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Explanatory Note ....................................................................................................................... 7

Form and duration of entrance examinations Evaluation criteria.............................................. 7
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. 7
Section 1. Theory of pressure metal treatment .......................................................................... 8
Section 2. Machines and units for pressure metal treatment ..................................................... 8
Section 3. Process tools for pressure metal treatment ............................................................... 9
Section 4. Basic calculation of pressure metal treatment machines and units .......................... 9
Section 5. Reliability and technical diagnostics of pressure metal treatment machines and units
................................................................................................................................................. 10
Recommended readings for Part 1........................................................................................... 10
PART 2. NON-FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS SCIENCE ............................................. 12
Section 1. Phases and phase equilibria .................................................................................... 12
Section 2. Crystal structure defects ......................................................................................... 12
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations in alloys ....................................................... 12
Section 4. Physical properties of metals .................................................................................. 12
Section 5. Mechanical properties of metals ............................................................................. 12
Section 6. Basics of heat treatment .......................................................................................... 13
Section 7. Methods of studying microstructure and phase state,............................................. 13
Section 8. Crystallization and structure of cast alloys ............................................................. 13
Section 9. Non-ferrous metals and alloys ................................................................................ 13
Section 10. Refractory metals and alloys ................................................................................ 13
Recommended readings for Part 2........................................................................................... 13
NANOSTRUCTURED STATE .................................................................................................. 14
Section 1. Structure of metals and alloys ................................................................................ 14
Section 2. Crystal structure and its defects .............................................................................. 14
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations of metals and alloys in the solid state .......... 14
Section 4. Metallurgical processes for the production of semi-finished and finished
products ................................................................................................................................... 14
Section 5. Heat treatment......................................................................................................... 15
Section 6. Thermomechanical treatment. Chemical and thermal treatment ............................ 15
Section 7. Technology of heat treatment ................................................................................. 15
Section 8. Elastic and plastic deformation. Destruction .......................................................... 16
Section 9. Methods of analysis and verification of metal structure and properties ................. 16
Section 10. Industrial alloys (fundamentals of alloying and heat treatment, properties,
areas of application)................................................................................................................. 16
PART 4. PRESSURE TREATMENT OF METALS .................................................................. 16

Section 1. Basic terms, classification of processes and products manufactured by means of
pressure metal treatment methods. /1a; 2a/ ............................................................................. 16
Section 2. Physics of plastic deformation of metals and alloys, interaction of pressure
metal treatment methods with heat treatment, methods to control product structure and
properties /1a, 2a, 3b/ .............................................................................................................. 16
Section 3. Theoretical background of pressure metal treatment methods /1a, 3a, 4a/ ............ 16
Section 4. Equipment for force action on the material. Secondary equipment,
controls /1a, 2a, 1b/ ................................................................................................................. 17
Section 5. Metal rolling /1a, 2a, 3b/ ........................................................................................ 17
Section 6. Forging, die forging, sheet stamping, /1a, 3a, 1b/ .................................................. 17
Section 7. Extrusion, spinning and drawing of metals /3a, 2b/ ............................................... 17
Section 8. Specific methods of pressure metal treatment /1a/ ................................................. 18
Recommended (basic and additional) readings for Part 4 ....................................................... 18
PART 5. THEORY OF PYROMETALLURGICAL PROCESSES ........................................... 18
Section 1. General issues of producing ferrous metals and alloys /1a, 1b/ ............................. 18
Section 2. Ore preparation for melting, and production of cast iron /1a, 1b/ .......................... 18
Section 3. Production of steel /1a, 2b, 3b/ ............................................................................... 19
Section 4. Producing ingots and cast sections of ferrous metals /1a/ ...................................... 19
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 5 ....................................................... 19
Section 1. Fundamentals of hydrometallurgical processes (Gold production) /1a/ ................. 20
Section 2. Oxidating pyrometallurgy (copper production) /1a/ ............................................... 20
Section 3. Reduction pyrometallurgy (Lead production) /1a/ ................................................. 20
Section 4. Electrometallurgy (Aluminum production) /2a/ ..................................................... 20
Section 5. Wolfram production /a/ .......................................................................................... 20
Section 6. Molybdenum production /a/ ................................................................................... 20
Section 7. Production of tantalum and niobium /a/ ................................................................. 21
Section 8. Titanium and zirconium metallurgy /a/ .................................................................. 21
Section 9. Trace rare metals metallurgy /a/ ............................................................................. 21
Section 10. Radioactive and rare earth metals metallurgy ...................................................... 21
Recommended readings for Part 6........................................................................................... 21
PART 7. MINERAL RAW MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY ..................................................... 22
Section 1. Material composition and washability of ore minerals. ......................................... 22
Section 2. Processes and machines for processing ore minerals ............................................. 22
Section 3. Secondary processes ............................................................................................... 23
Section 4. Technology for integrated processing and enrichment of ore minerals ................. 23
Recommended readings for Part 7........................................................................................... 23
PART 8. FUNCTIONAL AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS .................................... 24
Section 1. Methods for producing powders /5a, 6a/ ................................................................ 24
Section 2. Molding and sintering of metallic powders /5a, 6a/ ............................................... 24
Section 3. Sintered materials with specific properties /5a, 1b/ ................................................ 24
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 8 ....................................................... 25
PART 9. NON-FERROUS AND PRECIOUS METALS SCIENCE ......................................... 25
Section 1. Crystal structure of metals. /1a/ .............................................................................. 25
Section 2. Phase transformations in metals /1a/ ...................................................................... 25
Section 3. State diagrams of binary systems /1a/ .................................................................... 26
Section 4. Iron-carbon system /1a/ .......................................................................................... 26
Section 5. Nonequilibrium crystallization. Features of cast structure /1a/ .............................. 26
Section 6. Relation between casting properties of binary alloys and state diagram. ............... 26
Section 7. Deformation, destruction and mechanical properties of metals /1a/ ...................... 26
Section 8. Changes in structure and mechanical properties of metals during deformation
and subsequent heating /1a/ ..................................................................................................... 27
Section 9. Mechanism and kinetics of phase transformations in the solid state /1a/ ............... 27
Section 10. Types of heat treatment. Transformations during heating and cooling of
steel /1a/ ................................................................................................................................... 27
Section 11. Carbon and alloy steels /1a/ .................................................................................. 27
Section 12. Ternary system state diagram /1a/ ........................................................................ 28
Section 13. Cast irons /1а/ ....................................................................................................... 28
Section 14. Alloys and composite materials based on lightweight metals /1a/ ....................... 28
Section 15. Alloys and composite materials based on heavy metals /1a/................................ 29
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 9 ....................................................... 29
Section 1. Theoretical background of foundry production ...................................................... 30
Section 2. Theoretical background of foundry production ...................................................... 30
Section 3. Production of cast iron and steel castings ............................................................... 30
Section 4. Production of castings from non-ferrous metals and alloys with special
properties ................................................................................................................................. 31
Section 5. Equipment and designing of foundries ................................................................... 32
Recommended readings for Part 10......................................................................................... 32
PART 12. POWDER METALLURGY AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS ............................. 34
Section 1. Powder metallurgy. ................................................................................................. 34
Section 2. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technologies /
10a-13a, 7b-9b/ ........................................................................................................................ 36
Section 3. Functional and nanostructure coatings /14а-18а, 10b-12b/ .................................... 36
Recommended (main and further) readings for Part 12 .......................................................... 36
Section 1. Fluid and Gas Mechanics [1,3,5] ............................................................................ 38

Section 2. Heat exchange theory and mass-transfer theory, and their modeling [1,4,5,6] ...... 38
Section 3. Theory, thermal operation and design of furnaces for metallurgical works, theory
and practice of heat generation [2] .......................................................................................... 39
Section 4. Environmental protection and gas treatment [7,8,9,10] ......................................... 40
Section 5. Automation of obtaining and processing materials [11,12,13] .............................. 40
Recommended readings for Part 13......................................................................................... 41
PART 14. EXTRACTION OF FERROUS METALS ................................................................ 42
Section 1. Preparation of raw materials for melting ................................................................ 42
Section 2. Cast iron production in blast furnaces. ................................................................... 42
Section 3. Non-blast furnace method of primary metal production. ....................................... 43
Recommended readings for Part 14......................................................................................... 43
PART 15. METALLURGY OF SECONDARY RESOURCES ................................................. 44
Section 1. Industry and environment ....................................................................................... 44
Section 2. Resource and ecological basis of social and economic development .................... 44
Section 3. Technosphere and man-made resources ................................................................. 44
Section 4. Basis of resource management ............................................................................... 45
Section 5. Environmentally-clean manufacturing ................................................................... 45
Section 6. Fundamentals of metallurgic production ................................................................ 45
Section 7. Environmental impact of metallurgy. ..................................................................... 45
Section 8. Material recycling at metallurgical production facilities ........................................ 46
Recommended readings for Part 15......................................................................................... 46
MODELLING ............................................................................................................................. 47
Section 1. Basics of thermodynamics ...................................................................................... 47
Section 2. Crystal structure and crystal structure defects ........................................................ 47
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations in alloys ....................................................... 47
Section 4. Diffusion in metals and alloys ................................................................................ 47
Section 5. Basics of heat treatment .......................................................................................... 47
Section 6. Experimental techniques......................................................................................... 48
Section 7. Basics of thermodynamic modeling ....................................................................... 48
Section 8. Physical and thermophysical properties of inorganic materials. ............................ 48
Section 9. Mechanical properties of metals ............................................................................. 48
Section 10. Non-ferrous metals and alloys .............................................................................. 48
Section 11. Steels..................................................................................................................... 48
Section 12. Refractory metals and alloys ................................................................................ 48
Section 13. Ceramic materials ................................................................................................. 48
Section 14. Other types of materials ........................................................................................ 48
Recommended readings for Part 16......................................................................................... 48
PART 17. MATERIALS SCIENCE ........................................................................................... 49

Section 1. Interatomic interaction and electronic structure of solid body 46
Section 2. Atomic structure of solid bodies 46
Section 3. Defects in crystal structure 46
Section 4. Phases and phase equilibria in materials 46
Section 5. Diffusion 46
Section 6. Crystallization 46
Section 7. Phase transformations in the solid state 47
Section 8. Structural transformations in solid state 47
Section 9. Methods of influence on material structure and properties 47
Section 10. Plastic deformation and destruction. Mechanical properties of materials 48
Section 11. Interaction of materials with the environment 48
Section 12. Physical properties of materials 48
Section 13. Methods of analysis and verification of material structure and properties 49
Section 14. Main material classes in metallurgy 49
Recommended readings for Part 17 50

Explanatory Note
The entrance examinations are aimed at evaluating the competence levels of students
applying for the postgraduate studies in 22.06.01 Material Technologies.

Form and duration of entrance examinations Evaluation criteria

The entrance examinations in 22.06.01 Material Technologies are conducted in written
The duration of the entrance examinations is 120 minutes.
The entrance examinations for 22.06.01 Material Technologies are evaluated on a 100
point scale.
The minimum number of points needed to pass the entrance examinations for 22.06.01
Material Technologies is 40 points for all admission conditions.
The entrance examinations for 22.06.01 Material Technologies consist of two parts: a
written exam and an oral interview. To successfully pass the interview, the applicant shall
provide an outline of his/her thesis paper and a motivation letter (1000-1500 words) explaining
their reasons for selecting NUST MISIS and the corresponding program.

List of items allowed to be taken into the exam room: a pen, a pencil, an eraser, and a
non-programmable calculator.


The admission program for postgraduate students in Material Technologies is based on a

course of study that consists of separate parts:
1. Metallurgic equipment and technologies engineering
2. Non-ferrous metals and alloys science
3. Shape memory alloys. Manufacturing products with nanostructured state
4. Pressure treatment of metals
5. Theory of pyrometallurgical processes
6. Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals
7. Mineral raw materials technology
8. Functional and nanostructured materials
9. Non-ferrous and precious metals science
10. Foundry technologies and advanced materials
11. Theory and technology for producing metals and alloys in various metallurgic
units. Mathematic modelling of processes for producing metals and alloys in various metallurgic
12. Powder metallurgy and composite materials
13. Thermophysics and ecology of metallurgic production
14. Extraction of ferrous metals
15. Metallurgy of secondary resources
16. Thermochemistry of materials and thermodynamic modelling
17. Materials science
The class has both a theoretical and practical focus in the field of modern technologies for
the production of materials, analysis of their properties and metallurgic production equipment.

Section 1. Theory of pressure metal treatment
1. Structure of metals. Elastic and plastic deformation of single crystals and polycrystals.
2. Stress state at a point. Diagrams of stress and deformed state. Evaluation of
deformation grade.
3. Cold deformation; formation of texture, hardening.
4. Hot deformation; return and recrystallization.
5. Influence of deformation temperature and rate on plastic properties, deformation
resistance, and structure of metals. Superplasticity.
6. Stress and deformation tensors, their invariant characteristics. Mohr's circles for
stresses and deformations.
7. Conditions of material integrity. Relation between stresses and relative
deformations during elastic and plastic deformation.
8. Generalized Hooke's law. Conditions of plasticity.
9. Particular cases of the stress-deformed state: plane deformation, plane stress state.
10. Mechanism of contact friction in various pressure metal treatment processes.
Importance of process lubricants.
11. Differential equations of equilibrium in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates.
12. Simultaneous solution of approximate equilibrium equations and plasticity
13. Concept of the energy method for solution of plastic
deformation problems.
14. Fundamentals and differential equations of various processes:
upsetting, piercing, die forging, extrusion, sheet and strap rolling, drawing.
15. Calculation of deforming forces in various pressure metal treatment processes.
16. Phenomenological theories of
failure in pressure metal treatment processes.
17. Concept of the utilization factor of the deformed metal plasticity margin.
Parameters of limit plasticity.
18. Fundamentals of experimental methods for
determining deforming forces, torques, contact friction forces, stresses, and deformations.
Section 2. Machines and units for pressure metal treatment
2.1. Equipment for rolling mill shops
19. Purpose and classification of rolling mills. Design of the rolling mill process line.
20. Work stands, rolls, bearings and roll carriages.
21. Devices for installation and balancing of rolls, wiring, spindle and coupling,
pinion stands and gears, main motor.
22. Liquid and consistent lubrication systems; rolling mills cooling
23. Determination of rolling mill motor power based on the value of
force affecting rolls, and on power consumption.
24. Equipment configuration, operating principles and main characteristics of modern
roughing and billet mills.
25. Hot and cold sheet rolling mills.
26. Bar mills, roll forming mills, part rolling mills.
27. Drawing and sizing mills; multiroll mills; planetary mills.
28. Design of parallel and inclined throat shears.
29. Flying and circular shears, circular saws.
30. Determination of the cutting force. Design and basic calculation of sheet
straightening and shape straightening machines.
31. Design of coilers and decoilers.

33. General description of roll finishing machines and units. Levelling mills; basic
calculation of levelling forces.
34. Metal protective coating units.
35. Non-metal protective coating units.
36. Roll thermal treatment units.
37. Equipment and basic technology for metal thermomechanical treatment in the mill
38. Special features of plate and wide-strip mills for controlled metal rolling.
39. CCM Rolling Mill combined continuous units.
2.2. Equipment for the production of pipes
40. Purpose and operating principle of piercing, automatic, continuous, Pilger, screw-
rolling reeling, and reducing mills.
41. Cold rolling, drawing mills, pipe extrusion units.
42. Equipment and basic technology for radial-displacement rolling of rounds.
43. Welded pipe manufacturing methods. Purpose and design of continuous butt-
welding mills and electric welding units.
2.3. Forge and pressing equipment
44. Design and main parameters of hydraulic presses. Hydraulic presses drive. Types
of pumps, pump power calculation. Switchgears, hydraulic circuits and valves.
45. Typical diagrams and working cycle of vapour-
air forging and swaging hammers. Determination of main specifications. Features of high-speed
hammers design.
46. Purpose and operating principle of the crank press. Design categories of mechanical
presses. Calculation of motor drive main parameters.
Section 3. Process tools for pressure metal treatment
47. Concept of reliability, durability and warranty life of tools.
48. Tools material selection. Technology for manufacturing tools.
49. Residual stresses. Accounting for temperature and strain conditions of tools
50. Calculation of contact and temperature stresses in rolling mill rolls.
51. In-service derating of tools: wear, deformation, destruction.
52. Compound tools. Methods for reconditioning of tools.
53. Potential for hardening of tools.
54. Methods for hardening and recovery of tools.
55. Laser hardening, weld reconditioning and surface alloying of process tools.
56. Weld reconditioning of mill rolls.
57. Centrifugal casting of mill rolls.
Section 4. Basic calculation of pressure metal treatment machines and units
58. Kinematics of typical actuators of discrete and continuous machines for pressure
metal treatment (presses, forging machines, shears, rolling mills).
59. Types of frictional bonds, frictional laws. Influence of sliding speeds and loads on
friction conditions. Lubricants action. Friction wear.
60. Antifriction and friction materials used in assemblies of pressure metal treatment
61. Permissible stresses and strength margins with static and variable stresses.
62. Tensile and compression tests of construction materials. Determination of
hardness, impact resistance, heat resistance.
63. Theories of strength.
64. Fatigue resistance. Factors affecting fatigue limit. Scale factor.
65. Stress concentration. Theoretical and effective factors of stress concentration.
66. Calculation of stresses and deformations in parts and assemblies. Basic principles
of strength and stiffness calculation of plane and three-dimensional frames (application for

calculation of base frames, presses, stand base frames of rolling mills).
67. Calculation of round shafts subject to bending with torsion (application for
strength and stiffness calculations of crank shafts of crank presses, and rolling mill rolls).
68. Stability calculation of compression bars and determination of critical force
(application for calculation of connecting rods, press prestressed base frames, and work stands of
rolling mills).
69. Stress and deformation calculation in thick wall cylinders
under internal pressure (application for calculation of mill rolls, and power cylinders of hydraulic
70. Concept of adaptability of machine assemblies and parts to operating conditions
without damaging. Adaptability with thermal cycling and external loading.
71. Methods for calculating dynamic loads in machine parts and assemblies.
Section 5. Reliability and technical diagnostics of pressure metal treatment machines and
72. Basic concepts of the theory of reliability. Element reliability. Main types of
distributions used in the theory of reliability. Repairable and aging elements.
73. System reliability. Non-repairable
systems with independent elements. Models of dependencies between elements. Systems with
redundance and recovery. Markov type models.
74. Reliability calculation of pressure metal treatment equipment.
75. Causes of failures and breakdowns of equipment.
76. Technical diagnostics tasks. Role of technical diagnostics in the system to
improve equipment reliability. Application of technical diagnostics in managing repairs for
machines and units.
77. Basic concepts of technical diagnostics. Diagnostics objects. Models of
continuous objects.
78. Selection of equipment diagnostics parameters. Diagnostic value of an attribute.
Diagnosis algorithm. Methods for identification of object condition, troubleshooting.
79. Main methods for technical diagnostics of mechanical systems, classification of
80. Vibroacoustic diagnostics. Vibroacoustic signal. Devices and methods for analysis
measurement. Systems for vibroacoustic diagnostics of equipment technical condition (gears,
81. Technical diagnostics based on altering physical and mechanical parameters.
Diagnostics according to oil, temperature condition of parts.
82. Main defectoscopy methods: visual-optical, magnet, X-ray, ultrasound, etc.
83. Forecasting of machines und units service life during operation.
84. Measures for improving equipment reliability and durability, and their
Recommended readings for Part 1
1. Birger, I.A. Technical Diagnostics (Техническая диагностика). M.:
Mashinostroyeniye, 1978. 240 p.
2. Bolotin, V.V. Service Life Forecasting (Прогнозирование ресурса). M.: Nauka,
3. Machine Parts and Basics of Engineering (Детали машин и основы
конструирования): Textbook / ed. Gorbatyk, S.M. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2014. 377 p.
4. Zhivov, L.I., Ovchinnikov, A.G., Skladchikov, E.N. Forging and Swaging
Production (Кузнечно-штамповочное производство): College textbook. M.: BMSTU, 2006.
560 p.
5. Zhirkin, Yu.V. Reliability, Operation, Service and Repair of Metallurgic
Machines (Надежность, эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание и ремонт
металлургических машин): Textbook. Magnitogorsk: BMSTU, 2002. 330 p.

