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Finals 5:

Rawls’ Theory of Justice

Activating Prior Knowledge

(Share it!) 15 minutes. Discuss in small groups where you see and find injustices. Enumerate
these situations and offer Resolutions for justice to prevail.

Racial discrimination – Asians in other countries are experiencing racism since the spark of
COVID 19. Some documentaries or videos uploaded in social media show that East Asian
individuals have been unfairly targeted for discrimination and bias partially due to the virus first
being identified in Wuhan, China. Because of racialization, anyone with an East Asian
background has become associated with the virus. Asian individuals have been unfairly targeted
by being accused of having COVID-19 when expressing normal, non-illness related coughing or

SOLUTION: Find ways to connect to the sense of caring and concern. This may
include: practicing empathy for all, educating those in your social circles, posting relevant
articles on social media, remembering that it is especially important to also be caring for yourself
physically and mentally, and remembering these perspectives when this immediate crisis is

Economic injustice - Involves the state's failure to provide access to adequate food and
housing, and its huge discrepancies in wealth. In cases of misdistribution, some individuals
suffer from poverty while the elite of that society live in relative luxury.

SOLUTION: "Fair share" of the benefits and resources available in the society. Fair
hiring procedures, sufficient job availability, education, and health care.

Stereotyping - Many stereotypes are negative, such as assuming that certain people are lazy,
criminal or poor. Negative stereotypes are harmful to people of color because assumptions,
rather than personalized information, can justify the denial of educational, employment, housing
and other opportunities. Some examples are ideas that some toys are just for boys, or that
women should stay home while men work, and feminine man is gay and any masculine woman
is a lesbian. Some Americans are also afraid of Muslim people because they’re being
associated with terrorism.

SOLUTION: Identify stereotypes. When you find yourself filling in the gaps about a
person, stop and ask yourself, “Is this true, or am I assuming it based on experiences with other
people who look like her?” and make an intentional effort to get to know people from different

Government injustice – Because of the pandemic, after having been granted emergency
powers by the Philippine Congress, apprehensions were raised on the possibility of the
president and his cronies abusing this authority. Consistent with his aggressive anti-crime
stance, Duterte instructed the police and army personnel to “shoot them dead” persons who
would sow disorder during the enhanced community quarantine. The government soon rolled
out for the poorest 18 million Filipino households the Social Amelioration Program, a cash
assistance program, but complaints by local government units arrived as demands from the
actual number of households needing aid exceeded the available funds. Procedural verifications
and monitoring in anticipation of auditing procedures caused delays in distribution. The delays
turned into the quick realization that the national budget could not cover the people’s needs
amidst public demand to expand the coverage to the poor.

SOLUTION: Political and Economic Reform

Finals 6:

Conclusion: The Challenges of Pluralism and Fundamentalism – The Search for Universal

Activating Prior Knowledge

(Share it!) 15 minutes. In a T- chart, identify the effects of globalization in a discussion group,
then classify them whether positive or negative and explain.


FREE TRADE – exchange of goods and FREE TRADE – can harm developing
services among different countries, therefore economies. Developing countries are hard to
increased imports and exports. compete with developed countries and are
often harmed by tariff protection.

FREE MOVEMENT OF LABOR – more jobs, LABOR DRAIN – some countries find it difficult
this can be an advantage to both the workers to hold onto their best skilled workers who are
and the recipient countries. attracted by higher wages elsewhere.


monopolies will try to develop and improve using non-renewable resources, deforestation,
their products and services. pollution, and global warming caused by
manufacturing industries.


multinational companies can play a big role in international trade is exacerbating income
improving the economies of developing inequalities between industrialized and less
countries. industrialized countries.


upgrade their curriculum to a standard one some learners may have difficulties with the
(e.g the implementation of K to 12) and language of another country.
international schools will increase.

CULTURAL DIFFUSION – the spread of LOSS OF LOCAL CULTURE – the cultures

cultural beliefs and activities in different from around the world may replace the local
countries and regions. once.


will start understanding different cultures
around the world

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