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Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

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Downregulation of three novel candidate genes is important for freezing T

tolerance of field and laboratory cold acclimated barley
Anna Fiust*, Marcin Rapacz
Department of Plant Physiology, University of Agriculture, Podłużna 3, 30-239, Krakow, Poland


Keywords: Diversity arrays technology (DArT) marker sequences for barley were used for identifying new potential can-
Freezing tolerance didate genes for freezing tolerance (FT). We used quantitative trait loci (QTL) genetic linkage maps for FT and
Candidate gene photosynthetic acclimation to cold for six- and two-row barley populations, and a set of 20 DArT markers
Barley obtained using the association mapping of parameters for photosynthetic acclimation to low temperatures in
barley for the bioinformatics analyses. Several nucleotide and amino acid sequence, annotation databases and
associated algorithms were used to identify the similarities of six of the marker sequences to potential genes
involved in plant low temperature response. Gene ontology (GO) annotations based on similarities to database
sequences were assigned to these marker sequences, and indicated potential involvement in signal transduction
pathways in response to stress factors and epigenetic processes, as well as auxin transport mechanisms.
Furthermore, relative gene expressions for three of six of new identified genes (Hv.ATPase, Hv.DDM1, and
Hv.BIG) were assessed within four barley genotypes of different FT. A physiological assessment of FT was
conducted based on plant survival rates in two field-laboratory and one laboratory experiments. The results
suggested that plant survival rate after freezing but not the degree of freezing-induced leaf damage between the
tested accessions can be correlated with the degree of low-temperature downregulation of the studied candidate
genes, which encoded proteins involved in the control of plant growth and development. Additionally, candidate
genes for qRT-PCR suitable for the analysis of cold acclimation response in barley were suggested after vali-

1. Introduction temperature during late autumn, called cold acclimation or hardening,

leads to a series of biochemical changes that enhance the cold resistance
Freezing tolerance (FT), the major component of winter hardiness, of sensitive tissues (Pecchioni et al., 2012). Cold acclimation is crucial
is a key trait with economic and agronomic importance that strongly for induction of genetic mechanisms responsible for FT (Sandve et al.,
limits the geographic distribution of barley cultivation. FT can be de- 2011; van der Schoot and Rinne, 2011). From a genetic point of view,
fined as the ability of a plant to survive freezing temperatures, prevent FT is a polygenic trait affected by several genes with different chro-
damage to vegetative tissues, and minimize other negative effects of mosome locations (Vágújfalvi et al., 2012).
freezing temperatures on future yield potential (Galiba et al., 2009). Knowledge of the variable nature of winter injuries and plant re-
Several component traits, i.e., cold acclimation processes, including the sponse mechanisms to freezing is extensive. Various documented en-
hardening and intrinsic capacity of vegetative tissues to survive freeze- vironmental factors, e.g., weather pattern fluctuations (Rapacz et al.,
induced desiccation, and to recover efficiently from accompanying 2014), as well as distinctions between the effects of low temperature
stress, determine the final FT of plants (Visioni et al., 2013). Plant tolerance genes and the pleiotropic effects of developmental genes, may
adaptive response triggered mostly by a gradual decrease in strongly affect plant reactions. Moreover, freezing tolerance changes

Abbreviations: ADP, ADP ribosylation factor 1-like protein; CBF, C-repeat binding factor; CDD, Conserved Domain Database; COR, cold-regulated genes; DarT,
diversity arrays technology; DREB, dehydration responsive element binding; EL, electrolyte leakage; FLM, a field-laboratory method; FR, frost resistance locus; FT,
freezing tolerance; GO, gene ontology; HSP90, cytosolic heat shock protein 90; L- TUB, a-Tubulin; LEA, late embryogenesis abundant; MAS, marker-assisted selection;
PSII, photosystem II; qPCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction; QTL, quantitative trait locus; RLK, receptor-like kinase; sAMD, homologue of S-adeno-
sylmethionine decarboxylase

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Fiust), (M. Rapacz).
Received 7 March 2019; Received in revised form 25 July 2019; Accepted 30 July 2019
Available online 01 October 2019
0176-1617/ © 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