6. Zhirkin, Yu.V. Fundamentals of Friction and Wear Theory (Fundamentals of
Triboengineering) (Основы теории трения и изнашивания (основы триботехники)): Study
guide. Magnitogorsk: BMSTU, 2007. 95 p.
7. Grigiryants, A.G., Shiganov, I.N., Misyorov, A.I. Technological Processes of
Laser Treatment (Технологические процессы лазерной обработки): Study guide. M.:
Publishing house of BMSTU, 2008. 664 p.
8. Kolmogorov, V.L. Stresses, Deformation, Destruction (Напряжения,
деформация, разрушение). M.: Metallurgiya, 1970.
9. Laser Hardening of Process Tools for Pressure Metal Treatment (Лазерное
упрочнение технологического инструмента обработки металлов давлением) / Chichenev,
N.A., Ivanov, S.A., Gorbatyuk, S.M., Veremeevich, A.N. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2013.
166 p.
10. Lukashkin, N.D., Kokhan, L.S., Yakushev, A.M. Design and Calculation of
Machines and Units for Metallurgic Plants (Конструкция и расчет машин и агрегатов
металлургических заводов): College textbook. M.: ICC Akademkniga, 2003. 456 p.
11. Mashinostroyeniye. Encyclopedia. Vol. IV. Machines and Units of Metallurgical
Production (Машины и агрегаты металлургического производства) / Pasechnik, N.V.,
Sinitskij, V.M., Drozd, V.G., et al. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 2000. 912 p.
12. Machines and Units of Metallurgical Plants (Машины и агрегаты
металлургических заводов). In 3 volumes. Vol. 3. Machines and Units for Roll Production and
Finishing (Машины и агрегаты для производства и отделки проката). College textbook /
Tselikov, A.I., Polukhin, P.I., Grebenik, V.M., et al. M.: Metallurgiya, 1988. 680 p.
13. Mechanical Equipment for Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Plants (Механическое
оборудование заводов цветной металлургии). College textbook in 3 parts. Part 3. Mechanical
Equipment for Non-Ferrous Metal Treatment Shops (Механическое оборудование цехов по
обработке цветных металлов) / Korolev, A.A., Navrotskij, A.G., Verderevskij, V.A., et al. M.:
Metallurgiya, 1988. 392 p.
14. Okhrimenko, Ya. M. Technology for Forging and Swaging Production
(Технология кузнечно-штамповочного производства). M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1976.
15. Polukhin, P.I., Nikolaev, V.A., Polukhin, V.P., Tolpeeva, N.M. Strength of Rolls
(Прочность валков). Almaty: Nauka, 1984.
16. Rolling (Прокатное производство) / Polukhin, P.I., Fedosov, N.M., Korolev,
A.A., Matveev, Yu.M. M.: Metallurgiya, 1981. 696 p.
17. Potapov, I.N., Polukhin, P.I. New Technology for Screw Rolling (Новая
технология винтовой прокатки). M.: Metallurgiya, 1975.
18. Pronikov, A.S. Reliability of Machines (Надежность машин). M.:
Mashinostroyeniye, 1978. 592 p.
19. Rolling Process (Процесс прокатки) / Zajkov, M.A., Polukhin, V.P., Zajkov,
A.M., Smirnov, L.N. M.: MISIS, 2004. 640 p.
20. Storozhev, M.V., Popov, E.A. Theory of Pressure Metal Treatment (Теория
обработки металлов давлением). M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1977.
21. Theory of Mechanisms and Mechanics of Machines (Теория механизмов и
механика машин): College textbook / ed. Frolov, K.V. M.: BMSTU, 2002. 664 p.
22. Nikitin, G. S. Theory of Continuous Longitudinal Rolling (Теория непрерывной
продольной прокатки). M.: Publishing house of BMSTU, 2009. 203 p.
23. Tselikov, A.I., Tomlyonov, A.D., Zyuzin, V.I., et al. Theory of Rolling (Теория
прокатки). Reference book. M.: Metallurgiya, 1982.
24. Chichenev, N.A. Operation of Process Machines (Эксплуатация
технологических машин): Textbook. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2014. 324 p.
25. Shishko, V.B., Chichenev, G.A. Reliability of Process Equipment (Надежность
технологического оборудования): Textbook. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2012. 190 p.

Section 1. Phases and phase equilibria
1.1 Typical crystal lattices of metals. Crystallographic planes and directions of the
highest packing density of atoms in cubic and hexagonal lattices.
1.2 Substitution solid solution, introduction solid solution and omission solid solution.
Electron compounds, Laves phases, interstitial phases.
1.3 Phase rule. State diagrams of binary systems. Lever rule. State diagram for iron-
1.4 State diagrams for ternary systems, polythermal and isothermal views.
Section 2. Crystal structure defects
Classification of defects. Vacancies, vacancy mobility and self-diffusion. Dislocations,
interaction of dislocations, cross slip and climb. Stacking faults. Impurity segregation on
dislocations and stacking faults. Structure of grain and sub-grain boundaries. Lattice of
conformity points. Migrations of boundaries, influence of impurities and inclusions on
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations in alloys
3.1 Return and recrystallization. Primary accumulative and secondary
recrystallization. Dynamic recrystallization. Textures of recrystallization.
3.2 Crystallization of the hot melt, homogeneous and heterogeneous crystal
nucleation. Tamman curves. Macro and microstructure of the cast metal. Modifying. Liquation.
Eutectic crystallization, eutectic structure. Diffusionless crystallization.
3.3 Origin in phase transformation in solid state, mutual orientation of phases,
principle of structural and dimensional conformity. Structure and mechanism of interphase
boundary during crystal growth in solid state, shear and normal transformation. Features of
martensitic transformation.
3.4 Phase transitions of classes I and II. Ordering.
3.5 Phase transformations during heating, dissolution of particles of the second phase,
and homogenization. Features of transformations on flash heating.
3.6 Phase state and microstructure of the main groups of carbon and alloy steels and
cast irons. Microstructure and application of alloys based on copper, aluminum, titanium,
magnesium, nickel.
Section 4. Physical properties of metals
4.1 Classification of physical properties according to their structure sensitivity.
4.2 Thermal properties. Thermal analysis and its application. Thermal expansion.
Dilatometric study of phase transformations.
4.3 Elastic properties. Inelasticity. Mechanisms of internal friction. Application of the
internal friction method.
4.4 Magnetic and electrical properties. Application of magnetic and electrical
methods to study phase equilibria, changes in microstructure and transformations in alloys.
Section 5. Mechanical properties of metals
5.1 Elastic and plastic deformation. Coefficients and modules of elasticity. Methods
for determining elastic constants. Slip system in cubic and hexagonal metals, Deformation
diagrams of single crystals and polycrystals.
5.2 Mechanisms of plastic deformation. Theory of hardening during deformation.
Hardening in solid solutions. Hardening of the second phase. Effect of grain and subgrain
boundaries on hardening in polycrystal. Dependence of mechanical properties on composition in
binary systems.
5.3 Destruction. Mechanisms of brittle and ductile failures and construction of
fractures. Transition from a ductile failure to a brittle one. Cold brittleness. Standard mechanical
test methods. Tensile and compression tests. True deformation diagrams. Bending and torsion
tests – areas of application. Hardness characteristics.

5.4 Impact resistance. Characteristics of plasticity and cracking resistance. Structural
5.5 Heat resistance. Creep and stress relaxation tests. Mechanisms of deformation and
destruction on creep. Creep rupture strength. Requirements for structure of alloys with high heat
resistance. Fatigue, structural mechanisms. Influence of environment on destruction processes.
Section 6. Basics of heat treatment
Classification of types of heat treatment. Homogenizing annealing. Pre-recrystallization
and recrystallization annealing. Annealing for reducing residual stresses. Hardening, aging and
annealing. Thermomechanical treatment. Chemical and thermal treatment. Essence and purpose
of each type of thermal treatment, main patterns of changes in structure and properties.
Section 7. Methods of studying microstructure and phase state,
7.1 Light and electron microscopy (focused-beam and transmission microscopy).
Methods of local chemical analysis.
7.2 X-Ray and radiographic phase analysis.
Section 8. Crystallization and structure of cast alloys
8.1 Dendritic segregation. Analysis of none quilibrium crystallization in binary
systems with continuous series of solid solutions and of eutectic type. Diffusionless
8.2 Eutectic crystallization. Structure of eutetic colonies.
Section 9. Non-ferrous metals and alloys
9.1 Aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, tin; their structure,
properties and applications.
9.2 Characteristics of main groups of industrial non-ferrous alloys based on
aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead and tin. Features of chemical and
phase composition and thermal treatment, properties, marking according to GOST and

Section 10. Refractory metals and alloys

Features of structure and properties of refractory metals. Interaction with the
environment. Cold brittleness problem. Direction of doping and application.
Recommended readings for Part 2
Main readings
1. Metal science (Металловедение). In 2 volumes. Ed. Zolotarevskij, V.S., M., MISIS,
2. Kolachev, B.A., Livanov, V.A., Elagin, V.I. Metal Science and Heat Treatment of
Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys (Металловедение и термическая обработка цветных
металлов и сплавов). M., MISIS, 2005.
3. Zolotarevskij, V.S. Mechanical Properties of Metals (Механические свойства
металлов). M., Metallurgiya, 1998.
Additional readings.
1. Zakharov, A.M. State Diagrams of Binary and Ternary Systems (Диаграммы
состояния двойных и тройных систем). M.: Metallurgiya, 1990.
2. Umanskij, Ya.S., Skakov, Yu.A. Physics of Metals (Физика металлов). M.,
Atomizdat, 1978.
3. Novikov, I.I., Rozin, K.M. Crystallography and Crystal Lattice Defects
(Кристаллография и дефекты кристаллической решетки). M., Metallurgiya, 1990.
4. Novikov, I. I. Theory of Metal Heat Treatment (Теория термической обработки
металлов). M., Metallurgiya, 1986.
5. Livshits, V.G., Kraposhin, V.S., Linetskij, Ya.L. Physical Properties of Metals and
Alloys (Физические свойства металлов и сплавов). M., Metallurgiya, 1980.

6. Crystallography, Radiography and Electron Microscopy (Кристаллография,
рентгенография и электронная микроскопия). Authors: Umanskij, Ya.S., Skakov, Yu.A.,
Ivanov, A.N., Rastorguev, L.N. M., Metallurgiya, 1982.


Section 1. Structure of metals and alloys
1.1 Main types of atomic bonds in solid bodies. Metallic bond. Electronic structure
and physical properties of metals. Fermi surface and Brillouin zones.
1.2 Substitution solid solution, introduction solid solution and omission solid solution.
Ordered solid solutions. Electron compounds, Laves phases, s-phases, interstitial phases.
Deviations from Vegard's law.
1.3 Phase rule. State diagrams of binary and ternary systems with continuous series of
solid solutions, with eutectic, peritetic and monotetic equilibria, with congruently and
incongruently melting interstitial phases, with component polymorphism. Thermodynamic
analysis of state diagrams. Deviations from equilibrium on alloy crystallization in various
Section 2. Crystal structure and its defects
2.1 Main types of crystal lattices. Unit cells. Indices of directions and planes in a
crystal lattice. Crystalline anisotropy.
2.2 Types of defects in crystal structure. Point defects. Dislocations. Stacking faults.
Burgers vector. Dislocation density. Slip and climb of dislocations. Origin and multiplication of
dislocations, Frank-Read source. Peierls-Nabarro force. Interaction of dislocations and
interaction between dislocations with impurity atoms. Cottrell, Snooke, and Suzuki atmospheres.
Dislocation networks and low-angle boundaries. High-angle boundaries. Migration of boundaries
and grain boundary sliding. Twins. Crystallography and mechanism of deformation twinning.
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations of metals and alloys in the solid state
3.1 Mechanisms of atom migration. Fick's laws. Diffusion coefficient. Structurally
sensitive diffusion processes. Diffusion in external force fields.
3.2 Classification of phase and structural transformations. Phase transformations of
class I and II. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation mechanisms. Structure and
mechanism of interphase boundary movement. Shear (diffusionless) and normal (diffusion)
transformations. Thermodynamic and crystallographic analysis of shear (martensitic)
transformation. Mechanism and kinetics of shear and normal transformations. Eutectoid
transformation. Mechanism and kinetics of eutectoid transformation. Diagrams of phase
transformations (thermokinetic, isothermal, etc.).
3.3 Ordering of the solid solution. Long-range and short-range order. Change in alloy
properties on ordering. Creation and decay of metastable phases. Decay of the supersaturated
solid solution. Spinodal decomposition. Thermodynamics of interstitial phases creation.
Structural changes on aging (clusters, G-P zones, interstitial metastable phases, modulated
structures). Coherent, partially coherent and non-coherent precipitations. Forms of precipitations.
Continuous and non-continuous decomposition.
Section 4. Metallurgical processes for the production of semi-finished and finished
4.1. Types of foundry technologies. Structure and properties of liquid metals.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous crystal nucleation, critical nucleus size. Solutal undercooling.
Eutectic crystallization. Influence of crystallization speed on alloy structure. Structure of a metal
ingot. Modification of the cast alloy structure. Formation of metastable phases on crystallization.
Diffusionless crystallization. Metallic glasses. Methods for producing single crystals from melts.
Pellet metallurgy.

4.2. Techniques of pressure metal treatment. Influence of deformation temperature,
diagram and grade on the deformation resistance, structure and properties of metals and alloys.
4.3. Types of welding metals and alloys. Structure and properties of welded joints.
Section 5. Heat treatment
5.1. Classification of types of heat treatment.
5.2. Homogenizing annealing. Change in alloy structure and properties during
homogenizing annealing.
5.3. Pre-recrystallization and recrystallization annealing. Strain-relief crystallization.
Polygonization. Primary, accumulative and secondary recrystallization. Mechanism and kinetics
of strain-relief crystallization, polygonization and recrystallization types, influence of previous
plastic deformation, impurities, annealing temperature and duration on them. Polygonized and
recrystallized structure parameters. Critical grade of deformation. Recrystallization diagrams.
Patterns and nature of mechanical and physical properties changes on annealing after cold
deformation. Deformation, primary, accumulative and secondary recrystallization texture,
mechanism of its formation. Anisotropy of textured metals properties.
5.4. Annealing for reducing residual stresses. Mechanism of reducing residual stresses on
5.5. Phase transformations on heating. Structural heredity.
5.6. Hardening without polymorphic transformations. Change of structure and properties
during hardening.
5.7. Hardening with polymorphic transformations. Microstructure and substructure of
martensite. Hardening and change of plasticity during martensitic hardening. Critical speed of
cooling during hardening, through-hardening.
5.8. Bainitic transformation. Structure of bainite. Isothermal hardening.
5.9. Aging. Nature of hardening on aging. Influence of aging temperature and duration on
mechanical and physical properties of alloys. Overaging, step aging. Influence of hardening
heating temperature and cooling speed on formation of structure and properties of alloys during
5.10. Tempering. Change in microstructure, substructure, and phase composition during
tempering. Reversible and irreversible temper embrittlement.
Section 6. Thermomechanical treatment. Chemical and thermal treatment
6.1. Thermomechanical treatment. Structural changes during plastic deformation.
Dynamic polygonization and dynamic recrystallization. Return and recrystallization after hot
6.2. High-temperature and low-temperature thermomechanical treatment.
Thermomechanical treatment of precipitation hardening alloys.
6.3. Chemical and thermal treatment. Primary processes in chemical and thermal
treatment. Structure of diffusion layers and its relation to the state diagram.
6.4. Nitriding, carburizing, nitrocarburizing, aluminizing, chromizing, boriding,
sulfidizing, siliconizing. Thermal hydrogen treatment.
Section 7. Technology of heat treatment
7.1. Modern equipment for hardening, annealing, tempering, chemical and
thermal treatment, and other types of heat treatment of steels and alloys.
7.2. Continuous annealing and hardening units. Automation of the entire heat treatment
7.3. Methods to achieve high speeds of heating and cooling products during heat
treatment. Internal stresses and deformation of products during heat treatment. Heating during
heat treatment of products in protective media and vacuum.
7.4. Heat treatment defects. Gas pickup and its influence on alloy structure and
properties. Methods to prevent warping and contraction.

Section 8. Elastic and plastic deformation. Destruction
8.1. Deformation diagrams of single crystals and polycrystals, multiphase alloys.
Mechanisms of elastic and plastic deformation. Deformation hardening, influence of temperature
and deformation speed on it. Theory of yield limit. Bauschinger effect. Hardening during
creation of solid solutions and precipitation of proeutectoid (coherent and non-coherent) phases.
8.2. Influence of grain size on mechanical properties. Superplasticity. Inelasticity.
8.3. Brittle and ductile failure. Crack nucleation patterns. Crack propagation on brittle
and ductile failure. Nature of cold brittleness. Limit of cold brittleness. Structure of fractures.
8.4. Creep. Mechanisms and stages of creep. Stress relaxation. Short-time and long-time
strength. Influence of alloy composition and structure on creep.
8.5. Fatigue resistance. Fatigue diagrams. Mechanism of fatigue. Factors affecting fatigue
resistance. Contact fatigue. Wear.
Section 9. Methods of analysis and verification of metal structure and properties
9.1. Methods of microstructure analysis. Light microscopy. Methods of quantitative
metallography. Electron microscopy (replica method, diffraction microscopy of various foil
applications, scanning microscopy, microdiffraction). X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction
analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Local analysis of composition by electronic spectra.
9.2. Methods for measuring physical properties (thermal analysis, calorimetric analysis,
dilatometric analysis, density measurement, resistometric measurement, magnetic analysis, etc.).
Methods for determining corrosion characteristics.
9.3. Mechanical properties of metals and alloys. Measurement methods. Static and
dynamic tests. Creep, long-time strength and stress relaxation tests. Fatigue tests.
Section 10. Industrial alloys (fundamentals of alloying and heat treatment, properties,
areas of application).
10.1. Steels. Classification of steels according to structure, composition, purpose. Cast
irons and their classification. Modification of cast irons.
10.2. Aluminum and its alloys. Titanium and its alloys. Copper and its alloys. Nickel and
its alloys. Magnesium and its alloys. Alloys based on refractory metals.
10.3. Alloys with specific physical properties: alloys with high and low electrical
resistance, hard-magnetic and soft-magnetic steels and alloys, alloys with specific elastic and
thermal properties. Superconducting alloys. Alloys with shape memory effect and


Section 1. Basic terms, classification of processes and products manufactured by means
of pressure metal treatment methods. /1a; 2a/
1.1. Introduction and summary of pressure metal treatment, importance of plastic
deformation methods in history of civilization, categories of feed material for processing,
pressure metal treatment, products and "New Product".
1.2. Classification of pressure metal treatment methods based on different attributes.
Section 2. Physics of plastic deformation of metals and alloys, interaction of pressure
metal treatment methods with heat treatment, methods to control product structure and properties
/1a, 2a, 3b/
2.1. Structure of deformed steels, mechanisms of plastic deformation, control of steel
structure and properties through plastic deformation, plasticity diagram, relation to the method of
producing semi-products and heat treatment.
2.2. Structure of deformed non-ferrous metals and alloys, mechanisms of plastic
deformation, control of structure and properties through plastic deformation, plasticity and
destruction, relation to the method of producing semi-products and heat treatment.
Section 3. Theoretical background of pressure metal treatment methods /1a, 3a, 4a/
3.1. Deformation resistance and stress state at a body point, stress tensor, main stresses,
intensity of stresses.

