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Session 2014-2018

Engr. Kashif Iqbal

Engr. Nazar Mehmood

Group Members
Attique Ahmed Baber UW-14-CH.E-BSC-010

Zain Ali UW-14-CH.E-BSC-020

Muhammad Zeeshan UW-14-CH.E-BSC-025

Waqas Anjum UW-14-CH.E-BSC-026

Department of Chemical Engineering

Wah Engineering College
University of Wah, Wah Cantt
This report is submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering,
Wah Engineering College, University of Wah for the partial fulfilments of the
requirement for the

Bachelor of Science
Chemical Engineering

Internal Examiner:



External Examiner:



Department of Chemical Engineering

Wah Engineering College
University of Wah, Wah Cantt
Dedicated To
Beloved Parents,
Respected Teachers,
All Those Who Devoted Their Yesterday for Our
Bright Today
All praises to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, who provided us with the strength to accomplish
the final year project. All respects are for His HOLY PROPHET (PBUH), Whose teachings are
true source of knowledge and guidance for whole mankind.

Before anybody else we thank our Parents who have always been a source of moral
support and driving force behind whatever we do. We are grateful to the Head of Department
Prof. Dr. A.K. Salariya and our faculty members for providing facilities and guidance. We are
indebted to our project supervisors Mr. Kashif Iqbal and Mr. Nazar Mehmood and project
coordinator Ms. Rabia Sabir for their worthy discussions, encouragement, inspiring guidance,
remarkable suggestions, keen interest, constructive criticism & friendly discussions which
enabled us to complete this report. They spared a lot of precious time in advising and helping us
in writing this report. Without their painstaking tuition, kind patronization, sincere coaching and
continuous consultation, we would not have been able to complete this arduous task successfully.

Formaldehyde, the target product of the present work, is an organic compound representing the
most elementary configuration of the aldehydes. It behaves as a synthesis baseline for many other
chemical compounds, including phenol formaldehyde, urea formaldehyde, melamine resin,
Paints, and Glues. It is also used in medical field i.e. as a disinfectant and preservation of cell and
tissues. The aim of the present work is to reach 98% conversion of methanol using Silver
Catalyst. Detailed calculations were performed in this report for all equipment in the plant
including all expenses of the plant erection, taking into account the required process conditions to
achieve a production capacity of 66000 ton/year of formaldehyde (as formalin).
Chapter No.1, Introduction ................................................................................................ ……..1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 History: .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Properties: .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Reactions of the Product: ....................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Industrial Applications: ......................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Handling: ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Disposal: ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.8 Shipping:................................................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Motivation for the Project: .................................................................................................... 7
1.10 Feasibility: ........................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter No.2, Manufacturing Process .............................................................................. ……..9
2.1 Production Methods: ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Silver Process ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Metal Oxide Process: ........................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Comparing the Silver and Oxide Processes:........................................................................ 12
2.5 Process Selection: ................................................................................................................ 13
2.6 Capacity Selection and Its Justification: .............................................................................. 14
2.7 Silver Process Description and Flow Sheet: ........................................................................ 14
2.8 Metal Oxide Catalyst Process: ............................................................................................. 18
2.9 Process Flow Diagram Of Silver Process: ........................................................................... 21
Chapter No. 3, Material Balance ........................................................................................ ……23
3.1 Main Reactions: ................................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Capacity: .............................................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Material Balance at Vaporizer (V-100) & Mixing Point:.................................................... 24
3.4 Material Balance at Reactor (R-100): .................................................................................. 25
3.4.1 For Reaction 1: ............................................................................................................. 25
3.4.2 For Reaction 2: ............................................................................................................. 26
3.5 Material Balance at Absorber (A-100): ............................................................................... 28
3.6 Material Balance at Distillation Tower (D-100): ................................................................ 29
Chapter No. 4, Energy Balance .......................................................................................... ……31
4.1 Energy Balance on Vaporizer (V-100): ............................................................................... 32
4.2 Energy Balance at Reactor (R-100): .................................................................................... 33
4.3 Energy Balance at Absorber (A-100): ................................................................................. 36
4.4 Energy balance on Distillation Unit (D-100): ..................................................................... 38
4.5 Energy Balance at Exchanger (E-100): ............................................................................... 40
Chapter No. 5, Equipment Selection and Design .............................................................. ……41
5.1 Design of Vaporizer (V-100):.............................................................................................. 42
5.2 Design of Reactor (R-100): ................................................................................................. 55
5.3 Design of Absorber (A-100):............................................................................................... 64
5.4 Design of Distillation Column (D-100):.............................................................................. 77
5.5 Design of Heat Exchanger (E-100): .................................................................................... 92
Chapter No. 6, Mechanical Design ..................................................................................... …..101
6.1 Max Allowable Pressure:................................................................................................... 102
6.2 Max Allowable Temperature: ............................................................................................ 102
6.3 Wall Thickness: ................................................................................................................. 102
6.4 Torispherical Head: ........................................................................................................... 103
6.5 Vessel Supports: ................................................................................................................ 103
6.6 Circumferential Stress: ...................................................................................................... 103
6.7 Longitudinal Stress: ........................................................................................................... 104
6.8 Weight Load: ..................................................................................................................... 104
6.9 Wind Load: ........................................................................................................................ 104
6.10 Radial Stress: ................................................................................................................... 104
6.11 Bending Moment: ............................................................................................................ 105
6.12 Dead Weight Stress: ........................................................................................................ 105
6.13 Bending Stress: ................................................................................................................ 105
6.14 Allowable Stress Intensity: .............................................................................................. 105
Chapter No.7, Pump Sizing................................................................................................. …..108
7.1 Pumps (P-100): .................................................................................................................. 109
Chapter No. 8, Cost Estimation .......................................................................................... …..112
8.1 Equipment’s Cost: ............................................................................................................. 113
8.2 Direct Cost ......................................................................................................................... 119
8.3 Indirect Cost: ..................................................................................................................... 119
8.4 Fixed Capital Investment (FCI): ........................................................................................ 119
8.5 Working Capital Investment (WCI): ................................................................................. 120
8.6 Total Capital Investment: .................................................................................................. 120
8.7 Raw Materials: ................................................................................................................... 120
8.8 Operating Labor:................................................................................................................ 121
8.9 Total Production Cost: ....................................................................................................... 122
8.10 General Expenses: ........................................................................................................... 123
8.11 Depreciation: ................................................................................................................... 123
8.12 Gross Earning: ................................................................................................................. 123
8.13 Rate of Return (ROR):..................................................................................................... 124
8.14 Payback Period: ............................................................................................................... 124
Chapter No. 9, Instrumentation and Control ................................................................... …..125
9.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 126
9.2 Control Mechanism ........................................................................................................... 126
9.3 Process Control .................................................................................................................. 126
9.4 Objectives of Instrumentation and Control System ........................................................... 126
9.5 Components of the Control System ................................................................................... 127
9.6 Types of Control ................................................................................................................ 127
9.7 Feedback Control ............................................................................................................... 127
9.7 Feed Forward Control........................................................................................................ 128
9.8 Process Variable ................................................................................................................ 128
9.9 Temperature Measurement and Control ............................................................................ 129
9.10 Pressure Measurement and Control ................................................................................. 129
9.11 Flow Measurement and Control ...................................................................................... 129
9.12 Process Control System Hardware .................................................................................. 130
9.13 Valve Selection ................................................................................................................ 131
Chapter No.10, Hazop Study .............................................................................................. …..134
10.1 Background: .................................................................................................................... 135
10.2 Introduction: .................................................................................................................... 135
10.3 Success or Failure: ........................................................................................................... 135
10.4 Hazop Characteristics: ..................................................................................................... 136
10.5 Advantages: ..................................................................................................................... 136
10.6 Disadvantages: ................................................................................................................. 136
10.7 Effectiveness:................................................................................................................... 137
10.8 Key Elements: ................................................................................................................. 137
10.9 Hazop Study on Reactor R-100: ...................................................................................... 138
Chapter No. 11, Environmental Impact Assessment ....................................................... …..140
11.1 Environmental Impact Assessment: ................................................................................ 141
11.1.1 Overview: ................................................................................................................. 141
11.1.2 Objectives: ................................................................................................................ 141
11.1.3 Advantages: .............................................................................................................. 141
11.2 Methanol: ......................................................................................................................... 141
11.2.1 Hazard: ..................................................................................................................... 142
11.2.2 Protective measures .................................................................................................. 142
11.2.3 Spills and emergencies ............................................................................................. 143
11.3 Formaldehyde: ................................................................................................................. 143
11.3.1 Hazards: .................................................................................................................... 143
11.3.2 Protective measures .................................................................................................. 144
11.3.3 Spills and emergencies: ............................................................................................ 144
References: ........................................................................................................................... …..145
Appendix .............................................................................................................................. …..147
List OF Figure:
Figure 1.1: Formaldehyde Formula ................................................................................................ 2
Figure 1.2: World Consumption Data ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.1: Flow Sheet of Formaldehyde using Silver Catalyst ................................................... 17
Figure 2.2: Flow Sheet of Formaldehyde Using Metal Oxide Catalyst ....................................... 20
Figure 2.3: Process Flow Diagram of Formaldehyde Using Silver Catalyst ............................... 21
Figure 3.1: Material Balance V-100 ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 3.2: Material Balance at R-100 ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.3: Material Balance at A-100 ......................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.4: Material Balance at D-100 ......................................................................................... 29
Figure 4.1: Energy Balance V-100 ............................................................................................... 32
Figure 4.2: Energy Balance at R-100 ........................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.3: Energy Balance at A-100 ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.4: Energy Balance at D-100 ........................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.5: Energy Balance at E-100 ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 5.1: Vaporizer V-100 ........................................................................................................ 43
Figure 5.2: Reactor (R-100) ......................................................................................................... 56
Figure 5.3: Levenspiel Plot between Conversion and Inverse of Rate Law ................................ 59
Figure 5.4: Absorber A-100 ......................................................................................................... 66
Figure 5.5: Distillation Tower D-100 ........................................................................................... 78
Figure 5.6: Heat Exchanger E-100 ............................................................................................... 94
Figure 9.1: Diaphragm valve ...................................................................................................... 132
Figure 9.2: Flanged Valve .......................................................................................................... 132
Figure 9.3: Non-return valve ...................................................................................................... 132
Figure 9.4: Gate valve ................................................................................................................ 133
Figure 9.5: Instrumentation and Control on Distillation Column .............................................. 133
List of Tables:

Table 1.1: Physical & Thermal Properties ...................................................................................... 3

Table 2.1: Comparison of Processes ............................................................................................. 13
Table 2.2: Capacity Selection ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 2.3: Components and flow rates ......................................................................................... 22
Table 3.1: Material Balance at V-100........................................................................................... 25
Table 3.2: Material Balance R-100 ............................................................................................... 26
Table 3.3: Material Balance R-100 ............................................................................................... 27
Table 3.4: Material Balance at A-100........................................................................................... 29
Table 3.5: Material Balance at D-100........................................................................................... 30
Table 4.1: Energy Balance at Vaporizer V-100............................................................................ 32
Table 4.2: Energy Balance at R-100 ............................................................................................. 34
Table 4.3: Energy Balance at Inlet A-100 .................................................................................... 36
Table 4.4 Energy Balance at Outlet of A-100............................................................................... 37
Table 4.5: Energy Balance at Reboiler: ........................................................................................ 38
Table 4.6: Energy Balance at Condenser:..................................................................................... 39
Table 5.1: Components Table ....................................................................................................... 58
Table 5.2: Relation between Conversion and Rate Law .............................................................. 58
Table 5.3: Choice of Distillation .................................................................................................. 77
Table 5.4: Composition of Components ....................................................................................... 78
Table 5.5: Antoine Coefficients .................................................................................................... 79
Table 5.6: Partial Pressure Pi ........................................................................................................ 79
Table 5.7: Partial Pressure of Components .................................................................................. 79
Table 5.8: Bubble Point Calculation for Feed .............................................................................. 80
Table 5.9: Dew Point Calculation of Top ..................................................................................... 81
Table 5.10: Bubble Point Calculation of Bottom ......................................................................... 81
Table 5.11: Underwood Equation ................................................................................................. 82
Table 5.12: Heat Exchanger Type ................................................................................................ 92
Table 8.1: Total Equipment Cost ($) .......................................................................................... 119
Table 8.2: Fixed Cost.................................................................................................................. 122
Table 8.3: General Expenses ...................................................................................................... 123
Table 9.1: Various types of measuring instruments for Temperature, Pressure......................... 130
Table 9.2: Various types of measuring instruments flow Rate and level ................................... 130
Table 10.1: Guide Words............................................................................................................ 137
Table 10.2: Hazop Study on Reactor (R-100) ............................................................................ 138
Chapter No.1 Introduction

Chapter No.1
1 Introduction

Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Formaldehyde is widely abundant in nature and the anthropogenic environments owing to several
natural and non-natural decomposition pathways of both biological and non-natural organic
matter. Formaldehyde, also called Methanal (formulated HCHO), an organic compound, the
modest of the aldehydes, used in huge amounts in a diversity of chemical manufacturing
processes. It is formed principally by the vapor-phase oxidation of methanol and is normally sold
as formalin. The chemical compound formaldehyde (also known as methanal) is a gas with a
pungent smell. It is the modest aldehyde. Its chemical formula is H2CO. Formaldehyde was first
produced by the Russian chemist Aleksandr Butlerov in 1859 but was finally identified by
August Wilhelm von Hofmann in 1868.

Formaldehyde readily results from the incomplete burning of carbon-containing materials. It may
be found in the smoke from forestry fires, in vehicle exhaust, and in tobacco smoke. In
the atmosphere, formaldehyde is formed by the action of sunlight and oxygen on
atmospheric methane and further hydrocarbons. Small amounts of formaldehyde are made as
a metabolic byproduct in maximum organisms, including humans.[1]

Figure 1.1: Formaldehyde Formula

Formaldehyde can be listed on a product tag by other names, such as: Formalin, Formic
aldehyde, Methanediol, Methanal, Methyl aldehyde, Methylene glycol, Methylene oxide.

1.2 History:

Formaldehyde is a naturally arising organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and

oxygen. It has a modest chemical structure of CH2O. Formaldehyde was first defined in 1859 by
Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov when he tried to make methylene glycol. However,
formaldehyde wasn’t finally identified until 1868, when August Wilhelm von Hofmann, a
professor of chemistry and director of the laboratory of the University of Berlin, set out to clearly
create both the structure and identity of formaldehyde. The method that Hoffman used to identify
formaldehyde placed the foundation for the modern formaldehyde manufacturing process.

Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.3 Properties:

Although formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature, it is voluntarily soluble in water. It is most

normally sold as a 37 % aqueous solution with trade names such as formalin or formol. In water,
formaldehyde changes to the hydrate CH2(OH)2. Thus formalin contains very little H2CO. These
solutions typically contain a few percent methanol to limit the range of polymerization.
Formaldehyde shows most of the chemical properties of the aldehydes, but that it is more
reactive. Formaldehyde is a good electrophile. It can contribute in electrophilic aromatic
substitution reactions with aromatic compounds and can go through electrophilic addition
reactions with alkenes. In the existence of basic catalysts, formaldehyde go through a Cannizaro
reaction to produce formic acid and methanol. Formalin reversibly polymerizes to produce its
cyclic trimer, 1, 3, 5-trioxane or the linear polymer polyoxymethylene. Because of the creation of
these derivatives, formaldehyde gas diverges strongly from the ideal gas law, especially at high
pressure or low temperature. Formaldehyde is voluntarily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen to
form formic acid. Formaldehyde solutions should be protected from air [25].

Physical& Thermal Properties:

Table 1.1: Physical & Thermal Properties

Physical Properties
Boiling point at 101.3 kPa -19.2 oC
Melting point -118 oC
Density at –80 oC 0.9151g/cm3
Molecular weight 30.03
Thermal Properties
Heat of formation at 25 oC -115.9+6.3 kJ/mol
Heat of combustion at 25 oC 561.5 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization at –19.2 23.32 kJ/mol
Specific heat capacity at 25oC 35.425 J/mol K
Entropy at 25oC 218.8 kJ/mol K
Flash Point 310oF (154oC)
Auto Ignition Temp 932oF (499oC) [1]

Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.4 Reactions of the Product:

Dehydrogenation of methanol:

𝐶𝐻3𝑂𝐻 → 𝐻2𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2 Δ𝐻= +84 𝑘𝐽/𝑚𝑜𝑙

Partial oxidation of methanol:

𝐶𝐻3𝑂𝐻 + ½ O2 → 𝐻2𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2𝑂 Δ𝐻= −159 𝑘𝐽/𝑚𝑜𝑙

1.5 Industrial Applications:

Manufacturing Of Glues and Resin:

Due to the higher binding properties of formaldehyde, it is used widely in the production of glues
and resins used in cabinetry, shelving, stair systems, and in other items of home furnishing. Not
only are these glues widely effective, they are also reasonable due to the fact that formaldehyde is
easily accessible. The greatest common products produced from formaldehyde include urea
formaldehyde resin, melamine resin, and phenol formaldehyde resin. These are manufacturing by
the reaction of formaldehyde with urea, melamine, and phenol, respectively. These are strong
glues, and are used in carpentering. These resins are also mold to make different products, and
old for making insulate layers. Melamine formaldehyde resins are solid and are consumed as
paper-impregnating resins, in cover flooring, and in clear coats for automobiles. Phenol
formaldehyde resins are used as binders in structural wood panels. Formaldehyde resins give wet
strength of products that is facial wipes, paper napkins, etc.

As a Disinfectant:

Formaldehyde is a extremely effective disinfectant. It fully negates the actions of bacteria, fungi,
yeast and molds. Aqueous solution of formaldehyde can kill bacteria, and it is used in the
treatment of skin infections. It is also used to deactivate toxic bacterial products for the
manufacturing of vaccinations for certain infections. Methylamine, a derived of formaldehyde, is
used to treat urinary tract infections. Certain current ointments also use derivatives of
formaldehyde. However, these might not be safe for longstanding use. However, formaldehyde
has a pungent scent that causes severe frustration to the nose and eyes, and this is the reason for
its restricted use. However, many companies have just been successful in manufacturing a
processed form of the chemical, which is not as irritable, yet is an effective disinfectant.

Chapter No.1 Introduction

Textile Industry:

Formaldehyde also discovers usage in the textile industry where it is added to dyes and pigments.
This helps the pigments to bound better with the fabric, thus avoiding the colors from fading.
Formaldehyde-based resins are used to increase a fabric's resistance to folds and wrinkles.

Automobile Industry:

Key constituents of automobiles are produced using formaldehyde-based products. Since phenol
formaldehyde resins are resistant to fire and high temperatures, they are used to production
automobile parts, such as brake linings.

Preserving Cells and Tissues:

Formaldehyde solution is used in laboratories for the safety of human and animal. A 4% solution
is used for the same. If you're doubting how formaldehyde conserves cells and tissues, it is by the
cross-linking of primary amino groups in proteins with neighboring atoms of nitrogen in protein
or DNA, over a -CH2 linkage.