seasonally due to additional stimuli beyond low temperatures. In the We hypothesized that further candidate genes for freezing tolerance
grass family, the main factor influencing an FT increase during the may be identified in barley with bioinformatics tools on the base of
hardening process is low temperature, but photoperiod and the redox DArT marker sequences. The DArT marker system has been extensively
state of photosystem II (PSII) are also important (Rapacz et al., 2014; used in various genetic applications, including genetic diversity ana-
Sandve et al., 2011) lyses, the construction of genetic linkage maps, and quantitative trait
However, currently no plant receptors responsible for receiving a locus (QTL) linkage analyses, in several crops (Jaccoud, 2001; Gupta
signal for low temperature in the hardening process have been identi- et al., 2008), including barley (Wenzl et al., 2006).
fied. The standard model assumes that the induction of cold-regulated For this purpose, sequences from a set of DArT markers dedicated
(COR) genes is a consequence of changes in the physical properties of for barley FT were analyzed against a set of databases and associated
membranes during cold stress (Miura and Furumoto, 2013). Moreover, algorithms (including NCBI BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990), GenBank
Ca2+ accumulation in plant tissues is connected with FT (Dinari et al., (Benson et al., 2013) and IPK barley BLAST server of International
2013). Plant exposure to low temperatures in the hardening process Barley Sequencing Consortium (IBSC, http://webblast.ipk-gatersleben.
leads to a reprogramming of gene expression and cell metabolism, as de/barley/)). Thorough characterization of the proteins identified in
well as a remodeling of cell structures (Viswanathan and Zhu, 2002). our study was conducted using several databases (UniProtKB/Swiss-
Vernalization genes are reported to be the primary group of genes Prot (Magrane and Consortium, 2011) and InterPro (Hunter et al.,
involved in cereal FT (Kosová et al., 2008). Genetic studies in barley 2008) to gain insight into structure and potential function.
and wheat conclude that differences in the expression of the VRN1 and Many recent reports of plant response to freezing temperatures
VRN3 genes (and in coding regions of VRN2) affect the delay of flow- focus on a simple analysis of changes in the expression of known reg-
ering until the end of the winter, and protect from freezing sensitive ulatory genes under stress conditions (Akhtar et al. 2013; Agarwal
floral primordia. A second group of genes identified to affect FT are et al., 2006). Verification of changes in gene expression of three po-
transcription C-repeat binding factors (CBFs) localized in the frost re- tential candidate genes for barley FT identified in bioinformatics ana-
sistance-2 (FR2) locus. CBFs are COR regulators, and are induced by lysis in the study, was assessed using quantitative polymerase chain
low temperatures to confer tolerance to subsequent freezing tempera- reaction (qPCR) analyses within a set of four barley genotypes with the
tures (acclimation) (Galiba et al., 2009; Kosová et al., 2008; Knight and different freezing tolerance level. The differences in FT of tested lines
Knight, 2012). were assessed within physiological experiments using realistic (field or
Other crucial FT pathways are regulated by transcription factors semi-field) conditions of cold acclimation.
associated with dehydration stress, and affect for example the expres-
sion of barley Hva1 gene, which encodes a member of the third group of 2. Materials and methods
late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins (Thomashow, 1998),
wheat WCOR410 or barley DHN5, which encode another proteins of the 2.1. Plant material
dehydrin family (Miura and Furumoto, 2013). A key protein involved in
FT in barley is the dehydration responsive element binding-1 (DREB1) Plant material consisted of four unrelated advanced breeding lines
CBF. DREB1 is a member of the A-2 subgroup of the DREB subfamily, with different FTs: POA_7333/06-1 and 51-1 (tolerant), G2056 and
which belongs to the APETALA2 transcription factor family, and is POA_7183/06-6 (susceptible), derived by DANKO Plant Breeding
apparently involved in abiotic stress signaling pathways (Akhtar et al., company (Choryń, Poland). The accessions were preliminary tested in
2012). two years winter hardiness observations in two locations and freezing
Moreover, the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms, a modifica- tolerance assessment also performed during two years by the field-la-
tion of DNA activity by methylation, histone modification or chromatin boratory method (FLM) as described previously by Rapacz et al. (2015)
remodeling without alteration of the nucleotide sequence, involved in for wheat and triticale.
the response to environmental cues and abiotic stresses (i.e. cold) has
been documented (Luo et al., 2012; Jung and Park, 2013; Stockinger 2.2. Molecular markers and bioinformatics analysis
et al., 2001; Vlachonasios et al., 2003; Pavangadkar et al., 2010; Zhu
et al., 2008). Gene expression and DNA recombination are strongly Two QTL genetic linkage maps for FT and photosynthetic acclima-
affected by structural chromatin traits which is shaped by the activity of tion to low temperature for two (six- and two-rowed) barley popula-
enzymes (Visioni et al., 2013; Jerzmanowski, 2007). Chromatin un- tions (Tyrka et al., 2015), and the set of 20 DArT markers obtained by
folding involves i.e. the action of ATP-dependent remodeling complexes Cwynar (2011, unpublished) in the association mapping of parameters
(Visioni et al., 2013; Pecchioni et al., 2012), covalent modifications and for photosynthetic acclimation to low temperatures in barley (Table
deposition of histone proteins (Kouzarides, 2007; Pfluger and Wagner, A.1) were used for our bioinformatics analyses.
2007; Zhang et al., 2007; Draker and Cheung, 2009). Marker set was selected on the base of association mapping analysis
The knowledge regarding roles of auxins in cold stress responses of of 94 unrelated winter barley accessions with different freezing toler-
plants is limited. Nevertheless, some reports suggest that cold stress ance rate. The physiological characterization of tested lines included
induced change in the plant growth and development is tightly linked freezing tolerance tests assessed on the base of field-laboratory method
to the intracellular auxin gradient, which is regulated by the polar (FLM) and fluorescence measurements conducted as described above
deployment and intracellular trafficking of auxin carriers (Hannah for the selection of extreme accessions. The structure of tested popu-
et al., 2005; Khurana and Jain, 2009). Moreover, it has been shown that lation, the association of DArT markers and the physiological para-
a significant number of auxin-regulated genes are additionally affected meters for photosynthetic acclimation to low temperatures as well as
by cold in Arabidopsis and rice (Hannah et al., 2005; Khurana and Jain, barley FT was evaluated using dedicated statistical algorithms such as
2009) and that application of auxin analogues on Brassica napus during Structure and Tassel (Pritchard et al., 2000; Bradbury et al., 2007). The
cold hardening stimulated accumulation of freeze-protective metabo- set of 20 DArT markers with the highest association with physiological
lites and soluble sugars (Gavelienė et al., 2013). parameters (Table A.1) were selected for bioinformatics analysis.
Chlorophyll fluorescence-based techniques are often used to study Initially, those DArT markers homologous to noncoding sequences
the genetic control of FT and winter hardiness. Molecular markers as- were rejected (BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990), GeneBank (Benson et al.,
sociated with barley photosynthetic acclimation to cold and FT were 2013)). The remaining sequences were subjected to successive bioin-
described (Rapacz et al., 2010; Tyrka et al., 2015), and the primary QTL formatics analyses.
indicators of barley FT were identified on chromosome 5H (Francia The general characterization of the marker sequences and simila-
et al., 2004) and 2H (Tyrka et al., 2015; Pasquariello et al., 2014). rities to potential FT genes was performed with BLAST (BLASTn and