3.2. Deformed state at a body point, movements in coordinate axes, main deformations,
equation of volume constancy, deformation speed.
3.3. Condition of plasticity. Phenomenological models of environment. Relation between
stresses and deformations. Patterns of contact deformation friction. Local and integral indicators
of stress-strain material state.
3.4. Methods for modelling and analysis of pressure metal treatment processes. Operating
principles and interface of QForm software.
Section 4. Equipment for force action on the material. Secondary equipment, controls /1a,
2a, 1b/
4.1. Classification of equipment types. Rolling mill, main and secondary mechanical
equipment. Types of stands. Components of control systems in pressure metal treatment shops.
4.2. Mechanical and hydraulic presses, impact (pulse) equipment.
4.3. Power units combining rotary and reciprocating motion of actuator. Part rolling
mills, continuous extrusion units, rolling-off stamping units
4.4. Specific equipment. Equipment for processing composites, powders, non-ferrous
metals and alloys, vacuum systems in pressure metal treatment, and media with controlled
Section 5. Metal rolling /1a, 2a, 3b/
5.1. Deformation zone and kinematics of metal movement during longitudinal rolling,
basic terms, calculation of rolling force, torque and power, lateral deformation.
5.2. Process flowsheet of producing steel products with rolling methods. Rolled products.
Feed materials and their preparation.
5.3. Process flowsheet of producing rolled products from non-ferrous metals and alloys.
Rolled products. Feed materials and their preparation. Use of protective media and capsules,
vacuum rolling. Features of producing products of heavy non-ferrous alloys, rolling sheets,
straps and foil made from refractory metals, and aluminum and copper alloys.
5.4. Temperature and speed conditions of hot rolling steels. Tools, main and secondary
5.5. Temperature and speed conditions of hot rolling non-ferrous alloys. Tools, main and
secondary materials.
5.6. Technology for rolling plates with high quality requirements. Multiroll systems.
5.7. Rolls for rolling sections of steel straps, angle bars, channel bars and beams.
5.8. Rolling seamless pipes. Main parameters of piercing and rolling off.
5.9. Production of welded pipes and hollow sections, electric pipe-welded rigs.
Technology for producing pipes for different purposes.
Section 6. Forging, die forging, sheet stamping, /1a, 3a, 1b/
6.1. Forging. Feed materials, classification of product types, forging operations and tools
used. Process temperature mode and features of freely forged metal deformation. Rotary forging.
6.2. Hot die forging of steels. Classification of forged parts. Feed materials. Methods for
designing die tooling.
6.3. Features of die forging of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Feed materials. Tooling for
isothermal forging, and deformation in superplasticity mode.
6.4. Forging with hammers, horizontal forging, hot stamping automatic machines.
6.5. Shearing and cutting operations in pressure metal treatment shops.
6.6. Basic design of sheet stamping processes. Operation of separation and shaping.
6.7. Methods for tool manufacturing, application of fast prototyping systems in pressure
metal treatment.
6.8. Features of sheet stamping of non-ferrous metals and alloys, sheet stamping with
local heating, hydroforming, high-energy methods of processing.
Section 7. Extrusion, spinning and drawing of metals /3a, 2b/
7.1. Process flow diagram of extrusion, classification of conventional extrusion methods
based on kinematics of metal flow. Deformation zone during extrusion, stress-strain state of

metal during extrusion. Calculation of process power indicators. Methods to control kinematics
of material flow. Strength and stability calculation of tool parts.
7.2. Product range, fundamentals of technology for extrusion of heavy non-ferrous and
hot-melting metals. Producing pipe and complex hollow sections of aluminum alloys.
Possibilities of continuous and semi-continuous processes for extrusion of metals, alloys and
7.3. Features of technology for producing mouldings from construction and tool steels,
steel powders and pellets. Technology for manufacturing die bodies with protective coatings.
7.4. Drawing scheme. Deformation zone, and equipment. Basic design of drawing in
production of wire, heat exchanger pipes, and cables.
Section 8. Specific methods of pressure metal treatment /1a/
8.1. Axial shaping of powders and composites in press dies, isostatic methods of material
8.2. Wedge shaping, production of porous and electrode materials by rolling, pulse high-
energy methods of processing powders, pellets, fiber and layer composites.
8.3. Complex methods of producing specific materials and products for machinery
manufacturing, power industry, aerospace industry, enginery with application of pressures and
plastic deformation.
Recommended (basic and additional) readings for Part 4
а) Main readings
1a. Suvorov, I. Klimushkin, Pressure Metal Treatment (Обработка металлов
давлением). M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1980. 364 p.
2a. Korolyov, A.A. Mechanical Equipment of Rolling and Pipe Shops (Механическое
оборудование прокатных и трубных цехов): College textbook. M.: Metallurgiya, 1987. 480 p.
3a. Balakin, V.P., Efremov, D.B., et al. Theory of Pressure Metal Treatment (Теория
обработки металлов давлением). Theory of Forging, Stamping and Extrusion Processes
(Теория процессов ковки, штамповки и прессования): Laboratory course. M.: MISIS, 1982.
4a. Kusnetsov, E.V., Galkin, S.P. Processes Of Pressure Metal Treatment
(Технологические процессы обработки металлов давлением): Laboratory course. M.: MISIS,
No. 1613. 78 p.
5a. Modelling of Elastic Deformation Processes (Моделирование процессов
пластической деформации). QDraft graphics editor, 69 p. Digital application for QForm 2d-
b) Additional readings
1b. Forging and Stamping (Ковка и штамповка). Reference book (Справочник). In 4
volumes / ed. Semyonov, E.I. M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1986.
2b. Shcherba, V.N., Raitbarg, L.Kh. Technology for Metal Extrusion (Технология
прессования металлов). College study guide. M.: Metallurgiya, 1995. 336 p.
3b. Gorokhov, V.S., Lebedev, L.S., Pogorzhelskij, V.I., et al. Pressure Metal Treatment
(Обработка металлов давлением). M.: MISIS, 1988.
4b. Libenson, G.A., Lopatin, V.Yu., et al. Powder Metallurgy Processes (Процессы
порошковой металлургии). Vol. 2. Moulding and Sintering (Формование и спекание). M.:
MISIS, 2002. 320 p.


Section 1. General issues of producing ferrous metals and alloys /1a, 1b/
The history and importance of metallurgy in the development of civilization. Current
state and development options of metallurgical production. Process flow diagram of a modern
metallurgical plant with full process cycle.
Section 2. Ore preparation for melting, and production of cast iron /1a, 1b/
2.1. Raw materials used in production of ferrous metals. Iron ore: definition,
classification, quality assessment.

2.2. Iron ore preparation for blast furnace smelting. Agglomeration.
2.4. Blast furnace line. Main and secondary equipment.
2.5. Blast furnace process. Oxide reduction in a blast furnace. Creation of cast iron and
Section 3. Production of steel /1a, 2b, 3b/
3.1. Classification of steels. Influence of composition on steel quality. Summary of
steelmaking. Methods of steel production.
3.2. Main reactions in steelmaking. Slag formation. Composition and properties of
steelmaking slags, and their role in the process.
3.3. Materials used in steel production: metal charge structure and composition, oxygen
sources, slag-forming materials. Requirements for charging materials, technologies used to
prepare them for melting.
3.4. Converter steelmaking. General arrangement of main equipment. Standard cycle of
converter melting.
3.7. Open-hearth steelmaking. Operational scheme and arrangement of the open-hearth
furnace main elements. Operational scheme and features of steel melting technology.
3.8. Electric furnace steelmaking. Classification of methods for steelmaking with electric
energy. Arrangement of electric arc furnaces.
3.9. Methods for melting steel in a main electric arc furnace. Remelting of alloy wastes in
an arc furnace. Main melting periods and tasks.
3.10. Secondary metallurgy. Goals and methods of treatment. Ladle deoxidation and
alloying of steel. Methods for cutting off slag during metal tapping from the steelmaking unit.
Use of inert gases for ladle treatment of liquid steel.
3.11. Desulfurization of steels using synthetic slags, solid and powder blends. Influence
of treatment on the finished metal quality.
3.12. Ladle degassing of liquid steel: methods, technologies and equipment. Influence of
degassing on the finished metal quality. Comprehensive ladle treatment of liquid steel.
3.14. Continuous steelmaking processes: variants of process flow diagrams and
equipment. Current state and development prospects.
Section 4. Producing ingots and cast sections of ferrous metals /1a/
4.1. Steel casting equipment. Methods of steel casting. Comparison of indices of downhill
casting and uphill casting.
4.2. Structure of a steel ingot. Crystalline and chemical inhomogeneity. Phenomenon of
4.3. Continuous steel casting. Technology and advantages of continuous casting. Types of
continuous casting machines.
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 5
а) Main readings
1a. Voskobojnikov, V.G., et al. General Metallurgy (Общая металлургия). M.:
Metallurgiya, 1995. 480 p.
b) Additional readings
1b. Cast Iron Metallurgy (Металлургия чугуна) / ed. Yusfin, Yu.S. M.: Akademkniga,
2005. 628 p.
2b. Povolotskij, D.Ya. Roshchin, V.E., Ryss, M.A., et al. Steel and Ferroalloy
Electrometallurgy (Электрометаллургия стали и ферросплавов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1984. 567
3b. Kablukovskij, A.F., Molchanov, O.E., Kablukovskaya, M.A. Short Reference Book
for Electrosmelter (Краткий справочник электросталевара). M.: Metallurgiya, 1994. 352 p.



Section 1. Fundamentals of hydrometallurgical processes (Gold production) /1a/
1.1. Classification of metallurgical processes. Countries – main gold producers. History
of gold production. Sources of raw materials for production of precious metals. Gold speciation
in raw materials.
1.2. Ore mining and preparation for treatment. Gravity methods of gold recovery.
Amalgamation gold recovery.
1.3. Leaching of gold ores. Hydrometallurgical equipment. Gold recovery from cyanide
solutions. Safety precautions for handling cyanide.
1.4. Refining of precious metals. Electrolysis of gold/silver alloys. Anode and cathode
processes. Design of the electrolysis bath. Main technical and economic parameters of
electrolysis. General cost of resources in gold production from ore.
Section 2. Oxidating pyrometallurgy (copper production) /1a/
2.1. History of pyrometallurgy and copper metallurgy. Copper properties and main areas
of application. Production volumes. Copper speciation in the Earth's crust. Copper clarke.
Copper deposits. Copper ore mining. Copper concentrates.
2.2. Main chemical interactions during pyrometallurgical treatment of raw materials.
Roasting and matte melting of copper concentrates.
2.3. Products of oxidizing melting of sulphide concentrates, and operating principles of
melting units. Oxidizing conversion of copper mattes. Disposal of sulphur off-gases.
2.4. Electrolytic refining of copper. Main electrochemical reactions. Design of the
electrolysis bath.
Section 3. Reduction pyrometallurgy (Lead production) /1a/
3.1. Raw material base for lead production; lead consumption. Types of lead chemical
compounds in raw materials. Theoretical basis of reduction melting of lead.
3.2. Agglomerative oxidizing roasting of concentrate. Chemical reactions of
agglomeration. Design of the sintering machine.
3.3. Chemical reactions of raw lead production; operating principles of the shaft furnace.
Direct conversion of sulphide concentrate in raw lead.
3.4. Refining raw lead to remove various impurities. Formation and removal of process
products accumulating impurities. Environmental impact of lead production.
Section 4. Electrometallurgy (Aluminum production) /2a/
4.1. Aluminum properties and application. Mineral sources of aluminum. Chemical
compounds of aluminum in ores. Electrochemical processes of producing metallic aluminum.
4.2. Bayer process. Digestion of bauxites with alkaline solutions. Main reactions,
behaviour of impurities.
4.3. Sintering and digestion equipment. Electrolytic production of metallic aluminum.
Alumina-cryolite melts.
4.4. Design and operating principles of electrolytic furnaces. Anode effect. Anodes and
electricity consumption. Environmental impact of aluminum production.
Section 5. Wolfram production /a/
5.1. Classification of rare metals. Features of process flowsheets for producing rare
metals. Main properties of wolfram and areas of application. Wolfram minerals and deposits.
Break-down of scheelite and wolframite concentrates with alkaline agents. Process equipment.
5.2. Recycling of concentrate break-down products, removal of impurities from solutions.
Methods of producing wolframic acid, ammonium parawolframate, and wolfram anhydride.
5.3. Technology for production of wolfram powder. Production of small plastic wolfram.
Producing large wolfram ingots with electron beam and vacuum arc melting.
Section 6. Molybdenum production /a/
6.1. Main properties of molybdenum and areas of application. Molybdenum minerals and
deposits. Methods of molybdenite concentrates treatment. Producing molybdenum stubs. Process
equipment. Molybdenum recovery from ammonia solutions. Producing molybdenite anhydride.
Production of molybdenum powder and small products.

Section 7. Production of tantalum and niobium /a/
7.1. Main properties of tantalum and niobium and areas of application. Mineral raw
materials and deposits of tantalum and niobium. Treatment of columbite-tantalite concentrates
by decomposition of hydrofluoric acid. Break-down of loparite concentrates with chlorination.
Chloride condensation variants. Process equipment.
7.2. Recycling of concentrate break-down products. Separation of tantalum and niobium,
removal of impurities. Technology for producing metallic tantalum and niobium.
Section 8. Titanium and zirconium metallurgy /a/
8.1. Main properties and areas of application. Crude ore characteristics. Reducing melt of
ilmenite concentrate. Chlorination of titanium slags, condensation of chlorides. Process
equipment. Cleaning of process titanium tetrachloride. Magnesium-thermic reduction of titanium
tetrachloride. Iodide refining of titanium and producing of small metal.
8.2. Methods for break-down of zircon concentrates. Variants for separating zirconium
and hafnium. Magnesium-thermic and electrolytic methods of producing metallic zirconium.
Technology for refining zirconium.
Section 9. Trace rare metals metallurgy /a/
9.1. Classification and characteristics of trace rare metals. Examples of by-product rare
metals recovery in treatment of non-ferrous metals and other production process wastes. Main
properties of germanium and its compounds. Areas of application. Germanium recovery from
various raw materials. Methods to remove impurities from germanium.
9.2. Properties of gallium and areas of application. Producing gallium concentrate during
aluminum production. Producing metallic gallium and methods for its refining.
Section 10. Radioactive and rare earth metals metallurgy
10.1. Importance of radioactive and rare earth metals in the modern world and in the
development of the nuclear power industry; energy safety in Russia; requirements for these
metals, features of their production, main producers around the world and in RF. Uranium
minerals, ores and concentrates, acidic and alkaline methods for break-down, main equipment,
safety measures for handling radioactive materials. Minerals, ores and concentrates of rare earth
metals, main methods for break-down, required complex use of raw materials.
10.2. Extraction and sorption methods for uranium recovery from pulps, modern process
equipment, tailings disposal, environmental issues. Recycling of mineral raw break-down
products of rare earth metals with preliminary separation into groups. Extraction refining to
produce uranium of nuclear purity grade. Fundamentals of separation during production of
individual rare earth metals.
10.3. Technology for producing oxides, fluorides and chlorides of uranium and rare earth
metals. Fundamentals of metallic-thermic reduction of highly active metals; producing uranium
and rare earth metals.
Recommended readings for Part 6
а) Main readings
1a. Tarasov, A.V., Utkin, N.I. Technology for Non-Ferrous Metallurgy (Технология
цветной металлургии). M.: Metallurgiya, 1999.
2a. Moskvitin, V.I., Nikolaev, I.V., Fomin, B.A. Light Metal Metallurgy (Металлургия
легких металлов). M.: Internet Engineering, 2005.
3a. Zelikman, A.N., Korshunov, B.G. Rare Metal Metallurgy (Металлургия редких
металлов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1991.
4a. Kotlyar, Yu.A., Strizhko, L.S., Precious Metal Metallurgy (Металлургия
благородных металлов). In 2 volumes, M.: Ore and Metals, 2005.
5a. Rare and Trace Elements (Редкие и рассеянные элементы). Chemistry and
Technology. Book 1: College textbook / Korovin, S.S., Zimina, G.V., Reznik, A.M., et al. M.:
MISIS, 1996.
6a. Turaev, N.S., Zherin, I.I. Uranium Chemistry and Technology (Химия и технология
урана). M.: Ruda i Metally publishing house, 2006.

7a. Mikhailichenko, A.I., Mikhlin, E.B., Patrikeev, Yu.B. Rare Earth Metals
(Редкоземельные металлы). M.: Metallurgiya, 1987.


Section 1. Material composition and washability of ore minerals.
1.1. Chemical, phase, mineralogical, and granulometric composition of mineral raw
1.2. Characteristics of ore minerals based on mechanical strength, abrasiveness and
1.3. Characteristics of minerals based on density, shape and elasticity of crystals, magnet,
electrical, spectroscopical, radioscopical, physical/chemical and other properties.
Section 2. Processes and machines for processing ore minerals
2.1. Classification of refining processes. Technological purpose of preparatory, main, and
secondary processes.
2.4. Main principles and theoretical basis of crushing processes. Main types of crushers.
Area of application.
2.5. Theoretical basis and kinetics of crushing processes. Main types of mills. Area of
2.6. Classification of ore minerals separation processes based on size, their summary and
technical purpose. Screening. Main patterns and effectiveness of screening. Main types of
screens. Area of application of stationary and mechanical screens.
2.7. Hydraulic classification. Characteristics of processes, main equipment for
classification in upward and horizontal streams and in centrifugal field in water. Area of
application of classification devices.
2.8. Disintegration and washing of mineral raw materials. Characteristics of
disintegration and washing processes. Main equipment and its areas of application.
2.9. Processes of gravity concentration. Theoretical basis, summary and technological
purpose of processes. Classification of screening processes.
2.10. Processing in heavy media. Media types and technological properties.
Characteristics of separation processes in heavy media. Main equipment and area of application.
2.12. Processing in water streams on an inclined plane. Theoretical basis of mineral
separation in thin streams. Main equipment. Equipment area of application, technological indices
of their operation.
2.13. Processes of magnetic concentration. Physics of magnetic concentration methods.
Open and closed magnet systems. Polygradient medium. Modes of retention and recovery.
Downflow, upflow and semi-upflow modes of separation. Patterns and selectivity of magnet
2.14. Classification and general characteristics of magnet separators. Main designs of
equipment and characteristics of dry and wet magnet separation of high and low-magnetic ores
and minerals. Area of application.
2.15. Processes of electrical concentration. Physics and characteristics of the process.
Main designs of equipment and characteristics of mineral separation based on electrical
2.16. Main designs of equipment and characteristic of triboelectrical, pyroelectrical and
dielectrical mineral separation. Area of application
2.17. Processes of flotation enrichment. Physics and types of flotation process.
Fundamentals of bubble attachment in mineral flotation.
2.18. Flotation agents, their classification and purpose.
2.19. Action of collectors, actuators, depressors, regulators and foam generators.
2.20. Main designs and characteristics of mechanical, pneumatic mechanical. and
pneumatic flotation machines.
2.21. Patterns of bulk and selective flotation of ores.

2.22. Processes of chemical enrichment. Theoretical basis of mineral dissolution and
selective digestion. Area of application. Classification of processes.
Section 3. Secondary processes
3.1. Purpose of dewatering and dedusting. Theoretical background, characteristics of
dewatering by means of draining and thickening. Equipment. Area of application.
3.2. Characteristics of dewatering by means of centrifugation. Equipment. Area of
3.3. Characteristics of dewatering processses by means of filtration. Equipment. Area of
3.4. Characteristics of dewatering processes by means of drying. Equipment. Area of
3.5. Processes and equipment for treatment of waste water and conditioning of circulating
Section 4. Technology for integrated processing and enrichment of ore minerals
4.1. Purpose of metallurgical sampling. Classification of operations and means for
averaging and preliminary concentration of mined raw materials, and enrichment products.
4.2. Characteristics of the main types of diamond ores, placers, and diamonds. Process
flowsheets and modes of diamond recovery from ores, placers and rough concentrates. Diamond
sorting. Integrated use of raw materials. Technical and economic parameters.
4.3. Technology for processing and enrichment of ferrous metal ores.
4.4. Quality and technological characteristic of the main types of ferrous metal ore.
Quality requirements for ferrous metal ores and concentrates. Process flowsheets and modes of
preparation and enrichment of iron, manganese and chrome ores.
4.5. Technology for processing and enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores.
4.5. Quality and technological characteristics of the main types of non-ferrous metal ore.
Requirements for concentrate quality and integrated use of raw materials. Quality requirements
for ores and concentrates.
4.6. Process flowsheets and modes of preparation and enrichment of copper ores.
4.8. Process flowsheets and modes of preparation and enrichment of polymetallic ores.
4.10. Technology for processing and enrichment of rare metal ores and placers.
Recommended readings for Part 7
1. Andreev, S.E., Perov, V.A. , Zverevich, V.V. Crushing, Grinding and Screening of Ore
Minerals (Дробление, измельчение и грохочение полезных ископаемых). M.: Nedra, 1980.
415 p.
2. Abramov, A.A. Flotation Enrichment Methods (Флотационные методы
обогащения). Moscow, Nedra, 1993. 411 p.
3. Karamzin, V. V., Karamzin, V. I. Magnetic and Electric Enrichment Methods
(Магнитные и электрические методы обогащения). M.: Nedra, 1991. 303 p.
4. Kravets, B.N. Special and Combined Enrichment Methods (Специальные и
комбинированные методы обогащения). M.: Nedra, 1991. 260 p.
5. Shokhin, V.N., Lopatin, A.G. Gravity Enrichment Methods (Гравитационные методы
обогащения). M.: Nedra, 1991. 350 p.
6. Chuyanov, G.G. Dewatering, Dedusting and Environmental Safety (Обезвоживание,
пылеулавливание и охрана окружающей среды). M.: Nedra, 1987, 260 p.
7. Kozin, V.Z., Tikhonov, O.N. Testing, Control and Automation of Enriching Processes
(Опробование, контроль и автоматизация обогатительных процессов). M.: Nedra, 1990, 342
8. Razumov, K.A., Petrov, V.A. Design of Processing Plants (Проектирование
обогатительных фабрик). M.: Nedra, 1982, 515 p.
9. Reference Book on Ore Processing (Справочник по обогащению руд). Vol. 1-13.
M.: Nedra, 1993

10. Reference Book on Coal Processing (Справочник по обогащению углей). M.:
Nedra, 1996
11. Journals: Journal of Mining (Горный журнал), Ore Processing (Обогащение руд),
Information-Analytical Bulletin on Mining (Горный информационно-аналитический
бюллетень), Coal (Уголь), Non-Ferrous Metals (Цветные металлы).


