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Section 1: Task

Bradford Pin Facility Risk Assessment Ref No Covid19RA

Dept / Area Bradford Pin Facility Whole Site Assessor: Stephen Wood Date Assessed: 20/05/2020

Task Covid 19 Risk Assessment Issue 2 Review Date: 08/06/2020

Description of Task /Area being assessed:

A whole site Risk Assessment to comply with the Government Guidance published 11th May 2020 entitled Working Safely during COVID-19 in
Factories, Plants and Warehouses.

The aim of this Risk Assessment is to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by controlling the identified risks

Management Sign Off Name Paul Fletcher Position Plant Manager Date: 04/06/2020

Section 2: Hazard Identification

What are Who might be Controls Required Additional Controls Action by Action Done
the harmed who? by
hazards? when?

Spread of
Staff Hand Washing Employees instructed to wash or sanitise their hands Mark 08.06.20 Ongoing
Covid-19 Visitors • Hand washing facilities with soap and water at the start of shift and on regular basis to wash their Buttle/Shift
Coronavirus Contractors • Stringent hand washing taking place. hands for 20 seconds with soap and water and the Managers
From Hands Drivers • See hand washing guidance. importance of proper drying with disposable towels.
• Also, reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues
to Face Vulnerable body/best-way-to-wash-your-hands/ – Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching
groups • Drying of hands with disposable paper towels. face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Ref 5.2
Elderly Tissues will be made available throughout the Mark Buttle
workplace. Ref 5.3
Pregnant effective-at-removing-viruses-than-hand-
workers dryers-17-04-20/
Hand dryers to be replaced with paper towel S Wood /
• Staff should be encouraged to protect the skin
dispensers and further dispensers to be provided . Ref Mark Buttle
Those with by applying emollient cream regularly
existing •
Encourage staff to report any problems and carry out Shift
underlying • Gel sanitisers in any area where washing
skin checks as part of a skin surveillance programme Managers
health facilities not readily available
Ref 5.3
conditions Ref 5.3
Staff to be reminded that wearing of gloves is not a Shift
substitute for good hand washing however when Managers
worn they should be changed when necessary but at
least every 4 hours Ref 5.3
Spread of Staff Cleaning Rigorous checks will be carried out by line managers Shift
Frequently cleaning and disinfecting of objects and to ensure that the necessary procedures are being Managers 08/06/20 Ongoing
Covid-19 Visitors surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas followed. Ref 5.2 & 5.3
Coronavirus of high use such as door handles, light switches, Suitable signs and posters detailing cleaning regimes S W / M Buttle
Contractors machine controls, HMI screens, shared vehicles, shared installed around the workplace Ref 5.3
From Drivers IT systems etc using appropriate products and methods. Suitable cleaning products to be identified especially M Buttle / 08/06/20
Surfaces to Staff should refrain from touching surfaces wherever those being used on machine controls / electrical Stephen
Hands Defined possible items Ref 5.2 Wood/ Wilkes
Vulnerable Ref 5.0 & 5.5 Toilets and common areas cleaning schedules
groups increased to 4 times a day Ref 5.3 & 5.4 Wilkes 08/06/20
Staff should only bring food to site to be consumed
that day with no foodstuffs left in fridges at the end All 08/06/20
of each shift
Continued.. Cleaning of areas where a case of Covid 19 is confirmed All areas where the infected person or suspected M 08/06/20 Ongoing
or suspected infected person has touched a surface including work Buttle/Wilkes
Work areas and common areas visited by a person stations , desks, vehicles and common areas must be
confirmed to have had Covid 19 or suspected of being cleaned with a suitable disinfectant of at least (1000
infected need an enhanced cleaning routine as set out ppm or better. Ref 5.2
in the government guidance All cleaning materials to be double bagged and left for M
19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings/covid- 72 hours before disposing of in the general waste Ref Buttle/Wilkes 08/06/20 Ongoing
19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings 5.2

Changing rooms and showers The cleaning frequency of showers will be increased M
to 4 times a day Ref 5.4 Buttle/Wilkes 08/06/20 Ongoing
The use of changing rooms and showers is to be
discouraged and no contractors will be able to use the
facilities. Where absolutely necessary for staff to use the
shower facility they must ensure they remove all towels
/ gels /shampoos etc Ref 5.4

Spread of Staff Social Distancing

Visitors Reduce the number of persons in any work area to Staff to be reminded on a daily basis of the Shift 08/06/20 Ongoing
Covid-19 Contractors comply with the 2-metre gap recommended by the importance of social distancing both in the workplace Managers
Coronavirus Drivers Government and outside of it. Ref 3.0 & 7.3
From Vulnerable alert-and-safe-social-distancing/staying-alert-and-safe- Management checks to ensure this is adhered to. Senior 08/06/20 Ongoing
Person to groups social-distancing Ref 3.0 Management
Person Elderly Ref 3.0 Taking steps to review work schedules including start Senior
& finish times/shift patterns, working from home etc. Management 08/06/20 Ongoing
Pregnant to reduce number of workers on site at any one time
workers Ref 2.0 & 7.1
Those with Redesigning processes to ensure social distancing in Management 08/06/20 Ongoing
existing place. Ref 3.1
health Conference calls to be used instead of face to face All 08/06/20 Ongoing
conditions meetings if 2 metre rule cannot be adhered to
Ref 3.4
Social distancing also to be adhered to in canteen All 08/06/20 Ongoing
Social distancing continued… area, smoking area and at clock machines Ref 3.5
All rooms to have signage stating maximum number M Buttle / 08/06/20
of people allowed based on area Ref 3.4 Shift
Factory to have a one way pedestrian route installed
with clear signage Ref 3.2 Mark Buttle / 08/06/20
Wearing of Gloves S Wood
Where Risk Assessment identifies wearing of gloves as a Staff to be reminded that wearing of gloves is not a
requirement of the job, an adequate supply of these will substitute for good hand washing. Ref 7.1 Mark Buttle
be provided. Staff will be instructed on how to remove 08/06/20 Ongoing
gloves carefully to reduce contamination and how to
dispose of them safely. Gloves should be changed when
necessary but at least every 4 hours

