LESSON PLAN - 2nd Week - Computer

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In Computer
(First Quarter)

Prepared By:
Kevin M. Alibong
Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 4 – INTEGRITY

June 2019 June 26, 2019 (Wednesday)

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Recognize ways of staying healthy while using computers.
2. Practice ways of being safe when using computers.
3. Appreciate the importance of being safe and healthy while using computer.
TOPIC Lesson 1: Being Healthy and Safe in using Computer

MATERIALS Book, Laptop, TV, PowerPoint presentation, Video clip for the energizer
INSTRUCTIONAL A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
B. Activity
 The students will do the warm-up exercises on page 9 of the book. After familiarizing the warm-up exercises, they will
choose a pair and will a mirror activity. This exercise will help them connect to the lesson.
C. Analysis
 The students will answer the following questions:
1. What are the uses of computers?
2. How do you keep ourselves healthy while using computers?
3. How do we keep ourselves safe while using computers?
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will discuss each practice for keeping ourselves healthy while using the computers.
E. Application
Work with partner. Each partner will use a computer and they are going to observe proper use of computer.
EVALUATION Answer page 11- Formative Assessment

ASSIGNMENT Answer page 22

Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 5 – LEADERSHIP

June 2019 June 25, 2019 (Tuesday)

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Introduce their selves to the class.
2. Demonstrate the Computer Laboratory Rules.
3. Appreciate the importance of applying the computer laboratory rules.
TOPIC Introduction and Overview


MATERIALS Book, Laptop, TV, Powerpoint presentation, Video clip for the energizer
PROCEDURE * Preliminary (Prayer, Energizer, Checking of Attendance)
* Teacher will give a short self-introductory
* Students will introduce their selves to the class using the Name Game. Each student will choose an animal that reflects their
personality and should start with the first letter of their first name.
*Group Activity. Each group will brainstorm about the computer laboratory rules and they are going to demonstrate it in the
class for 2 minutes. The class will guess what rule they are trying to present.
*Discussions of the Computer Laboratory rules.
*Give the overview of the course outline from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4.
No Evaluation
Answer page 9
Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 6- Wisdom

June 2019 June 24, 2018 (Monday)

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Introduce their selves to the class.
2. Demonstrate the Computer Laboratory Rules.
3. Appreciate the importance of applying the computer laboratory rules.
TOPIC Introduction and Overview


MATERIALS  Book, Laptop, TV, Powerpoint presentation, Video clip for the energizer
PROCEDURE * Preliminary (Prayer, Energizer, Checking of Attendance)
* Teacher will give a short self-introductory
* Students will introduce their selves to the class using the Name Game. Each student will choose an animal that reflects their
personality and should start with the first letter of their first name.
*Group Activity. Each group will brainstorm about the computer laboratory rules and they are going to demonstrate it in the
class for 2 minutes. The class will guess what rule they are trying to present.
*Discussions of the Computer Laboratory rules.
*Give the overview of the course outline from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4.
EVALUATION No Evaluation

ASSIGNMENT Answer page 5

Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 7– Solidarity and Patriotism

June 2019 June 26, 2019 (Wednesday)

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Describe the Internet.
2. Illustrate how networking and the Internet work.
3. Value the importance of web application.
TOPIC Chapter 1: The Internet and Internet Etiquette: Pages 1-3

MATERIALS Book, Laptop, TV, Powerpoint presentation, whiteboard and marker

INSTRUCTIONAL A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Word Guess

B. Activity
 The students will think of a word that describes the Internet.
C. Analysis
 The teacher will let the students analyze on how the internet works.
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will give information on the needed component to make the Internet works.
E. Application
Group Activity. Each group will make a Diagram that shows how the Internet works based on their experience and
understanding. They are going to present the ideas in the class.
EVALUATION Essay. How relevant is the Internet for you?

ASSIGNMENT Describe the use of Network Adapter, Crossover, Straight Ethernet cables, hub, switch and protocol.


Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 8– MODESTY and LOYALTY

June 2019 June 26, 2018 and June 27, 2019 (Wednesday and Thursday)
By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Describe a web application and a client-server relationship.
2. Differentiate between the static and dynamic webpages.
3. Appreciate the importance of web application.
TOPIC Chapter 1: Web Applications: Static Web Pages, Dynamic Web Pages and using Databases as a Source of Content

MATERIALS Book, Laptop, TV, Powerpoint presentation, whiteboard and marker

INSTRUCTIONAL A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Word Guess

B. Activity
 Presentation of the subject matter using Powerpoint. Students will think of the different web applications being used
nowadays and how it is relevant to their daily activities.
C. Analysis
 The teacher will ask the students on how to make a web application.
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will introduce the two types of web application, the static and dynamic web pages with the given examples.
E. Application
 Group Activity. Each group will make a Venn Diagram on the differences and similarities of static and dynamic web
pages. They will present their ideas to the class in a creative way.
EVALUATION Enumerate the characteristic of a Dynamic and Static websites.

ASSIGNMENT Proposed a Title of a website and the purpose of the website.


Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 9- PERSEVERANCE
June 2019 June 27, 2019 (Thursday)
By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. State the components of e-commerce.
2. Visit e-commerce websites.
3. Appreciate the importance of an e-commerce.
TOPIC Chapter 1: Electronic Commerce: System Components and Functions


MATERIALS Book, Laptop, TV, Powerpoint presentation, Whiteboard and Marker.

INSTRUCTIONAL A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Word Guessing
B. Activity
 Presentation of the subject matter using Powerpoint. Students will think or share of an e-commerce application that they
used for buying or selling online. They are going to share their e-commerce experience.
C. Analysis
 The teacher will ask the students on the importance of an e-commerce.
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will introduce the components of ecommerce.
E. Application
 Pair activity. Each pair will visit an international and local e-commerce website. They are going to give the difference
between the two types of the websites.

EVALUATION Evaluate International E-commerce website and Local E-commerce website.

ASSIGNMENT How important is the E-commerce website?


Teacher’s Name: KEVIN M. ALIBONG
Grade and Section: GRADE 10– FORTITUDE

June 2019 June 27, 2019 (Thursday)

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of software engineering.
2. Formulate and propose a plan in developing a system.
3. Appreciate the importance of software engineering in developing a system.
TOPIC Chapter 1: Object-Oriented Software Engineering- an overview

MATERIALS Book, Laptop/Computer, TV, Powerpoint presentation.

INSTRUCTIONAL A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Word Guess

B. Activity
 Group activity. Each group will think of a 5 software that they used in the school and they are going to give the uses on
C. Analysis
 The teacher will ask the students on the importance of the software engineering.
D. Abstraction
 Summarizing the software Engineering and the basic software development process.
E. Application
 Group activity. Each group should assign roles of the members including System Analyst, Designer, Programmer and
Tester. They will brainstorm on a system that they are going to develop and write the initial plan. Each group will share
their proposed system and ideas to the class. Should include the Title, Purpose of the system, the users and how the
users interact on the system.
EVALUATION Proposal for the software.

ASSIGNMENT Differentiate Traditional and Object Oriented Software Engineering

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