As an Embalming Agent:

Embalming is a process which briefly stalls the decay of human remains. Formaldehyde is one of
the embalming agents. It also repairs those tissues that are accountable for the firmness of the
muscles in an embalmed body. A normal use of formaldehyde is in the production of ink. So,
whether it is the ink that we use in our printers, or the one used for print books, formaldehyde is a
key constituent. Formaldehyde-based resins are used in the natural gas and petroleum industries
to get improved the yield of these fuels. Hexamine, a derived of formaldehyde, is used as a
component in the manufacture of the quick-tempered RDX. Formaldehyde is mixed with
concentrated (H2SO4) sulfuric acid to form Marquis Reagent, which is used as a spot-test to
detect alkaloids and other compounds. Formaldehyde is added to paints as a stabilizer. It is also
used as a chemical adding in cosmetics. Formaldehyde is used in the manufacturing of polyacetal
which are thermoplastics used in electrical and electronic application.

1.6 Handling:

Formaldehyde should be associated only in original container, fully labeled and deposited
properly inside the way of transportation to avoid out of order up, leakage or breakage.
Formaldehyde should never be opened, mixed or transfer to sample vessels at any time inside a
closed vehicle. A Materials Safety information Sheet (MSDS) should be in the control of the
customer and complete reachable to those prepared by this chemical. At all period, formaldehyde
should only be handled, mixed or added as example containers with the topmost care, in

Chapter No.1 Introduction

ventilated regions such as open air table if in the field and below an right fume hood if in the
laboratory. Formaldehyde should never be opened or mixed while inside a automobile. If there is
the possibility of splashing, a face protect should be damaged while adding or pouring
formaldehyde. At all times, disposable gloves must be worn to avoid dermal exposure when
management and/or mixing this product. Never smoke or don’t have open flame while working
with formaldehyde.


Formaldehyde must be kept in a cool, dry, well-ventilated zone and properly labeled.
Formaldehyde should never be kept in automobiles except to carriage to and from field for the
period of diversity operation. Used formaldehyde, either from leak clean-up or from actions
produced from the process of change-out of sample containers must be kept in a properly label
dangerous waste container and made accessible for recycling under Resources Conservation
Recovery Act (RCRA) protocols. Storing of unwanted formaldehyde should be in a region not
frequented by the general population or responsibility workers and should be in an region not
subject to heat cycles and well ventilated.

Store formaldehyde in label, chemically well-suited containers, away from heat and flame.
Always keep in large-volume containers on a low, safe shelf or in another site where they will not
be accidentally leaked or hit over. Containers bigger than 4L (1 gallon) should be kept in
secondary containment. Do not keep formaldehyde bottles in any area where a leakage would
flow to a drain.


Because of formaldehyde’s danger, containing human carcinogenicity, Cal/OSHA has passed

specific system (Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 5217) concerning its safe
handling. The following basics must be included in a formaldehyde safety program.

A laboratory-specific Standard Operating Procedure for the use of formalin formaldehyde must
be established. Employees who handle formaldehyde must bring together familiar preparation on
the dangers of formaldehyde and what to do in case of a contact or leak. Coverage monitor may
be required to confirm that employees are not over-exposed. Formaldehyde should always be
used with acceptable ventilation, rather in a fume hood, to minimize breath of formaldehyde

Exposure Limit:

The legal on far above the ground permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 1 p/m in an 8-
hourworkday. Short-term exposure (15 minutes) is restricted to 2 p/m while the attainment level
for formaldehyde is 0.5 p/m.

Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.7 Disposal:

Dissolve or mix the material with a flammable solvent and burn in a chemical furnace equipped
with an afterburner and scrubber. Notice all federal, state, and local environmental procedures.

Spill Procedure:

Evacuate region. Wear self-contained inhalation apparatus, rubber boots and heavy rubber
gloves. Cover with lime or soda ash and abode in closed containers for removal. Ventilate region
and wash leak site after material pickup is complete. Combustible Liquid

Fire Hazards: Extinguisher: Water spray, Carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder or suitable
foam. Special Procedure: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to
avoid contact with skin and eyes, wear rubber gloves. Unusual Fire hazards: Produces toxic
fumes under fire conditions.

1.8 Shipping:

Formaldehyde should be conveyed only in original container, fully labeled and kept properly
within the automobile to avoid shifting, leakage or breakage. Formaldehyde should never be
opened, mixed or shifted to sample vessels at any time inside a closed automobile. A Materials
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be in the control of the user and made accessible to those
working with this chemical. Shipped in drums, barrels and bottles or carboys. Generally sold and
transported as a 37%-40% aqueous solution, and under certain conditions may become a white
solid. If carried in kegs or barrels there is generally a loss in weight and corrosion of the
fastenings if these are of metal. May produce acidity; this causes significant depreciation and is
generally due to the presence of inherent impurities. If packed in a shipping container, on
unpacking, time should be allowed for spreading of any fumes, before entering container.

1.9 Motivation for the Project:

Motivation for this project is originated in sale department as a result of customer request and to
meet the competing products. And due to increasing demand of formaldehyde it is necessary to
make our intention toward formaldehyde production. It is largely used in Industrial Application.
And in Pakistan it has more demand than its Production. So we import formaldehyde from others
countries Mostly from Germany Iran and Saudi Arabia. In last year 2016 it import was of 183000
of US Dollars, this shows the demand of formaldehyde in Pakistan. Price of Formaldehyde is in
between $350-$400/ton.

Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.10 Feasibility:

World Formaldehyde Production to Beat 52 Million Tons in 2017. Formaldehyde is the

maximum commercially significant aldehyde. Urea-, phenol-, and melamine-formaldehyde resins
(UF, PF, and MF resins) account for nearly 70% of world demand for formaldehyde in 2015;
other huge applications include polyacetal resins, pentaerythritol, methylene is(4-phenyl
isocyanate) (MDI), 1,4-butanediol (BDO), and hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA).World
consumption demand of 37% formaldehyde is estimate to raise at an average annual rate of about
4% from 2015 to 2020.Between 2010 and 2015, world capacity for 37% formaldehyde increased
at an average annual rate of about 3%, slightly behind world consumption, which increased at an
average annual rate of 4.4% through the same period.

Figure 1.2: World Consumption Data

Formaldehyde resins are used in the wood products industry largely as glues. Growth of these
resins is toughly correlated to construction/restoration activity (which accounts for over 50% of
consumption), and to a lesser degree, the automotive industry.

China is the single major market for formaldehyde, accounting for 42% of world consumption
demand in 2015; other countries with big markets include the United States, Germany, the
Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Russia, India, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, and
Canada. China is estimate to involvement high growth rates and important volume increases in
demand for 37% formaldehyde during 2015–2020. Demand for 37% formaldehyde in the United
States is estimate to grow reasonably, mainly driven by UF resins, PF resins, and MDI. Central

Chapter No. 2 Manufacturing Process

Chapter No.2

2 Manufacturing Process

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

2.1 Production Methods:

For making Formaldehyde there are mostly two methods are used.

Silver Catalyst Method

Metal Oxide Catalyst Method [14]

But we are interested to make formaldehyde by Silver Catalyst Method

2.2 Silver Process

The silver process for the making of formaldehyde uses a silver catalyst, over which partial
oxidation and dehydrogenation of methanol take place. The reactor feed is a mixture of air, steam
and methanol, which is on the methanol-rich side of a flammable mixture and the reaction of
oxygen is almost complete. Reactions 1, 2 are the key reactions that occur during the conversion
of methanol to formaldehyde using the silver process. Reactions 3, 4, are secondary reactions,
making by-products. Extra by-products are methyl formate, methane and formic acid.

CH3OHCH2O + H2 H = +84 kJ/mol

CH3OH + ½ O2 CH2O + H2O H = -159 kJ/mol

CH2O CO + H2 H = 12.5 kJ/mol

CH3OH + 3/2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O H = -674 kJ/mol [17]

Process Description:

Between 50 and 60% of the formaldehyde is made via reaction 2 and the rest by reaction 1, and
this combination gives a net exothermic result. The silver catalyzed reaction mechanism will be
discussed in more detail in the next section.

The ratio of methanol to water (as steam) in the feed is normally 60:40. Steam is added to the
feed for three main reasons. It rises the total moles present, which raises the equilibrium
conversion of the endothermic reaction 1 (this reaction is preferred by high temperature, low
pressure and a high value of total moles). A second reason for the adding of steam is that it
avoids damage to the catalyst. It stops sintering of the silver (which results in loss of activity) and
reduces the rate of creation of carbonaceous deposits on the silver (that decrease the active
region). Steam also acts as a heat sink. The predominant means of temperature control is the
addition of additional methanol or steam. However, these additions are bound by the wanted
composition of the formaldehyde product. The ratio of methanol to oxygen in the feed to

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

industrial reactors is about 2.5. Since the reaction is lead adiabatically, it is probable to disturb the
net exothermicity and reaction temperature increase by changing the quantity of air fed to the
reactor. The feed move in the reactor at a temperature extensively below the reactor leaving
temperature. There are two types of the silver process used. One includes the complete
conversion (97-98%) of methanol and is well-known as the BASF process. In this process silver
is used in the form of crystals and the reaction is carried out at 680 - 720 °C (at atmospheric
pressure). The feed is superheated and fed to the reactor where it permits over a bed of silver
crystals 25 - 30 mm thick. The temperature is high enough to let complete conversion (rate and
equilibrium conversion of the endothermic dehydrogenation reaction (1) increase with
temperature). Gases are cooled when they leave the reactor (to avoid unwanted side reactions)
and then fed to an absorption column where formaldehyde is wash out, giving a product that has
40-55 wt.% formaldehyde, 1.3 wt% methanol and 0.01 wt% formic acid. The yield ranges
between 89.5 and 90.5%. The largest well-known reactor for this process has a diameter of 3.2 m
and an annual production of 72000 tons, calculated as 100% formaldehyde.

The second type of the silver process includes incomplete conversion and distillative recovery of
methanol. Superheated feed passes over as bed of silver crystals 1-5 cm thick or through layers of
silver gauze. The reactor temperature lies in the range of 600-650°C. At these relatively low
temperatures the undesirable secondary reactions are suppressed. The oxygen conversion is
complete and the methanol conversion is between 77 and 87%. The gases are cooled after exit the
catalyst bed and enter to an absorption column. The product includes about 42 wt% formaldehyde
and is lead to a distillation column to recover and recycle unreacted methanol. After exiting the
distillation column the formaldehyde solution is generally fed to an anion exchange unit to
decrease the formic acid content to less than 50 mg/kg. The final product include up to 55 wt%
formaldehyde and less than 1% methanol. The overall yield is between 91 and 92%. The tail gas
for the silver process contains about 20% hydrogen and is burnt to produce steam and eliminate
releases of carbon monoxide and other organics [2].

2.3 Metal Oxide Process:

Main Reaction:

CH3OH + ½ O2 CH2O + H2O H = -159 kJ/mol

CH3OH + 3/2 O2 CO2 + 2H2O H = -674 kJ/mol

CH2O + O2 CO2 + H2O H = -519 kJ/mol

Process Description:

The oxide process for formaldehyde making uses a metal oxide (modified iron molybdenum-
vanadium oxide) catalyst. The feed mixture of steam, air and methanol is thin in methanol (to

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

prevent the explosive range) and nearly complete conversion of methanol is obtained (98-99%).
The reaction takes place at 250-400°C. All of the formaldehyde is produce via reaction 2 (the
exothermic ox dehydrogenation of methanol). By-products are carbon monoxide, dimethyl ether,
carbon dioxide and formic acid. Overall yields are in the range of 88 - 92 %. The process starts
with the vaporization of methanol. It is then mixed with air (and optional exhaust/tail gas) and
passed over catalyst-filled tubes in a heat exchanger reactor. A heat transfer fluid permits
circulates outside the tubes and vaporizes, eliminating the heat of reaction. This fluid is then
condensed to make steam. The gases are cooled to 110°C in a heat exchange unit and then
transportable to the bottom of an absorber. Water is added to the top of the column, and the
quantity can be change to control the product concentration. After exit the column the product is
fed over an anion exchange unit to decrease the formic acid content. The final product includes
up to 55 wt% formaldehyde and 0.5-1.5 wt% methanol. The tail gas from the oxide process did
not burn by itself as the flammable content (dimethyl ether, carbon monoxide, methanol and
formaldehyde) is only a few percent. It can be combust in a catalytic furnace or by adding fuel.

2.4 Comparing the Silver and Oxide Processes:

Apart from the catalyst used and the reaction mechanisms, some important differences between
the silver process and the oxide process are:

1. The reactor is run adiabatically for the silver process, while a heat exchanger reactor is used for
the oxide process. Suitable temperature control is needed for the oxide process to attain 99%
conversion. If the temperature is allowed to increase above 470°C, the side reaction containing
the formation of carbon monoxide and water from formaldehyde and oxygen rises significantly.

2. The tail gas from the oxide process is noncombustible, while the tail gas from the silver
process can be combust able. The tail gas from the silver process contains hydrogen and it is
likely that there are other uses for the hydrogen.

3. Even when recycled gas is used (to decrease the oxygen concentration of the feed and therefore
the quantity of air needed to prevent the flammable range), the total volume of gas passing over
the oxide process is 3-3.5 times that of the silver process. This means that the equipment used for
the oxide process must have a greater capacity. The absorption column in particular is much

4. The silver process does not need ion exchange to eliminate formic acid. The oxide process
makes more formic acid, requiring the extra step to eliminate it. Overall, it seems that the silver
process has bigger PI potential than the oxide process. The oxide process already relies on heat
exchange in the reactor, while the silver process has potential for development with the use of
heat exchange to control the reactor temperature. The silver process makes hydrogen as well as
formaldehyde, which could be made use of in more economically valuable ways. It appears that it
may also be possible to raise the quantity of hydrogen manufactured. The oxide process uses

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

bigger volumes of gas than the silver process, meaning that except the need for some of the gas
can be detached it may be more difficult to make compact units for the oxide process than the
silver process. When creation compact units, the need for formic acid elimination is another
disadvantage of the oxide process as it means another step must be incorporated into the unit. For
these reasons, the use of the silver process for the Process Increase of the production of
formaldehyde will be investigated rather than the oxide process.

Table 2.1: Comparison of Processes

Sr.No. Silver Catalyst Metal Oxide Catalyst

1 Process run adiabatically Process Need Heat Exchanger

2 Tail Gases Can be Combustible Tail Gases Cannot be Combustible

Gases use to prevent the flammable 3-3.5 time greater gas use to prevent the
3 range is lower than the metal oxide flammable range in this process than
process. silver process.

Metal oxide process needs an extra setup

Silver process did not need ion to eliminate formic acid because it
exchange to eliminate formic acid. produces more formic acid than Silver

Silver process also produces hydrogen This process use bigger volume of gas
5 with Formaldehyde which makes it than silver process. And hydrogen gas
more economical. did not produce in this process.

Operating cost of Silver Process is less Operating cost of Metal Oxide is greater
than Metal Oxide Process. than Silver Process.

2.5 Process Selection:

For making Formaldehyde we are selecting Silver Catalyst Process because for making
formaldehyde uses silver catalyst over which partial oxidation and dehydrogenation of methanol
occurs. While for Production of formaldehyde uses oxide catalyst over which only partial
oxidation is occur. And Tail gases from silver catalyst process can burn while from metal oxide
catalyst process tail gasses did not burn. There are more chances of producing by product in the
metal oxide catalyst process while in the silver catalyst process this chance of producing by-

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

product is very low. That’s why we select Silver Catalyst process. Moreover operating cost of
silver process is less than metal oxide process.

2.6 Capacity Selection and Its Justification:

Production of Formaldehyde in Pakistan is 340000 MT/Year. And Demand of Formaldehyde in

Pakistan is 400000 MT/Year

Capacity of Formaldehyde required to produce.

Demand-Consumption = Capacity

400000 – 340000 = 60000 ton/year

To meet this production capacity 60000 ton/year we have to produce 200 ton/day [23] [24].

Capacity per day * Working Day of plant = Required production capacity per year

200*330 = 66000 ton/year

We select capacity of 200 ton/day to fulfill the need of Pakistan.

Price of formaldehyde is 42-45 Rs/Kg

Table 2.2: Capacity Selection

Sr.No Companies That are Producing CH2O Capacity of CH2O ton/year

1 Super Chemical (Karachi and Lahore) 100000 ton/year
2 Dyena (Karachi and Lahore) 59000 ton/year
3 ZRK (Peshawar) 45000 ton/year
4 Wah Noble (Wah Cantt.) 30000 ton/year
5 Other Rest Companies 106000 ton/year
6 Total 340000 ton/year

2.7 Silver Process Description and Flow Sheet:

In early formaldehyde plants methanol was oxidized over a copper catalyst but this process has
been almost completely replaced with silver. The silver catalyzed reaction occurs at essentially at
atmospheric pressure and 600 to 650 C0 and can be represented by two simultaneous reactions

CH3OH + ½ O2 → HCHO + H2O


Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

Process Technology:

Between 50 and 60% of formaldehyde is formed by the exothermic reaction and the remainder by
endothermic reaction with the net results of a reaction exothermic. Carbon monoxide, methyl
formate, and formic acid are byproducts. In addition there are also physical loses, liquid phase
reactions, and small quantities of methanol in the product, resulting in an overall plant yield of
86-90 %( based on methanol).

A typical formaldehyde plant (76-79) employing silver catalyst. A feed mixture is generated by
spraying air into pool of heated methanol and combining the vapors with the steam. The mixture
passes through a super heater to a catalyst bed of silver crystals or layers of silver gauze. The
product is then rapidly cooled in a steam generator and then in water cool heat exchanger and fed
to the bottom of an absorption tower. The bulk of the methanol water and formaldehyde is
condensed in the bottom water-cooled section of the tower and almost complete removal of
methanol and formaldehyde from the tail gas occurs in the top absorber by counter current
contact with clean process water. Absorber bottoms go to a distillation tower where methanol is
recovered for recycle to the reactor. The base stream from distillation aqueous solution of
formaldehyde is usually sent to an anion exchange unit which reduces the formic acid to
specification level. The product contains up to 55% formaldehyde and less than 1.5% methanol.

A typical catalyst bed is very shallow (10 to 50 mm) (76, 77). In some plants the catalyst is
contained in numerous small parallel reactors; in others, catalyst bed diameters up to 1.7 and 2.0
m (77, 80) and capacities of up to 135,000 t/yr. reactor are reported. The silver catalyst has a
useful life of three to eight months and can be recovered. It is easily poisoned by traces of
transition group metals and by sulfur.

The reaction occurs at essentially adiabatic conditions with a large temperature rise at the inlet
surface of the catalyst. The predominant temperature Control is thermal ballast in the form of
excess methanol or steam, or both, which is in the feed. If a plant is to produce a product
containing 60 to 65% formaldehyde and no more than 1.5% methanol, the amount of steam that
can be added is limited, and both excess methanol and steam needed as ballast. Recycled
methanol required for 50-55% product is 0.25-0.50 parts per pact of fresh methanol.

With the increase in energy cost, maximum methanol conversion is desirable eliminating the
need of energy-intensive distillation for methanol recovery. If a dilute product containing 40 to
44% formaldehyde and 1.0 -1.5% methanol is acceptable then the ballast steam can be increased
to a level where recycled methanol is eliminated with significant saving in capital cost and
energy. In another process, tail gas from the absorber is recycled to the reactor. This additional
gas plus steam provides the necessary thermal ballast without the need for excess methanol. This
process can produce 50% formaldehyde then with about 1.0% methanol without a distillation
tower. Methanol recovery can be obviated in two-stage oxidation systems where, for example,
part of the methanol is converted with a silver catalyst, the product is cooled, excess air is added,

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

and the remaining methanol is converted over a metal oxide catalyst such as that described below
(85). In another two-stage process, both first and second stages use silver catalysts (86-88).
Formaldehyde-methanol solutions can be made directly from methanol oxidation product by
absorption in methanol. The absorber tail gas contains about 20 mol% hydrogen and has a higher
heating value of ca 2420 kJ/m3 (65 Btu/SCF). With increased fuel costs and in-creased attention
to the environment and tail gas is burned for the twofold purpose of generating steam and
eliminating organic and carbon monoxide emissions.

