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His cool holiday makes Cilok

my first semester break was awaiting me during the tenth grade. the article, as long
as I'm in the tenth grade, it's hard to play with my junior high school friends.My holiday
yesterday was very simple. I was just at home and went to play my best friend's house.
one day my friend and I went to the house of one of my best friends, mita. there I
also met with other friends like antika, ririn, seren, and novi, because we all have an
appointment to meet on the second holiday weekend.
as planned before, we all want to make a cilok together. therefore my friend antika
and novi went to the market to buy his materials. while others prepare the tools that want to
be used to make cilok.after the antika and novi came, we immediately rushed to make cilok.
not forgetting from that we also ask for help to his mother mita.
when in the busy making cilok, we joked because it is a junior habit first. after the
cilok was ripe, I brought it into the living room. while others are preparing dishes and spoons
and some others clean the kitchen.
after gathering all, we eat together, chat and while remembering the junior high time
while enjoying cilok. really happy when I gather.
After the meal is over, ririn and seren wash dishes and forks. however, the time feels
so fast. so we want to go home. but before we take pictures first for a keepsake. after that,
we went farewell to mita and her parents. then we go home. and see you again. that was my
story during the holidays.



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