ILAC Problem Scenario (15%) - Sem 1 2020 - Assessment

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Semester 1, 2020

You have failed to identify any relevant issues and demonstrated little or
1 no knowledge of relevant considerations or legal principles.

You have failed to identify a significant issue and demonstrated little or no

2 knowledge of relevant considerations or legal principles.

You have recognised some of the relevant issues, but demonstrated either
(a) minimal knowledge of relevant considerations or legal principles; or (b)
3 little or no application of relevant considerations or legal principles to the

You have identified the major issues, demonstrated a satisfactory

understanding of the relevant considerations and legal principles, and
4 demonstrated some capacity to apply those considerations and principles
to the issues.

Using the ILAC technique, you have clearly identified the major issues,
demonstrated a good understanding of the relevant considerations and
legal principles (with some reference to relevant case law), and
demonstrated a good capacity to apply relevant considerations and
principles to the issues.

Using the ILAC technique, you have clearly identified most of the relevant
issues, demonstrated a very good understanding of the relevant
considerations and legal principles (with reference to and analysis of the
6 relevant case law and/or legislation), and demonstrated a very good
capacity to apply relevant considerations and principles to the issues in a
persuasive manner.

Using the ILAC technique, you have clearly identified all of the relevant
issues, demonstrated an exceptional understanding of the relevant
considerations and legal principles (with reference to and analysis of the
7 relevant case law and/or legislation where applicable), and demonstrated
an outstanding and insightful capacity to apply relevant considerations and
principles to the issues in a highly persuasive manner.

Assignment submissions must be formatted and submitted in accordance

with all assignment instructions. This includes the instruction that students
must ONLY source material for their assignment from the course content -
being either the lectures, textbook, or tutorials. Students are NOT allowed
to source material for their assignment that is found outside of the course

Assignment Instructions

Question Released: 09/04/2020 at 9.00am

Question Due: 21/04/2020 at 2.00pm

Word Count: 850 words maximum

Please remember:

 Submitted in the correct ‘Online Submission of Assignments’ folder (found under

the “ILAC Problem Scenario – 15%) in both WORD and PDF formats.

 The grade will be based upon the following major considerations:

1. The extent to which the student has identified the relevant issue and laws,
applied those laws to the facts and reached a valid conclusion;
2. The depth and thoroughness of the research (within the Course Materials),
including the ability to analyse case authorities;
3. The ability to correctly use the ILAC technique;
4. The strength and clarity of the arguments presented;
5. Submitted assignments must be of a professional standard. That is, the answer
should contain no spelling, grammatical or formatting errors and it must be
correctly identified and correctly submitted in accordance with all instructions.

 Students are NOT allowed to source material that is found outside of the Course.
You can ONLY use the textbook, lecture notes, lecture recordings and anything
learnt in Tutorials.

 Formatting:
Size: 12 font – no more or less;
Font: Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial;
Single line spacing – not double line spacing.

Assignment Instructions

 Students must also include a front page (see below example) to their
submission, setting out:

1.) Your student number;

2.) Your name: family name, then first name (e.g. “Thomas, Timothy”);
3.) Your registered lecture (lecture number and day);
4.) The total ‘Word Count’ for their assignment.


LAWS1100 Business Law – Semester 1, 2020: ILAC Problem Scenario

Student Number: s12345678

Name: Thomas, Timothy

Registered Lecture: Wednesday

Registered Tutorial: T02

Word Count: 789

LAWS1100 Business Law – ILAC Problem Scenario (15%)

Semester 1, 2020 – Question

Susan runs a store that sells furniture. One day, Brittney, a customer, walks in the
store. After looking around the store, Brittney approaches Susan to buy an
expensive wooden chair for $1,200. Susan gives Brittney a written contract for the
purchase of the chair, which Brittney reads.

While Brittney is reading the contract, Susan tells Brittney, “If you sign now, we can
also deliver to you a free luxury wooden table to go with the chair.”

Brittney tells Sarah, “Oh that would be perfect,” and signs the written contract for the
purchase of the chair.

A week later, Brittney receives the chair by delivery, but not the table.

Upset, Brittney goes back to the store to confront Susan. Susan tells Brittney that,
“Sorry, we ran out of luxury tables. And our written contract only mentions the luxury
chair which we have delivered, and the $1,200 which you have paid.”

Susan refuses to give Brittney the luxury table.

Advise Brittney if she can enforce Susan’s oral promise to give Brittney the luxury
table. Please only use the material in Contracts 2 to answer the question. Do NOT
discuss terms and representations and/or conditions or warranties in your answer.

Please also note: a written contract, has been formed.

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