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Chapter 2: Processes - Exercises

3. What is suspended process? Give and explain two (2) suspended states.

Processor is faster than I/O so all process could be waiting for I/O. Two suspended states are
Blocked/Suspend and Ready/Suspend.

5. Give TWO (2) examples of events that cause a state transition for a process from

 When the time slice of the running process expires

 When an interrupt arrives on the CPU, the process running on CPU gets pre-empted.

10. What is a process? Explain how operating system does to create a new process.

Process is a program in execution. A process may create a new process if users logs on, and
user starts a program.

11. List three general categories of information in a process control block.

 Process State
 Process Number
 Program Counter

12. Give and explain five states of process model.

 New: The process has not yet been loaded into main memory.
 Ready: the process is now prepared to execute when given the opportunity.
 Running: the process is currently being executed.
 Blocked: Process that is waiting for some event to occur.
 Exit: Process is released from main memory because it has halted or aborted.

13. What are the steps performed by an operating system to create a new process?

 Assign a unique process identifier to the new process

 Allocate space for the process.
 Initialize the process control block.
 Set the appropriate linkages.
 Create or expand other data structures.

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