Section 1. Methods for producing powders /5a, 6a/
1.1. Importance of powder metallurgy. Development history of powder metallurgy. Main
process flowsheets for production of sintered materials. Classification of powder production
1.2. Mechanical methods for production of powders. Production of powders by means of
grinding solid metals and spraying liquid metals and alloys by means of gas, liquid and
centrifugal spraying methods.
1.3. Physical/chemical background of processes. Equipment, advantages and
disadvantages of different methods, areas of application. Methods of producing amorphous
powders and nanopowders using mechanical methods.
1.4. Production of metal powders by means of metal oxide reduction using solid and
gaseous reducing agents. Physical and chemical background of processes.
1.5. Practice of producing iron, tungsten and titanium powders. Physical and chemical
methods for production of nanopowders. Production of metal powders by means of electrolysis
of aqueous solutions and molten media.
1.6. Production of powders by means of thermal dissociation of carbonyl compounds.
Physical and chemical fundamentals of processes, powder production practices. Properties of
metal powders and methods of their control.
Section 2. Moulding and sintering of metallic powders /5a, 6a/
2.1. Preparation of powders. Regularities of powder compaction in a steel mould.
Processes occurring during compression moulding. Dependence of density on pressure of
compression moulding. Distribution of density by volume of briquette. Pressure loss due to
friction. Elastic aftereffect. Compression moulding with lubrication. Compression moulding
2.2. Hot isostatic pressing. Injection moulding. Laser-based moulding. Practice of
compression moulding. Presses and moulds. Metallic powder moulding options: hot, isostatic,
dynamic, pulsed, vibrational, rolling, slip moulding. Specific features of processes, equipment.
2.3. Main patterns of the sintering process in the solid phase. Importance of surface and
volume diffusion. Shrinkage during sintering. Influence of technological parameters on the
sintering process; properties of sintered products. Features of multicomponent systems sintering.
Influence of heterodiffusion on the shrinkage process.
2.4. Main patterns of multicomponent systems sintering in the presence of liquid phase
disappearing and present until the end of isothermal holding on heating. Kinetics of shrinkage.
Factors affecting strength and grain size of alloys.
2.5. Impregnation as a kind of liquid phase sintering. Physical/chemical fundamentals and
patterns of impregnation. Practices of sintering processes. Sintering atmosphere, sintering
furnaces, sintering rejects.
Section 3. Sintered materials with specific properties /5a, 1b/
3.1. Classification of sintered materials. Sintered porous bearings and filters. Main
compositions. Production technology. Physical, mechanical and operational properties.
3.2. Antifriction and friction materials. Main operating principles. Structure and
properties of solid lubricants. Manufacturing technology, properties, areas of application and
development prospects.

3.3. Sintered electrotechnical materials: for sliding and arcing contacts, as well as
magnets. Operational features, types of wear. Physical and chemical fundamentals and
technology for production, areas of application.
3.4. Sintered solid alloys, their classification. Process flowsheet for producing, properties,
areas of application. Construction ceramics. Characteristics of feed materials. Technological
options for production. Application of ceramic coatings. Properties, areas of application.
3.5. Heat resistant sintered materials: dispersion-strengthened and fiber. Technology
features, main properties and areas of application.
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 8
а) Main readings
1a. Powder Metallurgy Processes (Процессы порошковой металлургии). Vol. 1, Vol. 2.
Metal Powder Production (Производство металлических порошков): College Textbook /
Libenson, G.A., Lopatin, V.Yu., Komarnitskij, G.V., et al. M.: MISIS, – 2002 – 688 p.
2a. Kiparisov, S.S., Libenson, G.A. Powder Metallurgy (Порошковая металлургия). M.:
Metallurgiya, 1991. 432 p.
3a. Technology and Properties of Sintered Materials and Products (Технология и
свойства спеченных материалов и изделий): Laboratory course. Panov, V.S., Narva, V.K.,
Dubynina, L.V., et al. M.: Uchoba publishing house, 2003. 118 p.
4a. Powder Metallurgy Processes (Процессы порошковой металлургии): Laboratory
course / ed. Libenson, G.A. M.: MISIS, 1987. 155 p.
b) Additional readings
1b. Libenson, G.A. Powder Metallurgy Discipline (Специальность порошковая
металлургия). M.: Metallurgiya, 1987. 80 p.
2b. Kiparisov, S.S., Libenson, G.A. Powder Metallurgy (Порошковая металлургия). M.:
Metallurgiya, 1980. 496 p.
3b. Libenson, G.A. Fundamentals of Powder Metallurgy (Основы порошковой
металлургии). M.: Metallurgiya, 1987. 208 p.
4b. Libenson, G.A. Powder Parts Production (Производство порошковых изделий).
M.: Metallurgiya, 1990. 240 p.
5b. Panov, V.S., Chuvilin, A.M. Technology and Properties of Sintered Materials and
Products (Технология и свойства спеченных материалов и изделий). M.: MISIS, 2001. 427
6b. Libenson, G.A., Panov, V.S. Equipment for Powder Metallurgy Shops
(Оборудование цехов порошковой металлургии). M.: Metallurgiya, 1983. 264 p.
7b. Narva, V.K. Technology of Sintered Materials and Parts Production (Технология
производства спеченных материалов и изделий). Porous Materials (Пористые материалы):
Series of lectures. M.: MISIS, 1980. 78 p.


Section 1. Crystal structure of metals. /1a/
1.1. Field of metal science. Fundamentals of metal structure. Microstructure. Light
microscopy. Quantitative characteristics of microstructure. Typical crystal lattices of metals.
1.2. Crystallographic planes and directions. Crystallochemical properties of structure.
Defects in the crystallographic structure of metals: vacancies, dislocations, grain and sub-grain
1.3. Fundamentals for radiography and electron microscopy. Determining crystal lattice
parameters using X-Ray method.
Section 2. Phase transformations in metals /1a/
2.1. Phase transitions of classes I and II. Thermodynamics of phase transformations.
Gibbs equation. Phase rule. Metal melting and melt structure. Heating and cooling curves.
Polymorphic transformations in metals.

2.2. Types of phases in metal alloys. Solid substitutional and interstitial solutions.
Interstitial phases.
Section 3. State diagrams of binary systems /1a/
3.1. Representation of binary systems composition in mass percents and atom percents.
State diagrams of binary systems. Lever rule. Systems with continuous series of solid solutions.
Systems with minimum on liquidus and solidus curves.
3.2. Systems with decomposition in the solid state. Euctetic systems. Features of
crystallization and structure of euctetic systems.
3.3. Eutectic colonies. Classification of eutectics. Degenerated eutectics. Form of primary
crystals. Dendritic cells. Retrograde solidus. Contact melting.
3.4. Peritectic systems. Zones around primary crystals. Systems with congruently and
non-congruently melted phases.
3.5. Monotectic systems. Density segregation in the liquid state. Systems with component
polymorphism. Systems with metatectic, eutectoid, peritectoid and monotectoid equilibria.
3.6. Dependence of hardness and electrical conductivity on composition in various types
of system. Examples of real binary system diagrams.
Section 4. Iron-carbon system /1a/
4.1. Iron polymorphism. Temperature dependencies of Gibbs energy and iron specific
volume. Curie point for iron. State diagram for iron-cementite. Microstructures of annealed
4.2. Microstructures of white cast irons. State diagram for iron-carbon. Microstructures of
grey and mottled cast irons.
Section 5. Nonequilibrium crystallization. Features of cast structure /1a/
5.1. Crystallization of metals. Origin of crystals, critical nucleus. Growth of crystals.
Tamman curves. Cooling curves. Form of metallic crystals. Dendrtitic form of growth. Columnar
and equiaxial crystals. Modification of metals.
5.2. Dendritic segregation in various types of systems. Nonequilibrium eutectic.
5.3. Change of primary crystal and eutectic structure when increasing cooling rate.
Crystallization of metastable phases. Creation of abnormal supersaturated solid solution.
Amorphous alloys. Crystallization on heating.
Section 6. Relation between casting properties of binary alloys and state diagram.
6.1. Main casting properties (flowability, hot brittleness, shrinkage). Process sampling to
determine indices of flowability and hot brittleness.
6.2. Dependence of casting properties on composition in systems with continuous series
of solid solutions and in eutectic systems. Selection of casting alloy composition using state
Section 7. Deformation, destruction and mechanical properties of metals /1a/
7.1. Elastic deformation. Elastic modules. Plastic deformation by slip and twinning. Slip
systems. Deformation hardening. Features of one-phase and multiphase structure hardening.
Failure types. Brittle and ductile failure, cleavage and shear fracture. Mechanisms of crack
nucleation and propagation. Fractography. Structure of fractures. Transition from ductile state to
brittle state. Temperature limit of brittleness, influence of deformation temperature and
impurities on it.
7.2. Mechanical tests of metal properties. Stress state diagrams. Static, dynamic and
cyclic tests. Tensile tests. Types of tensile curves. Physical and technical meaning of limits of
proportionality, elasticity, yield and strength. True tear resistance. Plasticity characteristics on
tensile. Dependence of relative elongation on original design length. Influence of structure on
limits of yield and strength. Compression and bending tests. Strength characteristics on
compression and tensile. Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell hardness tests. Indentor types and
hardness values. Microhardness. Notched specimen tests. Static crack tests. Fracture toughness.
Impact resistance. Stress raiser types. Serial curves. Determining temperature of brittle-ductile

7.3 Metal fatigue. Structure of fatigue fracture . Types of stress cycles. Fatigue curves.
Identification of fatigue endurance limit. Low cycle fatigue. Fatigue crack growth rate.
7.4. Heat resistance tests. Creep. Stages of high-temperature creep. Influence of
temperature and stress on creep. Creep rupture strength. Heat resistance.
Section 8. Changes in structure and mechanical properties of metals during deformation
and subsequent heating /1a/
8.1. Changes in the structure and mechanical properties of metals during cold-working
treatment. Metallographic and crystallographic texture of deformation, anisotropy of properties.
Subdividing deformation into cold, warm and hot.
8.2. Changes in the structure and mechanical properties of metals during heating after
cold-working treatment Return, primary and secondary recrystallization. Change in structure as a
result of hot-forming treatment.
Section 9. Mechanism and kinetics of phase transformations in the solid state /1a/
9.1. Common patterns of phase transformations in the solid state. Thermodynamics of
transformations. Mechanism and kinetics of diffusion phase transformations. Diagrams of
isothermal transformation. Thermokinetic diagrams.
9.2. Mechanism and kinetics of diffusionless phase transformations. Special features of
the structure of martensitic phases.
Section 10. Types of heat treatment. Transformations during heating and cooling of steel
10.1. Importance of heat treatment for improving quality of metal products. Application
of heat treatment in the metallurgical and machine-building industries. Classification of types of
heat treatment.
10.2. Primary annealing. Homogenizing annealing, its purpose and modes for cast and
wrought steels and alloys. Change in structure and properties during homogenizing annealing.
Recrystallization annealing. Size of recrystallized grain. Recrystallization diagrams. Annealing
for reducing residual stresses. Occurrence and effect of residual stresses. Mechanisms of stress
relaxation and selection of annealing modes.
10.3. Transformations in steel during heating. Kinetics of the transformations and the
growth of austenitic grain. Influence of nonmetallic inclusions on the propensity to grain growth.
Inherently fine-grained and inherently coarse-grained steel.
10.4. Transformations during cooling of steel. Mechanism and kinetics of pearlitic and
bainitic transformations. Influence of cooling rate and alloying elements on the kinetics of
transformations and structure of steel. Structure and mechanical properties of perlite and bainite.
Secondary annealing. complete, incomplete, isothermal, spheroidizing, normalizing. Structure
and properties of annealed and normalized steel. Overheating and burning of steel. Ways to
eliminate the structure of overheating in carbon and alloy steel. Structural heredity.
10.5. Hardening with polymorphic transformations. Basic regularities of martensitic
transformation, structure and properties of hardened steel. Capacity for hardening and through-
hardening Methods of steel hardening. Specific features of hardening technology of cast and
wrought products. Quench media. Refrigeration treatment. Surface and volume-surface
hardening. Features of structure and properties of surface-hardened products.
10.6. Tempering of hardened steel. Transformations in steel during tempering, changes in
structure and properties. Selection of tempering modes depending on the purpose of products.
Temper embrittlement: causes and methods of reduction. Secondary hardening during tempering.
10.7. Chemical and thermal treatment of steel. Purpose, types and general patterns.
Carburizing and nitriding: technology, structure and properties of hardened layers. Preliminary
and final heat treatment of products.
Section 11. Carbon and alloy steels /1a/
11.1. Influence of alloying elements on the structure and properties of steel. Principles of
developing alloy steels, their marking according to GOST. Non-metallic inclusions in steel.
Influence of inclusions on processing ductility, mechanical properties and destruction of cast and

wrought steel. Small impurities in steel. Influence of impurities on mechanical properties and
destruction of cast and heat-treated products. Classification of steels by structure and application
areas. Construction and machine steels: composition, heat treatment and properties.
11.2. Heat-treatable steels: principles of alloying, heat treatment and properties. High-
strength steels, maraging steels, trip-steels: principles of alloying, heat treatment and properties.
11.3. Steel for castings. Special features of macrostructure and microstructure due to
technological limitations (flowability in liquid state, crack resistance, shrinkage). Defects in the
structure: grain size, morphology and size of the second phase, ways to control them. Defects of
cast steels. Porosity, shrinkholes, inclusions – their influence on fracture toughness and structural
reliability. Criteria for the admissibility of defects and selection of defectoscopy method.
Specific features of composition and heat treatment of steels for castings.
11.4. Cold-resistant and cryogenic steels: principles of alloying, heat treatment, structure
and properties. Corrosion-resistant steels: principles of alloying, heat treatment, structure and
11.5. Instrument steels. Principles of alloying, structure and properties of steels for
cutting and measuring tools. Heat resistance. Special features of the composition and heat
treatment of steels for dies and moulds used for die casting. Heat-proof and heat-resistant steels:
composition, structure and properties. Wear-resistant steels. Hadfield steel: composition, heat
treatment, structure and properties.
Section 12. Ternary system state diagram /1a/
12.1. Geometric representation of ternary alloy composition. Concentration triangle.
Lever rule and rule of centre of area.
12.2. Geometric representation of ternary system state diagrams.. Ternary system state
diagram with unlimited solubility of components in liquid and solid states. Spatial diagram of the
simplest type. Crystallization of ternary single-phase alloys. Changes in the composition of
liquid and solid phases. Isothermal and polythermal sections.
12.3. State diagram of ternary system with ternary eutectic and almost total absence of
soluble components in solid state. Crystallization of characteristic alloys, isothermal and
polythermal sections. Structure of ternary eutectic.
12.4. State diagram of ternary system with ternary eutectic and limited solubility of
components in solid state. Crystallization of characteristic alloys, isothermal and polythermal
12.5. Systems with congruently melting chemical compounds. Examples of real state
diagrams of ternary systems.
Section 13. Cast irons /1а/
13.1. Degree of eutectic character of cast iron, carbon equivalent. Maurer's structural
diagram. Classification of cast irons, marking, chemical composition, structure, properties and
application. Effect of sulfur and phosphorus impurities available in cast irons. Grey cast iron
with flaked graphite.
13.2. High-strength cast iron with spherical graphite. Cast iron with vermicular graphite.
Malleable cast iron. Mechanism of graphitization during annealing of white cast iron to make it
13.3. Cast irons with special properties: anti-friction, wear-resistant, heat-resistant and
corrosion-resistant. Heat treatment of cast irons. Annealing to reduce residual stresses, annealing
to eliminate bleaching, normalization, martensitic hardening and tempering, isothermal
hardening, hardening with surface melting, thermochemical treatment.
Section 14. Alloys and composite materials based on lightweight metals /1a/
14.1. Fields of application of aluminum alloys and requirements for them. Properties of
aluminum and its standard grades. Alloying elements and impurities in aluminum alloys. Process
flowsheets for castings and wrought semi-finished products. Specific features of thermal
treatment and deformation processing. Standard designation systems for alloy grades and their
conditions (RF and USA).

14.2. Cast structure of aluminum alloys. Main phases and structural components.
Industrial casting aluminum alloys. Classification, brands, structure, properties, areas of
14.3. Industrial wrought aluminum alloys. Classification, brands, structure, properties,
areas of applications. Aluminum-based composite materials made using powder metallurgy.
Rapidly crystallized alloys, SAPs, SASs, alloys with silicon carbide particles, directional
crystallized eutectics.
14.4. Fields of application of magnesium alloys and requirements for them. Properties of
magnesium and its standard grades. Alloying elements and impurities in magnesium alloys.
Process flowsheets for castings and wrought semi-finished magnesium products. Specific
features of thermal treatment and deformation processing. Standard designation systems for
magnesium alloy grades and their conditions (RF and USA). Industrial cast and wrought
magnesium alloys.
14.5. Fields of application of titanium alloys and requirements for them. Properties of
titanium. Standard grades of titanium sponge. Alloying elements and impurities in titanium
alloys. Main types of binary diagrams. Phase transformations in titanium alloys. Wrought and
casting titanium alloys.
Section 15. Alloys and composite materials based on heavy metals /1a/
15.1. Fields of application of copper alloys and requirements for them. Properties of
copper and its standard grades. Alloying elements and impurities in copper alloys. Classification
of copper alloys. Specific features of thermal treatment and deformation processing. Types of
brass; wrought and casting brass; marking, structure properties and application. Guillet
15.2. Сast and wrought bronze, tin and tinless bronze; marking, structure, properties and
application. Copper-nickel alloys: melchior, nickel silver, constantan. Copper-based composite
15.3. Nickel and its alloys; marking, structure, properties and applications. Specific
features of composition and structure of heat-resistant and heat-proof alloys. Refractory metals:
tungsten, molybdenum and niobium; interaction with impurities, structure, properties and
15.4. Zinc, lead, tin and their alloys; marking, structure, properties and application.
Antifriction alloys. Soft solders. Precious metals: gold, silver, platinum and alloys based on
them; marking, structure, properties and application.
Recommended (main and additional) readings for Part 9
а) Main readings
1а) Novikov, I.I., Stroganov, G.B., Novikov, A.I. Metallurgy, Heat Treatment and
Radiography (Металловедение, термообработка и рентгенография). M.: MISIS, 1994. 480 p.
2a) Belov, N.A. Fundamentals of Materials Science. Lectures Notes (electronic version).
MISIS, 2007.
3A) Belov, N.A., Khvan, A.V. Fundamentals of Materials Science (Основы
материаловедения) (Part 3). Laboratory course (electronic version). M.: MISIS, 2006.
4a) Turilina, V.Yu., Dobatkin, S.V. Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals:
Practical course (Материаловедение и термическая обработка металлов: Практикум) / ed.
Nikulin, S.A. M.: Uchoba publishing house, MISIS, 2005. 77 p.
5а) Nikulin, S.A., Turilina, V.Yu. Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals:
Special Steels: Study guide (Материаловедение и термическая обработка металлов:
Специальные стали: Учебно-методическое пособие). M.: MISIS, 2006. 57 p.
6а) Materials Science (Материаловедение). P. 1: Lab course /ed. Kaneva, P. М.: MISIS,
2004. 143 p.
b) Additional readings
1b) Belov, N.A. Ternary and Quaternary Diagrams (Диаграммы состояния тройных и
четверны). М.: MISIS, 2007.