Aqueous formaldehyde is corrosive to carbon steel, but formaldehyde in the vapor phase is not.
All parts of the manufacturing equipment exposed to hot formaldehyde solutions must be a
corrosion-resistant alloy such as type-316 stainless. Theoretically the reactor and the upstream
can be carbon steel but in practice alloys are required in this part of the plant to protect the
sensitive silver catalyst from metal contamination [5].

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Process

Flow Sheet of Production of Formaldehyde Using Silver Process:

Tail Gas
Process DT-12
S = Steam; Water
CW = Cooling
Water AT-11 CW

V-04 DT-13

PW-10 DT-14

Steam- Silver Catlyst S

S Pump-4




AT-09 AT-07


Blower Formaldehyde
CW AT-06
Pump-3 55 %
MF-01 Pump-2

Methanol Pump-1 Methanol
Feed Recycle

Figure 2.1: Flow Sheet of Formaldehyde using Silver Catalyst

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Processes

2.8 Metal Oxide Catalyst Process:

The Formax process established by Reichhold chemicals to make formaldehyde through direct
catalytic oxidation of methanol and some other by-products such as carbon monoxide and
dimethyl ether produced. In 1921, the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde with vanadium
pentoxide catalyst was introduced to and patented. Then in 1933, the iron-molybdenum oxide
catalyst was also patented and used till the early 1990’s. Developments to the metal oxide
catalyst were done through the metal composition, inert carriers and preparation methods. The
first commercial plant for the production of formaldehyde using the iron-molybdenum oxide
catalyst was put into achievement in 1952. Unlike the silver centered catalyst in this project, the
iron-molybdenum oxide catalyst produces formaldehyde from the exothermic reaction (1)
entirely. Under atmospheric pressure and 300 – 400 oC, methanol conversion inside the reactor
could reach 99% and a yield of 88% - 92%.

The air is provided by the turbo blower. Methanol to the plant is provided by the pump and is
inserted into the air stream through a spray nozzle ring. The air methanol mixture is then permits
through the methanol vaporizer, where the methanol is vaporized.

The oxidation of methanol takes place in a fixed bed reactor with 2450 stainless steel tubes. The
tubes are loaded with the metallic oxide catalyst to a specific deepness. The bottom and top
sections of the tubes are occupied small inert rings to develop the heat transfer. The reactor tubes
are surrounded by the liquid heat transfer medium, Dowtherm by which part of the heat of the
reaction is detached.

The gas mixture entering the top of the catalyst tubes is preheated by the boiling Dowtherm in the
reactor shell, while passing over the upper inert rings in the catalyst tube. As the gas reaches the
catalyst, the reaction starts and temperature increases quickly to a maximum. Then temperature
drops because of the conversion of the Dowtherm from liquid as Dowtherm is heat transfer fluid.

The reactor gasses pass out of the reactor bottom and into the vaporizer. In the vaporizer heat
transfer arises and the methanol from liquid is changed into the gas by this heat and from there
the gasses continue to the absorption tower.

The lower part of absorption tower contains of a spray section with several spray nozzles. The
upper part consists of a 27trays with 64 bubble cap.

When the hot entering gas first reaches the spray section it is cooled by the circulating solution of
formaldehyde concentration of final product. The heat of the absorption is detached by cooling
water pumped through coils located below the liquid level on each tray. The Dowtherm is
circulated by thermo-siphon circulation over the reactor shell and the Dowtherm vapor separator.
In the separator the Dowtherm vapors are separated from the liquid and continues further to the

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Processes

condenser, where the vapors are condensed liquid flows them back over the separator and further
to the reactor again.

The Dowtherm condenser which is a shell and tube pipe heat exchanger is operated as a steam
boiler. This steam is further used.

Chapter No.2 Manufacturing Processes

Flow Sheet of Production of Formaldehyde Using Metal Oxide Process



Air Process Water




Blower Storage Tank Heater

Figure 2.2: Flow Sheet of Formaldehyde Using Metal Oxide Catalyst

Chapter No.02 Manufacturing Processes

2.9 Process Flow Diagram Of Silver Process:


Recycle O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr CW= 1425 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr CH3OH = 785.11304 kg/hr
T= 298 K 17 H2O = 9170.57632 kg/hr
CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr T= 393 K H2 = 236.715 kg/hr H2O = 139.65797 kg/hr
P= 2.4 atm T= 350 K 23
V-100 P= 2 atm P = 1.66 atm CH2O =83.144928 kg/hr
8 10
1 12
Feed 2 Process Tail Gas
T= 298 K 16 Water T= 438 K
P= 1 atm P-100 22
S=5838.87 kg/hr 7 T= 303 K
P= 1.8 atm 14
Steam 4 19

H2O(g) = 2000 kg/hr 5

T= 298 K 3
P= 2 atm D-100

O2 = 4444.444 kg/hr A-100
N2 =14629.63 kg/hr
CW=1100 Kg/hr 18 R-100
6 T= 358 K T= 323 K
T= 473K E-100 27
O2 = 4444.444 kg/hr
P= 1.7 atm
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr T= 393 K 9 20 24 25 Storage Tank
CH3OH = 9661.836 kg/hr P= 2 atm T= 338K 21 T= 353 K T= 303 K
Outlet =30735.91 kg/hr
H2O = 2000 kg/hr T= 338 K P= 1.8 atm 26
P= 1.5 atm 11 Formaldehyde Product
CW= 303 K
P-101 T= 355 K 37%

Outlet 23073.33 kg/hr P = 1.66 atm CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr

H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr

Figure 2.3: Process Flow Diagram of Formaldehyde Using Silver Catalyst

Chapter No.02 Manufacturing Processes

Table 2.3: Components and flow rates

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr

CH3OH 9661.83 9661.83 - - 9661.83 793.04 - 793.04 - 7.93 785.11

O2 - - 4444.44 - 4444.44 1903.76 - - 1903.76 - -

N2 - - 14629.63 - 14629.63 14629.63 - - 14629.63 - -

H2O - - - 2000 2000 4858.26 9107.53 13965.8 - 13826.14 139.65

CO - - - - - 13.87 - - 13.87 - -

CO2 - - - - - 21.80 - - 21.80 - -

H2 - - - - - 236.71 - - 236.71 - -

CH2O - - - - - 8314.49 - 8314.49 - 8231.34 83.14

9661.836 9661.836 19074.07 2000 30735.91 30735.91 9107.53 23073.33 16770.11 22065.41 1007.91
30735.91 30735.91 39843.45 39843.45 23073.33

Temp 298 K 393 K 298 ℃ 493 K 393 K 473 K 303 K 338 K 438 K 358 K 350 K

Chapter No. 3 Material Balance

Chapter No. 3
3 Material Balance

Chapter No.03 Material Balance

3.1 Main Reactions:


CH3OH + ½ O2 CH2O + H2O

1 kmol/hr CH3OH 1 kmol/hr CH2O

3.2 Capacity:

=200 ton/day

= (200*1000)/24 = 8333.33 kg/hr

Actual amount of formaldehyde CH2O =277.778kmol/hr

Theoretical amount of formaldehyde CH2O

Theoretical = actual/yield =301.932 kmol/hr

Amount of O2 =138.889kmol/hr

Amount of N2 =522.487kmol/hr

Steam Ratio: =111.111kmol/hr

3.3 Material Balance at Vaporizer (V-100) & Mixing Point:

T= 443 K
Condensate= 5838.87 Kg/hr

1 V-100

T= 298 K T= 393 K
P= 2.4 atm P= 2 atm
CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr 16 CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr

T= 443 K
Steam= 5838.87 Kg/hr

Figure 3.1: Material Balance V-100

Chapter No.03 Material Balance

Table 3.1: Material Balance at V-100

Inlet Stream kg/hr Outlet Stream Kg/hr

1 2
CH3OH 9661.83 9661.83

Mixing Point Vaporizer Air and Steam

19074.07+2000+9661.83 = 30735.91

3.4 Material Balance at Reactor (R-100):

7 T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
19 CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr

CW=1100 Kg/hr
18 R-100

T= 393 K
P= 2 atm 6
O2 = 4444.444 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 9661.836 kg/hr
H2O = 2000 kg/hr

Figure 3.2: Material Balance at R-100

3.4.1 For Reaction 1:

CH3OH CH2O + H2

Overall conversion = 0.98

Chapter No.03 Material Balance

For Reaction 1

CH3OH CH2O + H2

Conversion 0.40

Overall Methanol Conversion 98%

40% of 98 %

Methanol = 301.9324 kmol/hr

Methanol Reacted = 118.3575 kmol/hr

Methanol Remains = 183.5749 kmol/hr

Formaldehyde Produced = 118.3575 kmol/hr

H2 Produced = 118.3575 kmol/hr

Table 3.2: Material Balance R-100

Inlet Stream Kg/hr Outlet Stream Kg/hr

6 7
CH3OH 9661.83 5874.39
O2 4444.44 4444.44
N2 14629.63 14629.63
H2O 2000 2000
CO - -
CO2 - -
H2 - 236.71
CH2O - 3550.72
Total 30735.91 30735.91

3.4.2 For Reaction 2:

60% of 98%

Methanol = 183.5749 kmol/hr

O2 = 138.8889 kmol/hr

Chapter No.03 Material Balance

Methanol Reacted = 158.7923 kmol/hr

Methanol Remaining = 24.78261 kmol/hr

O2 Reacted = 79.39614 kmol/hr

O2 Remains =59.49275 kmol/hr

Formaldehyde produced = 158.7923 kmol/hr

CO = 0.495652 kmol/hr

CO2 = 0.495652 kmol/hr

Overall H2O Produced = 269.9034 kmol/hr

Table 3.3: Material Balance R-100

Inlet Stream Kg/hr Outlet Stream Kg/hr

6 7
CH3OH 5874.396 793.04
O2 4444.44 1903.76
N2 14629.63 14629.63
H2O 2000 4858.26
CO - 13.87
CO2 - 21.80
H2 236.71 236.71
CH2O 3550.72 8314.49
Total 30735.91 30735.91

Chapter No.03 Material Balance

3.5 Material Balance at Absorber (A-100):

Tail Gas
8 10

T= 303 K T= 438 K
P= 1.8 atm P= 1.5 atm
H2O = 9170 kg/hr
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr


T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr T= 338
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr 9 P= 1.5 atm
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr

Figure 3.3: Material Balance at A-100

Methanol and Formaldehyde are very soluble in water:

Formaldehyde solubility in Water = 550kg/m3

= 15.110 m3/hr

Converting into kg/hr we have to multiply with water density:

= 15110 kg/hr

Water Added = 9170.57632 kg/hr

Tail Gases:

O2, N2, CO2, CO

Product from stream 7:


Chapter No.03 Material Balance

Table 3.4: Material Balance at A-100

Inlet Stream Kg/hr Outlet Stream Kg/hr

7 8 9 10
CH3OH 793.04 - 793.04 -
O2 1903.76 - - 1903.76
N2 14629.63 - - 14629.62
H2O 4858.26 9107.53 13965.8 -
CO 13.87 - - 13.87
CO2 21.80 - - 21.80
H2 236.71 - - 236.71
CH2O 8314.49 - 8314.49 -
Total 39843.446 39843.446

3.6 Material Balance at Distillation Tower (D-100):

CW= 1425 kg/hr



T= 350 K
P = 1.66 atm T= 350 K
22 CH3OH = 785.11304 kg/hr
H2O = 139.65797 kg/hr
CH2O =83.144928 kg/hr



T= 358 K
T= 338 K
P= 1.8 atm
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
T= 355 K 21
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr P = 1.66 atm T= 353 K
11 CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr
H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr

Figure 3.4: Material Balance at D-100

Chapter No.03 Material Balance


F.xf = D.xd + W.xw

Top Product: Methanol = 0.99

Bottom Product: Formaldehyde = 0.99, H2O = 0.99

Table 3.5: Material Balance at D-100

Inlet Stream
Outlet Stream Kg/hr
Components Kg/hr
9 12 11
CH3OH 793.04 785.11 7.93
H2O 13965.8 139.65 13826.14
CH2O 8314.49 83.14 8231.34
Total 23073.33 23073.33
From Bottom:

CH3OH =7.930435/22065.42 = 0.0003594 =0.03%

H2O =13826.14/22065.42 =0.6265 =62.65%

CH2O =8231.348/22065.42 =0.3730 =37.30% [4]

Chapter No. 4 Energy Balance

Chapter No. 4
4 Energy Balance

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

4.1 Energy Balance on Vaporizer (V-100):

T= 443 K
Condensate= 5838.87 Kg/hr

1 V-100

T= 298 K T= 393 K
P= 2.4 atm P= 2 atm
CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr 16 CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr

T= 443 K
Steam= 5838.87 Kg/hr

Figure 4.1: Energy Balance V-100

Table 4.1: Energy Balance at Vaporizer V-100

Inlet Stream Outlet Stream

Cp at 345.5 K
Components Kg/hr kg.hr
1 2 Kj/kg.K
CH3OH 9661.83 9661.83 2.69

T1 = 298 K, T2 = 393 K, Tmean = 345.5 K

Q = mCpΔT

Q=mtotal*Cptotal*(338-298) + ((λ+Cp (373-338))

Q = 1040861.784 kj/hr

λ:latent heat of vaporization of methanol at 338 K = 1100.313 Kj/Kg

For Steam in Vaporizer:

λ steam = 2163.22 kj/kg

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

Temperature = 133.54 ℃

=406.54 K

Q= mλ

m= Q/λ

Steam Flow rate:

m= 1040861.784/2163.22

= 5838.8725 kg/hr

4.2 Energy Balance at Reactor (R-100):

7 T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
19 CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr

CW=1100 Kg/hr
18 R-100

T= 393 K
P= 2 atm 6
O2 = 4444.444 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 9661.836 kg/hr
H2O = 2000 kg/hr

Figure 4.2: Energy Balance at R-100

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

Table 4.2: Energy Balance at R-100

Inlet Stream Outlet Stream

Cp at 393 K Cp at 473 K
Components Kg/hr Kg/hr
6 Kj/kg.k 7 Kj/kg.k
CH3OH 9661.83 2.63 793.04 2.8
O2 4444.44 0.94 1903.76 0.96
N2 14629.63 1.04 14629.63 1.05
H2O 2000 1.89 4858.26 1.94
CO - 1.04 13.87 1.06
CO2 - 1.04 21.80 0.98
H2 - 14.46 236.71 14.5
CH2O - 1.3 8314.49 1.41
Total 30735.91 - 30735.91 -

Qin - Qout + Generation - Consumption = Accumulation

T1 = 393 K, T2 = 473 K, Tref = 298 K

Q in = mtotal*Cp*(393-298)

= 4622485 kj/hr

Q out =mtotal*Cp*(473-393)

= 3523734.2 kj/hr

Heat of Reaction:

For Reaction 1

= 84000 kj/kmol

= 177.54 kmol/hr

= 84000*177.54

= 14913360 kj/hr

For Reaction 2:

= -159000 kj/kmol

=118.3541 kmol/hr

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance


= -18817872.6 kj/hr

Adding 1 & 2:

= -18817872.6 + 14913360

= -3904513 kj/hr


= 4622485 + (-3904513)
=717972.64 Kj/hr


=-3523734.2 kj/hr


= R.H.S-L.H.S

= -2805761 Kj/hr

For Cooling Water:

T1 = 298 K, T2 = 453 K, Tmean = 375.5 K

Cp at 375.5 K = 1.89 Kj/Kg.K


m= Q/((Cp*ΔT)+λ+(Cp*ΔT)

m= 2805761/((1.89*348)+2257+(1.89*353))

=1100.3202 Kg/hr

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

4.3 Energy Balance at Absorber (A-100):

Tail Gas
8 10

T= 303 K T= 438 K
P= 1.8 atm P= 1.5 atm
H2O = 9170 kg/hr
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr


T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr T= 338
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr 9 P= 1.5 atm
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr

Figure 4.3: Energy Balance at A-100

Inlet Absorber:

Table 4.3: Energy Balance at Inlet A-100

Inlet Stream Inlet Stream

Cp at 473 K Cp at 303 K
Components Kg/hr
7 Kj/Kg.K 8 Kj/Kg.K
CH3OH 793.04 2.8 - -
O2 1903.76 0.963 - -
N2 14629.63 1.051 - -
H2O 4858.261 1.94 9107.53 1.86
CO 13.87 1.06 - -
CO2 21.80 0.98 - -
H2 236.71 14.5 - -
CH2O 8314.49 1.41 - -
Total 30735.91 - 9107.53 -

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

T1 = 473 K, T2 = 303 K, Tref = 298 K

For Gas Stream 7:

Qin = mCpΔT

Qin = 7708168 Kj/hr

For Water Stream 8:

Qin = mCpΔT

Qin = 84927.78 Kj/kg

Adding both we get = 7793096 Kj/hr

Outlet Absorber:

Table 4.4 Energy Balance at Outlet of A-100

Outlet Stream Outlet Stream

Cp at 465 K Cp at 338 K
Components Kg/hr Kg/hr
10 Kj/kg.K 9 Kj/Kg.K
CH3OH - - 793.04 1.2
O2 1903.76 0.919 - -
N2 14629.63 1.04 - -
H2O - - 4858.26 4.65
CO 13.87 1.04 - -
CO2 21.80 0.847 - -
H2 236.71 14.32 - -
CH2O - - 8314.49 1.22
Total 16805.8 13965.8
T1 = 338 K, T2 = 465 K, Tref = 298 K

For Product Stream 9:

Qout = mCpΔT

Qout = 1325157.69 Kj/hr

For Tail Gases Stream 10:

Qout = mCpΔT

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

Qout = 6467759.30 Kj/hr

Adding both we get = 7793096 Kj/hr

Qin – Qout + Generation = 0

4.4 Energy balance on Distillation Unit (D-100):

CW= 1425 kg/hr



T= 350 K
P = 1.66 atm T= 350 K
22 CH3OH = 785.11304 kg/hr
H2O = 139.65797 kg/hr
CH2O =83.144928 kg/hr



T= 358 K
T= 338 K
P= 1.8 atm
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
T= 355 K 21
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr P = 1.66 atm T= 353 K
11 CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr
H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr

Figure 4.4: Energy Balance at D-100


Table 4.5: Energy Balance at Reboiler:

Component Kg/hr Cp at 358K, Kj/Kg.K

CH3OH 7.93 1.78
H2O 13826.14 1.88
CH2O 8231.34 1.27
Total 22065.42 -

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

λ mixture = 1035 kJ/kg

Q total = m λ

Q= 22837707 Kj/hr

For Steam:

Pressure = 1 atm

λ= 2250.76 Kj/Kg

m= Q/λ =10146.66 kg/hr


Table 4.6: Energy Balance at Condenser:

Component Kg/hr Cp at 350K, Kj/Kg.K

CH3OH 785.11 1.7

H2O 139.65 1.88

CH2O 83.14 1.24

Total 1007.91 -

λ mixture = 1055 kJ/kg

Q= mλ

Q = 1063351.3 Kj/hr

Water requirement:

T1 = 298 K, T2 = 323 K, Tmean = 310.5 K

Cp = 1.865 Kj/Kg.K

Q=mCp (ΔT)

m=Q/Cp (ΔT)

=22806.463 kg/hr

Chapter N0. 4 Energy Balance

4.5 Energy Balance at Exchanger (E-100):

T= 323 K


24 E-100

T= 353 K T= 303 K
P = 1.66 atm P = 1.45 atm
CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr 26 CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr
H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr
T= 298 K

Figure 4.5: Energy Balance at E-100

T1 = 353 K, T2 = 303 K, Tmean = 328 K

Cp = 1.873 kJ/kg.K



=1830076.9 kJ/hr

For Cooling Water:

T1 = 298 K, T2 = 318 K, Tmean = 308 K

Cp = 4.204 kJ/kg.K


m= Q/CpΔT

=1830076.9/4.204* (293)

=21765.901kg/h [4] [15]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Chapter No. 5
5 Equipment Selection and Design

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

5.1 Design of Vaporizer (V-100):


Vaporizers are heat exchangers which are specially designed to supply latent heat of vaporization
to the fluid. In some cases it can also preheat the fluid then this section of vaporizers will be
called upon preheating zone and the other section in which latent heat is supplied; is known as
vaporization zone but the whole assembly will be called upon a vaporizer.