A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

tBLASTx) [; Altschul et al., 1990] against 2.4. Validation of reference genes and gene expression analysis
GenBank sequences [; Benson
et al., 2013]. We physically located the markers on the barley genome Samples for gene expression analysis from all three experiments
sequence using the IPK barley BLAST server [http://webblast.ipk- (FT_1, FT_2, and FT_3) (Fig. A.2) were collected from control plants and] against three barley variety genomes: Morex, the experimental plants after hardening, simultaneously with samples
Bowman and Barke. The GeneID program (Blanco et al., 2002) was used for tEL50 analysis. Up to 90–100 mg of barley plant tissue, in three
to predict potential gene boundaries and exon/intron borders. Subse- biological replicates for each treatment and genotype, were frozen in
quently, those marker sequences with the highest nucleotide identities liquid nitrogen and used for RNA isolation. Total RNA was purified
(more than 70%, BLAST) to documented FT genes in GenBank were from second leaf tissues using an RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Venlo,
searched against the Swiss-Prot (SIB, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics), Netherlands). cDNA synthesis and genomic DNA elimination were
TrEMBL (EBI, European Bioinformatics Institute)and PIR (Protein In- performed using a QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit (Qiagen,
formation Resource) databases using BLASTx (Altschul et al., 1990). Venlo, Netherlands). Qiagen kits were used as per manufacturer’s
Analyzed sequenced were searched against NCBI Conserved Domain suggested protocols. The final concentration and quality of cDNA were
Database (CDD) (Marchler-Bauer et al., 2015). The predicted Gene determined spectrophotometrically (Nanodrop 2000c, Thermo
Ontology (GO) annotations of identified candidate genes were assigned Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA).
based on Blast2GO software (Götz et al., 2008). Nucleotide sequence We used those predicted homology regions (BLASTn; Altschul et al.,
alignments of 1) Hv.ATPase, 2) Hv.BIG, 3) Hv.DDM1 gene and sequences 1990) of DArT and potential candidate gene to design primers for qPCR
homologous for other species (Fig. A.5.1-3) were done using ClustalW analysis. The primers, both for the reference sequences (Table A.3-1)
Multiple alignment tool with BioEdit software (http://www.mbio.ncsu. and the target genes (Table A.3-2) were designed using Primer Express
edu/bioedit/bioedit.html). Nucleotide sequences of candidate genes for Software v. 3.0.1 (Applied Biosystems by Life Technologies, Carlsbad,
other species were obtained from NCBI ( CA, USA). qPCR runs were performed in 96-well plates in a reaction
volume of 25 μl with Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix (Applied
Biosystems by Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) (Table A.3). The
2.3. Freezing tolerance assessment: field-laboratory method and electrolyte final concentration of qPCR ingredients (Table A.4-1) and temperature
leakage analysis profiles (Table A.4-2) are given in Table A.4. Each qPCR run was re-
peated three times for a final replication number of nine (three biolo-
The FT of four barley genotypes dedicated for gene expression gical samples × three technical instrumental replicates). The expres-
analysis was evaluated with a field-laboratory method (FLM) (Koch and sion of target genes was calculated using Pfaffl’s mathematical model
Lehman, 1969) in three different experiments (field condition of two for relative quantification (Pfaffl, 2001). Genes with stable expression
winter seasons: 2014/15 – FT_1 and 2015/16 – FT_ 2 and laboratory levels for qPCR were used as references and validated in a set of 16
experiment in controlled conditions – FT_ 3). We used an FLM based on randomly selected samples from the conducted experiments. The ex-
the protocol described by Rapacz et al. (2008). Seeds of tested barley pression stability of the nine potential reference genes was evaluated on
genotypes were sown in boxes in the last week of September in five the base of Ct (threshold value) using qBasePLUS (Hellemans et al.,
