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Some Tips on Getting Published

1. It takes a clearly defined objective and inner drive for you to keep to the research process all
the way to publication. Identify that big reason why you have to get the research completed
and published. It is this that will give you the commitment to see the work completed;

2. You have to find time and finances to do your research and have it published.

3. You need to adequately prepare your topic groundwork by reading related researches and
attending conferences or workshops.

4. Pick the correct journal. When you send your paper to a wrong journal you delay the process
of publishing in the right Journal. Look at whether your research fits the Journals aims and

5. As much as possible, try to ask a colleague in the field you are researching to check your

6. Please follow the correct submissions procedures and payment terms and conditions.

7. Read the manuscript submission guidelines.

8. Make every possible effort to improve the quality of the manuscript before submission and
after review tips are given.

9. The reviewers will read your abstract first, so be careful on the content of your abstract.
Make sure it is interesting and contains original contribution. Your abstract should be clear.
By all means say something new within your abstract!

10. Carefully consider and address every comment provided by the reviewers. Where there is
need explain your point of view, be scientific and polite.

11. In the case of emerging researcher, consider finding a good mentor (e.g. a seasoned
researcher) with whom you can possibly co-author the paper.

12. Seasoned researchers are also encouraged to consider working with other possibly less
experienced colleague but who may have more time to ensure that the research work can be
successfully completed.

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