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1.Taslima Khanam-1418

2.Laila Farin-1424

3.Sabrina Akter-1439

4.Rabeya Akter-1457


Broad Questions

1) Explain the role of price as a free market regulator. What is the role of profit in international
trade? Does profit replace or complement the regulatory function of pricing? Discuss.

2) Enumerate the ways in which a nation can overcome an unfavourable balance of trade.

Extra questions:

1) Differentiate among current account, balance of trade and balance of payments.

2) Why does balance of payments always balance, even though the balance 

Short Questions

1) Discuss some of the reasons why seeking an out-of-court settlement in International

commercial legal disputes is probably better than suing.

2) What are the bases of legal systems? How common law and coded law are different?


1)Differentiate between concialiation and arbitration. Why is concialiation a better way to

resolve a commercial dispute than arbitration? (2011-10-a, 2015-9-a)

2) Why concialiation and arbitration are better than litigation?Mention some names of
international arbitration body. (2012-9-b)

3) "The legal environment of the foreign marketer takes on an added dimension of

importance .Since there is no single uniform international commercial law which governs
foreign business transactions."Comment. (2013-9-a)

4...What are intellectual property rights? Why should a company in international marketing
take special steps to protect them? (2013-9-b)

5) Define intellectual property rights. How and why should a company take special steps to
protect them? (2014-12-a)


1).price escalation is a major pricing problem for the international marketer . How can this
problem be counteracted? Discuss (2014-7)

2)What is price escalation in international marketing? State some of the strategies to lessen
price escalation. (2016-3)

3)How can “Dumping” play a vital role in international pricing?. (2016-7)


1)Describe the general pricing strategies followed by an international firm ( 2011-12-a)

2) Suggest some approaches to lessening price esclation. ( 2011-12-b)

3) Discribe the causes of price escalation in the international marketing (2012-13-a.)

4) Describe the various types of countertrade in international marketing. (2012-13-b.)

5)Discuss the various ways in which government set prices (2015-11-b)

6) ) Discuss the various pricing strategies to be used in international marketing (2016-13-b)

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