replicates (rows in different boxes, 12 seeds of each replicate) for each 2007) and BestKeeper (Pfaffl et al., 2004).
genotype. Relatively high temperatures during cold hardening in the
autumn of 2014/15 were followed by a significant decrease in tem- 3. Results
perature (−11.2 °C) at the turn of December/January (Fig. A.2). Winter
2015/16 weather conditions were more beneficial for plant survival 3.1. Bioinformatics identification of candidate freezing tolerance genes
because of a lower variance in the average daily temperatures pre-
ceding freezing events (−13.7 °C) in the field experiment (Fig. A.2). Six of our DArT barley FT marker sequences correlate with relevant
After 2 weeks of hardening in the field (when the maximum daily gene annotations (Table 1). These particular markers all reliably map to
temperature did not exceed 4 °C) plants were transferred to a freezing specific contigs of the barley genome (Table 1).
chamber, and subjected to the freeze-thaw cycles. Minimum freezing We identified a putative protein kinase (UniProt accession number:
temperature was −12 °C and the freezing protocol was detailed else- N1R5V0) in the bPb-3722 and bPb-7975 marker sequences (Table 1).
where (Rapacz et al., 2008). GO annotations associated with bPb-3722 corroborate kinase activity
Plants were grown in a greenhouse in the laboratory-controlled for the encoded protein, and localize it as an integral component of the
experiment (day/night: temperature 16/25 °C; length – 8 h/16 h). After plant cell wall (Table 1). Additionally, the localization of the bPb-3722
4 weeks, the plants were transferred for 3 weeks to hardening chambers marker sequence in bin 6H_06.2 on chromosome 6H on the integrated
with controlled hardening conditions (day/night: temperature 4/3 °C; barley linkage map described by Marcel (Hv-Integrated 2009; Grain-
length – 8 h/16 h, light intensity 300 μmol (quanta) m−2 s-1. Control Genes) indicates that the position of the sequence co-localizes with
samples for the laboratory experiments were plants assessed before several QTLs for nonhost barley resistance to heterologous rust fungi:
transfer to hardening chambers. Experimental sample plants were ex- Vada(2)_6.3, Vada(2)_3.2, Vada(2)_5.7, Rec(4)_4.2, and Vada(2)_11.2
posed to freezing-thawing cycles as described for the field-laboratory (Jafary et al., 2008). Presumably homologous CBL-interacting protein
study. After the hardening period, plants in both the field-laboratory kinase activity was also identified in the bPb-7975 sequence (Table 1).
and laboratory experiments were transferred to an unheated glasshouse The highest similarity of this marker is to a Triticum protein (26% of
and left in a temperature of ∼10–15 °C for 3 weeks. FT was expressed query cover with 98% of sequences identity, UniProt accession number:
as the percentage of plant survival. A0A287H6Z1) with predicted protein phosphorylation and signal
Samples for tEL50 analysis were collected before transfer to the transduction biological functions (GO:0006468, GO:0007165, Table 1).
freezing chamber. Cell membrane integrity was assessed using elec- Moreover, the bPb-7975 marker sequence location maps to bin 05.1_k5
trolyte leakage analysis (Flint et al., 1967) as previously described by of chromosome 2H, which co-localizes with the Rphq18 locus for barley
Rapacz et al. (2001). The percentage of electrolyte leakage was de- rust resistance (Jafary et al., 2008), and the Rbgq7 locus for barley re-
termined according to Flint et al. (1967) based on the equation EL = sistance to powdery mildew (Aghnoum et al., 2009).
(EL1/EL2) × 100%. A five-point freezing temperature profile (−4 °C, We identified a presumed homology of the bPb-3642 marker se-
−6 °C, −8 °C, −10 °C, and −12 °C) was used for the control plants. quence to a probable chromatin-remodeling complex ATPase chain.
The tEL50 (temperature of EL = 50%) was calculated with a multiple Various grasses encode the highest level of regional similarity for this
regression model in Statistica 13.1 (Dell, Round Rock, TX, USA). function (Table 1). The identification of the cl26465 protein domains