Section 1. Theoretical background of foundry production
1.1 Casting characteristics of alloys. Relation of casting properties to physical and
physical/chemical characteristics.
1.2 Role of surface phenomena in the production of castings.
1.3 Interaction of molten metals with gases. Oxygen-metal, hydrogen-metal, and
nitrogen-metal systems. Kinetics of formation and development of gas bubbles.
1.4 Non-metallic inclusions, their classification. Sources and kinetics of origination of
inclusions. Refining with the use of slag, flux, filtration, purge gases, etc.
1.5 Types of inoculation. Modifiers, their classification and properties.
1.6 Filling of casting moulds. Nature of metal streams in real casting moulds. Basic
principles of engineering and calculation of gating systems.
1.7 Thermal conditions of solidification of castings. Using of crystallization theory for
control of alloy structure. Origination of structural zones in castings. Influence of thermophysical
properties of moulds, influence of main parameters of process flows.
1.8 Segregation in castings. Methods of controlling negative effects of segregations.
1.9 Shrinkage phenomena during solidification of castings. Methods for removing
shrinkholes from the working part of castings. Shrinkheads, their location and shape. Principles
of shrinkhead calculation.
1.10 Linear shrinkage of casting. Changing the ductile and strength properties of metal
as it cools. Cracks that occur at high temperatures ("hot cracks"). Development of shrinkage
stresses in castings and occurrence of cracks at low temperatures ("cold cracks"). Methods of
preventing cracking and reducing residual stresses.
1.11 Forming of casting surface, development of burn-on defects. Microrelief of
casting surface. Burn-on defects, their classification.
Section 2. Theoretical background of foundry production
2.1 Manufacturer of castings in expendable moulds. Modern requirements for design
engineering and use of model and flask tooling for moulding materials and mixtures to ensure
high quality of castings and reduce their costs of production. Regeneration of waste mixtures.
Modern methods of forming process. Main directions for the development of core moulding
2.2 Design features and calculation of gating and feeding systems for producing
castings using different alloys in expendable moulds. Quality control of castings.
2.3 Shell casting and investment casting. Properties of produced castings and their
2.4 Chill casting.
2.5 Die casting. Properties and characteristic defects of castings.
2.6 Centrifugal casting. Various process flow diagrams. Specific features of
solidification of castings in the field of centrifugal forces.
2.7 Semi-continuous casting of ingots and hollow products (pipes). Resistance of
metal casting moulds (block moulds, injection dies, ingot moulds, etc.).
2.8 Special types of casting manufacturing: metallurgic moulds and cast rolls.
Section 3. Production of cast iron and steel castings
3.1 Classification of industrial iron-carbon casting alloys by composition and
structure. Primary and secondary crystallization of cast iron and steel in casting moulds.
Influence of chemical composition, heat-time treatment, cooling conditions, inoculation and
other factors on the build-up of structure of steel and cast iron castings. Modern ideas about the
graphitization process. Structural diagrams and selection of cast iron composition for castings.
Casting properties. Structurally sensitive properties of liquid iron and its alloys (viscosity,

surface tension, density, etc.). Flowability of cast irons and steels in liquid state, its main
determining factors. Volumetric and linear shrinkage, free and hindered shrinkage.
3.2 Castings made of non-alloy structural steels. Smelting technology using carbon
steels for casting in different types of melting units.
3.3 Castings made of structural alloy steels, their composition and properties. Area of
application. Specific features of smelting technology for producing steels and castings.
3.4 Castings made of high-alloy steels. Basic principles of alloying and ways to
reduce consumption of scarce alloying materials. Smelting of high-alloy steels for castings, use
of waste and scrap. Corrosion-resistant, heat-proof and heat-resistant steels. Wear-resistant
highly-alloyed manganese steel. Main service and processing properties of high-alloy steels for
castings. Methods for producing castings with differentiated properties. Physical and chemical
fundamentals for production of two-layer castings.
3.5 Castings made of grey cast iron with flaked graphite. Inoculation and alloying of
cast iron. Specific features of manufacturing castings made of gray cast iron, determined by its
processing properties.
3.6 Castings made of malleable cast iron, specifics of their production and
application. Modes of annealing castings for producing malleable cast iron based on ferrite and
3.7 Castings made from grey cast iron with spherical graphite. Theoretical and
process fundamentals for producing high-strength cast iron. Modifiers, their properties, adding
methods. Castings made from alloyed cast iron with spherical graphite.
3.8 Melting iron for castings. Melting units. Charging materials, fuel and fluxes used
for iron smelting. Design of modern high-performance cupolas and thermal characteristics of the
process, methods of its intensification. Control, regulation and automation of cupola process.
Iron smelting in electric arc and induction furnaces. Duplex processes, their variants. Smelting of
synthetic, inoculated, ductile and alloyed iron.
Section 4. Production of castings from non-ferrous metals and alloys with special
4.1 Technical and economic conditions of using castings made from non-ferrous
metal alloys and issues of cost-effective use of non-ferrous raw materials. Methods for producing
4.2 Basic processes occurring during fusion. Evaporation and boiling of non-ferrous
metals and alloys. Ways to reduce metal losses during melting and their economic efficiency.
Systems – hydrogen-metal, oxygen-metal, water vapor-metal, etc. Interaction of non-ferrous
metals and alloys with the lining of melting furnaces, fluxes and protective coatings. Methods
and summary of purification of metals and alloys. Purpose and types of inoculation of melts.
Methods for assessing quality of melts. Burden (charge) calculation. Ways to reduce the cost of
liquid metal.
4.3 Specific features of production of aluminum alloy castings. Principles of alloying
of aluminum casting and wrought alloys. Engineering grades of casting and wrought alloys, their
properties and areas of applications. Technology of melting, refining and inoculation of the main
groups of industrial alloys. Specific features of production of magnesium alloy castings. Basic
physical and chemical properties of magnesium. Influence of impurities. Engineering grades of
casting and wrought alloys. Technology of melting, refining and inoculation of the main groups
of industrial alloys. Requirements for refining and covering fluxes. Specifics of manufacturing
castings in expendable moulds, by chill casting, and by die casting.
4.4 Production of copper alloy castings. Basic physical and chemical properties of
copper that determine the choice of melting technology. Engineering grades of casting and
wrought alloys, their properties and areas of applications. Technology of melting oxygen-free
copper and copper containing metal impurities. Deoxidation, refining and inoculation of alloys.
Specifics of technology for production of copper alloy castings.

4.5 Production of nickel alloy castings. Basic physical and chemical properties of
nickel that determine the choice of melting technology. Engineering grades of casting and
wrought alloys. Technology of melting groups of industrial alloys. Refining and inoculation.
4.6 Production of castings using titanium and its alloys. Physical and chemical
properties of titanium that determine the choice of melting and casting technology. Engineering
grades of casting and wrought alloys. Furnaces for melting titanium alloys. Technology for
melting casting and wrought alloys. Specifics of casting in expendable moulds, investment
casting and shell casting.
4.7 Production of castings from zirconium, niobium, molybdenum and other
refractory alloys.
4.8 Production of nickel alloy castings. Technology of chill casting and die casting.
4.9 Production of castings from precious metals and their alloys.
4.10 Production of ingots. Requirements for ingots of non-ferrous and rare metals and
alloys. Casting of ingots in moulds. Ingot casting by continuous and semi-continuous methods.
Principle of casting. Melds. Casting machines. Casting modes for round, flat and hollow ingots.
Practice of casting ingots using alloys based on aluminum, copper, magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, etc. by continuous method.
Section 5. Equipment and designing of foundries
5.1 Main areas for development of modern melting, moulding and core equipment, as
well as machines for special casting methods.
5.2 Automatic casting lines for mass and serial production of castings using non-
ferrous alloys. Automation of preparation of feed materials and preparation of moulding
compound and core sand. Modern methods of mould knockout, and cores and castings finishing.
Automation of knockout and finishing processes.
5.3 Objectives in the field of design of foundry shops and plants. Selection and
substantiation of space-planning, technical, architectural, constructional and social solutions for
foundry shops and plants.
Recommended readings for Part 10
1. I. B. Kumanin, Theory of Casting Processes. Mashinostroyeniye publishing
house, M., 1976, p. 216, with illustrations.
2. Yefimov, V.A . Casting and crystallization of steel. Metallurgiya publishing
house, M., 1976, p. 552, with illustrations.
3. Gulyayev, B.B. Theory of Casting Processes (Теория литейных процессов).
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1976, p. 216, with illustrations.
4. Balandin, G.F. Build-up of Crystal Structure of Castings (Формирование
кристаллического строения отливок). Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1973, p. 288,
with illustrations.
5. B. V. Bauman, B. I. Blagov et al. Foundry production (Литейное производ-
ство). Edited by Kumunik, I.B. Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1971, p. 318, with
6. Gulyayev, B.B. Foundry Processes (Литейные процессы). Mashinostroyeniye
publishing house, M., 1960, p. 416, with illustrations.
7. Leva, L.I., Katenik, S.K. Casting Alloys (Литейные сплавы). Vysshaya Shkola
publishing house, M., 1967, 432 p., with illustrations.
8. Ryzhikov, A. A. Theoretical Basis of Foundry Production (Теоретические
основы литейного производства). Mashgiz, М., 1961, 447 p., with illustrations.
9. Kurdyumov, Mikhailov, A.M. et al. Laboratory Research in the Area of Foundry
Production Technology (Лабораторные работы по технологии литейного производства).
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1970, p. 200, with illustrations.
10. Vejnik, A. I. Thermal Basics of Casting Theory (Тепловые основы теории
литья). Mashgiz, М., 1959, 435 p., with illustrations.

11. Stepanov, Yu.A., Anuchina, M.G, Balandin, G.F., Konstantinov, L.S. Special
Types of Casting (Специальные виды литья). Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1970,
p. 233, with illustrations.
12. Girshovich, N.G. Crystallization and properties of cast iron in castings.
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1966, p. 562, with illustrations.
13. Bunin, K.P., Malinochka, Ya.I., Taran, Yu.N. Basics of Metallography (Основы
металлографии). Metallurgiya publishing house, M., 1969, p. 416, with illustrations.
14. Vasilevskij, I.F. Steel Casting Technology (Технология стального литья).
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1974, 408 p., with illustrations.
15. Kremer, M.A. Shaped Casting of Alloy Steels (Фасонное литье из
легированных сталей). Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1964, p. 227, with
16. Kurdyumov, A.V., Pikunov, M.V., Chursin, V.M. Foundry Production of Non-
ferrous and Rare Metals (Литейное производство цветных и редких металлов). Metallurgiya
publishing house, M., 1972, p. 496, with illustrations.
17. Altman, M.B. et al. Melting and Casting of Light Alloys (Плавка и литье легких
сплавов). Metallurgiya publishing house, M., 1969, p. 680, with illustrations.
18. Non-ferrous Casting. Engineering Monograph. Ed. Kolobneva, I.F.
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 19660, p. 381, with illustrations.
19. Altman, M.B. et al. Melting and Casting of Non-ferrous Metal Alloys (Плавка и
литье сплавов цветных металлов). Metallurgiya publishing house, M., 1963, p. 524, with
20. Melting and Casting of Aluminum Alloys (Плавка и литье алюминиевых
сплавов). Metallurgiya publishing house, M., 1970, p. 416, with illustrations.
21. Aksenov, P.N. Foundry Shop Equipment (Оборудование литейных цехов).
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1968, p. 447, with illustrations.
22. Shestopal, V.M. Designing Machine-building Factories and Workshops
(Проектирование машиностроительных заводов и цехов), vol. 2. Designing Foundry Shops
and Plants (Проектирование литейных цехов и заводов). Mashinostroyeniye publishing
house, M., 1974, p. 287, with illustrations.
23. Chounayev, M.V. Fundamentals of Designing Automatic Foundry Devices
(Основы конструирования автоматических устройств литейного производства).
Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1960, p. 227, with illustrations.
24. Safety and Industrial Hygiene in Foundries of the Machine-building Industry
(Правила техники безопасности и производственной санитарии в литейном производстве
машиностроительной промышленности). Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 19667, p.
381, with illustrations.
25. Makurin, P.I. Safety Rules in Foundry Shops (Техника безопасности в
литейных цехах). Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, M., 1965, p. 307, with illustrations.
26. Gini, E.Ch. Foundry Technology: Special Types of Casting (Технология
литейного производства: Специальные виды литья:): Textbook for students of higher
educational institutions / Gini, E.Ch., Zarubin, A.M., Rybkin, V.A. Ed. Rybkin, V.A. M.:
Akademiya publishing house, 2005. 352
27. Ivanov, V.N. Special casting types: Study guide / ed. Shulyak V.S. M.: MSIU,
2007. 316 p.
28. Special types of casting: reference book / ed. Yefimov, V.A. M.: Mechanical
engineering, 1991. 636 p.
29. Galdin, N.M., Chernega, D.F., et al. Non-ferrous Casting. Reference book. – M:
Mechanical Engineering, 1989. 528 p.
30. Trunov, A.P., Malyarov, A.I. Casting Alloys and Melting. M.: Akademiya
publishing house, 2004. – 336 p.

31. Vozdvizhensky, V.M., Grachev, V.A., Spassky V.V. Casting Alloys and their
Melting Technology in Mechanical Engineering. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. 432 p.
32. Aluminum and its Alloys in Liquid State / Denisov, V.N., Pingin, V.V., Antonova
L.T., et al. Yekaterinburg: UrO RAS, 2005. 267 p.
33. Yelansky, G.N., Elansky, D.G. Structure and Properties of Metal Melts. M:
MSEMI, 2006. 228 p.
34. Original Melts as a Basis for Forming of Structure and Properties of Aluminum
Alloys / Brodova, I.G., Popel, P.S., Barbin, N.M., Vatolin, N.A. Yekaterinburg: UrO RAS, 2005.
370 p.
35. Kozlov, L.Ya., Kolokoltsev, V.M., Ten, E.B. et al. Production of Steel Castings.
M: MISIS, 2005.
36. Belov V.D. et al. Production of Cast Iron Castings. Magnitogorsk: BMSTU, 2011.
37. Kurdyumov, A.V., Belov, V.D., Pikunov, M.V. et al. Production of Castings
using Alloys of Non-ferrous Metals. M.: MISIS, 2005.


1. Classification of steels. Influence of composition on steel quality. Summary of
steelmaking. Methods of steel production.
2. Main reactions in steelmaking. Slag formation. Composition and properties of
steelmaking slags, and their role in the process.
3. Materials used in steelmaking: metal charge structure and composition, oxygen
sources, slag-forming materials. Requirements for charging materials, technologies used to
prepare them for melting.
4. Converter steelmaking process. General arrangement of main equipment. Standard
cycle of converter melting.
5. Special electrometallurgy.
6. Electric steel production. Classification of methods for steelmaking with electric
energy. Arrangement of electric arc furnaces.
7. Methods for steel melting in main electric arc furnace. Remelting of alloy wastes in an
arc furnace. Main melting periods and tasks.
8. Secondary steelmaking. Goals and methods of treatment. Ladle deoxidation and
alloying of steel. Methods for cutting off slag during metal tapping from the steelmaking unit.
Use of inert gases for ladle treatment of liquid steel. Desulfurization of steels using synthetic
slags, solid and powder blends. Influence of treatment on the finished metal quality.
Dephosphorization. Ladle degassing of liquid steel: methods, technologies and equipment.
Influence of degassing on the finished metal quality. Comprehensive ladle treatment of liquid
9. Continuous steelmaking processes: variants of process flow diagrams and equipment.
Current state and development prospects.
10. Crystallization and casting of steel.
11. Ferroalloy production
12. Mathematical model, problems and stages of mathematical modelling


Section 1. Powder metallurgy.
а) Methods for producing powders /1a-2a, 1b-2b/
1.1. Importance of powder metallurgy. Development history of powder metallurgy. Main
process flowsheets for production of sintered materials. Classification of powder production

1.2. Mechanical methods for production of powders. Production of powders by means of
grinding solid metals and spraying liquid metals and alloys by means of gas, liquid and
centrifugal spraying methods.
1.3. Physical/chemical background of processes. Equipment, advantages and
disadvantages of different methods, areas of application. Methods of producing amorphous
powders and nanopowders using mechanical methods.
1.4. Production of metal powders by means of metal oxide reduction using solid and
gaseous reducing agents. Physical and chemical background of processes.
1.5. Practice of producing iron, tungsten and titanium powders. Physical and chemical
methods for production of nanopowders. Production of metal powders by means of electrolysis
of aqueous solutions and molten media.
1.6. Production of powders by means of thermal dissociation of carbonyl compounds.
Physical and chemical fundamentals of processes, powder production practices. Properties of
metal powders and methods of their control.
b) Moulding and sintering of metal powders /3a-4a, 3b-4b/
1.7. Preparation of powders. Regularities of powder compaction in a steel mould.
Processes occurring during compression moulding. Dependence of density on pressure of
compression moulding. Distribution of density by volume of briquette. Pressure loss due to
friction. Elastic aftereffect. Compression moulding with lubrication. Compression moulding
1.8. Hot isostatic pressing. Injection moulding. Laser-based moulding. Practice of
compression moulding. Presses and moulds. Metallic powder moulding options: hot, isostatic,
dynamic, pulsed, vibrational, rolling, slip moulding. Specific features of processes, equipment.
1.9. Main patterns of the sintering process in the solid phase. Importance of surface and
volume diffusion. Shrinkage during sintering. Influence of technological parameters on the
sintering process; properties of sintered products. Features of multicomponent systems sintering.
Influence of heterodiffusion on the shrinkage process.
1.10. Main patterns of multicomponent systems sintering in the presence of liquid phase
disappearing and present until the end of isothermal holding on heating. Kinetics of shrinkage.
Factors affecting strength and grain size of alloys.
1.11. Impregnation as a kind of liquid phase sintering. Physical/chemical fundamentals
and patterns of impregnation. Practices of sintering processes. Sintering atmosphere, sintering
furnaces, sintering rejects.
c) Sintered materials with special properties / 5a-a, 5b-6b /
1.12. Classification of sintered materials. Sintered porous bearings and filters. Main
compositions. Production technology. Physical, mechanical and operational properties.
1.13. Antifriction and friction materials. Main operating principles. Structure and
properties of solid lubricants. Manufacturing technology, properties, areas of application and
development prospects.
1.14. Sintered electrotechnical materials: for sliding and arcing contacts, as well as
magnets. Operational features, types of wear. Physical and chemical fundamentals and
technology for production, areas of application.
1.15. Sintered solid alloys, their classification. Process flowsheet for producing,
properties, areas of application. Construction ceramics. Characteristics of feed materials.
Technological options for production. Application of ceramic coatings. Properties, areas of
1.16. Heat resistant sintered materials: dispersion-strengthened and fiber. Technology
features, main properties and areas of application.
1.17. Diamond-bearing sintered materials. Synthesis of diamonds. Producing of diamond
tools with various binders.

Section 2. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHE) technologies /10a-13a, 7b-
2.1. Introduction. General characteristics of SHS processes. Types of chemical reactions
and main product classes in SHS. Thermal mechanism of propagation of the SHS wave.
2.2. Structure of the gas-free combustion wave. Calculation of adiabatic combustion
temperatures and equilibrium concentrations of synthesis products.
2.3. Types of kinetic laws, their physical and chemical explanation and influence on the
structure of the SHS wave (narrow and wide reaction zones). Principles of experimental
determination of effective kinetic parameters of the SHS process.
2.4. Experimental methods for measuring combustion rate. Local and global values of
propagation rate of the SHS wave. Determining temperature profiles of the process.
2.5. Formation of product macrostructure (expansion, shrinkage). Formation of
macrostructure Formation of crystal structure of products.
2.6. Synthesis technology for producing blanks and powders. Technology of force SHS
compaction. Schematic diagrams of the process. Main technological parameters and their
influence on the structure and properties of combustion products.
2.7. SHS metallurgy. SHS welding technology. New materials produced according to
SHS technology. Structure and properties of synthetic hard tool materials (SHTM). Functional
gradient materials (FGM).
Section 3. Functional and nanostructure coatings /14а-18а, 10b-12b/
3.1. Introduction. General classification of methods and types of coatings. Gas-thermal
methods. Feed materials for applying coatings. Plasma spray technology.
3.2. Electric arc, detonation, wire flame spraying, spraying methods using supersonic
nozzles. Cladding techniques. General features. Plasma-jet and laser cladding.
3.3. Electric spark machining and thermal reaction hardening methods. Vacuum coating
techniques. PVD and CVD processes.
3.4. Thermal evaporation technology. Heating methods. Activation options. Interaction of
ions with hard material surface. Physics of magnetron sputtering.
3.5. Physics of cathodic arc evaporation. Chemical gaseous deposition. Theoretical
fundamentals. Conventional and advanced technologies.
3.6. Coating thickness measurement methods. Express-control methods for adhesion
strength of coatings. Determining the chemical and phase composition of coatings
3.7. Surface spectroscopy techniques. Energy dispersive spectroscopy. X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy. Raman and infrared
spectroscopy. Optical emission spectroscopy.
Recommended (main and further) readings for Part 12
а) Main readings
1a. Powder metallurgy processes. Vol. 1, Vol. 2. Metal Powder Production
(Производство металлических порошков): College Textbook / Libenson G.A., Lopatin V.Yu.,
Komarnitskij G.V. et al. – M.: MISIS, – 2002 – 688 p.
2a. Kiparisov S.S., Libenson G.A. Powder Metallurgy (Порошковая металлургия). M.:
Metallurgiya, 1991. 432 p.
3a. Anikin V.N., Blinkov I.V., Chelnokov V.S. et al. Fundamentals of powder sintering:
real materials sintering kinetics: series of lectures. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2014. 108 p.
4a. Levinskij Yu.V, Lebedev M.P. Fundamentals of Metal Powder Sintering Processes
(Теоретические основы процессов спекания металлических порошков). M.: ld Publishing
House, 2014. 372 p.
5a. Narva, V.K. Process and Properties of Powder Materials and Their Products.
Structural Materials (Технология и свойства порошковых материалов и изделий из них.
Конструкционные материалы). Series of lectures. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2010. 122 p.

