12 Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory: Answers To Exam Practice Questions

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12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions

Pages 234–237 Exam practice questions

1 a) The equation for Boyle’s law is pV = constant. This means:

• pV will be the same for all V values (graph A);
• a graph of p against V will be a rectangular hyperbola (graph B);
• a graph of p against 1/V will be a straight line through the origin (graph D).
The only incorrect graph is therefore C, which would infer that p ∝ V. [1]
b) The equation for an ideal gas is pV = NkT. This means:
• p ∝ T (graph A);
• V ∝ T (graph B);
• pV/T = Nk = constant for all T values (graph C);
Therefore graph D is incorrect. [1]
[Total 2 marks]
𝐹 57 kg × 9.81 N kg 6 −2
2 a) Pressure p = = = 6.99 × 10 N m = 7.0 MPa
𝐴 0.80 × 10−4 m2
The answer is C. [1]
Tip: Don’t forget to multiply the mass by g and to convert the area to m .

𝐹 1600 kg × 9.81 N kg−1

b) Pressure p = =
𝐴 4 × 56 × 10−4 m2
5 −2
= 7.01 × 10 N m = 0.70 MPa
The answer is B. [1]
[Total 2 marks]
𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑝2 𝑉2
3 Using =
𝑇1 𝑇2

where V 1 = V 2
p 1 = 101 kPa
T 1 = (17 + 273) K = 290 K
T 2 = (100 + 273) K = 373 K
𝑝1 𝑉2 101 kPa × 373 K
p2 = = = 130 kPa
𝑇1 290 K

The answer is C. [Total 1 mark]

Tip: Remember that T must be in kelvin.

−2 −2 −2 −1 −2
4 a) Units of Δp are N m = kg m s × m = kg m s [1]
−3 −2 −1 −2
Units of ρgΔh are kg m × m s × m = kg m s [1]

∴ Δp = ρgΔh is homogenous with respect to units.

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
−3 −2
b) Δp = ρgΔh = 1.29 kg m × 9.81 m s × 240 m [1]
= 3.04 kPa [1]
We have to assume that the density of air and that the value of g remain constant over
this height. [2]
c) If atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, the pressure difference of 3 kPa is only about 3 %. This is
well within the day-to-day variations in atmospheric pressure and so is unlikely to be
noticed. [2]
d) At a height of 10 000 m, the density of the air is considerably less than that at ground level.
Also, g will be slightly less. So atmospheric pressure at a height of 10 000 m cannot be
determined by simply using Δp = ρgΔh. [2]
[Total 10 marks]
5 a) From the data, 1.1 atmospheres ≡ 1100 g cm
⇒ 1 atmosphere ≡ 1000 g cm [1]
Atmospheric pressure must be expressed as weight per unit area, not mass per unit area, so
atmospheric pressure = 1000 g cm × g
−3 4 −2 −2
= 1000 × 10 kg × 10 m × 9.81 m s [1]
≈ 10 Pa or 100 kPa [1]
Tip: A unit check is a good idea in a question like this, which is easy to do if you use quantity
algebra. The units can be arranged as
−2 −2 −2
kg m s × m = N m = Pa

𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑝2 𝑉2
b) Using =
𝑇1 𝑇2

where V 1 = V 2
p 1 = 0.75 atmospheres above atmospheric pressure = 1.75 atmospheres
T 1 = (21 + 273) K = 294 K
T 2 = (7 + 273) K = 280 K
𝑝1 𝑇2 1.75 atmospheres × 280 K
⇒ p2 = = [1]
𝑇1 294 K

= 1.67 atmospheres [1]

= 0.67 atmospheres above atmospheric pressure [1]
The pressure is therefore within the prescribed limits.
Tip: Atmospheric pressure should be added to find the total pressure and then subtracted
again at the end.
c) We have had to assume that the volume of the ball, and therefore the volume of air inside,
does not change. [1]
[Total 7 marks]

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑝2 𝑉2
6 a) Using =
𝑇1 𝑇2

where V 1 = V 2
p 1 = 87 kPa
T 1 = (17 + 273) K = 290 K
T 2 = (77 + 273) K = 350 K
𝑝1 𝑇2 87 kPa × 350 K
⇒ p2 = = [1]
𝑇1 290 K

