Frequency of a

ctangular Microstrip Antenna

ekeh Yazdandoost ,Dr, (Mrs) ID. C. Gharpure
Dept. of Electronic-Science ,University of Fune ,h n e 41 1007 ,INDIA

Abstract: A simple fo The resonant frequency of a rectangular microstrip

calculate the resonant freq antenna is given[1],[2],[4],[7]
microstrip antenna. Accu
results is compared w
experimental data.

The Microstrip antenna is a printed metallic where f, is the resonant frequency, C is the
conductor on a surface of velocity of light, L is the length of patch, AI, is the
plane. The shape of mi extension length , & is the effective permittivity.
arbitrary, but rectangular The effective dielectric constant is
practice. The patch is
microwave substrate mate E,+ 1 Er- 1
constant in the range 2 to &=-+- (l+10h/w)-1~2
decades, the popularity 2 2
been increased. Because
aerodynamic profile, 1 where h is the thickness and W is the width
fabrication it found application in military as well patch.
as in commercial parts. The microstrip antenna The normalised equivalent extension length is,
find applications in Global positioning system,
Mobile satellites, Missiles, Aircrdt, Medical, and
Direct broadcast satellite. The
has a large number of applicati
narrow bandwidth (the bandwidth is Af=Q/fr),
hence the exact value of the resonant frequency is where Ct is the terminal capacitance and C1 is the
important. However, simple capacitance per unit length. For a dielectric
required for practical circuit substrate with ~ , > 1 ,there is no exact solution for
optimisation. capacitance, as well as Zi and G.These parameters
can only be calculated accurately point for point
THEORY with numerical field calculations by computer.
Most practical microstrip a The extension length is given by Hammerstad by
the rectangular shape. Fig. 1 shows the geometrical using functional approximations[1],f21,[41,[6],[7]
configuration of a rectangular microstrb antenna.
(e+ 0.3)(W/h + 0.262)
AL = 0.412h
(G - 0.258)(~/h 0.813)

By using functional approximation for = 2.1,

2.55, 3.78, 5.75, 6.3, 9, 9.4, 9.8, 11.9, 12.9, 20, 37,
40,85, with t = 0, w k 2 1 we found

ALzO.35 h (2)

and also the effective dielectric constant

Fig. 1
= 8.65 ~ 1+. 0.35 (3)

0-7803-428l-x/97/$10.00 604
Substituting (2) and (3) in equation (I), the resonant frequency of the experimental data and
formula for f r is, computed result. We calculated fr numerically for
different value of‘ relative permittivity and
16.299 thickness. A relative dielectric constant around 2.5
f,(Ghz) = (4) is typical. The thickness of substrate is usually
(L + 0.7h)( sr+ 0.538)”* much less than a wavelength. This paper has
presented a simple and accurate formula for
calculation of the resonant frequency of a rectang-
Where L is the length of patch(cm), h is the ular microstrip antenna.
thickness of substrate(cm), and cr is the relative
permittivity. As is seen clearly the calculation for RJWEIRENCES
AL and & is not required and thus (4) is a simple [1]- Reinmout K:. Hoffman, Handbook of
formula. The operating frequency of a rectangular Microwave Integrated Circuits. Artech House,
microstrip antenna is determined by the antenna’s 1987.
size and the substrate permittivity only. [2]- Kazuhiro Hirasawa, Misao Haneishi ,Analysis,
Design, and Measurement of Small and Low-
Profile Antenna. Artech House 1992.
RESULT [33- Richard C . Johnson , Henry Jasik , Antenna
The fr for various microstnp antenna was Engineering Handbook. 1984, ch. 7.
calculated using the new formula. The resonant [4]- PJB. Clarricoats, Advance Antenna
frequency of rectangular microstrip antenna Technology. 1981. .
compares well with experimental U well as [5]- Arunk. Bhattacharyya, “Long Rectangular
theoretical results. Table 1 and 2 shows the Patch Antenna with a Single Feed,”. E E E
comparison between experimental results and f, Transaction on antenna and propagation, vo1.38,
calculated by equation (1) and by our formula. no.7, pp. 987-993 ,JULY 1990.
The resonant frequency using the proposed 161- Keith R. Carver and James W. Mink,”
formula is in good agreement with measured Microstrip Antenna Technology,” IEEE
result. Transaction on Antenna and propagation, v01.M-
29, no. 1, pp.2-24, Jan 1981.
CONCLUSION [7]- Y. T. Lo and S. W. Lee, Antenna Handbook
The main purpose of any antenna designer is Theory, Application, and Design, 1988, ch.24.
to design an antenna with less error in the

Table 1- Comparisons between results in [4]and

the present formula:

I 1$ I 1
2.24 2.7 10.3 0.079 3.541 3.549 I

Table 2- Comparisons between results in [5] and

the present formula:

12.32 3.75 I 27.5 10.318 I 2.42 2.427


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