6a. Narva, V.K. Technology of Powder Materials and Products (Технология
порошковых материалов и изделий). Series of lectures. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2012.
170 p.
7a. Panov V.S., Chuvilin A.M., Falkovskij V.A. Process and Properties of Sintered Hard
Alloys and Their Products (Технология и свойства спеченных твердых сплавов и изделий из
них). M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2004. 460 p.
8a. Kostikov, V.I. Physics and Chemistry of Composite Materials Technology:
Fundamentals of Composite Materials Development Processes (Физико-химические основы
технологии композиционных материалов: теоретические основы процессов создания
композиционных материалов). Study guide. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2011. 285 p.
9a. Kostikov, V.I. Physics and Chemistry of Composite Materials Technology: Directives
on Composite Materials Production (Физико-химические основы технологии
композиционных материалов: директивная технология композиционных материалов).
Study guide. M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2011. 220 p.
10a. Levashov E.A., Rogachev A.S., Yukhvid V.I., Borovinskaya I.P. Physics, Chemistry
and Process of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (Физико-химические и
технологические основы самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза).
Study guide. M., Binom publishing house, 1999, 176 p.
11a. Levashov E.A., Rogachev A.S., Kurbatkina V.V., Maksimov Yu.M., Yukhvid V.I.
Advanced Materials and Process of Self-Propagating High-Temperature
Synthesis (Перспективные материалы и технологии самораспространяющегося
высокотемпературного синтеза). Study guide. Publishing house of MISIS, 2011, 377 p.
12a. Amosov A.P., Borovinskaya I.P., Merzhanov A.G. Powder Technology of Self-
Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Materials (Порошковая технология
самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза материалов). Study guide /
under the scientific editorship of Antsiferov, V.N., M., Mashinostroyeniye-1, 2007, 567 p.
13a. Kudinov, V.V., Bobrov, G.V. Spray coating. Theory, Process and Equipment
(Нанесение покрытий напылением. Теория, технология и оборудование). M.: Metallurgiya,
1992, 432 p.
14а. L. Baldaev. Thermal Spraying (Газотермическое напыление). M: Market DS,
2007, 344 p.
15a. Berlin, E.V., Seidman, L.A. Ion & Plama Process in Thin Film Technology (Ионно-
плазменные процессы в тонкопленочной технологии). M.: Tekhnosfera, 2010. 544 p.
16a. Nanostructured Coatings (Наноструктурные покрытия). Edited by Cavaleiro, De
Hosson. M.: Tekhnosfera, 2011. 752 p.
17a. Gitlevich, A.E., Mikhailov, V.V., Parkanskij, N.Ya. et al. Electro-Spark Alloying of
Metal Surfaces (Электроискровое легирование металлических поверхностей) // Chisinau:
Stiintsa, 1985, 195 p.
18a. Syrkin, V.G. CVD Method. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD-метод. Химическое
паровое осаждение). Science. 2000. 458 p.
b) Additional readings
1b. Roman, O.V., Gabrielov, I.P. Reference Book on Powder Metallurgy: Powders,
Materials, Process (Справочник по порошковой металлургии: порошки, материалы,
процессы). Minsk: Belarus, 1988. 175 p.
2b. Metal Powders and Powder Materials (Металлические порошки и порошковые
материалы) / Edited by Levinskij, Yu.V. M.: Ecomet, 2005. 520 p.
3b. Geguzin, Ya.E. Physics of Sintering (Физика спекания). M.: Nauka, 1984. 312 p.
4b. German, R. Power Metallurgy Encyclopedia (Энциклопедия порошковой
металлургии). M.: Intellekt Publishing house, 2009. 336 p.
5b. Ermakov, S.S., Vyaznikov, N.F. Powder Steels and Products (Порошковые стали и
изделия). M.: Mashinostroyeniye publishing house, 1990. 240 p.

6b. Kostikov, V.I., Varenkov, A.N. Composite Materials Based on Aluminum Alloys
Reinforced with Carbon Fiber (Композиционные материалы на основе алюминиевых
сплавов, армированных углеродными волокнами). M.: Intermet Engineering, 2000. 260 p.
7b. Rogachev, A.S., Mukasyan, A.S. Burning for Material Synthesis: Introduction to
Structure Macrokinetics (Горение для синтеза материалов: введение в структурную
макрокинетику), Fizmatlit, 2012, 400 p.
8b. Merzhanov, A.G. Burning Processes and Material Synthesis (Процессы горения и
синтез материалов). / Edited by Sychev, A.E. Chernogolovka, ISMAN publishing house, 1998.
512 p.
9b. Levashov, E.A., Rogachev, A.S., Barzykin, V.V., Shkadinskij, K.G. et al. Self-
Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis: Theory and Practice (Самораспространяющийся
высокотемпературный синтез: теория и практика). Chernogolovka, Territoriya publishing
house, 2001. 432 p.
10b. A. Puzryakov. Theoretical Basics of Plasma Spray Technology (Теоретические
основы технологии плазменного напыления). M.: BMSTU, 2008, 360 p.
11b. Kadyrzhanov, K.K., Komarov, F.F., Pogrebnyak, A.D. Ion-Beam and Ion-Plasma
Treatment of Materials (Ионно-лучевая и ионно-плазменная обработка материалов). M.:
Publishing house of MSU, 2005. 640 p.
12b. Berlin, E.V., Seidman, L.A. Obtaining Thin Films by Reactive Magnetron
Sputtering (Получение тонких пленок реактивным магнетронным распылением). М.:
Tekhnosfera, 2014. 256 p.


Section 1. Fluid and Gas Mechanics [1,3,5]
1.1 Basic Concepts and Assumptions of Fluid and Gas Mechanics. Concepts of ideal and
real, incompressible and compressible fluid. Forces in moving liquid. Ideal and real fluid motion
equation. Real fluid motion modes and their features. Methods of turbulence description. Fluid
and gas statics. Furnace gas statics features. Bernoulli's equation for ideal fluid tube and for real
fluid flow in the pipe. Hydraulic loss types. Examples for solving hydraulic tasks for pipelines
and evacuation systems for combustion products.
1.2 Purpose, main concept, application area of momentum boundary layer theory. Types
of boundary layers. Prandtl equation for laminary and turbulent boundary layer. Integral methods
of boundary layer calculation. Von Karman equation. Results of boundary layer calculation
under laminary and turbulent motion modes. Free jet as a particular case of boundary layer.
1.3. Basic Concepts of Similarity Theory. Class, group, phenomena. Transformation
factors and similarity criteria. Hydrodynamic similarity criteria. Similarity criteria
interconnection. Principal theorem of the similarity theory. Transformation factors
interconnection, -similarity theorem. Self-similarity of the process in relation to the criterion.
Physical modelling of fluid and gas dynamics problems.
Section 2. Heat exchange theory and mass-transfer theory, and their modelling [1,4,5,6]
2.1 Classification of mechanisms of heat transfer and mass of impurities. Analogy of
describing molecular transfer processes of various substances. Convective transfer types. Heat
loss and heat transfer concepts. Newton-Richmann cooling law. Differential equation of
convective heat loss. Differential equation of energy and its application of heat loss calculation.
Application of boundary layer theory for calculation of heat transfer and admixture mass.
Concepts of thermal and diffusion boundary layer. Energy and convective diffusion equations for
boundary layer. Integral method of boundary layer calculation (by Kruzhilin, G.N.) and its
application for calculating convective heat and mass loss under forced movement of fluid along
flat surface under laminary mode. Solving the problem for heat loss under the laminary mode of
fluid motion in a pipe. Reynolds analogy and its application for calculating convective heat and
mass loss under forced movement of fluid along flat surface and in a pipe under turbulent mode.

Application of similarity theory for convective heat loss problem. Heat loss during free
2.2 Fourier's Hypothesis. Concept of temperature field. Types of temperature fields.
Steady heat conduction problem setting. Steady heat conduction in a flat single and multi-layer
wall under boundary conditions of first, second and third order. Steady heat conduction in a
cylindrical single and multi-layer wall under boundary conditions of first, second and third order.
Critical diameter of thermal insulation. Methods for intensifying the thermal transfer process,
and their analysis. Differential equation of unsteady heat conduction. Unsteady heat conduction
problem setting. Types of boundary conditions. Application of similarity theory for solving
problems of unsteady heat conduction. Solution of differential equation of unsteady heat
conduction under boundary conditions of third order by Fourier's method, and its analysis.
Physical significance of the Biot number, and its impact on heating and cooling bodies. Regular
thermal mode and its features under boundary conditions of first, second and third order.
Numerical methods for solving thermal conductivity problems. Method of finite differences and
finite elements. Main characteristics and properties of difference schemes. Methods of creating
difference analogs. Advantages, disadvantages, and recommended application of explicit and
fully implicit difference schemes, and the Crank-Nicolson method.
2.3 Quantitative characteristics of emission process, their physical significance and
parameters. General characteristics of heat transfer by radiation. Types of radiation. Basic laws
of black-body radiation, their analysis and application for radiation of real bodies. Types of
radiation flux (spectral and integral radiation), and their interconnection. Grey body concept.
Grey body radiation laws. Energy conservation law for radiation and its analysis. Types of
problems for heat exchange by radiation in closed systems. Geometric angular radiation
coefficients and their properties. Conventional zonal method of calculating heat exchange by
radiation in systems with diathermic environment. Generalized angular radiation coefficients and
their properties. Specific features of using conventional zonal method of calculating heat
exchange by radiation in systems with radiating and absorbing environment. Concept of third
order zones. Difficulties in using the conventional zonal method for systems with third order
zones. Resolvent zonal method of calculating complex heat exchange. Permissive angular
radiation coefficients – physical significance, connection to other radiation coefficients,
calculation methods. Methods of solving problems of coupled heat transfer.
Section 3. Theory, thermal operation and design of furnaces for metallurgical works,
theory and practice of heat generation [2]
3.1 Classification of industrial equipment in terms of energy. Concept of operational kind
of energy, and its use. Industrial furnaces as process equipment. Main areas of furnaces and their
interposition. Heat generating furnaces, heat exchange furnaces, and combined furnaces.
Thermal operation modes of heat exchange furnaces, and main processes limiting their thermal
performance. Heat generating furnaces, and main processes limiting their thermal performance.
Thermal operation modes of heat exchange furnaces, and ways to intensify heat transfer from the
heat generation zone to the process zone. Intensifying the operation of heat generation furnaces
under various thermal performance modes. Quantitative parameters of furnaces thermal
performance. Role of lining and its radiation properties in heat exchange processes in furnace
bodies. Impact of radiation properties of radiating and absorbing medium for filling furnace
bodies on heat exchange processes. Process flow of gas movement in furnace bodies.
Optimization of gas movement as a method of improving the thermal performance of furnaces.
Heat balance of continuous and batch-type furnaces. Calculation and analysis of heat balance
input and output. Calculation of specific indicators of furnace thermal performance in terms of
3.2. Main sources of heat as operating energy for technological processes. Heat
generation based on fuel chemical energy. Characteristics of fuel used in metallurgy.
Quantitative parameters of fuel quality. Fuel combustion calculations. Fuel burning devices:
classification, design, operating principles, selection chart. Advanced trends for improving

thermal performance of fuel burning devices. Heat generation based on electric power. Main
principles and methods of heat generation. Advantages and disadvantages of using electric power
as a source of heat. Thermal generation based on chemical energy of raw materials in
metallurgical production. Use of secondary energy resources for technological processes.
Feasibility study for main objectives of secondary energy resource use.
3.3 Heat and temperature mode of furnace operation. Thermal performance of blast
furnaces. Heat exchange process flow in a lump material layer. Intensification factors of heat
exchange processes in blast furnaces. Blast furnaces heat balance. Thermal performance of
steelmaking convertors.
3.4 Features of design and thermal performance of various types of oxygen steelmaking
converter. Heat balance of oxygen steelmaking converters, and its analysis. Design and thermal
performance of electric arc furnaces. Methods of intensifying heat exchange processes in furnace
body. Furnace heat balance and its analysis. Design and thermal performance of furnaces for
heating slabs, blooms and billets prior to pressure treatment of metal. Specific features of heating
thermally thin and solid bodies. Conventional three-stage mode. System of heating and flue gas
evacuation from furnaces. Flue gas heat recovery. Methods for decreasing metal loss and
improving the quality of billets heating. Thermal performance and design of rotary hearth
furnaces, roller-hearth furnaces, and furnaces for heating steel strip. Thermal performance of
shaft-type furnaces, reverberatory furnace for copper making, fluidized layer furnaces for
sulphides baking, electric ore smelting furnaces for non-ferrous metallurgy.
Section 4. Environmental protection and gas treatment [7,8,9,10]
4.1. Advanced methods and equipment for gas treatment. Gas dedusting equipment,
equipment power and environmental parameters, calculation and operation features. Dry
mechanical dust catchers (precipitators, cyclones). Filtering equipment (bag filters, granular and
fiber). Wet cleaning equipment (jet scrubbers, Venturi scrubbers, centrifugal battery scrubbers,
foam devices, devices with pseudo liquified ball tip, centrifugal bubble units). Electrostatic
precipitators (EGA, DM type). Methods of hazardous gas neutralization. Neutralization of acid-
producing gas with the use of ammonia, carbamide, sulphur oxides. Thermal neutralization of
flammable hazardous emissions – carbon oxides, soot, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, dioxins,
furans, polycyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, volatile organic materials.
4.2 General power and environmental protection issues related to metallurgical
production. Power and environmental efficiency assessment of Russia's metallurgical industry.
Best available environmentally friendly metallurgical technologies: agglomeration plants,
pelletizers, coke blast furnaces, blast furnaces, steel making convertors, steel making electric arc
furnaces. New methods of steel and cast iron production, and their power and environmental
features. Available technologies for metal heating in rolling and forging shops in terms of energy
and environmental efficiency. Main areas and potential results of improving the power
environmental performance of ferrous metallurgy processes. Environmental regulation based on
study and analysis of specific parameters of metallurgy production.
Section 5. Automation of obtaining and processing materials [11,12,13]
5.1. Metallurgical furnace unit as the object for automatic control and regulation.
5.2 Temperature concept. Temperature scales. International temperature scale MTSh-90.
Classification of methods and devices for temperature measurement. Thermoelectric
thermometers. Summary of thermoelectric temperature measurement method. Main types of
thermoelectric thermometers, their design, error, limits and conditions of measurements,
compensating leads. Connection schemes, corrective actions. Non-contact method of
temperature measurement. Basic radiation laws. Conventional temperatures. Pyrometers: integral
radiation, partial radiation, spectral ratio. Design, main method measurement errors.
Thermographic cameras. Temperature measurement in metallurgy. Temperature measurement of
liquid and solid metals. Gas and liquid temperature measurement. Granular material temperature
measurement. Layout of thermometers in metallurgical production: in furnaces, on mills, etc.
Measurement of thermal flows. Heat flowmeters and thermoprobes. Types and design.

Metallurgical application features. Classification of tutomation devices. DCS: tasks,
composition, structure. Automatic control and management system equipment. Typical units of
automatic regulation system. Regulation laws. Automatic regulation of temperature. fuel
burning, pressure in furnace body. Automation of blast furnaces. Automatic control of blast
furnaces. Automatic control of thermal mode. Automatic control of blast furnace run.
Automation of oxygen steelmaking converters.
5.3 Automation of electric melting furnaces. Automation of continuous casting machines.
5.4 Automation of through-type furnaces: continuous furnaces, walking beam furnaces.
Automation of through-type furnaces: section-type, ring-heath, roller-hearth furnaces.
5.5 Automation of heating bell and box furnaces.
5.6 Automation of strand-type furnaces for thermal and thermochemical treatment of
5.7 General data on gas treatment plant automation. Temperature control in gas treatment
plant. Dust level control in gas treatment plant hopper. Automation of gas treatment process in
electrostatic precipitator. Static and dynamic characteristics of electrostatic precipitator.
Automatic control system for electrostatic precipitator electrical mode. Automatic control of
operating modes of electrode rapping system. Automatic control of dust and gas flow properties
at the electrostatic precipitator inlet.
5.8 Structure and instrumentation of the system for automatic study of thermal and
physical processes. Mobile complex for express diagnostics of thermal units
5.9 Systems for automated study of steel heating process in continuous type furnaces.
5.10 Systems for automated study of metal thermal treatment in bell furnaces.
5.11 Systems for automated study of metal thermal treatment in continuous
annealing furnaces.
Recommended readings for Part 13
1. Thermal Engineering at Metallurgical Works. v. 1. Theoretical Basis (Теплотехника
металлургического производства. т. 1. Теоретические основы): College study guide/
Krivandin, V.A., Arutyunov, V.A., Belousov, V.V. et al. М.: MISIS, 2002. 608 p.
2. Thermal Engineering at Metallurgical Works. v. 2. Design and Operation of Furnaces
(Теплотехника металлургического производства. т. 2. Конструкция и работа печей):
College study guide/ Krivandin, V.A., Arutyunov, V.A., Belousov, V.V. et al. М.: MISIS, 2001.
736 p.
3. Liquid and Gas Mechanics (Механика жидкости и газа): College study guide.
Edition 2, Amended/Edited by Shvydkoy, V.S. M.: ICC Akademkniga, 2003. 464 p.
4. Isachenko, V.P. et al. Thermal Transfer (Теплопередача). College Textbook, Edition
3, Amended. М., Energia, 1975. 488 p.
5. Pribytkov, I.A. Thermal Engineering Basics (Теоретические основы теплотехники):
Textbook for vocational institutions/ Pribytkov, I.A., Levitskij, I.A.; ed. Pribytkov, I.A. М.:
Akademiya publishing house, 2004. 464 p.
6. Arutyunov, V.A., Bukhmirov, V.V., Krupennikov, S.A. Mathematical Modeling of
Industrial Furnace Thermal Performance (Математическое моделирование тепловой работы
промышленных печей): College textbook. M., Metallurgiya, 1990.
7. Assessment and Achievement of Environmental Safety of Metallurgy (Оценка и пути
достижения экологической чистоты металлургического производства): textbook / Ignatiev,
M.N., Karelov, S.V., Mochalova, L.A., Pakhalchak, G.Yu., Sovetkin, V.L., Yaroshenko, Yu.G.,
Yarushin, S.V., under general editorship of Yaroshenko, Yu.G. Ekaterinburg: USTU-UPI, 2008,
391 p.
8. Shultz, L.A. Analysis of Metallurgical Processes in Terms of Energy and
Environmental Efficiency (Энерго-экологический анализ эффективности металлургических
процессов): Study Guide M.: Publishing house of MISIS, 2014. 267 p.

9 Stark, S.B. Gas Treatment Equipment and Plants in Metallurgical Production
(Газоочистные аппараты и установки в металлургическом производстве): Textbook. M.:
Metallurgiya, 1990. 400 p.
10 Protecting the Atmosphere from Industrial Pollution (translated from English)
(Защита атмосферы от промышленных загрязнений (пер. с английского)): Reference Book
in 2 volumes edited by Calvert, S., and Inglund, G.M. M.: Metallurgiya. Part 1, 1988. 760 p.,
Part 2, 1988. 712 p.
11. Belenky, A.M., Berdyshev, V.F., Blinov, O.M., Kaganov, V.Yu. Automatic Control
of Metallurgical Processes (Автоматическое управление металлургическими процессами).
M.: Metallurgiya, 1989.
12. Theory Fundamentals and Elements of Automation Control System (Основы теории
и элементы систем автоматического регулирования). College Textbook/ Kaganov, V.Yu.,
Glinkov, G.M., Klimovetskij, M.D., Klimushkin, A.K. M.: Metallurgiya, 1987. 270 p.
13. Blinov, O.M., Belenkij, A.M., Berdyshev, V.F. Thermal Measurements and Devices
(Теплотехнические измерения и приборы). M.: Metallurgiya, 1993. P. 288.