A. Fiust and M. Rapacz

Table 1
Gene ontology annotations for six DArT markers of frost tolerance in winter barley. * – marker position according to Tyrka et al. [18], H – chromosome position. MA – association mapping, QA – barley QTL genetic
linkage maps for freezing tolerance and photosynthetic acclimation to cold. The highest similarity [%] of the marker sequence is presented in brackets. GO – gene ontology of predicted protein assessed by Blast2GO
software, “-”– no prediction.
Marker H* Position Contig Source BLASTx/BLASTn Accession code Species (query cover [%]/ UniProt GO term prediction
(cM)* (NCBI) similarity [%])

bPb-7975 2H 47,4 CAJW010244014 MA CBL-interacting protein KJ561800.1 Triticum aestivum (26% / A0A287H6Z1 Biological Process: GO:0006468 protein
kinase 98%) Triticum urartu Non-specific serine/threonine phosphorylation, GO:0007165 signal transduction
protein kinase (Hordeum vulgare Molecular Function: GO:0004672 protein kinase
subsp. Vulgare) 98,2% activity, GO:0005524 ATP binding
Cellular Component: -
bPb-5262 2H 11 CAJW010062577 QA Predicted auxin transport XM_020321677.1 Aegilops tauschii subsp. A0A287R7A1 Uncharacterized Biological Process: -
protein [BIG] Tauschii (100% / 97%) protein (Hordeum vulgare subsp. Molecular Function: GO:0005488 binding,
Vulgare) 100% GO:0008270 zinc ion binding
Cellular Component: -
bPb-3642 3H 35,9 CAJW010135263 MA Probable chromatin- XM_020298382.1 Aegilops tauschii subsp. A0A287K4P7 Chromatin- Biological Process: GO:0006338 chromatin
remodeling complex ATPase Tauschii (57% / 98%), remodeling complex ATPase remodeling, GO:0043044 ATP-dependent chromatin
chain Brachypodium distachyon (Hordeum vulgare subsp. Vulgare) remodeling