= 105 kPa [1]

b) From pV = NkT,
𝑝𝑝 87 × 103 N m−2 × 110 × 10−6 m3
N= = [2]
𝑘𝑘 1.38 × 10−23 J K−1 × 290 K
= 2.4 × 10 molecules [1]
2.4 × 1021 molecules
c) Mass of argon = × 40 g [1]
6.0 × 1023 molecules
= 0.16 g [1]
[Total 7 marks]
2 −1 2 2 −2
7 a) Units of ½m〈c 〉 are kg (m s ) = kg m s [1]
3 −1
Units of kT are J K × K = J = N m [1]
−2 2 −2
= kg m s × m = kg m s [1]

∴ The two expressions are homogenous with respect to units.

b) The term 〈c 〉 means the average of the squares of the speeds of all the molecules. [2]
2 3002 + 4002 + 5002 +6002 +7002 2 −2
c) 〈c 〉 = m s [2]
5 2 −2
= 2.7 × 10 m s [1]
2 3
d) ½ m〈c 〉 = kT

2 3𝑘𝑘
⇒ 〈c 〉 = [1]
i) For air:

2 3 × 1.38 ×10−23 J K−1 × 293 K

〈c 〉 = [1]
4.8 × 10−26 kg
5 2 −2
= 2.5 × 10 m s [1]
ii) For helium:

2 3 × 1.38 ×10−23 J K−1 × 293 K

〈c 〉 =
6.7 × 10−27 kg
6 2 −2
= 1.8 × 10 m s [1]
e) For air:

�〈𝑐 2 〉 = �2.5 × 105 m2 s−2 [1]

= 500 m s ≈ 1.5 × speed of sound in air

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
For helium:

�〈𝑐 2 〉 = �1.8 × 106 m2 s−2

= 1300 m s ≈ 1.3 × speed of sound in helium [1]
The speed of sound is therefore related to the average speed of the molecules. [1]
[Total 15 marks]

Tip: �〈𝑐 2 〉 is not the average speed of the molecules, but is mathematically related to, and
fairly close in value to, the average speed.

8 a) Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its
volume provided that the temperature is kept constant. [2]
3 −4 3
b) At A: pV = 600 × 10 Pa × 2 × 10 m = 120 J [1]
3 −4 3
At B: pV = 300 × 10 Pa × 4 × 10 m = 120 J
3 −4 3
At C: pV = 150 × 10 Pa × 8 × 10 m = 120J
As the product pV remains constant, the gas obeys Boyle’s law. [1]
𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑝2 𝑉2
c) i) At C: =
𝑇1 𝑇2

where V 1 = V 2
p 1 = 150 kPa
T 1  = 300 K
T 2  = 400 K
𝑝1 𝑇2 150 kPa × 400 K
⇒ p2 = = [1]
𝑇1 300 K

= 200 kPa [1]

−4 3
ii) At T 1 = 300 K, the graph gives V 1 = 3 × 10 m at p 1 = 400 kPa.
At T 2 = 400 K,
𝑉1 𝑇2 3 × 10−4 m3 × 400 K
V2 = = [1]
𝑇1 300 K
−4 3
= 4 × 10 m [1]

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
iii) At A:
−4 3
V 1 = 2 × 10 m
p 1 = 600 kPa
T 1 = 300 K
When p 2 = 640 kPa,
T 2 = 400 K
V2 = ?
𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑝2 𝑉2
Using =
𝑇1 𝑇2
𝑝1 𝑉1 𝑇2
⇒ V2 =
𝑝2 𝑇1

600 kPa × 2 × 10−4 m3 × 400 K

= [1]
640 kPa × 300 K
−4 3
= 2.5 × 10 m [1]
d) We can now plot the points:
−4 3
V = 8.0 × 10 m , p= 200 kPa
−4 3
V = 4.0 × 10 m , p= 400 kPa
−4 3
V = 2.5 × 10 m , p= 640 kPa [2]
And draw a smooth curve through them, as shown by the blue line the figure below. [2]