Section 1. Preparation of raw materials for melting
1.1 Classification of iron ore materials. Ferrous metal ore deposits. Fluxes. Fuel.
Technogenic raw materials
1.2 Arrangement layout of iron-ore materials for smelting. Difference in preparation of
low-grade and high-grade ore. Crushing and grinding. Ore processing. Screening. Processing
parameters. Limiting enrichment rate. Energy consumption on crushing, screening and
processing. Environmental emissions during crushing, screening and processing.
1.3 Iron ore material lumping. Iron ore agglomeration. Physics and chemistry of
agglomeration. Dewatering and condensation. Decomposition of carbonates and hydrates. Solid
phase chemical reactions. Furnace charge melting and crystal formation. Agglomeration. Fuel
burning. Agglomeration gas dynamics. Heat exchange in the layer and heat balance of the
process. Behaviour of secondary elements. Agglomeration process. Resource saving. Material
recycling. Metallurgical properties of agglomerate. Agglomerate production power consumption.
Environmental emissions from agglomerate production. Economic aspects.
1.4 Production of iron-ore pellets. Physical and chemical processes in forming and
hardening raw pellets. Behaviour of secondary elements. Pellet production process. Resource
saving. Metallurgical properties of pellets. Energy consumption and environmental emissions
during pellet production. Economic aspects.
1.5 Design of equipment for iron-ore material lumping. Coalcoking and coke formation.
Coke quality. Environmental emissions from coke production.
Section 2. Cast iron production in blast furnaces.
2.1. Blast furnace. Main processes. Furnace charge heat and decomposition.
2.2 Reduction processes in blast furnaces. Thermodynamics of iron reduction. Features of
manganese, silicon, phosphorus, vanadium, chromium, titanium, lead reduction. Behaviour of
easily recoverable elements. Behaviour of zinc and alkali in blast furnaces. Kinetics of reduction
in blast furnaces, and impact of various factors on reduction rate. Parameters of reduction
progress in blast furnaces.
2.3 Carbonization of iron and formation of cast iron. Quality of cast iron. Slag formation
in blast furnaces. Slag properties. Impact of slag mode on the melting progress in blast furnaces.
2.4 Sulphur behaviour in blast furnaces. Thermodynamics and kinetics of desulfurization.
External treatment of cast iron.
2.5 Fuel burning at furnace tuyeres. Upper and lower degrees of thermal exchange. Melt
heat balances.
2.6 Movement of gas and materials in blast furnaces. Gas formation and its movement in
the layer. Bed void fraction. Furnace charge distribution on furnace mouth. Melt movement. Gas

pressure difference according to blast furnace height, and efficiency of pressure rise in the
furnace body.
2.7 Resource saving and process intensification methods. Blast heating. Oxygen in blast
furnace smelting. Combined blast. Coal dust fuel blasting. Burning reducing gases. Usage of
blast furnaces for disposal of man-made materials. Economic aspects of blast furnace smelting.
2.8 Blast furnace design. Furnace profile. Lining and shell. Cooling system. Cast iron and
slag tapping holes. Blast tuyeres. Charging equipment.
2.9 Blast furnace department equipment. Material feed to the blast furnace. Devices for
cast iron and slag removal. Casting machine. Blast furnace gas treatment. Air heater design and
operation mode.
2.10 Blast furnace melting control. Blast furnace operation. Blast furnace melting control
with computerized process models. Energy consumption and environmental emissions.
Section 3. Non-blast furnace method of primary metal production.
3.1 Solid-phase processes of primary metal production. Raw materials and fuel. Physics
and chemistry of the process. Degree of metallization. Pyrophorosity and methods for its
suppression. Quality of metallized raw materials. Devices for solid-phase production of primary
metal. Energy consumption and environmental emissions. Economic aspects of production.
3.2 Liquid phase processes. Physics and chemistry of liquid phase processes. Raw
materials and fuel. Product quality. Devices for liquid-phase recovery. Energy consumption and
environmental emissions.
3.3 Specific features of combined ore and technogenic material processing in case of non-
blast furnace production of metals and alloys.
Recommended readings for Part 14
а) Main readings
1. Vegman, E.F., Zherebin, B.N., Pokhvisnev, A.N. et al. Cast Iron Metallurgy
(Металлургия чугуна). M.: Metallurgiya. 2004. 717 p.
2. Vegman, E.F. Agglomeration Theory and Process (Теория и технология
агломерации). M.: Metallurgiya, 1974. 288 p.
3. Vanyukov, A.V., Zajtsev, V.Ya. Theory of Pyrometallurgical Processes (Теория
пирометаллургических процессов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1993. 415 p.
4. blast furnace process. Reference Book v. 1 Edited by Vetman, E.F. M.:
Metallurgiya, 1989. 496 p.
5. Karabasov, Yu.S., Chizhikova, V.M. Physical and Chemical Reduction of Iron
(Физико-химические восстановления железа из оксидов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1986. 200 p.
6. Kitaev, B.I., Yaroshenko, Yu.G., Sukhanov, E.L. Thermal Physics of Blast
Furnace Production (Теплофизика доменного производства). M.: Metallurgiya, 1978. 396 p.
7. Leontiev, L.I., Vatolin, N.A., Shavrin, S.V. et al. Pyrometallurgical Processing of
Complex Ores (Пирометаллургическая переработка комплексных руд). M.: Metallurgiya,
1997. 432 p.
8. Lobanov, V.I., Yasnikov, G.P., Gordon, Ya.M., Telegin, A.S. Technical
Thermodynamics (Техническая термодинамика) M.: Metallurgiya, 1992. 240 p.
9. Peacey, J.G., Davenport, W.G. The Iron Blast Furnace. Theory and
Practice (Доменный процесс. Теория и практика). M.: Metallurgiya, 1984. 142 p.
10. Bath Smelting (Плавка в жидкой ванне) (Vanyukov, V.A., Bystrov, V. P.,
Vaskevich, A.D. et al.). M.: Metallurgiya, 1988. 208 p.
11. Ramm, A.N. Modern Blast Furnace (Современный доменный процесс). M.:
Metallurgiya, 1980, 304 p.
12. Stark, S.B. Gas Treatment Equipment and Plants in Metallurgical Industry
(Газоочистные аппараты и установки в металлургической промышленности). M.:
Metallurgy, 1990, 400 p.

13. Yusfin, Yu.S., Gimmelfarb, A.A., Pashkov, A.F. New Processes of Metal Making.
Iron Metallurgy (Новые процессы получения металла. Металлургия железа). M.: Metallurgy,
1994, 320 p.
b) Additional readings
1. Gindin, L.M. Extraction Processes and their Application (Экстракционные
процессы и их применение). M. Nauka, 1984, 144 p.
2. Zherebin, B.N. blast furnace Operation Practice (Практика ведения доменной
печи). M.: Metallurgiya, 1980, 248 p.
3. Zherebin, B.N., Parenkov, A. E., Babankov, V.V. Faults and Failures in blast
furnace Operation (Неполадки и аварии в работе доменных печей)/ Yekaterinburg, USTU-
UPI, 2001, 397 p.
4. Lyakishev, N.P. Gasik, M.I. Metallurgy of Chrome (Металлургия хрома). M.
Eliz publishing house, 1999, 582 p.
5. Paderin, S.N., Filippov, V.V. Theory and Calculation of Metallurgic Systems and
Processes (Теория и расчеты металлургических систем и процессов). M. MISIS, 2001, 334
6. Tarasov, V. P. Gas Dynamics of blast furnace Process (Газодинамика доменного
процесса). M.: Metallurgiya, 1990, 216 p.
7. Yusfin, Yu.S. Bazilevich, T. N. Baking of Iron-ore Pellets (Обжиг
железорудных окатышей). M.: Metallurgiya, 1973, 272 p.
8. Yusfin, Yu.S. Danshin, V.V., Pashkov, N.F. et al. Theory of Metallizing Iron Ore
Raw Materials (Теория металлизации железорудного сырья). M.: Metallurgiya, 1982, 256 p.


Section 1. Industry and environment
1.1 Environment. Basic concepts. Biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere.
Natural and man-made ecosystems. Primary natural, quasi-natural and recultivated environment.
1.2 Sustainable growth. Energy crisis, demographic crisis, social crisis, environmental
crisis. Concept of the global crisis of civilization. Concept of sustainable growth.
Section 2. Resource and ecological basis of social and economic development
2.1 Biospheric resource. Biological subresource. Ecosystems and biological diversity.
Forest resources and challenges facing their preservation. Land resources. Water resources.
Chemical subresource. Principles of environmental chemistry. Greenhouse effect.
Preservation of ozone layer. Emission and pollution. Bioaccumulation and bioconcentration.
Synergetic effect. Toxic metals. Organic synthetic compounds. Emissions into the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere.
Physical subresource. Noises and vibration. Electromagnetic emission. Ionization.
Thermal pollution. Natural radioactivity. Biological pollution.
2.2 Natural resources. Classification of natural resources.
Fuel and power resources. Resources of oil, gas and coal. Low-grade fuel. Resources of
nuclear power. Alternative energy sources. Mineral resources. Classification of mineral
resources. Metal resources. Resources of non-metallic materials.
Section 3. Technosphere and man-made resources
3.1 Technosphere. Circulation of elements in the biosphere and technosphere. Resource
cycles. Flow of elements. Microelements in metallurgy.
3.2 Man-made resources. Production and consumer waste. Handling waste. Secondary
raw materials. Processing data sheets and certification of waste. Waste storage. Disposal and
management of waste. Recycling. Waste detoxification and destruction. Characteristics of waste
as a kind of raw materials. Toxicological characteristics of waste. Waste hazard classes. Criteria
for assigning hazardous waste to a hazard class. By-products and technogenic raw materials.
Secondary materials. Scrap metal. Movement of man-made resources.

Section 4. Basis of resource management
4.1 Basic laws and regulations of resource management. Exhaustibility of natural
resources. Competitive resource use. Decreasing returns law. Social and ecological balance. Law
of falling natural resource potential. Shagreen law. Law of irremovability of waste and/ or side-
effects of production operations. Rule of transformation measures of natural systems. Product
quality as a kind of resource. Law of resource summarization. Limiting resource. Coordination
of resource management and environmental condition. B. Commoner's four laws of ecology.
4.2 Rules of correlation of natural and man-made resources. Product life cycle, its stages.
Eco-balances. Parameters characteristic of eco-balance structure: consumption of material
resources, criteria of energy usage, environmental impact parameters.
Section 5. Environmentally-clean manufacturing
5.1 Sustainable environmentally safe industrial development. Sustainable consumption.
Summary of environmentally safe manufacturing with respect to manufacturing processes,
products, and the service sector. The comprehensive nature of environmentally safe
manufacturing. Best available technologies and best potential technologies.
5.2 Ensuring minimal energy consumption in manufacturing processes and ways to save
energy. Secondary energy resources. Material saving and recycling. Industrial and global
recycling. Secondary energy consumption and secondary emissions.
5.3 Minimization of industrial environmental emissions. Environmental impact
assessment (EIA). Main methods and equipment for purifying emissions into the atmosphere and
bodies of water. Reducing emissions by means of process methods. Efficiency of gas treatment.
Section 6. Fundamentals of metallurgic production
6.1 Production of ferrous metals. Preparation of raw materials for smelting. Ferrous metal
ores. Fluxes. Fuel. Arrangement layout of iron-ore materials for smelting. Crushing. Screening.
Ore processing. Lumping of iron-ore materials. Agglomeration of iron ore. Agglomeration-
related processes. Agglomeration method. Producing iron-ore pellets. Power consumption for
lumping iron-ore materials. Environmental emissions during lumping of iron-ore materials.
6.2 Cast iron production in blast furnaces. blast furnace. Key processes in a blast furnace.
Heating and decomposition of materials. Reduction processes of iron and secondary elements.
Reduction mechanism and kinetics. Development parameters of reduction processes.
Carbonization of iron and formation of cast iron. Quality of cast iron. Slag practice. Sulphur
behaviour. Fuel burning. Heat exchange and thermal balance. Gas dynamics of blast furnace
smelting and movement of charge materials. Methods of resource saving and intensification.
Value of coal coke and its substitutes. Usage of blast furnaces for disposal of man-made
materials. Design of blast furnaces and equipment of blast furnace shops. Power consumption for
manufacturing cast iron and environmental emissions.
6.3 Non-blast furnace method of primary metal production. Solid-phase processes of
primary metal production. Raw materials and fuel. Degree of metallization. Pyrophoricity of
product. Quality of metallized raw materials. Liquid-phase processes. Design of equipment for
non-blast furnace production of primary metal. Energy consumption and environmental
Section 7. Environmental impact of metallurgy.
7.1 Impact of metallurgy on biospheric resource. Impact of species diversity and
ecosystem status. Impact of metallurgical production on forest and soil state. Emissions from
metallurgical facilities into water bodies. Influence of metallurgical companies on global climate
change (greenhouse effect, ozone layer). Demand of metallurgy industry for atmospheric
oxygen. Atmospheric emissions from metallurgical companies. Possibilities for formation of
ecotoxicants during manufacturing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
7.2 Metallurgical production waste. Coke production. Manufacturing of iron-ore
agglomerate and pellets. blast furnace process. Non-blast furnace iron production. Steel
production. Rolling. Non-ferrous Metal Production (Производство цветных металлов). Rare
metal production. Power utilities of metallurgical companies.

7.3 Generation of emissions at metallurgical facilities. Fundamentals of emission
forecasting. Information required for calculation. Material balances of elements. Principles of
thermodynamic modelling.
7.4 Man-made deposits on the territory of metallurgical companies. Flow of elements.
Determination of deposit volume. Element migration. Impact of man-made deposits on the
Section 8. Material recycling at metallurgical production facilities
8.1 Waste from sectors of the national economy. Industrial recycling at metallurgical
production facilities. Recycling of dusts, sludge, slag, scale.
8.2 Secondary metallurgy. Fundamentals of secondary metallurgy of iron, manganese,
chrome, and vanadium. Secondary metallurgy of copper, nickel, lead, zinc and other heavy non-
ferrous metals. Secondary metallurgy of gold, silver and platinum group metals. Secondary
metallurgy of aluminum, magnesium, rare and radioactive metals.
8.3 Global recycling. Quality assessment of man-made raw material. Recycling waste
from the power industry, chemistry, machine industry and other disposal of ecotoxicant-
containing materials at metallurgical production facilities.
8.4 Recycling solid domestic waste and waste water mud.
8.5 Role of metallurgical production facilities in terms of energy. Obtaining energy
carriers. Comprehensive coal processing.
8.6 Obtaining by-products. Slag processing, Production of granulated slag, crushed stone,
pumice, slag wool, cast product, slag glass ceramics from blast furnace slag. Production of
phosphate slag, slag-limestone and slag-phosphate fertilizers from steel-making slags. Usage of
ferrous-based alloy slags. "Melting for slags" to get raw materials for producing aluminum,
titanium etc.
Recommended readings for Part 15
а) Main readings
1. Yusfin, Yu. S., Leontyev, L.I., Chernousov, P.I. Industry and the Environment M.
Akademkniga, 2002. 480 p. (Промышленность и окружающая среда).
2. Andruz, D., Brimblekub P., Dzhikels, T et al. Introduction to Environmental
Chemistry (Введение в химию окружающей среды). M. Mir, 1999, 271 p.
3. Bobovich, B.B., Detkin, V.V. Recycling of Production and Consumer Waste
(Переработка отходов производства и потребления). M. Intermet-Engineering, 2000, 496 p.
4. Voskobojnikov, V.G., Kudrin, V.A., Yakushev, A.M. General Metallurgy
(Общая металлургия). M.: Metallurgiya, 1998, 768 p.
5. Leontyev, L.I., Vatolin, N.A., Shavrin, S.V. et al. Pyrometallurgical Processing of
Complex Ores (Приометаллургическая переботка комплексных руд). M.: Metallurgiya,
1997, 432 p.
6. Lisienko, B.G., Shchyolokov, Ya.M., Rodin, S.E. et al. Methodology and
Information Support of End-to-end Emergency Analysis (Методология и информационное
обеспечение сквозного экстренного анализа). Yekaterinburg, USTU, 2001, 98 p.
7. Utkin, N.I. Non-ferrous Metal Production (Производство цветных металлов).
M. Intermet-Engineering, 2000. 442 p.
8. Khudyakov, I.N., Doroshkevich, A. P., Karelov, S.V. Metallurgy of Secondary
Non-ferrous Metals (Металлургия вторичных цветных металлов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1978,
528 p.
9. Cherepanov, K.A., Chernysh, G.I., Dinelt et al. Disposal of Secondary Material
Resources in Metallurgy (Утилизация вторичных материальных ресурсов в металлургии).
M.: Metallurgiya, 1994, 224 p.
10. Schultz, L. A. Elements of Non-waste Technology in Metallurgy (Элементы
безотходной технологии в металлургии). M.: Metallurgiya, 1991, 174 p.
b) Additional readings

1. Varenkov, A.N., Kostikov, V.I. Chemical Ecology and Engineering Safety of
Metallurgic Production (Химическая экология и инженерная безопасность
металлургических производств). M. Intermet-Engineering, 2000, 382 p.
2. Lisin, V.S., Yusfin, Yu.S. Resource and Ecological Problems of XXI Century and
Metallurgy (Ресурсо-экологические проблемы XXI века и металлургия). M. Vysshaya
Shkola, 1998. 447 p.
3. Lyuri, D.I. Progress of Resource Usage and Ecological Crisis (Развитие
ресурсоиспользования и экологические кризисы). M. Delta publishing house, 1997. 174 p.
4. Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, I. Beyond Growth (За пределами
роста). M.: Progress – Pangaea publishing group, 1994. 304 p.
5. Polyakov, V.V. Resource Provision in the Ferrous Metal Industry
(Ресурсообеспечение в Черной металлургии). M. Machinery manufacturing, 1993, 320 p.



Section 1. Basics of thermodynamics

Enthalpy, entropy, activity, chemical potential, driving force. Hess's law. First law of
thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics. Third law of thermodynamics. Helmholtz free
energy. Gibbs free energy. Vapor pressure above the solution. Phase rule. Single-component
state diagrams. State diagrams of binary systems. Lever rule. Ternary system state diagrams,
polythermal and isothermal views, projections of liquidus and solidus surfaces. Raoult's law.
Solutions: perfect, diluted, regular.
Section 2. Crystal structure and crystal structure defects
Typical crystal lattices of metals. Crystallographic planes and directions with the highest
packing density of atoms in cubic and hexagonal lattices. Types of solid solutions: substitution
solid solution, introduction solid solution and omission solid solution. Factors affecting solubility
in the solid state (Hume-Rothery's rule). Structure and chemical composition of intermetallic
compounds. Compounds with a wide range of homogeneity: electron compounds, Laves phases,
phases with a wide area of homogeneity formed by transition metals. Classification of defects.
Vacancies, vacancy mobility and self-diffusion. Dislocations, interaction of dislocations, cross-
slip and climb. Stacking faults. Impurity segregation on dislocations and stacking faults.
Structure of grain boundaries and sub-grains. Migrations of boundaries, influence of impurities
and inclusions on migration.
Section 3. Phase and structural transformations in alloys
Crystallization of the hot melt, homogeneous and heterogeneous crystal nucleation.
Tamman curves. Macrostructure and microstructure of the cast metal. Modifying. Liquation.
Eutectic crystallization, eutectic structure. Diffusionless crystallization. Origin in phase
transformation in solid state, mutual orientation of phases, principle of structural and
dimensional conformity. Structure and mechanism of interphase boundary during crystal growth
in solid state, shear and normal transformation. Features of martensitic transformation. Phase
transitions of classes I and II. Chemical and magnetic ordering, magnetic transitions. Curie and
Neel temperatures. Phase transformations during heating, dissolution of particles of the second
phase, and homogenization. Thermokinetic curves.
Section 4. Diffusion in metals and alloys
Diffusion mechanisms.
Diffusion coefficients.
Chemical diffusion.
Section 5. Basics of heat treatment
Classification of types of heat treatment. Homogenizing annealing. Pre-recrystallization
and recrystallization annealing. Annealing for reducing residual stresses. Hardening, aging and

annealing. Thermomechanical treatment. Chemical and thermal treatment. Summary and
purpose of each type of thermal treatment, main patterns of change in structure and properties.
Section 6. Experimental techniques
Light and electron microscopy (focused-beam and transmission microscopy). Methods of
local chemical analysis. X-Ray and radiographic phase analysis. Calorimetric tests: classification
of calorimeters, dissolution calorimetry, relief calorimetry, direct reaction calorimetry.
Differential scanning calorimetry and DTA method: Thermal analysis, measurement of heat
capacity. Usage of diffusion couples for phase equilibrium analysis. Construction of phase
diagrams of ceramic systems. Construction of state diagrams for systems with volatile or rapidly
reacting elements
Section 7. Basics of thermodynamic modelling
Minimization of Gibbs energy. Method of potential equality. Calphad method.
Thermodynamic description. Data for pure elements. Modeling of stoichiometric compound.
Modeling of solid solutions. Modeling of liquid phase. Modeling of ionic compounds. Modeling
of gas phase.
Section 8. Physical and thermophysical properties of inorganic materials.
Classification of physical properties according to their structure sensitivity. Thermal
properties. Thermal expansion. Dilatometric study of phase transformations. Magnetic and
electrical properties. Application of magnetic and electrical methods for studying phase
equilibria, changes in microstructure and transformations in alloys. Melt viscosity. Thermal and
electrical conductivity. Surface tension. Density.
Section 9. Mechanical properties of metals
Elastic and plastic deformation. Coefficients and modules of elasticity. Methods for
determining elastic constants. Slip system in cubic and hexagonal metals, Deformation diagrams
of single crystals and polycrystals. Mechanisms of plastic deformation. Theory of hardening
during deformation. Hardening in solid solutions. Hardening of the second phase. Effect of grain
and subgrain boundaries on hardening in polycrystal. Dependence of mechanical properties on
composition in binary systems. Destruction. Mechanisms of brittle and ductile failures and
construction of fractures. Transition from a ductile failure to a brittle one. Cold brittleness.
Section 10. Non-ferrous metals and alloys
Aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, tin; their structure, properties
and applications. Characteristics of main groups of industrial non-ferrous alloys based on
aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead and tin. Features of chemical and
phase composition and thermal treatment, properties, marking according to GOST and
Section 11. Steels
Classification of steels. Phase transformations in steels. Heat treatment of steels.
Martensitic transformations in steels. Bainite formation. Twinning in high-strength steels. Steels
of TWIP and TRIP types. Hydrogen brittleness of steels.
Section 12. Refractory metals and alloys
Features of structure and properties of refractory metals. Interaction with the
environment. Cold brittleness issue. Direction of doping and application.
Section 13. Ceramic materials
Crustal structure of oxide compounds of the following type: spinel (normal/ inversive),
halite, olivine, pyrochlor, pyrovskite, fluorite. Oxidation of metals. Oxygen potential. Properties
of ceramic materials and their application
Section 14. Other types of materials
Properties of water solutions. Slag and matte. Semiconductors. Solders. Gaseous
substances and their interaction with solid inorganic materials and melts.
Recommended readings for Part 16
а) Main readings

