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After 333 years, the Philippines is finally free from the colonization of the
Spaniards. This, however, does not mean total freedom. In 1898, when the
Spanish-American War ended, Spain sold the archipelago of the Philippines to the
United States of America for $20 million. The Philippines has a new colonial
ruler, the Americans. This led to the Philippine-American War due to the
resistance of the Filipino Muslims who were still angry about the Spanish
takeover. This war was declared to be over a year after when Aguinaldo allied
with the US. America’s President McKinley implemented a policy of benevolent
assimilation, where the US would control the country until it develops its self-rule
and independence.


The American Colonial Rule was
said to be the Philippines’ transition INFORMATION
to independence. Filipinos were The problem of It presents the
represented in the Assembly, there homesteading and US- oppressed condition of
was Filipinization in the government, style tenancy during the farmers during the
there were also campaign for the American colonial American colonial
Philippine Independence, and the government. period.
commonwealth was established. But,
with the Americans influence in the
Philippines’ economy, educational
system, public health, transportation,
communication, and the government HISTORICAL ANALYSIS
in general, negative effects weren’t freedom, though, was not INFORMATION
absent. used well. There are a number
of effects to be mentioned Passage of law The editorial
Unlike in the Spanish period, the (see in *continuation), but the authorizing legislators depicts the superiority
freedom was more exercised, through to bear firearms. of the legislators.
focus of this text is the use of
ways such as speech and press. This cartoons to seek reforms.
• US government sued the press through libel INFORMATION
We may not be living in the charges
• The Chinese were still discriminated The Americans It depicts gender
past, but we are not devoid in • The friars were attacked in the press
understanding history introduced a free and a both equality and
• Filipino politicians were the new illustrados
because historical caricatures • Police were corrupt and rural poverty rises more democratic accessibility in and of
bring us to the past and • Prostitutions and gambling were rampant educational system in the education because
provide us a rich, dynamic, • Sanitation was poor, less hospitals for the the Philippines. of American Education
population system.
and contextual source of • Cartoons were used to seek reforms
depicting events and realities.
In the present time,
caricatures are still powerful
tools that illustrate the rage of
today and express the
problems and sentiments of
the present context. It is still
the means to trigger
awareness concerning diverse
issues we, people, are dealing
for economic caricature for political caricature for socio-cultural caricature

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