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Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...



Water is the driving force of all nature

Figure 1

1 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49
Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...

Figure 2

Figure 3.

Water memory


water memory


2 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49
Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...

different same

Water Ceremony

Water – the Great Mystery

Figure 4. 

3 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49
Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...

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Phillis Stein ¥ 3 years ago

Do you have any data on activity during 2017? I would be interested to know this,
because I've been noticing symptoms that don't appear to be health-related -
mainly in the heart, brain (headaches) and nervous systems of certain people. The
sun cycle doesn't appear to be the only factor. Has anyone looked into our
planet's passage through the photon belt and the effects of this? Please point me
in the direction of any relevant research as I like to back up my intuitions with
scientiÞc evidence where available? Thanks
1 ¥ Reply ¥ Share Ý

Katherine "Katy" Fusselman Phillis Stein ¥ 2 years ago

I noticed no one has answered you yet here. I have experienced more heart
problems and sinus headaches in 2017 also. We are presently in a solar
minimum which is known for earthquakes, volcanic activity and onset of
mini-ice ages. It is a natural cycle.
I do organic gardening/farming/ranching in Texas USA.
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tombador mamao Katherine "Katy" Fusselman ¥ 2 years ago

Interesting and I would like to know that too.
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Katherine "Katy" Fusselman tombador mamao ¥ 2 years ago

Dear Tombador,
I don't know about the photon belt affecting people's heart
and causing headaches but in developed countries, there is a
great deal more electromagnetic radiation from cell phones,
WIFI, smart meters and cell phone towers. When the new 5G
towers come on line, the health effects will become even
more severe.
The effects will include cancer, leukemia, nervousness,
seizures, heart attacks and strokes and immune system
failures. In the early 90's, maybe 1% of the population was
sensitive to electrical Þelds. It is up to 10-15% now and as
more sources of electrical and magnetic radiation are added
to the mix, it is estimated that 50% of humans will be
affected. This will also affect animals and even plants.
In the USA, the only radio quiet zones or what is called white
zones( no cell towers or radio transmissions) include parts of
West Virginia, land near Snowßake, Arizona, a small valley in
Colorado, and a biodome in California. The last two
sanctuaries have not been set up yet.
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Phillis Stein Katherine "Katy" Fusselman ¥ 2 years ago ¥ edited

You are spot on there Katherine - I have read this too. There
also appears to be technology involved which works together
with what's coming out in the chemtrails. 5G is all about our
enslavement, nothing more.

Perhaps we need to reconsider our fascination with all our

"smart" devices?

Fortunately 5G is not ready yet as I understand it virtually

requires a phone tower on every street (the net is closing).
The negative forces that truly run this planet are being
disrupted as we speak, so I suspect all will be okay and not

4 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49
Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...

5 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49
Properties of Water – Does Water Have Memory or Consciousness? | ...

6 de 6 28/05/2020 20:49

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