Vaporizers are called upon to fulfill the multitude of latent-heat services which are not a part of
evaporative or distillation process.

There are two principal types of tubular vaporizing equipment used in industry: Boilers and
Vaporizing Exchangers. Boilers are directly fired tubular apparatus, which primarily convert fuel
energy into latent heat of vaporization. Vaporizing Exchangers are unfired and convert latent or
sensible heat of one fluid into the latent heat of vaporization of another. If a vaporizing exchanger
is used for the evaporation of water or an aqueous solution, it is now fairly conventional to call it
an Evaporator, if used to supply the heat requirements at the bottom of a distilling column,
whether the vapor formed be stream or not, it is a Reboiler; when not used for the formation of
steam and not a part of a distillation process, a vaporizing exchanger is simply called a vaporizer.
So any unfired exchanger in which one fluid undergoes vaporization and which is not a part of
evaporation or distillation process is a vaporizer.

Types of Vaporizers:

 Vertical Vaporizer
 Indirect Fluid Heater
 Electric Resistance Vaporizers
 Tubular Low Temperature Vaporizers

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

T= 443 K
Condensate= 5838.87 Kg/hr

1 V-100

T= 298 K T= 393 K
P= 2.4 atm P= 2 atm
CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr 16 CH3OH=9661.836 Kg/hr

T= 443 K
Steam= 5838.87 Kg/hr

Figure 5.1: Vaporizer V-100

Design Calculations:
Process conditions required

Hot fluid: T1, T2, W, c, s, µ, k, Rd

Cold fluid: t1, t2, w, c, s, µ, k, Rd

For designing the following data must be known

Shell side (Cold Fluid) Tube side (Hot Fluid)

ID = 23(1/4) = 23.25 inches Number and Length = 136, 16’0”

Baffles = 5 in OD, Pitch = 1(1/2) in, 16BWG,

Baffle spacing = 4.65 1(7/8) -in triangular pitch

Passes = 1 Passes = 2

(1) Heat Balance:


Qp  mC p T

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Total flow rate = 21300.7 lb/hr

Enthalpy = 29.5 Btu/lb

Inlet temperature = 77oF, outlet temperature = 149oF

∆T = 72oF

Q p = 45242686.8 Btu/hr


Enthalpy of vapor at 338 oF = 23.684 Btu/lb

Qv  mCvT  m

m = 21300.7 lb/hr

λ = 473.0582 Btu/lb

Inlet temperature = 149, outlet temperature = 248

∆T = 99

Q v = 49944565 Btu/hr

Methanol Q = Qp + Qv

Methanol = 45242686.8 + 49944565 Btu/hr

Methanol = 95187252 Btu/hr

Steam = Qs = 12868.87 * 880 Btu/hr

Steam Qs = 11324606 Btu/hr

(2) ∆t Weighted: (Subscript p and v indicate preheating and vaporization.)

For Preheating Zone:

T1 = 338oF T2 = 338oF

t1 = 77 oF t2 = 149oF

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

LMTD = (𝑇1−𝑡2)
𝐿𝑛[ 𝑇2−𝑡1 ]

(LMTD) p = 127.48oF

For Vaporizing Zone:

T1 = 338oF T2 = 338oF

t1 = 149oF t2 = 248oF

LMTD = (𝑇1−𝑡2)
𝐿𝑛[ ]

(LMTD) v = 35.177oF

Q p / (∆t) p = 45242686.8 / 127.48 = 354900.273

Q v / (∆t) v = 49944565 / 35.17 = 1420089.996

∑ q / (∆t) = 354900.273 + 1420089.996 = 1774990.269 oF

Weighted ∆t = Q/∑ q / (∆t)

Weighted ∆t = 11324606 / 1774990.269 oF

Weighted ∆t = 6.38009 oF


From Appendix A Table: A-1

Assume Ud = 500 Btu/hr ft2 oF

A = Q/Ud*∆t

A = 45242686.8 / (500*127.48)

A = 709.8005 ft2

Tube Specification: 1(1/4) in, 16 BWG

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Space per linear ft = at = 0.3271 ft2

No. of tubes = N = A/(L*at)

N = 709.8005 / (16*0.3271)

N = 135.62

Select number of tubes, shell ID and passes at1 (1/4) in, OD tubes on 1(9/16) in. triangular pitch

Corrected number of tubes = N = 136

Number of passes = n = 02

Shell ID = 23(1/4) = 23.25 in

Corrected area and overall heat transfer coefficient, UD:

From Appendix A Table: A-2

Area = A = N × L × at = 0.3271*16*136

Area = A = 711.7696 ft2

Ud = Q / A*∆t

Ud = 45242686.8 / (711.7696*127.48) = 498.6168 Btu/hr ft2oF (corrected)

(3): Tc and tc: Average value of temperature will be satisfactory for preheat zone.

Hot Fluid: Tube Side, Steam Cold fluid: Shell Side, Methanol


(4): Flow area: (4): Flow area:

at  Nt 2
at =  ft as = ID*C’B/144Pt
144  n

For 16 BWG and 1(1/4)” O.D as = 23.25*5*0.25/144*1.25

The flow area/tube in2 = at = 0.985 in2 as = 0.16145833 ft2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

n = number of passes = 2

at = 0.985*136 / 144*2

at = 0.4651389 ft2

(5): Mass velocity: (5): Mass Velocity

ws ws
G G
as as

G = 12868.87/0.4651389 G = 21300.7 / 0.16145833

G = 27666.726 lb/hr ft2 G = 131926.92 lb/hr ft2

(6): At Ts = 248 oF (6): At Ts=113oF (77+149 Avg)

µ = 0.015 µ = 0.4

µ = 0.015*2.42 = 0.0363 lb/ft hr µ= 0.4*2.42= 0.1652893 lb/ft hr

Dia = 1.12/12 = 0.0933333 ft Dia = 0.99/12 = 0.0825 ft

Re t  Re s 
 

Ret = 71135.7 Res = 65848.022

(7): JH = 170

From Appendix A, Figure: A-1

(8): At 113 F (114API):

K (cµ/k) ^ (1/2) = 0.16 Btu/hr(ft2 oF/ft)

Øs = 1

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

(9): h  JH  K  C 
1/ 3
(9): hio for condensing stream:
 De  De 

hio = (ID/OD)*ho ho = 329.69697 BTU/hr ft2 oF

hio = (1.12/0.3271)* 329.69697

hio = 1128.89 BTU/hr ft2 oF

Clean overall coefficient for preheating Up:

Up = (hio*ho) / ( hio + ho)

Up = (1128.89*329.69697) / (1128.89+329.69697)

Up = 255.17283 BTU/hr ft2 oF

Clean surface required for preheating Ap:

Ap = Qp / Up (∆t)p

Ap = 354900.273/ 255.17283

Ap = 1390.8231 ft2


(6): At 65oC = 149oF

µ = 0.37

µ = 0.37*2.42 = 0.8954 lb/ft hr

Dis = 0.825 ft

Re s 

Res = 12155.428

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

(7): JH = 80

From Appendix A Figure: A-2

(8): At 149oF

K (cµ/k) ^ (1/2) = 0.116Btu/hr (ft2 oF/ft)

Øs = 1

1/ 3
(9): hio for condensing stream: (9): h  JH  K  C 
 De  De 


hio= (1.12/0.3271)* 112.4848 ho= 112.4848BTU/hr ft2 oF

hio = 385.15144225BTU/hr ft2 oF

(10): Clean overall coefficient for vaporization Uv:

Uv = (hio*ho) / (hio + ho)

Uv = (385.15144225*112.4848) / (385.15144225+112.4848)

Uv = 87.058966

(11): Clean surface required for Vaporization Av:

Av = qv/Uv (∆t)v

Av = 1420089.996 / 87.058966

Av = 16311.818 ft2

(12): Total Clean Surface Ac:

Ac = Ap + Av

Ac = 1390.8231 + 16311.818

Ac = 17702.641 ft2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

(13): Weighted Clean overall coefficient Uc:

UC = ∑UA/Ac

Uc = (354900.273+ 1420089.996) / 17702.641

Uc = 480 Btu/ft2 oF hr

(14): Design Overall Coefficient:

Surface/lin of tube = 0.3271

Total surface = A = 136*16*0.3271 = 711.77 ft2

Ud = Q(p+v) / A ∆t

Ud = 449 Btu/ft2 oF hr

Check for max flux:

17702.641 ft2 required for which 16311.818 ft2 used for vaporization. For total surface required
711.77 ft2 will be provide, it can be assume then thus the surface provided for vaporization is

A = (Av/Ac)*Total surface

A = (16311.818/17702.641) * 711.77

A = 655.84881 ft2

The flux is

Q/A = 49944565 / 655.84881 = 76165.5 BTU/hr ft2

(15): Dirt factor:

Rd = (Uc-Ud) / (Uc*Ud)

Rd = 0.001438

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Pressure Drop
Tube Side, Steam:

(1): For Reynolds tube side = 71135.7, f = 0.00018 ft2/in2

From Appendix A Figure: A-3

Specific volume of steam at 14.7 Pisa = 26.8 ft2 / lb

S = 1/ (26.8*62.5)

S = 0.000597015

(2): P  fG 2 Ln
 1

5.22  1010 Dspt

t 2

0.00018 7.65E  08  16  2

P t  12 
5.22  1010  0.0725 0.000597015 1

∆Pt = 6.4422 psi (Allowable 10 psi)

Shell Side, Methanol:


(1): Re = 65848.022f = 0.0015 ft2 / in2 [fig 29]

(2): Length of preheat zone:

Lp = Lap / Ac

Lp = 16*1390.8231/ 17702.641 = 1.2570537 ft

(3): No. of crosses:

N+1 = 12Lp/B

N+1 = 12*1.2570537 / 5 = 3.01693

S = 0.5, Ds = 23.25/5 = 1.9375, G^2 = 6.3175E+10

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

fGs2 DsN  1
(4): PS1 
5.22 1010 DeSs

s  1

0.0015 6.3175E  10  1.604  3.01693

PS 
5.22  1010  0.09  0.5  1

∆Ps = 0.25725 psi


(1): Res = 12155.4, f = 0.0021 ft2/in2

From Appendix A Figure: A-3

(2): Length of vaporization zone:

Lv = BWG – Lp = 16 - 1.2570537 = 14.7429 ft

(3): No. of crosses:

N+1 = 12Lv/B

N+1 = 12*14.7429/5

Methanol Mol.wt = 32.5

Density = 32.5/ (359*(659/492)*(14.7/14.05) = 0.064069453 lb / ft2

S outlet liquid = 0.43

Density outlet liquid = 0.43*62.5 = 26.875 lb/ft2

S outlet mix = (21300.7/62.5) / (21300.7/0.064069453)

S outlet mix = 0.00103

S inlet = 0.5

S mean = (S olute mix + S inlet) / 2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

S mean = (0.00103 + 0.50) / 2 = 0.2505126

fGs2 Ds N  1
PS1 
5.22  1010 DeSs

s  1

0.0021 6.3175E  10  0.827  35.3831

PS 
5.22  1010  1.9375 0.25  1

∆PS = 5.480027 psi

∆PS (total) = 5.73 psi (Allowable 10 psi) [9] [18]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Vaporizer (V-100)
Type: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Function: To Vaporize the Methanol
Heat Duty: 95187252 btu/hr
Shell Side Tube side
Flow rate 21300.8 lb/hr Flow rate 12868.87 lb/hr
Inlet = 298 K, Outlet = 393 K Inlet = 443 K, Outlet = 443 K
Pressure = 2 atm Pressure = 2 atm
Passes = 1 Passes = 2
Pressure drop 0.38 atm Pressure drop 0.43
Shell dia = 23.25 in OD = 1 in
Baffle Spacing = 4.65 in No. of tubes =136
UD = 449 Btu/ft F.hr UC = 480 Btu/ft2F.hr

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

5.2 Design of Reactor (R-100):


Chemical reactors are basically specific apparatus used for industrial transformations (chemical
reactions) and their design is one of the well-established and developed areas of Chemical

The reactor does not generally represent a large financial commitment in the chemical plant, but
it is technically the most important part. And it is the job of chemical engineer to ensure the safe
operation of reactor. The most significant factors which control the behavior of a chemical
reactor are briefly listed below:

a) Physico chemical data on the nature of the chemical reactions.

b) Reaction rates
c) Role of pressure and of temperature on the reaction and reacting species.
d) Diluted state of the species

Types of Reactors:

The general types of chemical reactors which differ in design are enlisted below:

 Fixed-Bed Reactor
 Multi-tubular Reactor
 Slurry Reactor
 Moving Bed Reactor
 Fluidized-Bed Reactor
 Thin or Shallow Bed Reactor
 Dispersion Reactor
 Film Reactor

Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors:


Fixed-bed catalytic reactors have been characterized as the workhorses of me process industries.
For economical production of large amounts of product, they are usually the first choice,
particularly for gas-phase reactions. Many catalyzed gaseous reactions are amenable to long
catalyst life (1-10 years); and as the time between catalyst changes outs increases, annualized
replacement costs decline dramatically, largely due to savings in shutdown costs. It is not
surprising, therefore, that fixed-bed reactors now dominate the scene in large-scale chemical-
product manufacture.

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Selection Criteria of Reactor:

For finding best type of reactor we should know following things;

 Conditions in the reactor i.e.; temperature and pressure, reaction time.

 Whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic or is there any means for removal and
addition of heat.
 Whether reaction carried as batch or continuous flow process.

Equipment Selection:

As our process is continuous we only consider reactors for continuous and heterogeneous
processes as gas, liquid and solid phases are present. Reactors are;

 Fixed and Fluidized bed reactors

 Trickle bed reactors

Why Select Packed Column:

 They primarily used for gas, liquid phase solid catalyzed reaction.
 They have low operating cost
 Continuous operation
 High conversion /unit mass of catalyst
 Can handle Large volume
 For economical production of large amounts of product

7 T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
19 CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr

CW=1100 Kg/hr
18 R-100

T= 393 K
P= 2 atm 6
O2 = 4444.444 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 9661.836 kg/hr
H2O = 2000 kg/hr

Figure 5.2: Reactor (R-100)

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Design Calculations:
Temperature = 473 K

Pressure = 2 atm

Conversion = 0.98


𝐶𝐻3𝑂𝐻 → 𝐻2𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2

𝐶𝐻3𝑂𝐻 + ½ 𝑂2 → 2 𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2𝑂

Design Equation:

𝑊 = 𝐹𝐴𝑜 ∫
0 −𝑟′𝐴

Where W is the weight of the catalyst Silver, FAo is the flow rate at inlet stream, −rAis the rate of
the reaction.

Net Rate Law:

( 𝐾1𝐶𝑎𝑅𝑇)
-r =

Ca = Cao (1-X)

1+ 𝐾2𝑅𝑇𝐶𝑎𝑜(1−𝑋)

K1 = exp10.79 – (3810/T)

K1 = 0.00278 kgmol/m3hr

K2 = exp11.43 – (7040/T)

K2 = 0.01

R = 8.314 kj/kgmol.K

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Table 5.1: Components Table

Components kg/hr kg/s kgmol/hr kgmol/s Densities

CH3OH 9661.836 2.68 301.93 0.08 15.9

H2O 2000 0.55 111.11 0.03 0.6

O2 4444.444 1.23 138.88 0.03 1.30

N2 14629.63 4.06 522.48 0.14 1.14

Total 30735.91 8.53 1074.41 0.29 4.73

Volumetric flow rate Vo:

= Mass/density

Vo = 1.801879 m3/s

Cao = Fao/Vo

Cao= 0.046546 kgmol/m3

Table 5.2: Relation between Conversion and Rate Law

Rate Law (-ra) Inverse Of Rate Law

Conversion (X) Kgmol/kgcat.hr (1/-ra) Fao/-ra kgmol/s
0 5.00E-05 19977.33 2899.41
0.1 4.50E-05 22197.00 3221.56
0.2 4.00E-05 24971.57 3624.25
0.3 3.50E-05 28538.89 4141.99
0.4 3.00E-05 33295.31 4832.32
0.5 2.50E-05 39954.30 5798.77
0.6 2.00E-05 49942.79 7248.45
0.7 1.50E-05 66590.26 9664.59
0.8 1.00E-05 99885.22 14496.86
0.9 5.00E-06 199770.07 28993.67
0.98 1.00E-06 998848.91 144968.15

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Levenspiel Plot:

Plot Between conversion and inverse of rate law:

Levenspiel Plot
Inverse Of Rate Law (1/-ra)






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Conversion (X)

Figure 5.3: Levenspiel Plot between Conversion and Inverse of Rate Law

Weight of Catalyst:

Simpson two point rule:

∆X= 0.98-0 = 0.98

= 0.98/2 = 0.49

∆X FAo FAo
W= [ ′ + ′ ]
2 −r A (X = 0) −r A (X = 0.98)

=0.49*(2899.415037 + 144968.1514)

W = 72455.11 kg

Density of Catalyst:

= 10490 kg/m3

Volume of Catalyst (Vc):

= Weight of catalyst/Density

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

= 72455.11/10490

Vc = 6.907065 m3

Reactor Volume (Vr):

Volume of catalyst
Volume Of Reactor = 1−Voidage

Vr = Vc/1- φ

φ = 0.6

Vr = 6.907065/(1-0.6)

Vr = 17.26766 m3

Space Time:

Mass flow rate

Volumetric Flow rate = = 1.801879 m3/s

Volume of Reactor
Space Time = 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒


= 17.26766/1.801879

= 9.583142 s

For packed bed L/D = 3-4

L/D =3

Diameter of Reactor:

Volume = D2L

Vr - D2*(3D)

Vr - 3*D3

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Dia = ((𝑉𝑟∗4)

= (17.26766*4/3.14*3)^0.33

Dia of Reactor = 1.929879 m

Length of Reactor:

L = 3D

L = 3*1.929879

L = 5.789637 m

Number of Tubes:

Number of Tubes = Volume of Catalyst/Volume of Tube

=Volume of Catalyst/( *D2*L)

Volume of Catalyst = 242.7636 ft3

Dia of Tube = 0.3937

Length Of Tube = 16 ft

= 242.7636/(3.14/4)*(0.3937)2*16

Nt = 777

Pressure Drop:

• Using Ergon equation

Ergun’s equation (Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering by McCabe Smith 7th Edition).

