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Buenaobra, Larry Jr. V.

BSEd Mathematics II-C

“Team World vs. COVID-19”

Yes, we, the world, is now fighting against one of its worst enemies in the history of
mankind, COVID-19. This coronavirus is a family of viruses that range from the common cold
to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recent coronavirus (sometimes
referred to as the novel coronavirus) is called COVID-19, and was first detected in Wuhan,
China in December of 2019. Since its first cases in China, COVID-19 has spread rapidly to
almost every country worldwide. The virus is highly contagious and can be easily passed before
any symptoms appear. Also, since the virus is unknown and we lack experience dealing with the
said virus, everyone’s worried. However, the public health officers and the government all over
the world are putting all of their efforts to prevent the spread and contain the virus.

As part of the effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus, public spaces such as
schools, universities, and offices are closing down so that people can stay at home and prevent
further spread. Additionally, the government officials are implementing laws such as the home
quarantine, social distancing measures and further guidelines for the citizens to follow so that the
virus can be contained. The closing of schools, universities, and offices ensures that the people
can limit their interactions with others and prevent the spread of the virus as the healthcare
officials copes with the pandemic.

Now, during this COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare officers hold the greatest duty and
responsibility; to protect everyone’s life and to prevent and contain the virus. Doctors and nurses
are also called as “frontliners” because they are the ones leading the fight against the
coronavirus. Along with them are law enforcers such as policemen and soldiers to ensure and
promote peace for everyone. Of course, we also have those people who are called the
“backliners”. They are the ones who provide support for our frontliners and the community.
These includes farmers that supplies the food and other things that we need, those people and
companies that donates funds and other necessary things for our frontliners such as Personal
Protective Equipment, medical kits, testing kits, etc., and also the government. Together, they
form a team to fight against the coronavirus disease.

Here in our country, the fight against the coronavirus disease will be difficult. According
to reports, at least twenty-one (21) doctors have died in the Philippines due to the novel
coronavirus. These deaths were mainly due to the lack of Personal Protective Equipment for
doctors and other health staffs. This is just like going to a war without spears and shields. But,
take a look at this, doctors who died due to coronavirus was primarily due to patients lying about
their condition or exposure history. Now, we should realize how our actions can affect our
frontliners and other people. We also have our duty and also a responsibility to follow those who
lead our fight against the coronavirus.

As what you have read in the title, the world is now fighting against the COVID-19. Now
that I think of this fight, it is just like a football game, a battle of two teams. The two teams
fighting are the Team World against COVID-19. In comparison to a football game, the players of
the Team World are composed of the frontliners, backliners, support staffs, and the government.
Together, they defend us from the virus and do their best to achieve their goal; to win against our
enemy and prevent it from spreading at any cost. With the help of a little teamwork and
coordination, strategic plan, and an endless faith, we can conquer the enemy. We citizens are
also part of this team and our role is as important as theirs. It is just to stay at home and avoid
direct interactions with other people especially if you are within an area with a COVID-19
patient. An easy task, right? All we need is just to follow the protocol and rest is up to our
frontliners, backliners, support staffs, and the government. That’s all we can do physically, but
spiritually, we can pray for them. Just pray and keep believing and it will all be over this soon.
We can win this fight.

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