Socsci7: Sociology and Anthropology: Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cloyd Q. Villanueva - Geraldine S. Villanueva

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SocSci7: Sociology and


Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cloyd Q. Villanueva

– Geraldine S. Villanueva
Demography: The Study of Population
Demography – the discipline that studies the current
state and changes over time in size, distribution and
common of human population.

Methods of demography:
1. Census
2. Head Count
Demographic Variables:

1. Fertility

2. Mortality

3. Migration
Fertility: Reproducing for Survival
Is one of the aspects of population that is analyzed by
demography. Mortality is computed thru Crude Death
Rate (CDR).
CDR = numbers of deaths total population x 1000

Life Expectancy
Types of Migration:
 Immigration is the movement of
people into a society from outside.
 Emigration is the departure of people
from a society.
Factors Influencing Migration:
Push Factors – reasons that lead people to
leave specific territories.
Pull Factors – move into other societies
though is shaped by the presence of
incentives such as economic
opportunities, peace, and political
Theories of Population

1. Robert Malthus
“The Malthusian
Theory” 2. Demographic
3. Paul R. Ehrlich
“Zero Population
“The Malthusian Theory”
Demographic Transition Theory
Zero Population Growth
Population and Culture

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