Δp 150Voμ (1 ε) 2  1.75ρVo2 1  ε 

= + 
L  s2 Dp2 ε 3   s Dp ε 3 

Cross sectional area = 2.9236 m2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Volumetric flow rate = mass flow rate / density

Volumetric flow rate = 1.801878906 m3/s

Superficial velocity = volumetric flow rate / cross sectional area = 0.6163 m/s

Average Density of feed = 4.73825 kg/m3

Average viscosity of feed = 0.00047035 kg/m sec

Dp = 0.004 m

L = 5.789637 m

Ɛ = 0.5

Putting values in Pressure Drop equation

∆P/L = 6299.08

∆P = 36469.42 pas

∆P = 36469.42/105

∆P = 0.32 atm [20]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Reactor (R-100)
Type: Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor
Function: To Produce CH2O From CH3OH using Silver Catalyst
Operating Pressure 2 atm
Operating Temperature 473 K
Space Time 9.58 s
Volume of Reactor (Vr) 17.26 m3
Volume of Catalyst (Vc) 6.90 m3
Weight of Catalyst 72.45 ton
Dia of Reactor (D) 1.92 m
Length of Reactor (L) 5.78 m
No. of Tubes 777
Pressure Drop (ΔP) 0.32 atm

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

5.3 Design of Absorber (A-100):


Absorption is the phenomena of separation of solute gases from gaseous mixtures of non-
condensable by transfer into a liquid solvent. This recovery is attained by contacting the gas
stream with a liquid that offers specific or selective solubility for the solute gas or gases to be
recovered. It is the second main operation of chemical engineering based on mass transfer.

The Purpose of this Absorber is to absorb methanol and formaldehyde from the product stream of
gas using water natural solvent. And removing the tail gases from the top of absorber.

Types of Absorption

1) Physical Absorption
2) Chemical Absorption
Physical Absorption

In it mass transfer takes place purely by diffusion and is governed by the physical equilibria.

Chemical Absorption

In this type of absorption a chemical reaction occurs as soon as a certain component comes in
contact with the absorbing liquid.

Types of Absorber:

1) Packed Columns
2) Plate Columns

Packed Column Selection

Packing Selection

It is the most important factor of the system. The packing provides adequate area for intimate
contact between phases. The efficiency of packing with respect to both HTU and flow capacity
determines to an important extent the overall size of the tower. The economics of the installation
are therefore tied up by the packing choice.

The principal requirements of a tower packing are:

1) It must be chemically inert to the fluids in the tower.

2) It must be strong without excessive weight.

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

3) It must contain sufficient passages for both streams without extreme liquid holdup or
pressure drop.
4) It must offer good contact between liquid and gas.
5) It must be reasonable in cost.

The packing is the heart of the performance of the absorber. Its proper selection involves an
understanding of packing operational features and the effects on performance of the points of
major physical difference between several types. The types and corresponding merits and
demerits are given below.

 Rashing Rings
 Berl Saddles
 Intalox Saddles
 Pall Rings

For the absorption packing selected in this case are Pall Rings because of the following features.

Merits of Pall Rings:

1) One of the most efficient packing

2) Very little tendency or ability to nest and block areas of bed
3) Higher flooding limits and lower pressure drop than Rashing rings or berl saddles
4) Lower HTU values for most common systems
5) High Loading & Throughput
6) Easily Wettable
7) High Resistance of Fouling
8) High Temperature Applications
9) Good Liquid and Gas Distribution
10) High Mass Transfer Efficiency

Designing steps of Absorber:

 Selection of Column
 Selection of packing and material
 Selection of packing and material
 Calculating the size of packing
 Calculate Flow Factor
 Calculate K4& Mass Velocity
 Calculate the Area of Column
 Calculating the diameter of column
 Determining the height of transfer unit (HOG)
 Determining the number of transfer units (NOG)

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

 Determining the height of the column

 Calculating the operating velocity
 Calculating the flooding velocity
 Determining the pressure drop across the column

Tail Gas
8 10

T= 303 K T= 438 K
P= 1.8 atm P= 1.5 atm
H2O = 9170 kg/hr
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr


T= 473 K
P= 1.7 atm
O2 = 1903.768 kg/hr
N2 = 14629.63 kg/hr
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr T= 338
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr 9 P= 1.5 atm
CO2 = 21.08 kg/hr CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
CO = 13.87 kg/hr H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
H2 = 236.715 kg/hr CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr

Figure 5.4: Absorber A-100

Design Calculations:
G = Gas flow rate = 30735.90982 kg/hr

PG = Pressure of gases = 1.75kg/cm2

TG = Temperature of gases = 2000C

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

µG = viscosity of gas =0.0000125 N.s/m2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

L = Solvent flow rate = 9107.536232 kg/hr

PL = Pressure of solvent = 1.85 kg/cm2

TL = Temperature of solvent = 300C

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

POp = Operating pressure = 1.75 kg/cm2

Flow Factor FLV

𝐿 ʃ
FLV =𝐺 √ ʃ𝐺

FLV = 0.020762154

Design for pressure drop of 42 mmH2O/m of packing. Therefore

From Appendix B Figure B-1

With respect to FLV the value of K4 from graph 11.44 is = 2.0

K4 at flooding from graph 11.44 is = 6.0

Percentage flooding =√𝐾
4 𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔

Percentage Flooding = 59.56833972%

Calculation of Diameter of column:

Packing selected is Metal Pall Rings.

From Appendix B Table B-1

Packing factor of Metal Pall Rings is = Fp = 66 m-1

 k 4 *ρg *  ρ L -ρg  

G*   
 13.1*Fp* µL /ρ L 0.1 
 

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

G* = 4.0432 kg/m2.s

Column area required = G/ G*

G = Gas flow rate = 30735.90 kg/hr

G = Gas flow rate = 8.53 kg/s

Column area required = 8.53/4.0432

Column area required = 2.1116 m2

Diameter = √π ∗ Column area required

Diameter = 1.640 m

Onda’s Method
Calculation of Height transfer Unit:

aw = Effective interfacial area of packing per unit volume m2/m3

Lw = Liquid mass velocity = 1.1980 kg/m2.s

σL = surface tension of Water = 0.072 N/m

σc = surface tension for particular material of packing = 0.0075 N/m

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

a = actual area of packing per unit volume = 102 m2/m3

g = 9.81 m/s2

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

aw   
 Lw 
 Lw 2 a 
 Lw 2 

 1  exp 1.45 c     2    
 g   a
a 
 l   a L   L   L L  

aw/a = 0.10182

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

aw = 0.10182*a

aw = 0.10182*102

aw = 10.3866 m2/m3

Calculation of liquid film mass transfer coefficient:

KL = liquid film coefficient m/s

dp = packing size = 51 mm = 0.051 m

DL= Diffusivity of liquid = 2.82*10-5 m2/s

aw = Effective interfacial area of packing per unit volume m2/m3 = 10.3866m2/m3

Lw = Liquid mass velocity = 1.1980 kg/m2.s

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

a = actual area of packing per unit volume = 102 m2/m3

g = 9.81 m/s2

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

1 2 1

  3  L 3   
ad 
K L  L   0.0051 w   L 

 L g   a w  L    L DL 

KL = 0.000463 m/s

Calculation of gas film mass transfer coefficient:

KG = Gas film coefficient, kmol/m2s.bar

K5 = 5.23 (Packing size above 15 mm)

Vw = Gas mass velocity = 4.0432 kg/m2.s

TG = Temperature of gases = 2000C

R = 0.08314 bar.m3/kmol.K

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

µG = Viscosity of gas = 0.0000125 N.s/m2

DG= µG/ʃG

DG = 3.906*10-6m2/s

dp = packing size = 51 mm = 0.051 m

a = actual area of packing per unit volume = 102 m2/m3

 V   g 3
 ad p  2
 K5  w  
aDg  a   D 
 g   g g 

KG = 0.000552 kmol/m2.s.bar

Gas Film Transfer Unit Height:

Gm = Gas mass velocity = 0.13042 kgmol/m2.s

PG = Pressure of gases = 1.75 kg/cm2

KG = Gas film coefficient = 0.000552 kmol/m2.s.bar

aw = Effective interfacial area of packing per unit volume m2/m3 = 10.3866m2/m3

HG = Gas film transfer unit height, m

H  m
G K a P
G w
HG = 5.4996 m

Liquid film transfer unit height:

Lm = Liquid mass velocity = 0.0665 kgmol/m2.s

Ct = Total concentration, kmol/m3 =ʃL/Molecular weight of solvent

Ct = 1000/18

Ct = 55.55 kmol/m3

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

KL = Liquid film coefficient = 0.000463m/s

aw = Effective interfacial area of packing per unit volume m2/m3 = 10.3866m2/m3

HL = Liquid Film Transfer Unit Height, m

H  m
L K a C
L w t
HL = 0.2488 m

Calculation of Height of Transfer Unit:

HG = Gas film transfer unit height = 5.285 m

Colburn has suggested the economic value of mGm/Lm from 0.7 to 0.8

So we selected the value of mGm/Lm = 0.75

HL = Liquid Film Transfer Unit Height = 0.2488 m

H oG  H G   HL

HOG = 5.011 m

Calculation of Number of Transfer Units:

Equation for equilibrium curve:

Y1= Mole fraction of CH3OH and CH2O in entering gas stream = 0.2375

Y2 = Mole fraction of CH3OH and CH2O in Leaving gas stream = 0.02375

Y1/Y2 = 0.2375/0.02375 = 10

mGm/Lm = 0.75

From Appendix B Figure B-2

NOG is obtained From Appendix B Figure 5.10 using Y1/Y2 and mGm/Lm

NOG = 5

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Calculation of height of tower:

Total height of packing = Z = NOG × HOG

Z = 5*5.011

Z = 25m

Allowances for liquid distribution = 1 m

Allowances for liquid Collection = 1 m

Total Height = 29+1+1

Total Height = 27 m

Calculation of operating velocity:

G = Gas flow rate = 30735.90 kg/hr

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

L = Solvent flow rate = 9107.53 kg/hr

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

𝐿 ʃ
FLV =𝐺 √ ʃ𝐺

FLV = 0.0207

With respect to FLV the value of K4 from graph 11.44 is = 2.0

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

Packing factor of metal pall rings is = Fp = 66 m-1

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

 k 4 *ρg *  ρ L -ρg  

G*   
 13.1*Fp* µL /ρ L 0.1 
 

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

G = 4.043 kg/s

Calculation of flooding velocity:

G = Gas flow rate = 30735.90 kg/hr

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

L = Solvent flow rate = 9107.53 kg/hr

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

𝐿 ʃ
FLV =𝐺 √ ʃ𝐺

FLV = 0.0207

With respect to FLV the value of K4 from graph 11.44 at flooding is = 6.0

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

Packing factor of metal pall rings is = Fp = 66 m-1

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

 k 4 *ρg *  ρ L -ρg  

G*   
 13.1*Fp* µL /ρ L 0.1 
 

G = 6.7875 kg/s

Operating velocity must be 50-90% of the flooding McCabe & Smith

Calculation of wetting rate:

Volumetric liquid flow rate = 0.00252 m3/s

Volumetric liquid flow rate per unit cross sectional area = 0.001198 m3/m2.s

a = surface area of packing per unit volume = 102 m2/m3

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Liquid Volumetric flow rate per unit cross−sectional area

Wetting rate =
Specific area of packing per unit volume

Wetting rate = 1.97183E-05 m2/s

Calculation of Pressure Drop at Flooding

(McCabe & Smith (5th Ed.)

Pressure drop at flooding is given by relation.

ΔPflooding = 0.115Fp0.7

Fp =packing factor for 2-inch metal pall rings = 66 m-1

Fp =packing factor for 2-inch metal pall rings = 20.1219 ft-1

ΔPflooding = 0.115*660.7

ΔPflooding = 2.159 inH2O/m of Packing

ΔPflooding = 54.422 mmH2O/m of Packing

ΔPflooding = 0.00526 atmH2O/m of Packing

Calculation of Total Pressure Drop:

Gy = Gas mass velocity = 4.0432 kg/m2.s

Gx = Liquid mass velocity = 1.1980 kg/m2.s

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

𝐺𝑥 ʃ𝑦
√ = 0.016789
𝐺𝑦 (ʃ𝑥 − ʃ𝑦 )

G = Gas flow rate = 8.53 kg/s

gc = 32

Fp =packing factor for 2-inch metal pall rings = 66 m-1

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

ʃG = Density of Gas = 3.2 kg/m3

ʃL = Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3

µL = Viscosity of Water = 0.00091 N.s/m2

𝐺 2 ∗ 𝐹𝑝 ∗ µ0.1
= 0.07633
ʃ𝑔 (ʃ𝑙 − ʃ𝑔 )𝑔𝑐

𝐺𝑥 ʃ𝑦 𝐺 2 ∗𝐹𝑝 ∗µ0.1
With respect to 𝐺𝑦
√(ʃ and pressure drop from the graph will be From Appendix B
𝑥 −ʃ𝑦 ) ʃ𝑔 (ʃ𝑙 −ʃ𝑔 )𝑔𝑐

Figure B-3

ΔP = 0.72 in.H2O/ft of packing

ΔP = 1.764mmH2O/ft of packing

ΔP = 5.785 mmH2O/m of packing

Total Height of packing = 25 m

Total ΔP = ΔP*Total Height of packing

Total ΔP = 5.785*25

Total ΔP = 144.791 mmH2O

Total ΔP = 0.2 atm [17]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Absorber (A-100)
Type: Packed Column
Packing: Metal Pall Rings
Function: To Absorb CH3OH & CH2O Gas From Product Stream
Operating Pressure 1.7 atm
Operating Temperature 473 K
Dia of Absorber 1.64 m
Column Height 27 m
Area 2.11 m2
Height of Transfer Unit 5.01 m
No. of Transfer Unit 5
Pressure Drop (ΔP) 0.2 atm

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

5.4 Design of Distillation Column (D-100):

The purpose of following distillation design is to recover unreacted methanol from the solution of
water and formaldehyde. Methanol is recovered from the top and mixture of water and
formaldehyde is received from the bottom of the column.

Types of distillation:

There two major types on the basis of operation:

 Batch distillation
 Continuous distillation

Choice of Distillation Column:

Here continuous distillation is selected to get continuous and large quantity of product in a short
period. Operating pressure is one atm, moderated temperature. Sieve plates are used for
economical separation.

Table 5.3: Choice of Distillation

Comparing Bubble Cap

Valve Plate Sieve Plate
Parameters Plate
Cost Moderate High Low

Capacity Low Low High

Pressure Drop Moderate High Low

Fouling High High Low

Designing steps:

Steps for design of Distillation Column are following[36].

 Bubble point and Dew point calculation

 Minimum Reflux Ratio Rm.
 Optimum reflux ratio.
 Theoretical number of stages.
 Actual number of stages.
 Diameter of the column.
 Weeping point.
 Residence time.

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

 Pressure drop.
 The height of the column.

CW= 1425 kg/hr



T= 350 K
P = 1.66 atm T= 350 K
22 CH3OH = 785.11304 kg/hr
H2O = 139.65797 kg/hr
CH2O =83.144928 kg/hr



T= 358 K
T= 338 K
P= 1.8 atm
CH3OH = 793.0435 kg/hr
H2O =4858.21 kg/hr
T= 355 K 21
CH2O =8314.493 kg/hr P = 1.66 atm T= 353 K
11 CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr
H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr

Figure 5.5: Distillation Tower D-100

Design Calculations:

Table 5.4: Composition of Components

Feed Distillate Bottom

Component Feed(fr) Distillate(fr) Bottom(fr)
Kg/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr
CH3OH 0.03 0.78 0.00 793.04 785.11 7.93

CH2O 0.36 0.08 0.37 8314.49 83.14 8231.35

H2O 0.61 0.14 0.63 13965.80 139.66 13826.14

Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 23073.33 1007.92 22065.42

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Flash calculations:

Antoine Equation

log p  A 
T C

Antoine Coefficients

Table 5.5: Antoine Coefficients

Component A B C

CH3OH 4.18 959.43 -21.76

CH2O 4.55 957.24 -98.00

H2O 3.56 643.75 -198.04

Using Antoine equation find the partial vapor pressure (pi) of each component

Table 5.6: Partial Pressure Pi

Component A B C log Pi Pi

CH3OH 4.18 959.43 -21.76 1.15 14.0007888

CH2O 4.55 957.24 -98.00 0.56 3.64

H2O 3.56 643.75 -198.04 -1.04 0.09

Table 5.7: Partial Pressure of Components

Components Pi Ki Xi ki.xf yi

CH3OH 14.00 13.82 0.01 0.47 0.12

CH2O 3.64 3.60 0.23 1.30 0.81

H2O 0.09 0.09 0.77 0.05 0.07

Total - - 1.00 1.83 1.00

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Sample Calculations for heavy key

Z  L V

Ki 

ki = 3.64/1.6

ki = 3.60

zi  ki
yi 
1  v  (k  1)

yi = 0.81

xi 
1  v  (ki  1)

xi = 0.23

Bubble Point Calculation for feed:

Use flash calculation method to find fraction of liquid and vapor of each component in feed

P = 1.8 atm

Table 5.8: Bubble Point Calculation for Feed

Components Pi Ki Xi ki.xf Yi Α

CH3OH (LK) 14 13.82 0.01 0.47 0.12 3.84

CH2O (HK) 3.64 3.6 0.23 1.3 0.81 1

H2O 0.09 0.09 0.77 0.05 0.07 0.03

Total - - 1 1.83 1 -

Sample Calculations for Light key

i 

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

αi = 3.84

i xi
yi 
 i xi

yi = 0.12

kc 
i xi

kc = 3.59

Bubble point of feed is 338 K at 1.8 atm

Dew Point Calculation of Top

T = 350 K

P = 1.8 atm

Table 5.9: Dew Point Calculation of Top

Components Α Ki Xd Σxi=ΣXd/Ki
CH3OH 3.84 13.82 0.78 0.06
CH2O 1.00 3.60 0.08 0.02
H2O 0.03 0.09 0.14 1.54
Total - - - 1.62
So Dew Point is 350 K at 1.8 atm

Bubble Point Calculation of Bottom:

Table 5.10: Bubble Point Calculation of Bottom

Components Ki xb Ki..x b
CH3OH 17.77 0.00 0.01
CH2O 2.31 0.37 0.86
H2 O 0.21 0.63 0.13
Total - - 1.00
So the bubble point is 355 K at 1.8 atm [8]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Underwood Correlation

At average temp of dew point and bubble point temperature

Tavg= = 78.83 Co, 351 K

Sample Calculations for Light Key

log p  A 
T C

P = 1.8 atm

Ki 

Ki = 17.77

i 

αi = 3.21

by trail ϴ = 2.71

Table 5.11: Underwood Equation

Components P Ki Α Xd ϴ Rm+1=Σ(αi*Xd)/(αi-ϴ)

CH3OH 1.01 17.77 3.21 0.78 2.71 4.98

CH2O 1.01 5.53 1.00 0.08 2.71 -0.048
H2O 1.01 0.21 0.04 0.14 2.71 -0.002
Total - - 4.25 1.00 - 4.93

As feed is at boiling point so

𝛼𝑖−𝑥𝑓 3.21−0.003
= =2.707
𝛼𝑖− θ 3.21−2.71

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

i  x f
1 q  
i  

As feed is at boiling point so

q 1

1 q  0

Calculation of minimum reflux ratio

i  xd
Rm  1 
i  

Rm = 3.93

R = 3.93(1.2) = 4.72

Ideal no of stages:

Fenskey equation

 x  x 
log  lk   hk 
 xhk  d  xlk  b
N min  1 
log lk

Nmin +1 = 7.88

Nmin = 6.88

To estimate ideal number of stages use Eduljee relationship

𝑁 − 19.86 𝑅 − 𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 0.566

= 0.75 [1 − ( ) ]
𝑁+1 𝑅+1

𝑁 − 19.86 4.72 − 3.93 0.566

= 0.75 [1 − ( ) ]
𝑁+1 4.72 + 1

N = 14.87

Sample calculation for heavy key

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Use Antoine equation to find Vapor pressure

log p  A 
T C

P = 1.6 bar, 1.62 atm

Z  L V

Ki 

Ki = 0.16

xi 
1  v  (ki  1)

xi = 0.96

l  xi i

ρi = 815.00 kg/m3

l  xi i

𝜌𝑙 = 815

v  yi i

𝜇𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 0.03

Column efficiency:

To estimate column Efficiency use O’Connell’s correlation

Eo  51  32.5log  avg avg 

Eo = 0.89%

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

To estimate feed point location use Kirk bride correlation

N   x  B   x   2 
 
  0.206       
lk B
log  E hk

 NS   xlk  F  D    xhk  D  
 

log ( ) = −0.53

( ) = 0.29

N  NE  Ns

𝑁𝐸 = 0.29𝑁𝑆

𝑁 = 1.29 𝑁𝑆

𝑁𝑆 = 0.53

Nreal = Eo/ Ns =15.78

Feed plate= 12.27

So Feed point location is 12th from bottom.