71,8% Molecular Function: GO:0003676 nucleic acid
binding, GO:0003677 DNA binding, GO:0005524
ATP binding, GO:0016818 hydrolase activity, acting
on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing
anhydrides, GO:0016887 ATPase activity,
GO:0031491 nucleosome binding
Cellular Component: GO:0005634 nucleus,
GO:0016589 NURF complex
bPb-2778 3H 190 CAJW010041750 QA ATP-dependent DNA helicase XM_020301224.1 Aegilops tauschii subsp. (67% M8AIE8 ATP-dependent DNA Biological Process: -
[DDM1] / 86%) helicase DDM1 (Triticum urartu) Molecular Function: GO:0005524 ATP binding
84% Cellular Component: -
bPb-3241 5H 117,2 CAJW010008158 QA blt101 promotor sequence AB370200.1 Hordeum vulgare (61% / – Biological Process: -
88%) Molecular Function: -
Cellular Component: GO:0016021 integral
component of membrane
bPb-3722 6H 68,5 CAJW010276189 MA Predicted protein: G-type XM_010229404.3 Brachypodium distachyon N1R5V0 Putative receptor protein Biological Process: GO:0006468 protein
lectin S-receptor-like serine/ (52% / 71%), Aegilops kinase ZmPK1 (Aegilops tauschii) phosphorylation
threonine-protein kinase tauschii Oryza sativa 83,5% Molecular Function: GO:0004672 protein kinase
SD2-5 activity, GO:0005524 ATP binding
Cellular Component: GO:0005886 plasma
Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049
A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

(NCBI Conserved Domain Database (CDD), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Table 3

gov/Structure/cdd/cdd.shtml (Marchler-Bauer et al., 2015) in the bPb- Ranking of candidate reference genes and expression stability values calculated
3642 marker sequence suggests potential activity in ATP-dependent by BestKeeper and qBasePLUS for 22 samples of barley genotypes under different
chromatin remodeling processes as well as helicase activity (Table 1). experimental conditions. M– qBasePLUS measure of gene expression stability, SV
– standard deviation values of BestKeeper.
The bPb-2778 marker maps to chromosome 3H on the genetic
linkage map of two-row winter barley, co-localized with the gene Best Keeper [SV] qBase PLUS (M)
QFT.P44.3H.2 and QFTF.P44.3H.2 loci for FT (Tyrka et al., 2015). bPb-
ADP 0.694 0.698
2778 is most similar to DDM1 gene sequences (Table 1). DDM1 encodes
SAMD 0.921 0.779
an ATP-dependent DNA helicase with chromatin remodeling activity. A L-TUB 0.968 1.033
conserved domain characteristic of helicase-related ATPases (SNF2) HSP70 1.035 1.117
family (NCBI CDD: cl26465) was identified within the marker sequence GAPDH 1.155 0.857
ACT 1.175 0.852
translation. GO annotation association corroborates regulation of DNA
UBI 1.29 1.087
methylation and chromatin condensation activity (Table 1). EF1 1.477 0.894
The bPb-5262 marker localizes within the QFT.P44.2H locus for HSP90 1.483 0.731
barley cold acclimation potential (Tyrka et al., 2015). It encodes a
potential BIG-like predicted auxin transport protein (Table 1). General
functions of the encoded protein associated to GO annotation are polar sAMD (M = 0.779) (Table 3). The geometric means of the expression of
auxin transport, and activation of auxin-induced signaling pathways the two proposed reference sequences, the ADP and sAMD genes, were
(GO:0009734, GO:0009926). then used as a proper reference for further genetic analyses of potential
The Pb-3241 marker sequence is most similar to a barley promoter barley FT genes in our study.
sequence encoded by the blt101 gene associated with low-temperature Differences were observed in the expression of the three target gene
induction (Table 1). The physical localization of the marker in bin candidates for barley winter hardiness genes within the set of four
5H_10.5 co-localizes it with Rbgq15 (Aghnoum et al., 2009). tested barley accessions (Fig. 1). All three candidate genes, Hv.ATPase,
The three DArT marker sequences (Hv.ATPase, Hv.BIG, Hv.DDM1) Hv.DDM1, and Hv.BIG, are involved in the regulation of growth and
with the highest query cover rate and similarities (Table 1; Fig. 2) to development, and are, in general, more downregulated, or less upre-
potential FT genes were used for further molecular analyses. gulated during cold acclimation of tolerant plants. Hardening condi-
tions result in significant changes in the gene expression of Hv.ATPase
(Fig. 1). The largest decrease in the relative number of mRNA Hv.AT-
3.2. Freezing tolerance
Pase transcripts was predominantly observed with the POA_7333/06-1
and 51-1 accessions (Fig. 1a), that is, those with higher FT rates
Effects of autumn weather conditions on barley FT within 2014/15
(Table 2). A downregulation of cold-induced Hv.DDM1 and Hv.BIG
(FT_1) and 2015/16 (FT_2) were observed (Table 2). FT_2 plants were
genes was also observed (Fig. 1b, c). A decrease in the expression of
characterized by higher survival rates, very similar to those observed
Hv.DDM1 and Hv.BIG occurred more often in tolerant than in suscep-
after controlled cold acclimation (FT_3). The barley accession FT
tible barley accessions (Fig. 1b, c). The laboratory conditions of cold
rankings were however the same. The most freezing tolerant was
hardening proved to be crucial to assess changes in the gene expression
POA_7333/06-1, and G2056 was characterized with the lowest survival
of Hv.ATPase, Hv.DDM1, and Hv.BIG in plants affected by cold tem-
rate. Different results were obtained in the tEL50 assessments. In FT_1
peratures in comparison to non-stressed barley genotypes.
the results of the test were unreliable, probably due to frost damage of
the leaves in the field prior to sampling causing very low repeatability
of the single EL values (Table 2). In FT_2 the plants were characterized 4. Discussion
with lower tEL50 values than in FT_3, but the FT ranking was similar
with the highest leaf freezing damage rate in the case of POA_7333/06- In this study we aimed to confirm the hypothesis that new genes
1 (the best survival rate), and a very similar FT in the remainder of the candidates for FT genes in barley may be identified with bioinformatics
studied accessions (Table 2). tools on the base of DArT marker sequences associated with barley
freezing tolerance indices. Molecular markers associated with genes
3.3. Candidate gene expression and QTLs affecting important traits are frequently used as indirect se-
lection criteria for improving breeding efficiency via marker-assisted
Three reference genes (ADP, SV = 0.694, sAMD, SV = 0.921 and L- selection (MAS) (Ashraf and Foolad, 2013). However, the identification
TUB, SV = 0.968) were selected by BestKeeper as the most stably ex- of such associations based on the linkage of molecular markers and
pressed under our experimental conditions (Table 3). Whereas, qBa- unique genomic regions can be complicated by recombination events
sePLUS analysis indicates ADP (M = 0.698) and HSP90 (M = 0.731) to (Ott et al., 2015). DArT is commonly used in genotype polymorphism
be the most appropriate references for gene expression analysis. A re- studies by providing access to multiple polymorphic loci spread over a
latively low level of gene expression variation was also observed for genome without any previous sequence information (Jaccoud, 2001;

