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Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy

MBA-M Assignment 6

Discuss how compared to 30-40 years ago, climate change has become an important plank of a state’s
public and security policies. What implications would this have for a state’s socio-economic priorities?
Discuss whether this has factored into Pakistan’s governance policies, and if so, in what way?

Over the years, global capital system has indulged economic actors in economic activities to maximize

profits, by exploiting resources to minimize costs. This system provided with opportunities of

employment, resource utilization, optimum production, trade, improved standard of living, awareness,

acceleration of transnational organizations, better networks and communications and economic growth.

However, all these milestones were achieve at a cost of one thing that is, environment. According to

[ CITATION Bir16 \l 1033 ] environment was not part of subject in international political economy in

early years. Two concerns led people shed light on environment as well. One, rising number of

environmental concerns influencing international political economy. Second, realization that climate and

environmental changes are connected with global manufacturing, supply and consumption. This brings

us to my question, has global capital system degraded the environment/ climate completely or there is

still room for improvement? This essay will draw comparisons between the time when climate change

was considered futile with the time where it has become an important element in state’s public and

security policies. Moreover, this essay will discuss about implications of this change on socio economic

policies. Lastly, the approach will be narrowed down to look at whether Pakistan has been successful in

incorporating policies regarding climate change into its governance policies.

Industrial Revolution is considered the beginning of the era of large-scale production to satisfying

growing demand of consumption levels. Slowly and gradually closed economies turned into open

economies and world became globalized. This upsurge interdependency among economies. Developed

economies soon began to exploit developing economies to satisfy their consumption levels. Developing

countries saw this an opportunity to grow through producing for developed economies. Since, low cost
Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6

labor, relaxed legislations and environmental restrictions gave opportunity to developed countries to

start putting up their factories in developing economies. This gave rise to environment degradation.

Countries started misusing resources and nature, which had led climate change to occur. Climate change

occurs when global or regional climate patterns change. This became apparent in mid to late 20 th

century due to increase industrialization, augmentation in use of fossil fuels, deforestation, high

emission levels of carbon dioxide and inappropriate waste disposals. As a result, greenhouse effect

started occurring leading to global warming, glaciers started melting, water level has risen in seas and

breathing issues became apparent. This environmental concern required international corporation to

mitigate its impact globally. But, economies started responding to the issue differently. Nationalist

economies believed that international corporation would only take place on environment if it were in

their interest. On the other hand, liberalist economies believe in facilitating international corporation.

Whereas, Marxists believe that capitalism is degrading environment and this international corporation

will only benefit countries in North. However, besides these approaches leaders of different economies

start noticing and taking climate change seriously.

Climate Change- State’s Public and Security Policies

Half a century prior, governments does not seem to cater climate change in their public and security

policies. Even idea of thinking about environment was laughed around because no one bothered to

think that misuse of nature and environment could have catastrophic and calamitous results that it

would require security and public policies. Industrial Revolution was a revelation for various economies,

who intend to grow. Hence, they opened themselves and increased production. Similarly, with time

world population was increasing leading to high consumption levels. Western culture was spread out

leading developing economies to demand similar product to follow a fad. Increased industrialization,

deforestation, acquisition of lands added up the pollution. Moreover in the era of 1950s, 60s and 70s
Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
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events like Torrey Canon disaster, Union Carbide Bhopal, incident of Chernobyl all depicted fragility of

human, animals and marine life in face of modern industrialization.

Nevertheless, in short span of time climate change became a global discussion. Climate scientists have

expressed serious concerns. Environmental economists and groups struggled over the years to make

governments realize that threat of climate change is imminent. Yet in past few years, climate change has

become a central concern to be discussed not only in country, but globally as well. [ CITATION Ant08 \l

1033 ]

In 1972 United Nations took an opportunity to work on conserving the environment. Hence, United

Nations Conference on Human Environment Development (UNCHED) became a stepping-stone. It

established a link between environmental consequences and modern economic growth. This led to a

permanent creation of United Nations Environment Program. 1n 1992 UNECD took place in Rio where

they legitimize climate change as a concern for international economies. This also led Agenda 21 to be

produced that provided a framework for future actions to stop environment degradation. This agenda

provided a monitoring and implementation process. In 1997 Kyoto Protocol was introduced to reduced

greenhouse gases (GHG) emission from industrialized countries. In order to conserve environment,

Conferences of Parties (COP) takes place. Until now, there have been 21 of them for development global

policy of climate change. Out of them 2015 COP was most significant that held in Paris where historical

negotiations took place. Countries committed to limit planetary temperature increase to 1.5 C, curb

emissions of harmful gases, set long-term goals, obligation for developed countries to provide climate

finance to developing countries. Furthermore, in 2006 IPCC report that identifies detrimental effects of

climate change can only be curbed if climate system sustains substantial reductions in emission of

carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.

Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6

What I believe is that goals of conferences like these cannot be achieve if state does not inculcate

element of climate change in their public and security policies. For example in 2015 Paris Agreement US

backed out because they believed that so many restrictions will hamper their economic growth as they

have to reduce their production. Hence, this shows US’s nationalists economic stance on climate

change. Hence, this brings to my point that international conferences are futile if countries who are

mainly contributing does not make effective changes. Countries

Climate change has become an important aspect of public policy and without any framework national

governments will not be able to implement their policy to achieve the long-term goal of conserving

environment, since, it does not tend to show its impact in short run. Hence, a state would require a

robust set of policies along with pragmatic framework to minimize the magnitude of environment

degradation. For example in UK it passes UK Climate Change Act 2009 which is considered the most

stringent and legally binding act to reduce carbon dioxide and GHG emissions. To promote this Act they

are discouraging carbon emissions by imposing carbon taxes[ CITATION Ian11 \l 1033 ]. Moreover,

climate change should be incorporated in security policy as well because natural disasters that have

occurred in past like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, heatwaves have affected lives of people on much

greater scale. The result would be similar to the destruction occurred from any war. Moreover,

situations like water conflicts, climate induced migration and degraded land are all situations, which may

jeopardize security of nations. Another threat is of vulnerability, which may cause a climate change to

threat human health, availability of food, dangers of migrants and loss of livelihood. These are all threats

to security of any nation. Hence, climate change should be incorporated in making security policies.

