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An Introduction to Modernity and Modernism?

Dr Priyantha Udagedara
Ph.D/MFA United Kingdom, BFA Sri Lanka
Department of History and Art Theory
Faculty of Visual Art
University of Visual and Performing Arts

What is Modernism? When Was Modernism?

• In his Il Libro dell'Arte (translated as ‘The Craftsman’s
Handbook’) written in the early 15th century, the Italian writer
• Experimenting with representations of reality
• Value judgments (e.g. High culture= good, low culture = bad)
and painter Cennino Cennini explains that Giotto made
painting ‘modern’.

Cennino Cennini, The Craftsman’s Handbook: Il Libro dell'arte, trans. D. V.

Thompson, Jr. (New York, 1933).

• Giorgio Vasari writing in the 16th century, refers to the art of

his own period as ‘modern.’

Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite de Eccellenti Architetti, Pittori, et Scultori Italiani,

Florence, 1550, 2 vols. (Reprint Broude International Editions, New York, 1980).
Expanded second edition published in Florence, 1568 (edition published in Opere
di Giorgo Vasari, ed. Gaetano Milanesi, Florence, 1879 (1906 edition reprinted in

When Was Modernism? When Was Modernism?

• Within the context of art history, the term MODERN ART
refers to art theory and practice, predominantly in Western • In terms of social, political and philosophical discourse,
Europe and North America, from the 1860s to the late 1960s - modern refers to the period that began with the
the period associated with MODERNISM. Enlightenment in the seventeenth century. More generally,
modern can be used to refer to all things since the early
• Modern Art is defined in terms of a linear progression of RENAISSANCE. The relative and temporal nature of the
styles, periods and schools, such as IMPRESSIONISM, term resists a clear or fixed definition, and is subject to
CUBISM and ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM. considerable debate in terms of meaning and timeframe.

• In general usage, there is considerable overlap and confusion

between the terms MODERN and CONTEMPORARY, both
of which refer to the present and recent past. Modern is a term
which has a broad application depending on the context in
which it is used. It can refer to the present or the


Roots of Modernism
The intellectual underpinnings of modernism emerge
In the history of art, however, the term ‘modern’ during the Renaissance period when, through the study
is used to refer to a period dating from roughly of the art, poetry, philosophy, and science of ancient
the 1860s through the 1970s and describes the Greece and Rome, humanists revived the notion that
style and ideology of art produced during that man, rather than God, is the measure of all things, and
promoted through education ideas of citizenship and
civic consciousness.
The period also gave rise to „utopian‟ visions of a more
perfect society, beginning with Sir Thomas More's
Utopia, written in 1516, in which is described a fictional
island community with seemingly perfect social, political,
legal customs.

Accompanying this intellectual movement was

the Scientific Revolution (late 17th to early 18th
centuries) which showed scientific truths as
debunking numerous conventional beliefs that
were held in place by institutions such as the
Church. The open-mindedness of the 18th-
century period allowed people the freedom to
think and apply reason to find truth.

In the scientific arena, Charles Darwin‟s

In literature writers such as Richard Wagner and seminal Theory of Evolution which posited
Henrik Ibsen already foresaw what future that human beings were in essence,
civilizations and accompanying progress could do biologically animalistic in impulse and origin
to individuals; Ibsen in particular questioned the single-handedly changed the way people
morally upright Victorian image as false and thought about religious doctrine which held
flawed and presented his views that morality was that man‟s creation was made possible by
not as simple as black and white. divinity.

NICHOLLS, P.1995. Modernisms: A Literary Guide. Hampshire and London:



In art, a new way of seeing was showed by the

New Discoveries of Travel and Colonialism Impressionism movement which took art
Opens New Possibilities and Experiences about away from the artificiality of the studio and
the Undiscovered World. into the “realness of the outdoors”.

What is Modernism?
• Rejection of Romanticism and Realism
• Experimenting with representations of
• Late 19th Century and Early part of the 20th
• Value judgments (e.g. High culture= good,
low culture = bad)
Édouard Manet, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe Édouard Manet, Olympia
• A lot of what is generally accepted as ‘the
1863, oil on canvas. 1863, oil on canvas. norm’

Modernism is a cultural movement which The turning point…

rebelled against Victorian mores • Modernism believed that the lives of people would
improve thanks to science and a world based on logic.
• It was a time of optimism and carried over from Victorian
Era, through the Edwardian and right up to 1914…
• emphasized nationalism &
cultural absolutism.
• placed humans over and outside But
of nature.
• showed a single way of looking
at the world, and in absolute • The terrible carnage of the First World War sowed seeds
and clear-cut dichotomies of doubt as to whether the world was becoming a better
between right and wrong, good
and bad, and hero and villain. place.
• saw the world as being governed • The fact that science was turned to creating weapons of
by God's will, and that each mass destruction and killing on an industrial scale as a
person and thing in this world trademark of the war, a wave of pessimism swept across
had a specific use.


• 1939 – France and England declare war on Germany when Hitler

Significant Events of the Modern invades Poland. World War II begins.
• 1914 – World War I begins. President Wilson declares
America‟s neutrality.
• 1917 – The U.S. enters World War I to “make the world
safe for democracy.”
• 1918 – World War I ends • 1941 - Japan attacks Pearl harbor, and America enters WWII.

• 1942 - President Roosevelt initiates the Manhattan Project, a research

and development project to build the atomic bomb.

• 1945 - Allied troops liberate German concentration camps,

American bombers drop napalm in Tokyo, the U.S. drops
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
surrenders, World War II ends.
8.7 million people died for reasons many people could not understand

The events that took place during these tumultuous

1930s – The Great Depression times had a deep and wide-ranging impact on aesthetic

Artists felt that traditional art forms could no longer

express the modern psychological state of dislocation,
alienation, anxiety.

The Modernism was ended with What is Modernism?

Modernism reflects a loss of faith in traditional values and
beliefs, including the American Dream.

• Artistic/literary movement
• Post World-War One
• Pessimistic picture of culture in disarray
• Prettiness & sentimentality
• Rejected 19th century optimism


Why is Modernism?
My opinion is that new art needs new
Modernism‟s most significant
techniques. And the modern artists have found feature is:
new means of making their statements. It seems
to me that the modern painter cannot express
this age of the aeroplane, the atom bomb, the Experimentation
radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of
any other past culture. Each age finds its own
technique. Subject Matter

Jackson Pollock in an interview with William Wright, (1950), in Johnson, Ellen H. (ed.),
American Artists on Art from 1940 to 1980, Harper & Row, 1982.

Modern Art - the rejection of traditional academic art

Virage Calme (Calm Bend) forms
Modern Art saw a shift from the traditional art forms to :
• Different use of media, like photography, collage, assemblage
With the modern art movement, there is • Different use of space in architecture – the high rise building (sky scrapers)
a focus on progress. This is linked to • Significant rise in Abstract and Non-Representational Art
free enterprise, the Industrial • Social and political transformation/ non-conformity
Revolution, and capitalism. • Artists were eager for change

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky

Date: 1924
When did the Modern Art Movement begin?
Medium: Drawings and Watercolors,
Gouaches/Watercolors According to most art critics, Modernism in painting first started with the Frenchman,
Size: sheet 13.625 x 8.875 x inches Jean Claude Monet, and the French Impressionists, for its rejection of traditional
Institution: Walker Art Center academic art forms of the 18th and early 19th century.


Thank You.

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