[Total 14 marks]
9 a) Volume of air V = 10 m × 10 m × 3.0 m = 300 m [1]
b) pV = NkT ⇒ N =

102 × 103 Pa × 300 m3

= [2]
1.38 × 10−23 J K-1 × (18 + 273) K
= 7.62 × 10 molecules [1]
−27 −26
c) Mass of each air molecule = 29 u = 29 × 1.66 × 10 kg = 4.81 × 10 kg [1]
27 −26
Mass of air in laboratory = 7.62 × 10 × 4.81 × 10 kg = 367 kg [1]
(That’s well over one third of a tonne! – where did the expression ‘as light as air’ come from?)

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
mass 367 kg
d) Density of air ρ = = [1]
volume 300 m3
= 1.22 kg m [1]
e) Mean kinetic energy of each molecule:
1 2 3 3 −23 −1
m<c > = kT = × 1.38 × 10 J K × (18 + 273) K [1]
2 2 2
= 6.02 × 10 J [1]
1 2 2 2𝐸k
f) From m<c > = E k ⇒ <c > =
2 𝑚

Root mean square speed = � [1]

2 × 6.02 × 10−21 J
=� [1]
4.81 × 10−26 kg
−1 −1
= 500.3 m s ≈ 500 m s [1]
g) The speed, v, of sound in the air in the laboratory is given by the formula

1.40𝑝 1.40 × (102 × 103 Pa)

v =� = � [1]
𝜌 1.22 kg m−3
= 342 m s [1]
h) Sound is propagated by means of longitudinal compression waves and so cannot travel faster
than the speed of the molecules oscillating back and forth creating the wave. It might be
expected, however, that the speed of sound would be of the same order of magnitude as, but
less than, the root mean square speed of the air molecules – which it is. [2]
[Total 17 marks]

Stretch and challenge

distance 10 m
10 a) Time t = = = 0.02 s [1]
speed 500 m s−1
time (i.e. 1 second)
b) Number of crossings of the laboratory in 1 second for each molecule =
time for each crossing
Number = = 50 times per second. [1]
0.02 s
27 −1
c) Total number of crossings made by all the molecules = 7.62 × 10 molecules × 50 s
= 3.81 × 10 crossings per second. [1]
As, on average, 1/6 of the molecules are travelling towards, or away from, each wall and the
29 −1 28 −1
ceiling, the number hitting one wall will be 1/6 of 3.81 × 10 s = 6.35 × 10 s . [1]
d) Momentum of molecule before hitting wall = mv.
After an elastic collision with the wall, momentum = −mv
Change in momentum = (−mv) – (mv) = −2mv [1]
−26 −1
= −2 × (4.81 × 10 kg × 500 m s ) [1]
−23 −1
= −4.81 × 10 kg m s [1]

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

12 Gas laws and kinetic theory Answers to Exam practice questions
Tip: Be careful with signs! The minus sign indicates the direction of the change in momentum
since momentum is a vector quantity.

e) Force = rate of change of momentum

= rate of collisions × change of momentum on each collision
28 −1 −23 −1
= 6.35 × 10 s × −4.81 × 10 kg m s [1]
= −3.05 × 10 N [1]
Note that this is the force of the wall on the molecules that changes their momentum. By
Newton’s third law, the molecules will exert an equal and opposite force on the wall. [1]
F 3.05 × 106 N
Pressure exerted by molecules on wall p = = = 102 kPa [1]
A 10 m × 3 m
f) The air pressure in the laboratory was stated to be 102 Pa (see Question 9), so applying the
kinetic theory for a perfect gas gives the same value. The assumptions that we have made:
• the air behaves like an ideal gas
• the collisions with the wall are elastic
• on average, 1/6 of the molecules are moving in each mutually perpendicular direction is
valid because of the statistically large number of molecules
• to a good approximation, the root mean square speed can be taken to be the same as
the average speed
would all appear to be reasonable. [4]
[Total 15 marks]
Tip: Note that we have used the terms ‘root mean square speed’ and ‘average speed’ for the
molecules. The average velocity of the molecules would be zero because the total volume of
air in the laboratory is stationary.

© Tim Akrill and Graham George 2015

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