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J Resonence Educating for better tomorrow TARGET : JEE (ADVANCED) 2015 Course : VIJETA& VIJAY (ADP & ADR) Date : 24-04-2015 TEST INFORMATION DATE : 26.04.2015 CUMULATIVE TEST (CT) - 02 Syllabus : Physical : Mole concept, Equivalent Concept, lonic equilibrium, Electrochemistry. Inorganic: Inorganic Nomenclature, Periodic table, Chemical bonding, Coordination compounds, s & p Block Element, Metallurgy. Organic : Organic Nomenclature, Isomerism, Stereoisomerism, GOC, POC, Tautomerism, Acids & Bases. DPP No. # 06 (JEE-ADVANCED) Total Marks : 169 Max. Time : 137 min. ‘Single choice Objective (-1 negative marking) Q.1 to Q.15 (3 marks 2% min.) (45, 37%) Multiple choice objective (-1 negative marking) @.16 to @.20 (4 marks, 3 min.) —_{20, 15] Assertion and Reason ('-1' negative marking) Q.21 to 0.23 (8 marks 2% min.) [09, 7%] Comprehension (~1 negative marking) Q.24 to @.32 (3 marks 2% min.) [27, 22%] ‘Single Digit Subjective Questions (no negative marking) Q.33toQ.40 (4 marks 2% min.) [32, 20) Double Digits Subjective Questions (no negative marking) Q.41 (4 marks 2% min.) [04, 2%] Match the column (4 vs 4) (no negative marking) Q.42 to Q.43 (8 marks, 8 min.) 16, 16] Match the column (4 vs 5) (no negative marking) Q.44 to Q.45 (8 marks, 8 min.) 16, 16] i 1 (Opt P10 p til, S200 > R, compound Ris ° ° i I a) C-CH, (8) COOH C) ) 1) PCI, . 2 PC __ 1x) 5, Number of fractions (ly HON (lit) Ho" Find X & total number of fractions OH on @) pn-GH-cooH : (1) (8) Ph-CH-CH, ; 2) ou 9H (©) Ph-CH-COCT ; (1) (©) CH, ~CH-COOH ; (1) R [Corporate Office | OG Tower, A466 62, PIA, Noat Oly Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kola (al ESONSNCE hietsterramareeonencescmT Educating for better tomorrow carrraeTaGO ZOD ZIGT TOD 255 SESS] CH USSISERIEOOTPT COTO MeOH H,SO, re (CH.OH, H.0 } Xis OH OH OH OH le OH. le ) ® © © M i Me Me oH oH oH HO, HNO, uM HNO, N (NH).S °. NaNO, HCl, Pp 2. ‘Sn_HCl. R H.S0, ASO. oc Ris OH OH OH OH NH; O Oy, ©. *"O 0. NH, NH, Compound (C,H,,©) does not react with Br, water, acetyl chloride or boiling NaOH solution. On reaction with excess of HI, Ais converted into B (C3H,!) and C (C;H,;!). B can be hydrolysed by aq. NaOH to D (C,H,0) which gives iodoform test. C can be oxidized to carboxylic acid E (CHO) by chromic acid, Assign structures to A. (A)Ph-CH,-O-Pr (8) Ph-CH,-O- rr (C) Ph-O-iPr ()Ph-CH,-CH,- iPr A mixture of two aromatic compounds (A) and (B) was separated by dissolving in chloroform followed by extraction with aqueous KOH solution. The organic layer containing compound (A) when heated with alcoholic solution of KOH produced a compound © (C;H.N), associated with an unpleasant odour. The alkaline aqueous layer on the other hand, when heated with chloroform and then acidified gave a mixture of two isomeric compounds (D) and (E) of molecular formula C,H,O, . Identify (A). (A) PhNC (8)PhOH (©)Ph-NH, (D) Salisaldehyde Which can be the product of the following reaction ? NH, Ny Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow 8, : Diazocoupling in aniline is carried out in sightly acidic medium. S, : Carbonyl compounds undergo electrophilic as well as nucleophilic addition reaction. S,: Secondary amines give insoluble precipitate with aqueous alkaline PhSO,Cl S, : Benzaldehyde reacts faster with grignard reagent than benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde. (A)FTIF (8) TTF (C)TTTF (0) TFTF 9. Theintermediate ofthe following reaction is, F oH “28 | mamasne] —> Q NO, NO, FE F F H H Fon wy? eo) OH © © lo Ho No, No, N i oe No 6 6 10. Consider the following sequence of reaction and identify the end product(R) ene Soci, AICI, Zn-Hg Shp AI, g 2nd og CH.Ph Hel "7 5 = a) ® Ph Ph “OL ° a? 11. nthe town sequenetrectos 4 Ph offs 2 aoa ofa " LS n OEE. phcH,oH + Ph-coo™ Q os, MEN. 2n/H,0 The compound ais Ph: (A) Ph-CH,-CH=CH-Ph ®) Yror-or, mn Ph oem pn arpa Oi CS Tot SH BER War Ci Wa Tay Ro Rae ay Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow 12. Observe the following reaction; CH,O CH.O ill . als Hs Br-CH,-C-C-0H+Na,co, > |B CHES C0 CH.