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An airplane is a fixed-wing aircraft that is designed for air travel and transportation of goods.
Airplanes usually have two or four engines but some airplanes have one propeller engine.

The positive side of traveling with an airplane is that it is the safest and fastest way to travel. Not just
that but also big planes can transport a lot of people and cargo planes can carry a lot of cargo.
Because of the fact that airplanes are fast and that they can travel a long distance, you can easily
travel all around the world.

There are also some negative sides of traveling with an airplane. Airplanes are big and heavy
machines so, therefore, they need a lot of expensive fuel and therefore tickets for airplanes can
sometimes be very expensive. Also because of many people in airports, there is a big chance that you
will lose your luggage.

The reason why did airplanes changed people's lives is that traveling with airplanes is the fastest and
safest way to travel. Because of that, you can easily travel where ever you want. Not just that but
also big cargo planes such as Antonov AN-225 can transport large amounts of goods in a very short

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