Flooding Velocity:

L  v
Flv   w 
 Vw  l

From Appendix C Figure C-1

Flv = 0.66

At 0.45 m spacing

l  v   

U f  K1  
v  0.02 

Uf = 0.01 m/s

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Take Uop 75% of Uf

𝑈𝑜𝑝 = 𝑈𝑓 × 0.75

𝑈𝑜𝑝 = 0.0075

Qv 

𝑄𝑣 = 0.003

Uf = 0.01m/s

Take Uop 70% of Uf

Uop = 0.01 m/s

Volumetric flowrate:


 Plate Spacing =0.45mm

 Plate thickness= 3.00mm
 Hw= 40.00mm
 Dh= 3.500mm

Flow rate Qv 

𝑄𝑣 = 0.003

Net area required:

An 
U op

𝐴𝑛 = 0.44 𝑚2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Column Cross sectional Area:

An  Ac  Ad

Ad  0.12 Ac

An  0.88 Ac

Ac 

𝐴𝑐 = 0.50 𝑚2


4 * Ac
Dc 

𝐷𝑐 = 0.80 𝑚

Down comer Area:

Ad  0.12 Ac

𝐴𝑑 = 0.06 𝑚2

Active Area:

Aa  Ac  2 Ad

𝐴𝑐 = 0.38𝑚2

Hole Area:

Let’s by trial its 1.2% of Aa

𝐴ℎ = 0.012 × 𝐴𝑎

𝐴ℎ = 0.005 𝑚2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Weir height = hw = 40mm

Plate thickness = 3mm

Hole diameter = dh = 3.5mm

Weir Length:

 Ad 
  100   12
 Ac 

From Appendix C Figure C-2

 0.75

𝑙𝑤 = 0.6 𝑚

Weir Liquid Crest:

 L 
how  750  w 
 w  lw 

ℎ𝑜𝑤 = 14.35 𝑚𝑚

ℎ𝑜𝑤 + ℎ𝑤 = 14.3 + 40

ℎ𝑜𝑤 + ℎ𝑤 = 54.3𝑚𝑚

Weeping point:

From Appendix C Figure C-3

K2 = 29.7

Uh 
 K2  0.9(25.4  dh )
v 0.5
𝑈ℎ = 0.44

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

 Vw 
U act  0.7   
 v  Ah 

𝑣𝑎𝑝 𝑚
𝑈𝑎𝑐𝑡 = 0.47

𝐼𝑝 = 2.8 × 4

𝐼𝑝 = 9.8 𝑚𝑚

Dry tray Pressure drop:

Ah d 
 0.9   h 
Ap  l p 

𝐴ℎ 3.5
= 0.9 × [ ]
𝐴𝑝 11.20

 0.114

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 3
𝑑ℎ 3.5

= 0.86

From Appendix C Figure C-4

Co = 0.81

 Uh  v

hd  51  
 Co  L

ℎ𝑑 = 10.96 𝑚𝑚 of liquid

Residual head:

hr 

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

ℎ𝑟 = 15.39 𝑚𝑚

Plate Pressure Drop:

Pt  9.81103 ht l

𝛥𝑃𝑡 = 642.87 𝑝𝑎

 dh2
Area of Single Hole =

Area of single hole= 0.000010 m2

No. of holes = 474.97

Total Drop:

ht  hd   hw  how   hr

ℎ𝑡 = 80.70 𝑚m

Pressure Drop:

ΔP = 9.8 * 10-3h1ρ

=0.14 atm [10]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Distillation column (D-100)
Type: Multi component Distillation column
Function: To recover methanol from water and formaldehyde
Operating Pressure 1.82 atm Operating temperature 351 K

No of stages 16 Feed plate location 12.27 bottom

Plate Type Sieve Plate dh 0.0035 m

Plate Spacing 0.45 m ΔP 0.14 atm
Plate thickness 0.0035 m tr 8.09 s
Diameter of Column 0.8 m Hole Area 0.005 m

Height of column 7.64 m No of holes 474.97

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

5.5 Design of Heat Exchanger (E-100):

Heat Exchanger:

Heat transfer is a much important and most of an applied process in the area of chemical and
petrochemical plants. The general economics of a specific plant operation most of the time are
maintained by efficient utilization and recovery of heat or cold fluid. The mostly used word
exchanger is implemented to all the kinds of equipment which exchange the heat but mostly used
specifically to represent the equipment in which the heat is exchanged between two process

Heat exchanger is usually a part of equipment which continuously transfers the heat from one
media to another in order to carry process energy, without mixing the process fluids. Heat
exchangers are used here to pre-heat the feed for the distillation column.

Selection of heat exchanger type:

The “Selection Guide to Heat Exchanger Types” provides a view of different types of heat
exchanger. We will choose the best one to fulfill our requirements.

Table 5.12: Heat Exchanger Type

Applications best relative cost in
Type Significant feature Limitations
suited carbon-steel

Condensers; liquid-
liquid; gas-gas; gas-
Fixed tube Both tube sheets fixed difference at extremes
liquid; cooling and 1.0
sheet to shell. of about 200 oF Due to
heating, horizontal or
differential expansion.
vertical and reboilling.

One tube sheet High temperature

“floats” in shell or differentials, above Internal gaskets offer
head or tube
with shell, tube about 200 oF danger of leaking.
bundle may or may extremes; dirty fluids Corrosiveness of fluids
(removable 1.28
not be removable requiring cleaning of on shell-side floating
and non-
from shell, but back inside as well as parts. Usually confined
cover can be removed outside of shell, to horizontal units.
to expose tube ends. horizontal or vertical.

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Bends must be
High temperature
carefully made, or
differentials, which
mechanical damage
might require
Only one tube sheet and danger of rupture
U-tube; provision for
required. Tubes bent can result. Tube side
expansion in fixed 0.9-1.1
in U-shape. Bundle is velocities can cause
U-Bundle tube units. Easily
removable. erosion of inside of
cleaned conditions on
bends. Fluid should be
both tube and shell
free of suspended

Relatively small
transfer area service,
Each tube has own Services suitable for
or in banks for larger
shell forming annular finned tube. Piping-up
Double pipe space for shell side a large number often 0.8-1.4
Especially suited for
fluid. Usually use requires cost and
high pressures in tube
externally finned tube. space.
(greater than 400

Pipe coil for

submersion in coil- Condensing, or Transfer coefficient is
box of water or relatively low heat low, requires relatively
Pipe coil 0.5-0.7
sprayed with water is loads on sensible large space if heat load
simplest type of transfer. is high.

We choose shell and tube exchanger to fulfill above mention duty.

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

T= 323 K


24 E-100

T= 353 K T= 303 K
P = 1.66 atm P = 1.45 atm
CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr 26 CH3OH = 7.90435 kg/hr
H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr H2O = 9016.461 kg/hr
CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr CH2O =8231.348 kg/hr
T= 298 K

Figure 5.6: Heat Exchanger E-100

Inlet temperature of solution = T1 = 176oF

Outlet temperature of solution= T2 = 86°F

Inlet temperature of cooling water = t1 =77 °F

Outlet temperature of cooling water = t2 = 122 °F

Required data for the process fluid

Mass flow rate of solution =38042.32 lb/ hr

Specific heat capacity of solution (Weighted) = Cp = 0.44 Btu/lb

Thermal conductivity of solution = K= 0.99 Btu/ft.F

Viscosity of solution = µ =1.640 lb/ft.h

Heat taken by solution

Q  mC p T

Q = 1506475.8 Btu/hr

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Mass flow rate of water

Mass flow of cooling water = m= 47985.59 lb/hr


LMTD = (𝑇1−𝑡2)
𝐿𝑛[ 𝑇2−𝑡1 ]

= 25.15 oF

Since cooling water is condensing medium therefore R = 2, S=0.45 and FT =0.62 so

Tm  t

=15.59 oF

Assumed calculations

From Appendix D Table D-1

Value of UD assumed UD = 250Btu/ft2.F

Heat transfer area

U D t

A= 389.4 ft2

From Appenndix D Table D-2

Tube O.D. = 0.75 ft

From Appendix D Table D-3


Tube pitch=PT = 1 in square

No.of passes=Nt=2

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Internal area per unit length of tube =at =0.042 ft2

No. of tubes required are

(𝑎𝑡)∗(𝐿−(𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠)

= 123 tubes

From nearest tube count Table

For 124 tubes shell I.D. for two pass = 15.25 in

Shell Side Calculations:

Shell side data

Shell outer diameter =ID =15.25 in

Baffle spacing on shell side =B =3.65 in [Eq. (11.4)]

Tube pitch=PT= 3/4in square= 1 in square

Tube OD =0.75 in

Clearance between tubes = C/= PT -O.D=1-0.75 =0.25 in

Equivalent diameter of shell for square pitch with clearance

= De = 0.0792 ft

Flow area

IDxC ' B
as 

a s =0.0926 ft2

Mass velocity

Gs 

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

G s = 410800 lb/ft2hr

Reynold’s No

Re 

Re =19800

From Appendix D Figure D-1

JH Factor

jH = 90

Shell side coefficients

ho k  Cp  3
 JH  
o De  k 

=1012.5 Btu/ft². F

For coefficient correction assume it is unity so

ho = 1012.5 Btu/ft2.F

Tube Side Calculations:

Data required for cooling water in tubes.

Inside Dia of tube =0.620 in

Viscosity of Cooling water=0.79 lb/ft.hr

Thermal conductivity of Cooling water =0.346

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Flow area

Internal area per unit length of tube =at =0.302in²

No of passes= 2

at =

= 0.0650 ft²

Mass velocity tube side

Gt 

G t= 738200.6 lb/ft2hr

Reynolds No

D Gt
Re 

Re =19900

From Appendix D Figure D-2

JH Factor

JH = 80

For cooling water, hi=hio =871.3 Btu/ft2.F

Clean overall coefficient

Uc =

Uc= 420.8 Btu/ft2.°F

Ud = Q/A*ΔT

Ud = 248.1Btu/ft2 oF hr

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Dirt factor:

Rd = (Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud)

Rd = 0.00165

Pressure Drop (Shell Side):

From Appendix D Figure D-3

Friction factor for shell side = f = 0.0018ft2/in2

Diameter of the shell =Ds =1.104 ft

No. of crosses, N+1 = 12L/B = 54.8

fGs Ds ( N  1)

Ps 
2.54x1011 De s s

ΔPs=6.17 psi

Pressure Drop(Tube Side):

From Appendix D Figure D-4

Friction factor for tube side = f = 0.00025 ft2/in2

1 fGt Ln
Ps 
2 2.54x1011 Dst

ΔPs= 3.30 psi

Both pressure drops are in allowable limit


The unit has been designed satisfactorily [18]

Chapter No.5 Equipment Selection and Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Cooler (E-100)
Type: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Function: To reduce the temperature of Product Formaldehyde
Heat Duty = 1506475.8 btu/hr
Shell Side Tube Side
Fluid Handled = Mixture of feed Utility = Cooling Water
Flow rate = 38042.32 lb/hr Flow rate = 47985.5 lb/hr
Baffle Spacing = 3.5 in No. of Tubes = 124
Passes = 1 Passes = 2
Shell Dia = 15.25 OD = 0.75 in
Inlet = 350 K, Oulet = 303 K Intet = 307 K, Outlet =320 K
Pressure Drop (ΔP) = 0.41 atm Pressure Drop (ΔP) = 0.22 atm

Chapter No. 6 Mechanical Design

Chapter No. 6
6 Mechanical Design

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

6.1 Max Allowable Pressure:

Hydrostatic Pressure = ρgh

= 0.000268 N/mm2

Pressure in Reactor = 2.02 bar = 0.202N/mm2

Max Allowable Pressure = Pi = 0.202 * 1.1 + 0.000268 N/mm2

= 0.222 N/mm2

6.2 Max Allowable Temperature:

Max Allowable Temperature = 1.1 * T

= 1.1 * 200

= 220℃

6.3 Wall Thickness:

Material = Carbon Steel

Diameter = Di = 1929.87 mm

Height = 5780 mm

Corrosion Allowance = Cc = 2mm

Stress Factor = f = 101 N/mm2

Joint Efficiency = J = 1

𝑃𝑖 𝐷𝑖
2𝑓𝐽 − 𝑃𝑖

0.222 ∗ 1929.87
2 ∗ 1 ∗ 101 − 0.22

𝑒 = 2.12 𝑚𝑚

With Corrosion Allowance

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

𝑒 = 2.12 + 2

𝑒 = 4.12 𝑚𝑚

6.4 Torispherical Head:

Crown Radius = Rc = 1929.87 mm

Knuckle Radius = Rk = 0.06 Rc

1 𝑅𝑐
𝐶𝑠 = (3 + √ )
4 𝑅𝑘

𝐶𝑠 = 1.77

𝑃𝑖 𝑅𝑐 𝐶𝑠
2𝑓𝐽 − 𝑃𝑖 (𝐶𝑠 − 0.2)

𝑒 = 3.75 𝑚𝑚

With Corrosion Allowance

𝑒 = 3.75 + 2

𝑒 = 5.75 𝑚𝑚

6.5 Vessel Supports:

The method used to support a vessel will depend on the size, shape, and weight of the vessel; the
design temperature and pressure and the vessel location and arrangement. The types of support

1. Saddle support (for horizontal vessels)

2. Brackets support (for vertical vessels)
3. Skirt support (for vertical vessels, particularly where the length is high and effect of wind is

For reactor, we use “Bracket supports

6.6 Circumferential Stress:

𝑃𝑖 𝐷𝑖
σh =

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

σh = 52 mm

6.7 Longitudinal Stress:

𝑃𝑖 𝐷𝑖
σL =

σL = 26 mm

6.8 Weight Load:

𝐶𝑣 = 1.08

𝑊𝑣 = 240𝐶𝑣 𝐷(𝐻 + 0.8𝐷)𝑡

𝑊𝑣 = 15.14 𝑘𝑁

Weight of Catalyst = 724.55kN

Total Weight = 15.14+ 724.55

= 739.69 kN

6.9 Wind Load:

Wind Pressure = 1030 N/m2

Total Diameter = D + 2t

= 1.92 + 2*0.00412

= 1.93 m

F = PD

F = 1030 * 1.93

F = 1.996 N/m

6.10 Radial Stress:

𝜎𝑟 =

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

𝜎𝑟 = 0.101 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2

6.11 Bending Moment:

𝑊𝑋 2
𝑀𝑥 =

𝑀𝑥 = 33.457 𝑁𝑚𝑚

6.12 Dead Weight Stress:

𝜎𝑤 =
𝜋𝑡(𝐷𝑖 + 𝑡)

𝜎𝑤 = 29.50 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2

6.13 Bending Stress:

𝜋(𝐷𝑜4 − 𝐷𝑖4 )
𝐼𝑣 =

𝐼𝑣 = 1.17 ∗ 1010 𝑚𝑚4

𝑀𝑥 𝐷𝑖
𝜎𝑏 = ( + 𝑡)
𝐼𝑣 2

𝜎𝑏 = 2.76

6.14 Allowable Stress Intensity:

Circumferential Stress:

σ1 = [σ + σ𝑧 + √(σh − σ𝑧 )2 + 4𝑡 2 ]
2 h

σ1 = 52 N/mm2

Longitudinal Stress:

σ2 = [σ + σ𝑧 − √(σh − σ𝑧 )2 + 4𝑡 2 ]
2 h

σ2 = 32.27 N/mm2

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

Radial Stress:

σ3 = 0.5P

σ3 = 0.101 N/mm2

σ1 − σ2 = 19.73 N/mm2

σ1 − σ3 = 51.90 N/mm2

σ2 − σ3 = 32.17 N/mm2

σ1 − σ3 < 𝑓

The vessel wall thickness is sufficient to ensure the maximum stress intensity does not exceed the
design stress. [16] [17]

Chapter No.6 Mechanical Design

Specification Sheet
Item: Reactor R-100
Type : Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor
To Produce Formaldehyde From Methanol Using Silver Catalyst
Operating Pressure 2 atm
Design Pressure 2.2 atm
Operating Temperature 473 K
Design Temperature 493 K
Wall Thickness 0.00412 m
Diameter Of Reactor (D) 1.929 m
Length Of Reactor (L) 5.789 m
Support Bracket
Pressure Drop 0.32 atm

Chapter No. 7 Pump Sizing

Chapter No.7
7 Pump Sizing

Chapter No.7 Pump Sizing

7.1 Pumps (P-100):

1. P1 and P2

P1 = 1.01 bar = 101325 Pa

P2 = 2.37 bar = 237100.5 Pa

2. Process Equipment

From Appendix E Figure E-1

The process equipment is Centrifugal Pump.