Wearing of Masks If screening is in place and side to side working is M Buttle/

Where it is not possible to achieve social distancing the possible surgical masks may be worn (end of line) Shift 08/06/20
wearing of masks will be compulsory. Ref 6.1 Managers
If no screening is possible such as certain
Face Masks maintenance tasks then tight-fitting respirators such Maintenance
The voluntary wearing of face masks or coverings will be as disposable FFP3 masks or reusable half masks will Team leaders 08/06/20 Ongoing
allowed in all areas Ref 6.1 be mandatory Ref 3.0

Where it is not possible to maintain a 2 metre

First Aid practice and the provision of PPE distance away from an individual, disposable gloves, First Aiders 08/06/20 Ongoing
All first aiders will be provided with individually issued disposable plastic apron, face visor and a fluid and Security
PPE repellent surgical face mask are mandatory

Mouth to mouth resuscitation should not be used and First aiders to clean hands thoroughly with soap and
chest compressions / defibrillation should be water or alcohol sanitiser before putting on and after
administered in the first instance until the emergency taking off PPE.
services arrive
In all circumstances where some form of PPE is used,
the safe removal of the PPE is a critical consideration
to avoid self-contamination. Guidance on putting on
and taking off PPE is available.
Mouth to mouth rescue breaths should not be
All used PPE must be double bagged and stored for 72
performed until further notice ref 6.0
hours before disposal ref 6.0
Spread of Symptoms of Covid-19
Staff If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough All staff will be temperature checked before entering Shift 08/06/20 Ongoing
Covid-19 or a high temperature in the workplace they will be sent the facility utilising a contactless thermometer managers/
Coronavirus Visitors home and advised to follow the stay at home guidance. Ref 1.1 and once again during their shift security
Line managers will maintain regular contact with staff
From Contractors members during this time. Ref 2.0 Drivers will only be allowed to use welfare facilities Security / Nic 08/06/20 Ongoing
outside the whilst wearing gloves and masks. Masterton
facility to Drivers Staff must wash their hands or use sanitiser before
entering the work place. Ref 5.3 delivery-coronavirus.htm
inside the At this time use of our canteen facilities is not
facility Wherever possible staff should work from home and allowed for drivers Ref 4.0
equipment will be provided to enable this
ref 2.0 Contractors must provide their own PPE and must Specifying 08/06/20 Ongoing
only complete tasks in strict accordance to their own engineers
Measures are taken to enable staff who are self-isolating risk assessment that must include a section assessing
to work from home wherever possible the Covid-19 risk Ref 4.0
Ref 2.2

Staff living with symptomatic people to stay home Staff should not encourage visitors to site and must All 08/06/20 Ongoing
Ref 2.2 use all other means of communication before
sanctioning a site visit. If a site visit is unavoidable
then visitors must be accompanied at all times whilst
observing social distancing guidelines Ref 4.1

Risks to the Mental Health Care first telephone number and the services they Andrew 08/06/20
Staff Management will promote mental health & wellbeing provide to be posted on notice boards and clock Johnson
mental awareness to staff during the Coronavirus outbreak and stations. Information to be sent to people working
health of will offer whatever support they can to help remotely or self-isolating Ref 2.0, 2.1 & 7.3
the work support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/
force Further Guidance to be sought

Managers to call staff working from home or self- Managers 08/06/20 Ongoing
isolating daily
Risks to Identification of people in the following groups
Clinically Clinically extremely vulnerable groups HR to identify staff who fall into these groups Mark Buttle/ 08/06/20 Ongoing
extremely Andrew
nce-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely- People in the Clinically extremely vulnerable group Johnson
vulnerable vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on- will not attend site
groups, shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-
clinically persons-from-covid-19 People in the clinically vulnerable group or those with
protected characteristics will be assessed to ensure
vulnerable Clinically vulnerable people the safest possible working environment and
people and wherever possible be encouraged to work from home
those with -guidance-on-staying-at-home-and-away-from-
Protected away-from-others
Protected Characteristics
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating = Likelihood Likelihood
x Severity Certain Possible Unlikely
Likely (4) Rare (1)
(5) (3) (2)
Fatal (5) 25 20 15 10 5
Major (4) 20 16 12 8 4
Severity Serious (3) 15 12 9 6 3
Minor (2) 10 8 6 4 2
Damage only (1) 5 4 3 2 1
Section 3: Residual Risk Matrix
Ref Identified Hazard Those at Risk or Uncontrolled Risk Controlled Risk
1 Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus Staff, visitors,
contractors 4 4 16 2 3 6
From Hands to Face
2 Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus Staff, visitors,
contractors 4 4 16 2 3 6
From Surfaces to Hands
3 Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus Staff, visitors,
contractors 4 4 16 2 3 6
From Person to Person
4 Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus Staff, visitors,
contractors 4 4 16 2 3 6
From outside the facility to inside the facility
5 Risks to the mental health of the work force Staff
4 4 16 2 3 6

6 Risks to vulnerable groups and those with Protected Groups

4 5 20 2 5 10
protected characteristics

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