Table 2
Freezing tolerance of barley accessions measured in three independent field-laboratory experiments as survival rate after freezing at −12 °C ± SE (standard error)
and temperature after freezing at which 50% of the electrolytes leak out of the leaves: tEL50 [°C] ± confidence intervals for p = 0.05.
Accession Experiment

FT_1 FT_2 FT_3

survival rate [%] tEL50 [°C] survival rate [%] tEL50 [°C] survival rate [%] tEL50 [°C]

POA_7333/06-1 41.42 ± 5.08 −4.64 ± 0.21 80.00 ± 12.25 −11.39 ± 0.68 78.09 ± 13.93 −9.78 ± 0.54
51-1 28.33 ± 4.25 −4.50 ± 0.18 54.09 ± 8.24 −12.92 ± 0.43 62.5 ± 6.71 −10.67 ± 0.29
G2056 8.97 ± 0.31 −7.25 ± 1.11 8.48 ± 4.12 −13.41 ± 0.51 8.72 ± 2.23 −11.51 ± 0.36
POA_7183/06-6 16.48 ± 1.99 −7.74 ± 1.02 36.93 ± 6.04 −12.39 ± 0.35 43.61 ± 5.51 −11.14 ± 0.38

A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

plants. bPb-7975, localized on chromosome 2H, is 94%–98.2% similar

to wheat CBL- interacting and Ca2+-dependent protein kinases. GO
annotation associated with the sequences include involvement in signal
transduction pathways activated by osmotic, drought, or low tem-
perature stresses, and stress related gene expression regulation (Cheong
et al., 2003; Albrecht et al., 2003). The encoded protein, CBL1, is a cold
activated negative regulator of signal transduction in Arabidopsis
thaliana (Cheong et al., 2003; Albrecht et al., 2003).
Another similarity to a stress response element was observed for
bPb-3722. A sequence similar (72%) to bPb-3722 encodes a serine/
threonine kinase receptor (G-type) in Brachypodium distachyon. Despite
relatively little knowledge of receptor-like kinase (RLK) roles, studies in
rice and Arabidopsis confirm the variable expression of these genes
under stress by salinity, drought, and temperature change, and after
injury (Vaid et al., 2012). These studies suggest a potential role of the
RLK transmembrane protein family responsible for stimuli perception in
plant response to low temperatures (Vaid et al., 2012).
Two different markers, bPb-3642 (Hv.ATPase) and bPb-2778, both
localized on chromosome 3H, are quite similar to genes involved in
epigenetic regulation. Such modifications of DNA activity occur
through post-translational mechanisms, methylation, acetylation,
phosphorylation, and/or ubiquitination, and result in changes in the
amount and/or activity of histone proteins and chromatin remodeling
without any changes of nucleotide sequence (Luo et al., 2012). Epige-
netic modification plays an important role in plant response to abiotic
stress. The effects of DNA methylation on the transcription of stress-
resistance genes have been investigated by the hypomethylation of the
NtGPDL coding sequence induced by cold and salt stress in Nicotiana
tabacum (Wada et al., 2004). The best-known mechanism of chromatin
change is histone modification. Owing to the reversible character of the
processes conducted by acetyltransferase (HAT) and deacetylase
(HDAC), histone modification is thought to be a flexible way to regulate
the activity of genes in response to environmental stress. The effect of
HAT and HDAC in the regulation of FT gene activity is described in
many Arabidopsis thaliana studies (Vlachonasios et al., 2003;
Pavangadkar et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2008) Moreover, other proteins,
GCN5 and ADA2b, not involved in the cold-activated histone acetyla-
tion of promoter regions of COR genes, are involved in nucleosome
modifications at low temperatures (Vlachonasios et al., 2003;
Pavangadkar et al., 2010).
The bPb-2778 marker sequence is similar (84%–90%) to decreased
DNA methylation-1 (DDM1) genes; associated GO annotations indicate
it encodes a protein belonging to a small and well-conserved family
involved in DNA methylation in plants. The relation of DDM1 activity to
cytosine methylation, which decreases within repetitive DNA regions,
as well as the potential effect of DDM1 on chromatin remodeling was
investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana (Jeddeloh et al., 1999). The key role
of the BIG protein, most similar (91%–100%) to the bPb-5262 marker
sequence translation, is attendance in the polar transport of auxins (Gil
et al., 2001). It is involved in response pathways for the concentration
of gibberellins and phosphates (Desgagné-Penix et al., 2005; López-
Bucio et al., 2005). Auxins are tremendously important to plant growth
Fig. 1. Relative gene expression of Hv.ATPase (a), Hv.DDM1 (b), and Hv.BIG (c) and development, and are a fundamental link in adaptation to en-
genes in four barley genotypes in three independent experiments. FT_1, FT_2 – vironmental changes. Intracellular auxin distribution under optimal
gene expression measured before the first freezing event respectively during growth conditions affects the adaptability of plants in embryo forma-
2014/15 and 2015/16 winter season, FT_3 – gene expression measured after tion, organogenesis, and meristematic induction, as well as tropism
cold acclimation in controlled conditions. The value 1 indicates the gene ex- control (Vieten et al., 2007). Despite the important function of auxins in
pression in control plants. Normalization with two reference genes: ADP and the regulation of many key aspects of plant growth and development,
sAMD. the role of auxins in response to low temperature stress is not yet un-
derstood. Nevertheless, studies by Shibasaki et al. (2009), confirmed in
Wenzl et al., 2004). In the present study, information derived by Arabidopsis the low-temperature induced inhibition of intracellular
bioinformatics analyses of DArT marker sequences was used to describe transport by a number of proteins, specifically auxin transporters, and
new suggested FT candidate genes in barley. as a consequence the disruption of auxin transport.
Bioinformatics analyses indicate potential homologies of six barley DArT sequence analysis effectively identifies functional annotation
DArT marker sequences to several potential FT genes described in other associations. The potential structural and functional information ob-
tained can contribute meaning to unknown genomic regions of barley.