3. Z1 and Z2

From Appendix E Table E-1

Z1 = 0 m

Z2 = 0.61 m

ES and ED = 0.35 bar = 35000 Pa

4. Pump Work

Density of Process Fluid = ρ = 792 kg/m3

𝑔 (𝑃1 − 𝑃2 )
𝑊= (𝑍1 − 𝑍2 ) + − (𝐸𝑆 + 𝐸𝐷 )
𝑔𝑐 𝜌

(101325 − 237100.5) 35000

𝑊 = 9.8 (0 − 0.61) + −
792 792

𝑊 = 221.6

5. Pump Shaft Power

Mass Flow rate = m = 2.68 kg/s

From Appendix E Table E-3

Efficiency =ηp= 45%

Chapter No.7 Pump Sizing

𝑃𝑝 =

2.68 ∗ 221.6
𝑃𝑝 =

𝑃𝑝 = 1.32 𝑘𝑊 = 1.77 ℎ𝑝

Electric Motor Power

From Appendix E Table E-4

Efficiency = η = 86%

𝑃𝐸 =

𝑃𝐸 = 2.06 ℎ𝑝

6. Standard Electric Motor Power

Safety Factor = 10%

𝑃𝑝 = 2.06 ∗ 1.1

From Appendix E Figure E-5

𝑃𝑝 = 3 ℎ𝑝

Standard Electric Motor Power = 3 hp


1 Pa − Pv
NPSH = ( − hfs ) − Za
g ρ

1 101325 − 40500
NPSH = ( − 0) − 0
9.8 792

NPSH = 6.67 m

Chapter No.7 Pump Sizing

Specification Sheet
Item: Pump (P-100)
Type: Centrifugal Pump
No. of Required: 1
To increase the pressure from 1 atm to 2.4 atm
Inlet Flow rate 9661 kg/hr
Inlet Pressure 1 atm
Outlet Pressure 2 atm
Pump Work 221.6 J/kg
Shaft Power 1.77 hp
Motor Power 3 hp
Motor Type Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
NPSH 6.67 m
Pump (101):

Specification Sheet
Item: Pump (P-101)
Type: Centrifugal Pump
No. of Required: 1
To increase the pressure from 1.5 atm to 1.8 atm
Inlet Flow rate 31942 kg/hr
Inlet Pressure 1.5 atm
Outlet Pressure 1.8 atm
Pump Work 107.90 J/kg
Shaft Power 2.06 hp
Motor Power 3 hp
Motor Type Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

Chapter No. 8 Cost Estimation

Chapter No. 8
8 Cost Estimation

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
8.1 Equipment’s Cost:

Vaporizer (V-100):

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Area = 66.08 m2

From Appendix F Figure F-1

Exchanger Cost in 2004 = 29000 $

Pressure Factor 1-10 = 1

Type Factor U-tube = 0.85

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 29000 $ * Pressure Factor * Type Factor

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 24650 $

2004 Cost Index = 509.2

2017 Cost Index = 591

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce 2004 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 28609 $

Reactor (R-100):

Material of Construction = Carbon Steel

Height of Reactor = 5.78 m

Dia = 1.92 m

Form Appendix F Figure F-2

Reactor Cost in 2004 = 20000 $

Pressure Factor 1-5 bar= 1

Material Factor CS = 1

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
Equipment Cost in 2004 = 20000 $ * Pressure Factor * Type Factor

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 20000 $

2004 Cost Index = 541.20

2017 Cost Index = 676.60

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce 2004 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 25003.69 $

Absorber (A-100):

Material of Construction = Carbon Steel

Column Height = 27 m

Column Dia = 1.64 m

From Appendix F Figure F-3

Absorber Cost in 2004 = 100000 $

Pressure Factor 1-5 bar = 1

Material Factor CS = 1

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 100000 $ * Pressure Factor * Type Factor

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 100000 $

Packing Height = 25 m

Packing Material = Pall Rings

From Appendix F Table F-1

Cost Of Packing Material = 1360 $/m3

𝜋𝐷 2
Volume Of Packing = ∗ 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

= (3.14*1.642/4)*25

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
= 52.78 m3

Total Cost of Packing = Packing Height * 1360 $/m3

=71785.424 $

Total Cost in 2004 = Cost Of Vessel + Cost of Packing

= 100000 $ + 71785.424 $

= 171785.42 $

Total Present Cost in 2017

2004 Cost Index = 541.20

2017 Cost Index = 676.60

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce 2004 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 214763.52 $

Distillation Column (D-100):

Material of Construction = Carbon Steel

Height of Column = 7.64 m

Diameter of column = 0.8 m

Form Appendix F Figure F-4

Bare cost= 18*1000 =18,000 $

Purchased cost= Bare cost from fig * Material factor * Pressure factor

Material factor = C.S = 1.0

Pressure factor = 1-5 bar = 1.0

Cost of vessel = 18,000 * 1.0 * 1.0

Cost of vessel in 2004= Ce = 18,000 $

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
Plate diameter = 0.8 m

Plate material = C.S

Plate type = Sieve plate

From Appendix F Figure F-4

Installed Cost = Cost form fig * Material factor

Cost per plate = 290* 1.0

Cost per plate = 290 $

No of plates = 16

Cost of plates in 2004 = 16* 290 = 4640 $

Total Cost of equipment in 2004= Ce = Cost of Column + Cost of plates

Total Cost = Ce = 18000 + 4640 = 22640 $

2004 Cost Index = 541.2

2017 Cost Index = 676.6

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce × 2004 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 28304.18 $

Cooler (E-100):

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Area = 36.15 m2

Material of Construction = Carbon Steel

From Appendix F Figure F-5

Exchanger Cost in 2004 = 19000 $

Pressure Factor 1-10 = 1

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
Type Factor U-tube = 0.85

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 19000 $ * Pressure Factor * Type Factor

Equipment Cost in 2004 = 16150 $

2004 Cost Index = 509.2

2017 Cost Index = 591

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce 2004 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 18744.4 $

Pump (P-100):

Centrifugal Pump

Capacity = S = 3.38 L/s

From Appendix F Table F-2

a = 6900

b = 206

n = 0.9

Ce = a +bSn

Equipment Cost in 2007 = Ce = 7516.44 $

2007 Cost Index = 830.9

2017 Cost Index = 982.3

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce× 2007 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 8886.02 $

Pump (P-101)

Centrifugal Pump

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
Capacity = S = 6.9L/s

a = 6900

b = 206

n = 0.9

Ce = a +bSn

Equipment Cost in 2007 = Ce = 8071.74$

2007 Cost Index = 830.9

2017 Cost Index = 982.3

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce× 2007 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 9542.50$


Capacity = S = 182 kw

Ce = CSn

From Appendix F Table F-3

C= cost Constant = 1920 $

n = 0.8

Ce = 1920 * 182 0.8

Ce in 2007 = 123412.26$

2007 Cost Index = 830.9

2017 Cost Index = 982.3

2017 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = Ce × 2007 Cost Index

Equipment Cost in 2017 = 145899.47 $

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation

Table 8.1: Total Equipment Cost ($)

Equipments Cost($)
Vaporizer (V-100) 28609.88
Reactor (R-100) 25003.70
Absorber (A-100) 214763.52
Distillation (D-100) 28304.18
Cooler (C-001) 18744.40
Pump (P-100) 8886.03
Pump (P-101) 9542.51
Blower (B-100) 145899.47
Total 479753.69

8.2 Direct Cost

From appendix F Table F-4

Direct Cost = 3.6 * Equipment’s Cost

= 3.6 * 479753.69


= $ 1.73 million

8.3 Indirect Cost:

Indirect Cost = 1.44 * Equipment’s Cost

Indirect Cost = 1.44 * 479753.69

= 690845.32

= $ 0.69 million

8.4 Fixed Capital Investment (FCI):

FCI = Direct Cost + Indirect Cost

FCI = 1727113.29 + 690845.32

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
= 2417958.61 $

= $ 2.42 million

8.5 Working Capital Investment (WCI):

WCI = 15% FCI

= 0.15*2417958.61

= 362693.79 $

WCI = $ 0.36 million

8.6 Total Capital Investment:

Total Capital Investment = WCI + FCI

= 362693.79+ 2417958.61

= 2780652.40 $

Total Capital Investment = $ 2.78 million

8.7 Raw Materials:


Flow rate = 9.66 ton/h

Cost = 500 $/ton

Total Cost = 1.59 million $/yr


Flow rate = 19.07 ton/h

Cost = 0.005 $/ton

Total Cost = 944.31 $/yr

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation


Flow rate = 54.78 ton/hr

Cost = 0.01 $/ton

Total Cost = 5490.15 $/yr


Flow rate = 18.23 ton/hr

Cost = 15 $/ton

Total Cost = 2.19 million $/yr


Weight of Catalyst = 72.45 ton

Cost per ton = 100000 $/ton

Total Cost = 7.225 million $/year

8.8 Operating Labor:

Minimum Wage = 0.21 $/h

Capacity = 200 ton/day

=200,000 kg/day

Operating Labour = 40 h/day

Processing Step = 7

From Appendix F Figure F-5

Operating Labour = 40 * 7= 280 h/day

Operating Cost of Labour = 280*330*0.21 = $ 19404

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
8.9 Total Production Cost:

Variable Cost:

From Appendix F Table F-5

Variable Cost = Raw Materials + Utilities + Miscellaneous Materials

Variable Cost = 11.05 million $/yr

Fixed Cost:

Table 8.2: Fixed Cost

Function Cost ($)

Maintenance 120897.93
Operating Labor 19404.00
Laboratory Cost 3880.80
Supervision 3880.80
Plant Overheads 9702.00
Capital Charges 241795.86
Insurance 24179.59
Local Taxes 48359.17
Royalties 24179.59
Total 496279.74

Fixed Cost = $ 0.50 million

Direct Production Cost = Variable Cost + Fixed Cost

= 11.55 million $/yr

Overhead Cost:

Overhead Cost = 30% (Direct Production Cost)

= 3.46 million $/yr

Manufacturing Cost = Overhead Cost + Direct Production Cost

= 15.01 million $/yr

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
8.10 General Expenses:
Table 8.3: General Expenses

Percentage of Total
Function Cost ($)
Production Cost
Administration 2% 300201.08
Distribution and Marketing 2% 300201.08
Research and Development 5% 750502.70
Total 1350904.87

General Expenses = 1.35 million $/yr

Total Production Cost = Manufacturing Cost + General Expenses

= 16.36 million $/yr

Total Production Cost/Capacity (ton/year) = 16360958.96 /66000

= 247.89 $/ton

8.11 Depreciation:
V− Vs
Depreciation = D = N

FCI = V = $ 2.42 million

Salvage Value = s = 5%

Number of Years = N = 20 yr

D = $ 0.11 million

8.12 Gross Earning:

Capacity = 66000 ton /yr

Selling Price = 300 $/ton [12]

Total Income = 19.80 million $/yr

Chapter No.8 Cost Estimation
Gross Income = Total Income – Total Production Cost – Depreciation

= 3.32 million $/yr

Taxes = 40% Gross Income

Taxes = 1.33 million $/yr

Net Income = Gross Income – Taxes

= 1.99 million $/yr

8.13 Rate of Return (ROR):

Net Income
ROR = Total Capital Investment ∗ 100

= 71.73%

8.14 Payback Period:

Payback Period = ROR ∗ 100

= 1.39years [19]

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

Chapter No. 9
9 Instrumentation and Control

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

9.1 Introduction

Measurement is a fundamental necessary to process control whether that control is affected

automatically, semi automatically, or manually. The quality of control obtainable also bears a
relationship to the precision, reproducibility and dependability of the measurement method which
are employed. So, selection of the most effective means for measurement is an important first
step in the design and formulation of any process control system.

In manual control an operator may periodically read the process variable and adjust the input up
or down in such a direction as to derive the temperature to its desired value. Manual control is
used in non- critical application, where any process condition occurs slowly and in small
increments and where a minimum of operator attention is required. While in programmed control,
measurement and adjustments are made automatically on a continuous basis. Today automatic
control is used in industry due to following benefits.

 Improvement in product quality

 Increase in process yield of production rate
 Rise safety for personnel and equipment
 Economics saving in materials, energy of time
 Improvement of working conditions
 Success of operation not possible by manual control

9.2 Control Mechanism

The Controllers reorganizes the offer signal and produces an output signal relative to some
function of the error. The output signal of the controller is the initiating force positioning of the
final control element.

9.3 Process Control

Control in one form or in another is an important part of any chemical engineering operation. In
all practices, there rises the necessity of keeping flows, pressures, temperatures, compositions,
etc. Within certain limits for reasons of safety or conditions. It is self-evident that automatic
control is highly desirable, as manual operation would necessitate continuous monitoring of the
controlled variable by a human operator and the efficiency of observation of the operator would
unavoidable fall off with time. Moreover, variabilities in the controlled variable may be too quick
and frequent.

9.4 Objectives of Instrumentation and Control System

 Suppressing and killing the external disturbances

 Operate the process in a stable manner

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

 Optimize the process operation

9.5 Components of the Control System

Following are the main components of a control system:


Any operation or series of operations that produce a desired final result in a process.

Measuring Element:

As all parts of control system, determining element is perhaps the most important. If
measurements are not made properly the Remaining of the system cannot operate suitably, also
the measured variable is chosen to symbolize the desired conditions in the process.


The controller is the device that replies to any error detecting mechanism. The output of the
controller is determined function of the error. Final Control Element: The final control element
receives the signal from the controller and by some prearranged relationship change energy input
to the process.

9.6 Types of Control

Many different types of controls are used in industry dependent upon requirements and particular
needs. They range from very simple control to very complex system, in general they may be
divided into two major classes as follows:

 Feedback control.
 Feed forward control

9.7 Feedback Control

It is our general behavior that we leant from practice. A feedback control, as the name suggest, is
also founded on same principal. If any input to a system is changed it will change in the system
called as “disturbances”. These disturbances are noted down and modified action is taken on the
input to unwrap the effect that change.


 It does not require the ID and measurement of disturbance.

 Effective for all disorders.
 Insensitive to modeling errors

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

 It can deliver zero steady state offset.


 It waits until the effect of disturbance has been felt by the system.
 Poor response for slow processes or with significant dead time.
 It may create uncertainty in the closed loop response.

9.7 Feed Forward Control

In daily life experience we pride on being able to plan forward. No deriver of automobile waits
for his vehicle to leave the road before operating the steering wheel.

Relatively, he participate the effect of curbed road by introducing the corrective action before
controlled variable is affected. When this idea is properly applied to control system the loop that
is formed is called feed forward in appreciation of the fact that the manipulating variable is open
to a disturbance rather than to controlled variable.


 It acts before the effect of disturbance has been handled by system.

 It is good for slow systems or systems with significant dead time.
 It does not introduce the uncertainty in control system.

 It requires the ID of all possible disturbances and their direct measurement.

 Cannot handle with unmeasured disturbances.
 Complex to process parameter deviation.
 It cannot removed steady state offset.
 It needs good knowledge of process model.
In order to design a control system to work not only automatically but resourcefully, it is
frequently essential to obtain both steady state and dynamic behavior in which this knowledge is
gained is dependent essentially upon the process being controlled and control element to be

9.8 Process Variable

The operation of a process is rely upon the control of the process variables. These are defined as
situation in process materials or machine, which are subjected to alter the temperature, pressure,
flow and liquid level are the main variable, and trailed by perhaps a dozen less often encountered
variables such as chemical composition, viscosity, density, humidity, moisture content and so
forth. Measurement is a important requisite to process control either the control can be achieve
automatically, semi automatically or manual. The quality of control attainable also bears a

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

relationship to precision, reproducibility and reliability of the measurement technique, which are

So, selection of the most effective means of measurements is an significant first step in the design
and modeling of any process control system. An automatic control is used to measure, accurate
and modifies changes of the four principle types of process variations.

 Temperature measurements
 Pressure measurements
 Flow rate measurements

9.9 Temperature Measurement and Control

The temperature measurement is used to control the temperature of outlet and inlet Streams in
heat exchangers, reactors etc most temp measurement in the industry are made by means of
thermocouples to assist the bringing measurement to integrated location for local measurements
at the apparatus bi –metallic or filled system thermometers are used to a minor extent usually,
high measurements accuracy resistance thermometer are used .all these meters are installed with
thermo-walls when used locally .This delivers against atmosphere and other physical elements.

9.10 Pressure Measurement and Control

Like temperature, pressure is a variable indicating material state and composition. In fact, these
two measurements considered together are the primary calculating devices of industrial materials.

In the reactor, pressure measurements are of main importance. Pumps, compressors and other
process equipment related with pressure changes in the process material are done with pressure
measuring devices. Thus pressure measurements become a signal of energy increase or decrease.

Most pressure measurements in industry are elastic elements devices, either directly connected
for local use at show type to centralized location. Most widely used industrial pressure element is
bourdon tube or a diaphragm bellows.

9.11 Flow Measurement and Control

The measurement of flow is an important part of almost every industrial process, and many
procedures have been discovered for it. Measurement of flow usually occupy the same principle
as the measurement of pressure i.e., sensing device coupled with a DP cell.

For superior applications other flow meters may be applied e.g. for process no external
disturbance in the fluid stream is needed for magnetic flow meters. Flow indicator –controllers
are used to control the amount of liquid, also all manually set streams need some flow indication
or some easy means for occasional sample. Most flow measurements in industry are variable

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

head devices. To minor extent variables is used, as are the many available types as special
measuring situations arise.

Table 9.1: Various types of measuring instruments for Temperature, Pressure

Measured process variables Measuring devices Comments

Thermocouples, resistance
Generally for relatively low
Thermometer, thermistors
Thermometer bimetallic
Radiation pyrometers used
for high temperature
Manometers With float or displacers based
Bourdon tube elements on the elastics distortion of
Bellow elements materials.
Pressure Strain gauges Used to convert pressure to
Capsule gauges electric signals.
Thermal conductivity gauge For measurement of
McLeod gauge Vacuum

Table 9.2: Various types of measuring instruments flow Rate and level

Measured process variables Measuring devices Comments

Orifice plate
Venture flow nozzle Measuring pressure drop
Dell flow tube across a flow constriction.
Pitot tube
Flow Rate Dennison flow nozzle Positive displacement and
Turbine flow meter Mass flow meter for high
Hot wire anemometer accuracy. Quantity
Positive displacement and Flow meter
Mass flow meter
Coupled with Various
Float actuated devices
Types of indicators and signal
Displacer devices
Converters good for system
Liquid Level Liquid head pressure
with two phases.
devices Dielectric
Secondary method of
hydrostatic pressure.

9.12 Process Control System Hardware

According to Stephanopoulos (1984), the hardware elements that can be established in control
configuration include:

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

i. Chemical Process:
It indicates the material equipment together with the physical or chemical operations that occur

ii. Sensor:
These type of measuring instruments are usually used for the measurement of the disturbances,
the controlled output variables, or secondary output variables. It represents the behavior of the
process. For instance, thermocouple, venture meter and gas chromatographs.

iii. Transducer:
It used to convert measurement to physical quantities (such as electrical voltage or pneumatic
signal) which can be transmitted easily

iv. Transmission line:

The line is used to carry the measurement signal from the measuring device to the controller.
Sometimes it is equipped with amplifier due to weak signal coming from a far measuring device.

v. Controller:
It is usually a hardware element of an instrument which has “intelligence” features. It accepts the
facts and decides what action should be taken.

vi. Final Control Element:

It implements in real life the decision taken by the controller. For example control valve.

vii. Recording Elements:

They are used to provide a visual demonstration of how a chemical process behaves.