Implication on Socioeconomic Priorities

To see the impact of climate change one looks at two aspects; economic and social. The public and

security policies in line with climate change will have implications on socioeconomic priorities. To make

people aware of concerns regarding climate change state has to educate them to conserve environment
Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
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and act in environment responsible manner. Hence, state will focus on the education of people in a

country to make sure that they bring shift their lifestyles. This can be difficult in a way that people may

be reluctant to change and comply. Similarly, [ CITATION Ant08 \l 1033 ] explains that people may have

a free rider problem, through which they might not own their actions leading to climate change and

would put blame on others rather than rectifying themselves. Hence, state need to make sure those

policies are user friendly, easy and clear to follow. People who are most vulnerable from climate change

are poor, destitute, undernourished, have poor health and are deprived of proper housing conditions

[ CITATION WHO \l 1033 ]. Climate change will definitely have a devastating effect on these people. So, it

is important to align socioeconomic priorities with climate change policies to avoid any conflict. Hence,

due to increased global warming water is becoming scarce. A country’s socioeconomic objective may

have a sustainable use of water. In that case, policies will be developed which will make sure that water

is conserved because lack of availability of water can undermine sustainable development gains of a

state, slows economic growth and pushed to poverty. Another aspect of socioeconomic priority is

health. If climate change policies are put into practice effectively, it may lead to better health, because

pollution causes lungs, skin, and heart diseases. However, ineffective policy may put strain on health

services, which can become burden for a state.

Pakistan’s Context
Pakistan being a developing country with the population of 20 million, is also being affected by climate

change. One question that struck me was whether country like Pakistan, not so industrialize can also be

affected by climate change? The answer is yes. An article explains that Pakistan is being hit hard by

climate change, which is evident from recurring climatic events like heat wave in Karachi taking more

than 1200 lives, frequent floods and hydro disasters, affecting 20 million people since 2010, prolonged

droughts in Tharparkar, Nawabshah in Sindh recording highest temperature of 50.40 C and smog are all

indicating as cause of climate change[ CITATION She19 \l 1033 ].

Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6

Climate change has does factored into Pakistan’s governance policies. There is a separate Ministry of

Climate Change, ministered by Mr. Malik Amin Aslam. The ministry has started a Clean Green Pakistan

Movement, along with Clean Green Pakistan Program, in which they educating people to keep

environment clean by putting dustbins in public places and taking strict actions against littering. Green

Pakistan Program is a project run by this ministry to encourage reforestation. The Ministry is responsible

for monitoring of Acts like Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997, National Environment and Quality

Standards 2000. Pakistani government has signed United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change in 1992, signed Kyoto Protocol 1997. This shows that being a nation Pakistan is part of numerous

international committees that are working on reducing effects of climate change, however, when it

comes to implementing national policies and acts regarding climate change, it lacks in effective

implementation. Example can be taken of drainage system of Karachi and industrial wastes flowing into

sea, contaminating water and marine life. Pakistan Tehreef Insaaf, present government has worked to

plant billion trees under the name of Billion Tree Tsunami in august 2017. The project has been

environmental, economic and social success[ CITATION Ros18 \l 1033 ]. In addition, this ministry has

worked towards eradicating polythene bags, replaced it with paper and clothe shoppers. Businesses

were heavily fined for giving out polythene bags to consumers. It was effective period, and then people

resumed to their old habits. This shows that Pakistan has potential to carry out projects and policies

inculcating climate change, what is required is effective monitoring of these policies to achieve the long-

term goal of sustainable environment.

In sum, with countries becoming open economies over the time it became imperative to consider

climate change in policies that state makes. It is because one major player in emitting carbon emissions

will affect the overall atmosphere of world. Hence, it is important that along with international

corporations countries, especially emitting large amounts should be responsible in controlling its
Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6

pollution because that has overall effect on world and ozone layer of earth. Over time, the importance

of climate change rose and now countries and regions are making sure to come up with policies

domestically that can reduce emissions. Climate change further has implication of socioeconomic

priorities because of the threats that exists due to climate change. States should make sure that they

keep their socioeconomic priorities in align with climate change. Like they can introduce green taxes to

improve livelihood of people. Lastly, climate change factored into Pakistan’s governance policies well

but ministry has not been effective in monitoring the effectiveness of the policies.
Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6


Biran, R. O., & Williams, M. (2016). Global Political Economy_Evolution and Dynamics. Palgrave


Giddens, A. (2008). The Politics of Climate Change. Policy Network Paper.

Gough, I. (2011). Climate Change and Public Policy Futures. The British Academy.

Hutt, R. (2018, July 8). Pakistan has Planted over Billion Trees. Retrieved from World Economic Forum:

Sheikh, A. T. (2019, January 20). Can Climate Change Pakistan. Retrieved from Dawn:

WHO. (n.d.). Social DImensions of Climate Change. Retrieved from WHO International:

Ayesha Tahir- 18542 International Political Economy
MBA-M Assignment 6

Critical Questions
1. How effective are these international organizations, committees and conferences in controlling
climate change?

2. What would political viewpoint battling global warming would look like?

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