A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

However, the predictive methods of bioinformatics, and interspecies temperature effect on chromatin structure resulting from the different
variability, may result in the generation of false positive results, so in enzyme activity (Mlynárová et al., 2007). It may be suggested that the
vivo experimental verification is suggested. In our study, verification of occurred changes caused by remodeling complexes activate the cascade
the expression of three of six identified DArT sequences homologous to of interaction on the basal transcriptional machinery and/or with gene-
potential FT genes (Hv.ATPase, Hv.DDM1, and Hv.BIG) was conducted specific DNA-binding factors and regulate the expression of i.e. devel-
in plant material with different FT assessed within field-laboratory opment genes (Vignali et al., 2000; Mlynárová et al., 2007).
experiments. The gene expression analysis were compared with phy- The involvement of the DDM1 protein as a key factor connecting
siological assessments results of tested accessions. chromatin remodeling processes with the introduction/maintenance of
In our study, the estimation of plant survival rates after freezing appropriate DNA methylation levels has been confirmed in Arabidopsis.
gave somewhat different results than measurements of leaf tissue Moreover, a high specificity of DDM1 for transposons was also reported
freezing damage as assayed by an electrolyte leakage test. Extremely (Teixeira and Colot, 2009). A significant decrease in the expression
different results were obtained for POA_7333/06-1, which had the best level of mRNA for the Hv.DDM1 coding sequence in our experiments
survival rates in all the experiments, and was characterized with a potentially resulting in the increase of the methylation level may in-
slightly higher electrolyte leakage rate after freezing than the rest of the dicate a significant influence on a reduction in epigenetic control at low
studied accessions. These results do not confirm the assumption of temperatures. The similar differences between tolerant genotypes with
potential relationships between these indicators of barley FT shown the higher DNA methylation level and susceptible genotypes char-
before (Rapacz, 2002, 2011; Ahmad et al., 2010). It may be that in the acterized by the evident demethylation was observed in Ribes germ-
barley accessions studied in our experiment, all characterized by quite plasm (Johnston et al., 2009). Results indicating the involvement of
similar leaf FT levels, factors other than leaf damages determine the DNA methylation in molecular regulation of the cold responsiveness of
ability to regenerate after freezing. In our case, during the cold accli- plants were also conducted in rice (Hua et al., 2005; Chakrabarti et al.,
mation of the better surviving plants, we observed a lower expression of 2011). The DNA methylation was additionally shown to play an im-
three genes (Hv.ATPase, Hv.BIG, and Hv.DDM1), which we assume are portant role in the vernalization process promoting early flowering in
involved in the activation of plant growth. Arabidopsis (Finnegan et al., 1998) or inactivation of transposable ele-
Although reference genes for qPCR studies should be validated for ments (Miura et al., 2001; Singer et al., 2001).
exact experimental design (Kozera and Rapacz, 2013; Rapacz et al., Different expression profiles within sensitive and tolerant barley
2012), genes validated under similar experiment or in the set of dif- plants observed for the Hv.BIG gene may indicate the decreased effi-
ferent experiments are often used (Faccioli et al., 2007; Janská et al., ciency of auxin transport to the leaves during cold acclimation in the
2013). In the case of our study, where experimental conditions were case of genotypes characterized by a better recovery rate after freezing.
very variable in multiple field experiment, no single gene was char- It may be suggested that observed decrease of auxin transport by auxin
acterized with the expression stable enough and the use of two genes carrier protein in leaves may enhance the gradient auxins accumulation
(ADP and sAMD) was suggested. This indicates that the proper valida- in the crowns and roots (Korver et al., 2018; Zažímalová et al., 2010)
tion of reference gene expression stability is particularly important in and finally improve the plant regeneration ability after freezing. The
the case of field experiments. impact of the higher endogenous auxin concentration in roots on the
According to many studies, the cessation of growth is a prerequisite enhancement of drought tolerance was observed in Arabidopsis (Im Kim
of cold acclimation efficiency, and particularly protects crowns and et al., 2013; Shi et al., 2014). The studies conducted on Arabidopsis
young leaves from freeze damage (Østrem et al., 2018, 2015; Hüner confirmed that endogenous auxins might participate in the positive
et al., 2012; Huner et al., 1993). Leaf and shoot regeneration in regulation of drought tolerance, through regulation of root archi-
monocotyledonous plants occurs from tillering nodes, and even full tecture, ROS metabolism, ABA-responsive genes expression, and me-
damage to leaves under unfavorable environmental conditions does not tabolic homeostasis (Shi et al., 2014). All of these aspects of auxin ac-
indicate a plant’s potential to restore the assimilation surface after tion may be important during freezing recovery as it was shown that the
stress (Kosová et al., 2013). It has been suggested that a key aspect of lack of root development limited the ability of plants to survive freezing
winter barley plant recovery after freezing is the ability of meristematic without effect on electrolyte leakage in leaves (Chen et al., 1983).
tissue to survive, which depends directly on the level of mechanical The importance of auxin transport in the adaptation to progressive
damage, as well as cold acclimation of tillering nodes (Tanino and environmental changes has previously been suggested (Vieten et al.,
McKersie, 1985). 2007). Moreover, it has been confirmed that, the combination of both
The differences in the Hv.ATPase and Hv.DDM1 gene expression local and polar auxin transports control many processes, such as flower
within frost-susceptible and -tolerant barley plants may suggest the and vascular development, lateral root growth, embryogenesis, coty-
importance of the sequences we identified in the regulation of the other ledon development, root initiation development in plants (Chandler,
genes involved in cold responsiveness of plants as well as growth ces- 2009). Moreover, the complex hormonal network integrating auxins
sation during cold acclimation. and reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulates the steady-state balance of
Both the Hv.ATPase and Hv.DDM1 genes are suggested to be in- plants and control the diverse aspects of plant growth and development
volved in the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling process caused by such as cell cycle (Fehér et al., 2008), cell wall plasticity (Teale et al.,
multi-protein complexes belonging to the SNF2 superfamily, all with a 2006) as well as abiotic stress adaptation in general (De Tullio et al.,
highly conserved, central ATPase catalytic subunit (Flaus et al. 2006). 2010; Tognetti et al., 2010).
Epigenetic changes resulting from ATPase activities determine dis- Differences in the FT of barley plants evaluated by three in-
orders in hormonal signaling pathways (Han et al. 2012; Archacki et al. dependent field-laboratory and laboratory tests confirmed the effect of
2013), as well as modifications of transcriptional activity (activation/ weather conditions before winter on the ability of plants to survive. Our
repression) of a number of genes (Sudarsanam and Winston, 2000). experimental results corroborate that the effectiveness of cold accli-
Although, the complex network of chromatin regulators such as mation is modified in the field by many complex factors, including
Hv.ATPase is still waiting to be fully elucidated. However, the central temperature, photoperiod, irradiance, PSII redox state, soil-water po-
role that SWI/SNF complexes have in regulation of plant growth and tential, and nutrient status (Rapacz et al., 2014). Environmental effects
development is clear. It has been confirmed that, the Arabidopsis SNF2 were visible in the differences in the expression levels of our candidate
mutants showed the deficiencies in growth and development (Wagner genes. Differences in the expression of Hv.ATPase, Hv.BIG, and
and Meyerowitz, 2002; Hurtado et al., 2006; Gentry and Hennig, 2014). Hv.DDM1 novel gene candidates for FT in barley were confirmed within
Observed alterations in the gene expression pattern between barley a set of four tested genotypes. The variation in gene expression profiles
genotypes with the different freezing tolerance may indicate a low- for the tested genes in field experiments (FT_1 and FT_2) suggests the

A. Fiust and M. Rapacz Journal of Plant Physiology 244 (2020) 153049

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