Uniform Circular Motion: Physics Lab Report 1105

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Physics Lab Report

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In this experiment, we are testing about circular motion.
Circular Motion is a movement of an object along the
circumference of a circle or rotation along a circular path. We
will test the circular motion by attaching the string to the ball
and spin the ball, which we will spin the ball with constant
velocity; but with difference weight at the bottom of the
string to change the tension of the string.
The object of this experiment is to learn about the
circular motion. To understand what can affect the circular
motion and understand hot to calculate the centripetal force
(center seeking).
1. String and Ball

2. 100g hooked mass

3. 175g hooked mass

4. stopwatch

5. Tube

Measure the mass (m) of the

tiny metal disk.

Pass the string through the

tube and attach the disk on the
top of the tube.

Hang a hooked mass (M) of

Repeat steps 3-9 using
175g on the other end of the
hooked mass of 200g.

Hold the tube vertical and Change the radius of

swing the disk in a circular rotation. Use smaller value
path in a horizontal plane. then larger one.

Grasp the string a the bottom of the

Adjust the speed of rotation of the tube to mark the position of the string
disk and the radius so that the while the disk is moving. Measure the
hooked mass is just supported by distance from the top of the tube to the
the string center of the disk.

Start the motion with the Count and record the

tube at arm’s length and number of revolution in 30
above the head. seconds.

Mass of metal object = 5.3g

Number Time Radius Velocity Centripet Weight Centripeta
of Sec Cm cm/s al Force Hooked l
revoluti (t) (r) (V) Dynes Mass Accelerati
ons (Fc) Dyne on
(N) (Mg) (cm/s2)

Hooked Mass 90 30 35 659.4 65842.4 98,000 12423.1

= 100g
100 30 30 628.3 69741.1 98,000 13158.7

Hooked Mass 100 30 47 983.8 109141.9 171,500 20592.8

= 175g
120 30 25 628 83609.4 171,500 15775.4

● Velocity = 2rNt
○ 100g R1 :2(3.14)(35)(90)30 =659.4 cm/s
○ 100g R2 :2(3.14)(30)(100)30 = 628.3 cm/s
○ 175g R1 :2(3.14)(47)(100)30 = 983.8 cm/s
○ 175g R2 : 2(3.14)(25)(120)30= 628 cm/s

● Centripetal Force (Fc) = mV2r

○ 100g R1 :(5.3)(659.42)35 = 65842.4 dynes
○ 100g R2 :(5.3)(628.32)30 = 69741.1 dynes
○ 175g R1 :(5.3)(983.82)47 =109141.9 dynes
○ 175g R2 :(5.3)(6282)25 = 83609.4 dynes

● Weight Hooked Mass (W) = mg

○ 100g : (100)(980) = 98,000 dynes
○ 175g : (175)(980) = 171,500 dynes

● Centripetal Acceleration (Ac) = V2r

○ 100g R1 :(659.42)35= 12423.1 cm/s2
○ 100g R2 :(628.32)30= 13158.7 cm/s2
○ 175g R1 :(983.82)47= 20592.8 cm/s2
○ 175g R2 :(6282)25= 15775.4 cm/s2

● %Difference = 2 Fc - W Fc + W 100
○ 100g R1 : 2 65842.4- 98000 65842.4+ 98000 100 =39.3%
○ 100g R2 : 2 69741.1- 98000 69741.1+ 98000 100 = 33.7%
○ 175g R1 : 2 109141.9- 171500 109141.9 + 171500 100 =44.4%
○ 175g R1 : 2 83609.4- 171500 83609.4+ 171500 100 = 68.9%
As the result which based on the data and the results of the
effect of radius on the velocity showed that as the radius
increases, the velocity decreases which both 100g and 175g
are the shorter radius which causes the velocity to become
shorter. For the result of the effect of radius on the
centripetal acceleration showed that as the radius decreases,
the centripetal acceleration decreases which 100g has lower
radius produces more acceleration force but for 175g has
higher radius produces more acceleration force. Lastly the
result of the effect of speed on centripetal force showed that
as the speed increases, the centripetal force increases.

During the experiment, there are a few errors which our

group concerned about which are we could not maintain
tension of the rope, speed, angle, and sometimes the person
who count the round was counted too fast or slow. So it might
effect the calculation as well.
In conclusion, we have learned about the uniform
circular motion. We learned how to calculate the
velocity, centripetal force, centripetal acceleration,
and the %difference. So far we can conclude that our
lab data is not accurate because of the counting of
the revolution, the angle of the ball that spin is not 90
degrees. This causes the end result to be not

The data that we had observed from experiment

might be error. While we swing the disk, sometime
we swing to faster or to slow, so it might affect the
number of revolution. Next time, we had to be more
careful while we swing the disk, so that the number
of revolution would be more accurate.
● Information from lab worksheet
● The photos are lifted online
Work log

● Reference
● Recommendation
13/01/2020 Wawa ●

Set up
● Procedures

● Analysis and
13/01/2020 Nook ● Conclusion

● Set up
● Procedures
13/01/2020 Phutchara ●


● Data and result

● Calculation
13/01/2020 Blue

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