=CQ "+ HBr+ Co, da cH, ‘What will be the product of following given reaction ? ° I Ph-CH-CH-C-oH —Ae.KOH rt heat Br Br (A) Ph-CH=C-COOH (8) Ph-C=CH, | Br Br (©) Ph-CH=CH-Br (0) Ph-C=C-COOH 13, Predict the major product of given reaction. ed N.HJKOHH.O (WolFkishner reduction)” Major ‘ Product A is NO, te oO cl °. hae » CY No, Ko, a OH 0 © CO © NO, No, [Corporate Office + OG Tower, AG & 62, PIA, Neat Gly Wall, Jhalawar Road, Kola (a) RESONSNCE rene rmaresmmeonT Educating for better tomorrow carrraeTaGO ZOD ZIGT TOD 255 SESS] CH USSISERIEOOTPT COTO 16° ae 18° OH OH OH OH ——> . This conversion can be achieved by OH (A) Me,COIH", H,0°, KMInOJHO- (8) Me,COIH", KMnO,,H,0° (C) KMn0 /NaO,, Me,COIH’, HO" (0) KMno /NalO,, H,0", Me,COlH™ Compound A (C,H,0C) reacts rapidly with ethanol and catalytic amount of acid to forma plesant smelling substance, B (C;H,,0,) . Aalso reacts with HO to form C with neutralisation equivalent of 100.A, B and C alll react with Br, water. Acid C, which can also be obtained by acidic hydrolysis of Bis oxidised to new acid D(C,H,0,) and CO,. Don heating with soda lime gives acetone. Identify A to D WA= CHa Fc -G—" ? 9 g 9-¢-cH, @) Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow 29. Sis awell known pain killer which of the following is 'R'? i 1 wl ql (A) CH-C-NH, (®) CH-C-0-C-cH, © (©) cH-c-cH, Comprehension #4 Observe the following sequence of reaction nm a {)ACOIACONAIS Conc SOua LS 0, y_oFfia CHOUNaOK , (1) wy SOnCHSOUS aR 2 CHO) 30. The product Y is »«OR- 7 O oD a © OO ° 31. The product Uis “(OlOl 7 e(OIOL 3 I@@ ofOlO 32, Compound (¥) on reaction with CO_JNaOH followed by CH,-C-Cl and pyridine produces COOH gcoc, © coc, “OIO COOH SX (O) ee ae NR cocci OO ofOlO 33. Number of positions electrophilic substitution which takes place when salicylic acid is reacted with bromine water? a (c) arpa Oi CS Tot SH BER War Ci Wa Tay Ro Rae ay Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow 34. The number of stereoisomers of the product obtained in the following reaction is. Ph ° Ph-CH-CH=O + HN-nh—-et ues | Me &) 36. Inthe following sequence of reaction number of Nucleophilic substitution is “Fear? Me, iO) 5 (2) dil. HpS04/.4 Mie Total number of organic products formed (major, minor all) CH,-Cl CH,-OH cH, 6 _N00H 36. cia ar a7. K 03, _NHOHIH The total number of isomeric products (including stereomers) formed at the end of the reaction is 38. Howmany aromatic diazonium chlorides of xylene can be reduced to meta-xylene by H,PO.? cH, Gea _HPO2. , (mxylene) NCI” 39. Find the total number of groups with which the Grignard Reagent (CH,MgBr) can react. 40. How many types of Grignard reagent can be used to prepare the following alcohol, by using different Ketones. et | Me—C-CH(Me2) I OH arpa Oi CS Tost A BER, Wat Gy Wa tay Roe Ra Resonance} Educating for better tomorrow were ween 4. 42, 43. Observe the following reaction, ‘molecular mass of °X' is, Column CH= cH=0 © © HNO3 #9504 cH=0 “om Match the column Column | )mecorch,,come 22> COE gg, a (B) (CH), 2 0 eprctios JL JL excoo (o)Phcocorph —* 5 NH;OHHC!, _HySO4_ __KOH, bol o @ 3) H* Aciaiication a H.N-CH, -CH,-CH,- COOH Column () Aromatic ring substitution @ —_Nucleophilic addition (9 Condensation reaction (5) Formation of more than one organic products. Column It ° CO.Et ©) Me coMe @ (© @h),6 —COo bn OH ® aA, Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow [Corporate Otfice + OG Tower, AAG & 62, PIA, Neat Giy Wall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj) W24005 44, Column Column (Reactions) (Features) a son a) soa )KyKy=1 No, ie alte, (Kyl >1 © oO cone S04 (0 Deactivated reactant (0) CoH OHH? (S) Ortho and para substituted products are major ( Meta substituted product is major, 45. Column-1 Column — 11 (Compounds) (Type of possible reactions) , “OL h ; (@) Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution © (Elimination © (6) Electrophilic addition reaction ( Electrophilic substitution reaction arpa Oi CS Tot SH BER War Ci Wa Tay Ro Rae ay Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow

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