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Adanac CYC – Raftmaking RMP

Adanac CYC
Raftmaking – Risk Management Plan

School: Year Level:

Supervising teachers / staff: Dates:

Program / Excursion: Location:

For an explanation of risk management terminology and to ensure you understand how the rating / grading system is determined please ensure you have read the CYC Activity Risk
Profile document.
The Raftmaking Risk Management Plan contains the specific risks, control measures and gradings for this activity, as well as the gradings of all general risks relevant for all CYC
activities. Please refer to the General Activity Hazards – Risk Management Plan for a list of general risks and control measures relevant for all CYC activities.
Risk Rating
Risk Description Existing Control Measures
Likelihood Consequence
 Correct footwear must be worn at all times
Slip – Trip – Fall
 Area to be checked for hazards prior to use Unlikely Minor Satisfactory
1. When getting on / off raft
 Other group members to help stabilize raft when getting on and off
 Participants should always be sitting down when on the raft
2. Whilst paddling raft on lake Possible Minor Satisfactory
 Correctly fitted buoyancy vests and helmets must be worn at all times when on the water
3. Participant slipping / falling when on lake  Hazardous areas of lake perimeter are highlighted (rocks, steep slopes, mud)
Unlikely Minor Satisfactory
edge  Appropriate footwear to be worn at all times
Entrapment  During the safety briefing participants are warned of the danger of entrapment and
Unlikely Minor Satisfactory
Fingers, limbs etc trapped / crushed instructed to be careful of fingers / limbs
 Ensure all participants are aware of the dangers of wielding paddles in confined spaces
 Participants are shown how to hold a paddle correctly ie. Always keep one hand on the
Striking ‘T’ grip, this will prevent the handle striking other participants
 If splashing is allowed, participants are warned to be careful when other rafts are within Possible Minor Satisfactory
1. Hit by paddles close range
 Vigilant supervision by instructor throughout the session
 Helmets must be worn at all times when on the water
 Boundaries are clearly defined during the briefing
 Operations of other users on the lake (canoeing & raftmaking) should be identified before
2. Collisions with other craft, water users and
entering the water Possible Insignificant Satisfactory
other solid objects
 Each group is asked to stay within their boundaries and not disrupt other users
 Participants are asked to not deliberately crash into other water craft
 Use sufficient people to share the load when moving individual pieces of equipment
Manual Handling (planks, pipes), or when moving entire raft Rare Minor Satisfactory
 To minimize carrying a constructed raft, the rafts should be built at the waters edge
 Participants are briefed on the correct use of the equipment
Structure Failure  Only specific Raft Building equipment will be used for the activity (barrels, poles, rope)
Raft structure not tied together properly  Adequate supplies of equipment is provided Possible Minor Satisfactory
resulting in entrapment or injury  Equipment provided is in good condition
 If equipment is damaged or unsafe it will be removed from use
Adanac CYC – Raftmaking RMP

 All participants are to wear a correctly fitted buoyancy vest (PFD) that conforms to the
relevant Australian Standard when in/on the water at all times
Equipment Failure
 Regular equipment checks are completed and recorded by trained site staff
Faulty or poorly fitted PFDs and
 Equipment is used, maintained, stored and replaced in accordance with manufacturer Rare Major Satisfactory
helmets faulty resulting in near drowning
or injury
 PFD’s and helmets must be checked for correct fitting by water rescue qualified staff
before participants enter the water
 Raftmaking should only be completed by those that are of appropriate age and ability
 Correct ratios must be maintained at all times and the activity must be supervised by
suitably qualified staff
 Non-swimmers or weak swimmers who do not wish to get on the water are encouraged to
Drowning / near drowning participate by helping build the raft
 Before non-swimmers are permitted on the raft, the following needs to be considered;
Caused by;
sturdiness of raft, behavior / attitude of the individual and other group members, water Rare Catastrophic Satisfactory
 Inability to swim conditions, weather conditions etc. If there is the slightest concern regarding the safety of
 Complacency or overconfidence in own the non-swimmers then they should not be entering the water.
swimming ability  Non-swimmers or weak swimmers who are on the water are closely monitored at all times
 Leaders must be alert and aware of participants who are off their raft and in the water
 CPR flow chart and emergency numbers sign is displayed on the Boatshed
 Lifesaving ring is situated on the Boatshed wall, Throwbags are present at all raftmaking
 Suitable protective clothing to be worn (thermals, polar fleece, woolen jumpers etc.)
Environmental exposure  Raftmaking is not recommended for the colder months (late May to mid September), or at
other times in extremely cold conditions
Cold water causing;  Leaders must be alert and aware of participants who spend a period of time in cold water Rare Major Satisfactory
 Hypothermia, hyperventilation, asthma  Participants who are particularly cold and wet should have a warm shower and put on dry
etc. clothes immediately after the session (or send participants to shower / change during the
session if required)
Adanac CYC – Raftmaking RMP

Risk Rating – Raftmaking

All identified risks are recorded in the Risk Matrix according to the Likelihood and Consequence ratings. The purpose of this matrix is to provide a snapshot of all identified risks and establish the level of risk
associated to determine if further treatment is required.

Almost Certain Likely Possible Unlikely Rare
 Drowning/ near drowning
Catastrophic 80 64 48 32 16  Environmental Exposure 4
 Environmental Hazard 3
 Slip-Trip-Fall 1 & 3
 Entrapment
 Environmental Hazard 1  Equipment Failure
Major 40 32 24 16 8
 People – Instructor 1 & 2  Environmental Exposure
 Inappropriate use after hours
 People – Group leader 2

 People – Participant
Moderate 20 16 12 8  Environmental Exposure 2 4  Environmental Exposure 3
 Slip-Trip-Fall 2
 Striking 1
 Entanglement
 Structure Failure
 Cutting / Scratching
Minor 10 8 6  Slip-Trip-Fall (General) 4 2  Manual Handling
 Striking
 Environmental Exposure 1
 People – Group Leader 1
 Environmental Hazard 2
 People – participant ability

Insignificant 5 4 3  Striking 2 2 1

NB: All risks in bold are Raftmakig specific risks. All other risks are from the General Activity Hazards RMP and are therefore relevant for all activities.
For grading risks, scores obtained from the risk matrix are assigned grades as follows;


20 – 80 10 – 16 1–8
Unacceptable risk which requires immediate
action to reduce or remove the hazard. Acceptable risk, however monitoring required
Conditionally acceptable, requires short term ensuring risk does not escalate.
Senior management must be notified.
controls and continuous monitoring.
Item should be TAKEN OFF LINE Review in 12 months or if situation changes.
until risk reduced.

RMP REVIEWED BY: A Paterson DATE: 30 / 04 / 2018 NEXT REVIEW DUE: April 2023

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