1. A. M. Zakharov State Diagrams of Binary and Ternary Systems (Диаграммы
состояния двойных и тройных систем). M.: Metallurgiya, 1978
2. Novikov, I. I. Defects in Crystal Structure of Metals. M.: Metallurgiya, 1983.
3. Boettinger, W.J., Kattner, U.R., Kil Won Moon, Perepezko, J., NIST
Recommended Practice Guide: DTA and Heat-Flux DSC Measurements of Alloy Melting and
4. Robert W. Cahn and Peter Haasen Physical Metallurgy 4th ed. Elsevier Science
5. A Prince Alloy Phase Equilibria Elsevier Pub. Co., 1966
6. Kubaschewski, O., Alcock, C.B., and Spencer, P.J., Materials Thermochemistry,
Pergammon Press 6th edition
7. Kisilyova, I.A., Ogorodova L.P. Thermochemistry of Minerals and Inorganic
Materials (Термохимия минералов и неорганических материалов). Moscow, Scientific
World, 1997, 256 p.
8. H Lukas, S. Fries, B. Sundman. Computational Thermodynamics: The Calphad
Method. Cambridge University Press, 2007
9. Livshits, B.G. Metallography (Металлография). M.: Metallurgiya, 1971
10. Bokstein, B, Mendelev, M, Srolovitz, D.J. Thermodynamics & Kinetics in
Materials Science, Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.
11. Novikov, I.I. Theory of Heat Treatment (Теория термической обработки) M:
Metallurgy, 1986.
12. Kolachyov, B. A., Livanov, V. A., Yelagin, V.I. Science of Metals and Heat
Treatment of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys (Металловедение и термическая обработка
цветных металлов и сплавов). M., MISIS, 2005.
13. Bernstein, M.L., Zajmovskij, V.A. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Metals
(Структура и механические свойства металлов). M., Metallurgiya, 1980.
14. Zolotorevskij, V.S. Mechanical Properties of Metals (Механические свойства
металлов). M., Metallurgiya, 1998.
15. Science of Metals and Heat Treatment of Steel (Металловедение и термическая
обработка стали). Reference book (Справочник). M.: Metallurgiya, 1984, p. 1.
16. Livshits, B.T., Kraposhin, V.S., Linetskij, Ya.L. Physical Properties of Metals and
Alloys (Физические свойства металлов и сплавов). M.: Metallurgiya, 1980.
17. Goldstein, M.I., Grachyov, S.V., Veksler, Yu.G. Special steels (Специальные
стали) M: Metallurgy, 1985.
b) Additional readings
1. Hillert, M. Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations: Their
Thermodynamic Basis. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
2. Saunders, N, Miodownik, A.P. CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams): A
Comprehensive Guide. Pergamon 1998.
3. Umansky, Ya.S., Skakov, Yu.A. Physics of Metals (Физика металлов). M.,
Atomizdat, 1978.


Section 1. Interatomic interaction and electronic structure of a solid body

1.1. Main types of chemical bond in solid bodies. Interatomic potentials. Bonding energy
of metal, covelant and ionic crystals. Equilibrium interatomic distance.
1.2. Electronic structure of solid bodies having various types of bond. Free-electron
model for metals. Degenerated electron gas. Density of states. Fermi surface. Band theory of
solids, energy spectrum of electrons in a crystal, division of bodies into conductors,
semiconductors and dielectrics.
Section 2. Atomic structure of solid bodies

2.1 Crystal bodies. Translation symmetry. Unit cell of the crystal lattice. Crystal
syngonies. Bravais lattice. Point and space groups of symmetry. Coordination number, packing
density. Crystallographic indices of planes and directions in a lattice. Crystalline anisotropy.
Crystallographic texture of polycrystals.
2.2. Amorphous state, metal glass. Nanocrystals. Quasicrystals.
Section 3. Crystal structure defects
3.1. Point defects. Vacancies and interstitial atoms. Equilibrium concentration of point
defects. Nonequilibrium point defects. Creation, migration and discharge of vacancies. Groups of
3.2. Dislocations. Burgers vector. Dislocation density. Edge, spiral and mixed
dislocations. Slip and climb of dislocations. Thresholds on dislocations. Stress field and
dislocation energy. Interaction of dislocations. Complete and partial dislocations. Stacking faults.
Creation and multiplication of dislocations. Frank-Read source. Interaction of dislocations and
impurity atoms. Cottrell, Snooke, and Suzuki atmospheres.
3.3. Boundaries of grains and sub-grains. Grain-boundary angle and boundary energy.
Edge and twist boundaries. Low angle and high angle boundaries. Boundary migration.
Interaction of grain boundaries and impurity atoms.
Section 4. Phases and phase equilibria in materials
4.1. Substitution solid solution, introduction solid solution and omission solid solution.
Ordered solid solutions (superstructure). Electron compounds (Hume-Rothery phases),
interstitial phases, Laves phases, -phases.
4.2. Phase equilibrium in multi-component systems. Phase transitions of classes I and II.
Phase rule. State diagrams of binary and ternary systems with continuous series of solid
solutions, with eutectic, peritetic and monotetic equilibria, with congruently and incongruently
melting interstitial phases, with component polymorphism. Use of geometric thermodynamics to
analyse state diagrams.
Section 5. Diffusion
5.1. Phenomenological laws of diffusion. Self-diffusion and heterodiffusion. Random
walk model for diffusion description. Diffusion mechanisms, role of point defects, dislocation
and grain boundary diffusion. Temperature dependence of a diffusion coefficient.
5.2. Diffusion in the field of concentration gradient. Concentration dependence of a
diffusion coefficient. Kirkendall effect. Levelling and separation (reactive) diffusion. Diffusion
in force fields.
Section 6. Crystallization
6.1. Homogeneous crystal nucleation in hot melt. Critical nucleus size. Rate of nucleation
and growth rate of crystal nucleus. Continuous, graded and dislocation mechanisms of growth.
Kinetics of crystallization. C-shaped crystallization diagram. Critical rate of hot melt cooling.
Heterogeneous nucleation.
6.2. Deviation from equilibrium during crystallization. Effect of cooling rate and melt
temperature gradient on the microstructure. Solutal undercooling. Cellular and dendritic form of
crystal growth. Dendritic segregation. Formation of metastable phases on crystallization.
Diffusionless crystallization.
6.3. Ingot structure. Modifying. Directional crystallization. Zone melting. Growing single
crystals from hot melt. Hardening from liquid state.
6.4. Eutectic crystallization. Structure of eutetic colonies. Normal, anomalous and
degenerate eutectics. Peritectic crystallization.
Section 7. Phase transformations in the solid state
7.1. Polymorphic transformations. Normal and shear transformation mechanisms.
Principle of structural and dimensional compliance.
7.2. Eutectoid transformation, mechanism and kinetics. Eutectoid transformation in
steels. Perlite structure. Diagrams of isothermal transformations. Thermokinetic diagrams.

7.3. Martensitic transformation. Thermodynamics, mechanism and kinetics of martensitic
transformation. Microstructure and substructure of martensite. Reversibility of a transformation.
Shape memory effect.
7.4. Bainitic transformation. Mechanism and kinetics of bainitic transformation. Structure
of bainite.
7.5. Decay of the supersaturated solid solution. Spinodal decomposition. Modulated
structures. Thermodynamics of intermediate phase formation. Clusters, Guinier-Preston zones.
Coherent, partially coherent and non-coherent precipitations. Continuous and intermittent
disruption. Role of vacancies, dislocations and boundaries of grains in precipitation processes.
7.6. Ordering of the solid solution. Long-range and short-range order. Antiphase
domains. Change in solution properties on ordering.
Section 8. Structural transformations in the solid state
8.1. Structural changes on cold plastic deformation. Slip lines and bands. Cellular
substructure. Fibrous microstructure. Crystallographic and metallographic deformation textures,
mechanisms of their formation. Anisotropy of textured metals properties.
8.2. Structural changes on heating after cold deformation. Return (rest, polygonization).
Primary, accumulative and secondary recrystallization. Driving force, mechanism and kinetics of
these processes. Nature of ultimate deformation. Recrystallization diagram. Crystallographic
texture of the recrystallized material, mechanism of its formation.
8.3. Structural changes during hot deformation. Dynamic return and dynamic
8.3. Spheroidizing and coalescence of second phase precipitates in a heterogeneous
material. Mechanism for solution settling.
Section 9. Ways of affecting the structure and properties of materials
9.1. Basics of heat treatment. Classification of types of heat treatment: annealing of the
1st and 2nd type, hardening, tempering, aging, thermomechanical and chemical/thermal
9.1.1. Homogenizing annealing, changes in structure and properties on homogenizing
annealing. Pre-recrystallization and recrystallization annealing. Factors influencing the size of
recrystallized grain. Annealing for reducing residual stresses. Mechanism of reducing residual
stresses during annealing.
9.1.2. Variations of annealing of the 2nd type: complete, incomplete, isothermal,
spheroidizing annealing, normalization, patenting.
9.1.3. Hardening without polymorphic transformations.
9.1.4. Hardening with polymorphic transformations (martensite hardening). Change in
properties during martensite hardening. Critical speed of cooling during hardening, through-
hardening. Ways of hardening: hardening in one cooling environment, in two environments,
graded hardening, isothermal (bainite) hardening, hardening with cold treatment, surface
9.1.5. Ageing. Change in alloy properties on aging. Dispersion hardening. Natural and
artificial ageing. Overageing.
9.1.6. Tempering. Changes in phase composition, microstructure and substructure during
steel tempering. Reversible and irreversible temper embrittlement.
9.2. Thermomechanical treatment. Low-temperature and high-temperature
thermomechanical treatment of steels and aging alloys.
9.3. Chemical and thermal treatment. Changes in composition and structure during
thermochemical treatment. Single-phase and multi-phase diffusion zones. Correlation of the
diffusion layer structure and the state diagram. Diffusion saturation with non-metals and metals.
Diffusion removal of elements.
9.4. Powder metallurgy, main technological stages.
9.5. Methods of surface treatment and surface formation. Change in the surface layer of
materials under the influence of high energy. Electron beam and laser treatment. Ion

implantation. Ion-plasma sputtering. Thermal spraying. Gas phase deposition. Electrolyte
Section 10. Plastic deformation and destruction. Mechanical properties of materials
10.1. Plastic deformation by slip and twinning. Deformation diagrams of single crystals
and polycrystals. Slip systems. Deformation hardening, influence of temperature and
deformation speed. Theory of yield limit.
10.2. Main mechanical properties of metals. Limits of proportionality, elasticity, fluidity
and strength, true tensile strength, plasticity characteristics under tension, hardness, fracture
toughness and impact strength.
10.2. Hardening during creation of solid solutions and precipitation of proeutectoid
(coherent and non-coherent) phases. Influence of grain size on mechanical properties.
10.3. Brittle and ductile failure. Mechanisms of crack nucleation. Crack propagation on
brittle and ductile failure. Criteria of fracture viscosity. Structure of fractures. Transition from a
brittle failure to a ductile one. Limit of cold brittleness. Nature of cold brittleness of body-
centered cubic lattice metals. Ways to combat cold brittleness.
10.4. Heat resistance. Stages of creep. Stress relaxation. Creep rupture strength. Influence
of the material composition and structure on heat resistance.
10.5. Fatigue. Fatigue diagrams. Mechanism of fatigue distress. Factors affecting fatigue
resistance. Thermal fatigue. Contact fatigue.
Section 11. Interaction of materials with the environment
11.1. Oxidation, thermodynamics and kinetics of the process. Doping as a protection
against oxidation. Internal oxidation.
11.2. Electrochemical corrosion. Equal, grain-boundary, and point corrosion. Corrosion
under stress. Cracking corrosion. Corrosion fatigue. Corrosion in liquid metals.
Section 12. Physical properties of materials
12.1. Elastic characteristics of materials. Hooke's law for isotropic and anisotropic
materials. Relationship of elastic modules with the potential of interatomic interaction. Elastic
modules of heterogeneous materials.
12.2. Thermal expansion. Anharmonicity of atom vibration in a crystal lattice.
Temperature coefficient of linear expansion of heterogeneous materials.
12.3. Heat capacity. Quantum theories of the lattice heat capacity of Einstein and Debye.
Debye temperature. Spectrum of normal lattice vibrations. Phonons. Anharmonic component of
heat capacity. Vacancy component of heat capacity. Electronic heat capacity. Alloy heat
capacity. Change in heat capacity during phase and structural transformations.
12.4. Thermal conductivity of materials. Kinetic theory of thermal conductivity. Time
and length of the free path. Lattice (phonon) thermal conductivity; phonon-phonon scattering,
phonon scattering on lattice defects and impurities, isotopic scattering. Electronic thermal
conductivity; scattering of conduction electrons on phonons, impurities and defects.
12.5. Electrical conductivity. Conduction electrons. Relaxation time. Scattering of
electrons on phonons, lattice defects, impurities. Matthiessen-Fleming rule. Influence of
temperature and doping on electrical resistance of metals and semiconductors. Resistance of
solid solutions. Relationship of electrical and thermal conductivity of metals. Electrical
conductivity of hetereogeneous alloys.
12.6. Magnetic properties. Diamagnetism and paramagnetism of atoms. Curie's law.
Diamagnetism and paramagnetism of electronic gas. Magnetic ordering. Ferromagnetism. Weiss
molecular field. Exchange interaction. Ferromagnetic domain. Domain boundaries. Magnetic
anisotropy energy. Characteristics of the hysteresis loop and magnetization curve of a
ferromagnet. Theory of coercitive force.
Section 13. Methods of analysis and verification of metal structure and properties
13.1. Diffraction methods for studying the atomic structure of materials. Features of wave
propagation in periodic structures. Bragg's law. Reciprocal lattice. Main methods of X-ray

crystal structure analysis. X-ray diffractometry. Qualitative and quantitative X-ray phase
analysis. Electron diffraction and neutron diffraction. X-ray analysis of textures, residual
stresses, crystal lattice defects, type of solid solution, chemical long-range order.
13.2. Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, analysis of
the phase composition, microstructure and defects of the crystal structure.
13.3. Methods of local analysis of chemical composition. Electron probe microanalysis.
Auger electron spectroscopy. X-ray electron spectroscopy (electron spectroscopy for chemical
analysis). Mass spectroscopy of secondary ions.
13.4. Study of microstructure using light microscopy. Methods of quantitative
13.5. Methods of measuring physical properties. Thermal analysis. Absolute and
differential methods of measurement. Calorimetry; methods of mixing, input and flow of heat;
scanning, modulating and pulse calorimetry. Dilatometry; optical, capacitive, inductive
displacement sensors. Methods of measuring thermal conductivity. Resistometry, bridge and
potentiometric methods. Measurement of magnetic properties of diamagnetism, paramagnetism
and ferromagnetism. Determining parameters of the magnetization curve and the hysteresis loop
in static and dynamic measurement modes. Thermomagnetic analysis. Application of
measurements of physical properties for solving issues of material science (studying changes in
structural and phase transformations).
13.6. Mechanical test methods. Tensile, compression, bending, torsion tests.
Measurement of microhardness and hardness according to Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers.
Creep, creep rupture strength, and stress relaxation tests. Fatigue tests.
Section 14. Main material classes in metallurgy
14.1. Classification of materials according to chemical composition, method of
production and application. Metallic and non-metallic materials.
14.2. Ferrous alloys. Carbon steel. White iron, gray cast iron, mottled iron, malleable cast
iron and high-strength cast iron. Alloyed steel, classifications according to phase equilibrium,
structure, application, level of alloying. Low alloyed steels of enhanced strength. Construction
heat treatable steels. Spring and wear-resistant steels. Die-block steel. Tool steel for cutting and
measuring tools. High-speed steel. Heat resistant ferritic/pearlitic, martensitic and austenitic
steels. Stainless ferritic and austenitic steels. Heat resistant steels.
14.3. Non-ferrous metals and alloys, alloying, heat treatment, structure, properties,
applications. Aluminum and its alloys. Magnesium and its alloys. Titanium and its alloys. Nickel
and its alloys. Copper and its alloys. Alloys made from refractory metals (Mo, W, Nb, Cr). Zinc,
lead, tin and their alloys.
14.4. Materials with specific physical properties (precision alloys). Conductive and
resistive alloys. Superconductor materials. Soft magnetic and hard magnetic materials. Alloys
with specific elastic and thermal properties.
14.5. Composition materials. Dispersive reinforced composite materials based on
aluminum and nickel, structure and properties, principles of selecting reinforcers. Fibrous
composite materials based on aluminum, titanium, nickel, magnesium; types and properties of
reinforcers. Layer composite metal-based materials that can indefinitely dissolve in each other,
which do not dissolve or form intermetallic compounds. Directionally crystallized composite
materials of eutectic and non-eutectic type. Intermetallic compunds as the basis of heat resistant
alloys obtained via directional crystallization.
14.6. Non-metallic materials. The ideal and actual structure of graphite. Carbon graphite
materials, structure and properties. Polycrystalline diamonds, physical classification, structure,
chemical and isotopic composition, defects, properties.

Recommended readings for Part 17
1. Livshits, B.G. Metallography. M.: Metallurgy, 1990. 336 p.
2. Kittel, Ch. Introduction to Solid-state Physics (Введение в физику твердого тела).
M.: Nauka, 1978. 792 p.
3. Zakharov, A.M. State Diagrams of Binary and Ternary Systems (Диаграммы
состояния двойных и тройных систем). М.: Metallurgiya, 1990. 240 p.
3. Novikov, I.I., Rozin, K.M. Crystallography and Imperfections in Lattice
(Кристаллография и дефекты кристаллической решетки). M.: Metallurgiya, 1990. 336 p.
5. Crystallography, X-Ray and Electron Microscopy (Кристаллография,
рентгенография и электронная микроскопия) / Umansky, Ya.S., Skakov, Yu.A., Ivanov,
A.N., Rastorguev, L.N. M.: Metallurgiya, 1982. 632 p.
6. Zhukhovitskij, A.A., Schwartzman, L.A. Physical Chemistry (Физическая химия) М.:
Metallurgiya, 1976. 350 p.
7. Livshits, B.G., Kraposhin, V.S., Linetskij, Ya.L. Physical Properties of Metals and
Alloys (Физические свойства металлов и сплавов). М.: Metallurgiya, 1980. 320 p.
8. Novikov, I.I. Theory of Metal Heat Treatment (Теория термической обработки
металлов). М.: Metallurgiya, 1986. 480 p.
9. Umanskij, Ya.S., Skakov, Ya.A. Physics of Metals (Физика металлов). М.:
Atomizdat, 1978. 352 p.
10. Shtremel, M.A. Alloy Strength (Прочность сплавов). М.: MISIS, p. 1 Lattice
Defects (Дефекты решетки), 1999. 384 p. P. 2. Deformation (Деформация), 1997. 527 p.
11. Bockstein, S.Z. Structure and Properties of Metal Alloys (Строение и свойства
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