9.13 Valve Selection

Valves used in chemical plants can be divided into two categories depending on their function:

1. Shut off valves – The main purpose of shut off valves is to close off the flow.

2. Control valves – They can be either automatic or manual and their objective is used to
regulate the flow.

Control Valves:
Selection of control valves is an important factor. It is important that good flow control is

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

Whilst the pressure drop is kept low as possible. Control valves may fail to open, this is occurs
when power supply failure happens. Diaphragm valves are commonly used in this case. This type
of valve can be seen in the figure below:

Figure 9.1: Diaphragm valve

Flanged Valves:
Flanged valves can be used for drainage. An example of the type of flanged valve used in this
case is shown in figure below. These are generally closed and are in operation usually during site
or unit maintenance.

Figure 9.2: Flanged Valve

Non- Return Valves:

This type of valve is used to prevent the back-flow of the fluid in the process. It is important that
non-return valves have been correctly installed to ensure they are working adequately, i.e. they
should be fitted in the correct orientation. An example of this type of valve is shown in figure

Figure 9.3: Non-return valve

Gate Valves:
Gate valves are frequently used for shut –off purposes. It is important that a valve selected for
this purpose gives a positive seal in the closed position and minimum resistance to the flow when
the valves are open. Gate valves exist in a wide range of sizes and it is possible to operate them
manually or automatically by the use of a motor. When gate valves are fully open they have a low
pressure drop. When operating gate valves attention must be paid to ensure they are not operated
partially open. This is because the valve seal can become deformed, so as a result the valve will
not seal properly. Below figure shows a diagram of a gate valve which has been frequently used
in the piping and instrumentation diagram.

Chapter No.9 Instrumentation and Control

Figure 9.4: Gate valve

Instrumentation and Control on Distillation Column:


101 Set Point Reflux Drum


Top Product
Feed DT-100
V-3 V-1
Set Point 100



Reboiler Bottom Product


Figure 9.5: Instrumentation and Control on Distillation Column

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

Chapter No.10
10 Hazop Study

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

10.1 Background:

A HAZOP study identifies hazards and operability problems. The concept involves investigating
how the plant might deviate from the design intent. If, in the process of identifying problems
during a HAZOP study, a solution becomes apparent, it is recorded as part of the HAZOP result;
however, care must be taken to avoid trying to find solutions which are not so apparent, because
the prime objective for the HAZOP is problem identification. Although the HAZOP study was
developed to supplement experience based practices when a new design or technology is
involved, its use has expanded to almost all phases of a plant's life. HAZOP is based on the
principle that several experts with different backgrounds can interact and identify more problems
when working together than when working separately and combining their results. The "Guide-
Word" HAZOP is the most well-known of the HAZOPs; however, several specializations of this
basic method have been developed.

10.2 Introduction:

The HAZOP study is a formal procedure to identify hazards in a chemical process facility. The
procedure is effective in identifying hazards and is well accepted by the chemical industry. The
basic idea is to let the mind go free in a controlled fashion in order to consider all the possible
ways that process and operational failures can occur. Before the HAZOP study is started, detailed
information on the process must be available. This includes up-to-date process flow diagrams
(PFDs), process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), detailed equipment specifications,
materials of construction, and mass and energy balances.

The full HAZOP study requires a committee composed of a cross-section of experienced ' plant,
laboratory, technical, and safety professionals. One individual must be a trained HAZOP leader
and serves as the committee chair. This person leads the discussion and must be experienced with
the HAZOP procedure and the chemical process under review. One individual must also be
assigned the task of recording the results, although a number of vendors provide software to
perform this function on a personal computer. The committee meets on a regular basis for a few
hours each time. The meeting duration must be short enough to ensure continuing interest and
input from all committee members. A large process might take several months of biweekly
meetings to complete the HAZOP study. Obviously, a complete HAZOP study requires a large
investment in time and effort, but the value of the result is well worth the effort.

10.3 Success or Failure:

The success or failure of the HAZOP depends on several factors.

 The completeness and accuracy of drawings and other data used as a basis for the study.
 The technical skills and insights of the team.

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

 The ability of the team to use the approach as an aid to their imagination in visualizing
deviations, causes, and consequences.

10.4 Hazop Characteristics:

HAZOP is best suited for assessing hazards in facilities, equipment, and processes and is capable
of assessing systems from multiple perspectives:


Assessing system design capability to meet user specifications and safety standards. Identifying
weaknesses in systems

Physical and operational environments:

Assessing environment to ensure system is appropriately situated, supported, serviced, contained,


Operational and procedural controls:

Assessing engineered controls (ex: automation), sequences of operations, procedural controls etc.
Assessing different operational modes start-up, standby, normal operation, steady & unsteady
states, normal shutdown, emergency shutdown, etc.

10.5 Advantages:

1. Helpful when confronting hazards that are difficult to quantify that is,
 Hazards rooted in human performance and behaviors
 Hazards that are difficult to detect, analyze, isolate, count, predict, etc.
 Methodology doesn’t force you to explicitly rate or measure deviation probability of
occurrence, severity of impact, or ability to detect
2. Built-in brainstorming methodology.
3. Systematic & comprehensive methodology.
4. More simple and intuitive than other commonly used risk management tools.

10.6 Disadvantages:

1. No means to assess hazards involving interactions between different parts of a system or

2. No risk ranking or prioritization capability. Teams may optionally build-in such capability as
3. No means to assess effectiveness of existing or proposed controls (safeguards). May need to
interface HAZOP with other risk management tools.

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

10.7 Effectiveness:
The effectiveness of a HAZOP will depend on:

 The accuracy of information (including P&IDs) available to the team information

 Should be complete and up-to-date
 The skills and insights of the team members
 How well the team is able to use the systematic method as an aid to identifying
 Deviations
 The maintaining of a sense of proportion in assessing the seriousness of a hazard
 The expenditure of resources in reducing its likelihood
 The competence of the chairperson in ensuring the study team rigorously follows
 Sound procedures.

10.8 Key Elements:

Key elements of a HAZOP are:

 HAZOP team.
 Full description of process.
 Relevant guide words.
 Conditions conducive to brainstorming.
 Recording of meeting.
 Follow up plan.

Table 10.1: Guide Words

Guide Words Meaning

No Negation of design intent
Less Quantitative decrease
More Quantitative increase
Part of Qualitative decrease
As well as Qualitative Increase
Reverse Logical opposite of the intent
Other than Complete substitution

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

10.9 Hazop Study on Reactor R-100:

Table 10.2: Hazop Study on Reactor (R-100)

Guide Deviation Cause Consequences Action

 Cleaning of
 No Feed in storage
 Level control
 Decrease in system
 Feed pump rupture
Flowrate production  Maintenance
 Supply pipe
or no of pipes
production  Automatic
 Valve is closed
 Pump is off
 Automatic
No  Decrease in  Maintenance
Level  Blockage in line production of pipes
 Valve is closed or no  Automatic
production valve
 Decrease in
Temperature  Fault in Preheater production  Maintenance
 Steam pipe rupture or no of pipes
 Decrease in
Pressure production  Maintenance
 Fault in Preheater
or no of Preheater
Flowrate  Automatic
 Explosion
 More valve valve
 Less
opening  Check reactor

Level  More valve

 Overflow  Check Valve

Temperature  Fault in Preheater  Explosion  Maintenance

Pressure  Less
 Fault in Preheater  Check valve.

Chapter No.10 Hazop Study

 Automatic
Flowrate  Less valve
 Less of opening of production  Temperature
valves control at
reactor feed
Level  Less of opening of  Less
Less  Check Valve
valves Production

Temperature  Low  Temperature

 Fault in Preheater
Conversion Control

Pressure  Less
 Fault in Preheater  Maintenance

 Low
 Quality control
Impurities in  Problem in raw of raw
As well as rate
feed stream material material and
 Decrease in
 Fouling in pipes product
 Maintenance
Higher or  More or less
 High quality of  Quality control
Lower pure
Part of feed of raw
percentage of production
 Less quality of material and
Feed than
feed product
Replacement  Better
 Wrong connection
Other than of Raw management
during plant  Explosion
Material of changing

Chapter No. 11 Environmental Impact Assessment

Chapter No. 11
11 Environmental Impact Assessment

Chapter No. 11 Environmental Impact Assessment

11.1 Environmental Impact Assessment:

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the process of assessing the likely environmental
impacts of a proposal and identifying options to minimize environmental damage. The main
purpose of EIA is to inform decision makers of the likely impacts of a proposal before a decision
is made. EIA provides an opportunity to identify key issues and stakeholders early in the life of a
proposal so that potentially adverse impacts can be addressed before final approval decisions are
made. The EIA also includes a description of the measures taken to avoid, reduce or remedy
these effects.

11.1.1 Overview:
The US Environmental Protection Agency Pioneered the use of pathway analysis to determine
the likely human health impact of environmental factors. The technology for performing such
analysis is properly called as environmental science. The principal phenomenon or pathways of
impact are:

Noise and health effects

Water pollution impacts
Ecology impacts including endangered species assessment
Air pollution impacts
Soil contamination impacts
Geological hazards assessment

11.1.2 Objectives:
 Ensuring environmental factors are considered in the decision-making process.
 Ensuring that possible adverse environmental impacts are identified and avoided or
 Informing the public about the proposal.

11.1.3 Advantages:
 Allows people to examine the underlying need for a project.
 Gives people the opportunity to identify problems.
 Helps a developer to design a more publicly acceptable project.

11.2 Methanol:

Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol among others, is a chemical with the formula CH3OH..
Methanol acquired the name wood alcohol because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct
of the destructive distillation of wood. Today, industrial methanol is produced in a catalytic
process directly from carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Methanol is a colorless
liquid that boils at 64.96 °C (148.93 °F) and solidifies at −93.9 °C (−137 °F). It forms explosive
mixtures with air and burns with a no luminous flame. It is completely miscible in water.

Chapter No. 11 Environmental Impact Assessment

Methanol has an odor that is similar to ethyl alcohol, the intoxicant of alcoholic beverages, but is
a dangerous poison; many cases of blindness or death have been caused by drinking mixtures
containing it.

11.2.1 Hazard: Fire Hazards:
Highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat. Non-flammable in presence of
shocks. Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Explosive in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat. Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed
in water. Small Fire Use Dry chemical powder. Large Fire: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.
Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. Forms an explosive mixture with
air due to its low flash point. Explosive when mixed with Chloroform, sodium methoxide and
diethyl zinc. It boils violently and explodes. Health Hazard:

Hazardous in case of skin contact, of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly
hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator). Severe over-exposure can result in death. The
substance is toxic to eyes. The substance may be toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, brain, peripheral
nervous system, upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system (CNS), optic nerve.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

11.2.2 Protective measures

Eye Protection:

Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least
15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact:

Wear chemical protective clothing e.g. gloves, aprons, boots. In some operations wear a chemical
protective, full-body encapsulating suit and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).In case of
contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing
contaminated clothing and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient.

Inhalation Protection:

If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult,
give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately.

Chapter No. 11 Environmental Impact Assessment

11.2.3 Spills and emergencies

Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate
waste disposal container. Flammable liquid. Poisonous liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away
from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with Dry earth, sand or other non-
combustible material. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material [13].

11.3 Formaldehyde:

Formaldehyde (systematic name methanal), is a naturally occurring organic compound with the
formula CH2O (H-CHO). It is the simplest of the aldehydes. Formaldehyde is a colorless
poisonous gas synthesized by the oxidation of methanol and used as an antiseptic, disinfectant,
histologic fixative, and general-purpose chemical reagent for laboratory applications.
Formaldehyde is readily soluble in water and is commonly distributed as a 37% solution in water;
formalin, a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water, is used as a disinfectant and to preserve
biological specimens. Environmentally, formaldehyde may be found in the atmosphere, smoke
from fires, automobile exhaust and cigarette smoke. Small amounts are produced during normal
metabolic processes in most organisms, including humans.

11.3.1 Hazards: Fire Hazards:
Formaldehyde becomes a fire or explosion hazard in the presence of heat, flames or other sources
of ignition. Upon ignition, the chemical decomposes into carbon oxides (i.e. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide), which can be hazardous to humans. Use dry Chemical, CO2, water spray or
alcohol resistant foam as extinguisher agents. Use water spray to reduce the vapors. Health Hazard:

Formaldehyde can be highly toxic if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed though skin. Ingestion of as
little as 30 mL of a solution containing 37% formaldehyde has been reported to cause death in
adults. Formaldehyde is classified as a suspected human carcinogen, based on evidence obtained
from human and/or animal studies. Exposure to formaldehyde can lead to allergic reactions in
certain individuals. Sensitization is an immune response. Formaldehyde can become irritating to
the eyes at low concentrations. Irreversible damage. At concentrations near 0.1 parts per million
(ppm), exposure to formaldehyde can be irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
Symptoms of exposure include coughing, wheezing, dermatitis, headaches, watery eyes, nausea,
chest tightness and burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat. Long-term exposure can result
in headaches, insomnia, depression, mood changes, attention deficit and impairment of dexterity,
memory and equilibrium.

Chapter No. 11 Environmental Impact Assessment

11.3.2 Protective measures Eye Protection:
Tight-fitting safety goggles or a full face shield (8-inch minimum) should be worn when handling
formaldehyde. Foot Protection:

Closed-toed footwear is required in all laboratories with hazardous chemicals. Hand Protection:

Concentrated formaldehyde solutions (i.e. 10% or greater) should be handled with medium or
heavyweight nitrile, neoprene, natural rubber or PVC gloves. Skin and Body Protection:

In most laboratories, a lab coat or chemical-resistant apron should be worn when handling
formaldehyde. Further protection for the body may be necessary depending on the concentrations
of formaldehyde being used and operations being performed. Respiratory Protection:

Researchers working in labs with formaldehyde that have exceeded the OSHA action level,
permissible exposure limit or short-term exposure limit may be required to wear respiratory
protection. All employees required to wear respirators in laboratories must have a medical
evaluation, training and a fit test prior to use.

11.3.3 Spills and emergencies:

Evacuate the personal and secure and control entrance to area. Eliminate all the ignition source.
Absorb liquids in vermiculite, dry sand, earth, or a similar material and place into sealed
container for disposal. Ventilate and wash area after clean-up is complete [1].

[1]. Formaldehyde,” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web

Web < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formaldehyde>

[2]. "Formaldehyde Production from Methanol." McMaster University,

[3]. Couper, James R. Chemical Process Equipment: Selection and Design. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
2005. Print.

[4]. Felder, Richard M., and Ronald W. Rousseau. Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes.
New York: Wiley, 2005. Print.

[5]. Kirk, Raymond E., Donald F. Othmer, Jacqueline I. Kroschwitz, and Mary Howe-Grant.
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. New York: Wiley, 1991. Print.

[6]. Rosaler, Robert C. Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1995. Print.

[7]. ScienceLab: Chemicals & Laboratory Equipment." ScienceLab: Chemicals & Laboratory
Equipment Web <http://www.sciencelab.com/>.

[8]. Smith, J. M., Hendrick C. Van. Ness, and Michael M. Abbott. Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics. New York [etc.: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Print.

[9]. Holman, J. P. Heat Transfer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.

[10]. Holland, Charles Donald. Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation. New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1981. Print.

[11]. Fair, James R. Advanced Process Engineering. New York, NY: American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, 1980. Print.

[12]. Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers."

Alibaba. Web. <http://www.alibaba.com/>.

[13]. Methanol." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation,. Web.



[15]. Perry, R.H., and D.W. GREEN, Perry’s chemical engineers’ Handbook, Seventh edition,
McGraw-Hill, 1997.

[16]. Coulson, J.M., J.F. Richardson, “Chemical Engineering” Volume 1 Sixth Edition

[17]. Coulson, J.M., J.F. Richardson, “Chemical Engineering” Volume 6 Sixth Edition

[18]. Kern, Donald Q. Kern “Process Heat Transfer”. First Edition.

[19]. Max S. Peter,Klaus D. Timmerhaus , Ronald E West “Plant Design and Economics of
Chemical Engineering” Fifth Edition.

[20]. Fogler Scott, “Element of Chemical Reaction Engineering” Fifth Edition

[21]. Ludwig, “Applied Process Design for Chemical Plants, Volume 2

[22]. Dyena Company of Formaldehyde, Web http://www.dynea.com/technology-sales/silver-


[23]. Wah Noble Company Web http://www.wah noble company.com.pk

[24]. ZRK Peshawar Web. http://www.ZRKpeshawar.com.pk



Appendix A:

Figure A-1: JH Factor

Figure A-2: JH Factor

Figure A-3: Reynolds Number

Table A-1: Design Coefficient

Table A-2: OD of Tubes in Triangular Pitch


Figure A-1: JH Factor

Figure A-2: JH Factor

Figure A-3: Reynolds Number

Table A-1: Design Coefficient

Table A-2: OD of Tubes in Triangular Pitch

Appendix B:

Figure B-1: Generalized Pressure Drop correlation

Figure B-2: Number of transfer units NOG as a function of Y1/Y2 with mGm/Lm as parameter

Figure B-3: Generalized correlation for pressure drop


Table B-1: Design data for various packing’s


Figure B-1: Generalized Pressure Drop correlation

Figure B-2: Number of transfer units NOG as a function of Y1/Y2 with mGm/Lm as parameter

Figure B-3: Generalized correlation for pressure drop

Table B-1: Design data for various packing’s

Appendix C:

Figure C-1: Flow Factor
Figure C-2: (Ad/Ac)*100 vs. lw / Dc
Figure C-3: K2
Figure C-4: Orifice Coefficient Co


Figure C-1: Flow Factor

Figure C-2: (Ad/Ac)*100 vs. lw / Dc

Figure C-3: K2

Figure C-4: Orifice Coefficient Co

Appendix D:

Figure D-1: Shell side heat-transfer Curve

Figure D-2 Tube Side heat-transfer Curve

Figure D-3 Friction Factor

Figure D-4 Friction Factor

Table D-1: Design Coefficient
Table D-2: Tube-Sheet Layout Square Pitch
Table D-3: Heat Exchanger Tube Data


Figure D-1: Shell side heat-transfer Curve

Figure D-2 Tube Side heat-transfer Curve

Figure D-3 Friction Factor

Figure D-4 Friction Factor

Table D-1: Design Coefficient

Table D-2: Tube-Sheet Layout Square Pitch

Table D-3: Heat Exchanger Tube Data

Appendix E:

Figure E-1: Pump Selection

Table E-1: Process Equipment
Table E-2: Pressure Drop
Table E-3: Pump Type

Table E-4: Efficiency

Table E-5: Horsepower


Figure E-1: Pump Selection

Table E-1: Process Equipment

Table E-2: Pressure Drop

Table E-3: Pump Type

Table E-4: Efficiency

Table E-5: Horsepower

Appendix F:

Figure F-1: Vaporizer Cost
Figure F-2: Reactor Cost
Figure F-3: Absorber Cost
Figure F-4: Distillation Cost
Figure F-5: Exchanger Cost
Figure F-5: Operating Labor (h/day)

Table F-1: Absorber Packing Cost
Table F-2: Pump Cost

Table F-3: Blower Cost

Table F-4: Direct & Indirect Cost

Table F-5: Variable & Fixed Cost


Figure F-1: Vaporizer Cost

Figure F-2: Reactor Cost

Figure F-3: Absorber Cost

Figure F-4: Distillation Cost

Figure F-4: Distillation Plate Cost

Figure F-5: Exchanger Cost

Figure F-5: Operating Labor (h/day)

Table F-1: Absorber Packing Cost

Table F-2: Pump Cost

Table F-3: Blower Cost

Table F-4: Direct & Indirect Cost

Table F-5: Variable & Fixed Cost


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