Is.1885.71.1993 Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Part 71 Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity - Substations PDF

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IS 1885-71 (1993): Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Part 71:

Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity -
Substations [ETD 1: Basic Electrotechnical Standards]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50( 605) (1983)
( Reaffirmed 2004 )

Indian Standard

UDC 621.311: 001.4

o BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

May 1993 Price Groop 6

Basic Electrotechnical Standards Sectional Committee, ET 01


Section Page
605-01 Types of substations - Substation layouts .. . .. . ... .. . __. 1
605-02 Primary plant of substations ... .. . .. . . .. ... 2
605-03 Secondary arrangements of substations ._. _.. ... ... . .. 9
Index .. . *.. .. . .. . .. . 10


This Indian Standard ( Part 71 ) which is identical with 1EC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 ) ‘International
electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 605 : Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity -
Substations’, issued by International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ), was adopted by the Bureau
of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Basic Electrotechnical Standards Sectional
Committee and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council.
Only the English text given in the IEC publication has been retained while adopting as Indian
Standard, and as such the page numbers given here are not the same as in IEC Publication.
IS 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

Indian Standard


substation (of a power system) 605-01-09
The part of a power system, concentrated in a given manned substation
place, including mainly the terminations of transmis-
A substation which is locally operated by personnel
sion or distribution lines switchgear and housing and
working within the substation.
which may also include transformers. It generally in-
cludes facilities necessary for system security and con- 605-01-10
trol (e.g. the protective devices). unmanned substation
Note.- According to the nature of the system within which
A substation which is operated by personnel who are
the substation is included, a prefix may qualify it.
not stationed at the substation.
Exnmples: transmission substation (of a transmission sys-
tem), distribution substation, 400 kV substation, 20 kV sub- 605-01-11
station. permanently manned substation
605-01-02 A substation which is continuously controlled by per-
switching substation sonnel who are stationed at the substation.
A substation which includes switchgear and usually 605-01-12
busbars, but no power transformers. attended substation
605-01-03 Asubstation which is operated by personnel during the
transformer substation normal working hours and otherwise as necessary.
A substation containing power transformers intercon- 605-01-13
necting two or more networks of different voltages. remotely controlled substation
605-01-04 An unmanned substation which is controlled by means
step-up substation of telecontrol devices.
A transformer substation in which the outgoing power 605-01-14
from the transformers is at a higher voltage than the muster substation
incoming power.
A manned substation from which remotely controlled
605-01-05 substations are controlled.
step-down substation 605-01-15
A transformer substation in which the outgoing power satellite substation
from the transformers is at a. lower voltage than the
incoming power. One of the remotely controlled substations, controlled
by a master substation.
traction substation
single busbar substation
Asubstation, the main function of which is to supply a
traction system. A substation in which the lines and transformers are
connected to one busbar only.
605-01-07 ,
converter substation
double busbar substation
A substation including converters and the main func-
tion of which is to convert alternating current into direct A substation in which the lines and transformers are
current 9r vice versa. connected-via two busbars by means of selectors.

605-01-08 605-01-18
frequency converter substation triple busbar substation
Asubstation in which an a.c. current at a given frcquen- A substation in which the lines and transfomers are
cy is converted into an a.c. current at another frequency. connected via three busbars by n~c’aus of selectors.
IS 1885 (Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

605-01-19 605-01-24
ring substation two-breaker arrangement
A single busbar substation in which the busbar is A double busbar substation in which the selectors are
formed as a closed loop with only disconnectors in circuit-breakers.
series within the loop.
605-01-20 one-and-a-half breaker arrangement
mesh substation A double busbar substation where, for two circuits,
A single busbar substation in which the busbar is three circuit-breakers are connected in series between
formed as a closed loop with circuit breakers in series the two busbars, the circuits being connected on each
within the loop. side of the central circuit-breaker (see Figure 3).
605-01-21 605-01-26
four-switch substation associated phase layout
Amesh substation having a bdsbar of square configura- In a substation, a layout in which the conductors relat-
tion with a switch or a circuit-breaker within each side. ing to the three phases of the same circuit are located
side by side (see Figure 4~).
three-switch mesh substation with bypass 605-01-27
A mesh substation with usually two feeders and two separated phase layout
transformers, the fourth circuit-breaker of the four- In a substation, a layout in which the conductors of
switch mesh substation is replaced by a bypass with one different circuits, relating to the same phase, are located
or two disconnectors (see Figure 1). side by side (see Figure 4b).
605-01-23 605-01-28
four-switch mesh substation with mesh opening dis- mixed phase layout
connectors In a substation, a layout in which the busbars are
A mesh substation, the busbar of which comprises both arranged as a separated phase layout but the bay circuits
circuit breakers and disconnectors (see Figure 2). are arranged as associated phase layout (see Figure 4c)

605-02-01 being ensured by anotherspecific bay, available for any
busbar circuit.
A low impedance conductor to which several electric Note.- This transfer busbar is generally not counted within
“double” (“triple”) busbar substation (see 605Ol-
circuits can be separately connected.
17 and 605-01-18).
busbars (commonly called busbar)
switchable busbar
In a substation, the busbar assembly necessary to make
A busbar including a switch (or a circuit-breaker) in
a coninion connection for several circuits.
series, intended to connect or disconnect two sections
Exumple: three busbars for a three-phase system. of that busbar.
605-02-03 605-02-07
main busbar
disconnectable busbar
in a double (or triple) busbar substation, any busbar
which is used under normal conditions. A busbar including disconnector(s) in series intended to
connectordisconnecttwo sections ofthatbusbar,off load.
rebet-ve busbar
busbar section
In a double (or triple) busbar substation, any busbar
which is used underabnormal conditions. It is generally The part of a busbar located between two switching
Ic+ well equipped than a main busbar. devices (or disconnectors) put in series or between a
switching device and the end of the busbar.
transfer busbar 605-02-09
Aback-up bushartowhichanycircuitcanbeconnected bay (of a substation)
indcpcndently of its bay equipment (circuit-breaker, The part of a substation within which the switchgear
imlrument transformer), the control of this circuit and controlgear relating to a given circuit is contained.

IS 1885 ( Part 71 ) : 1993
1EC Pub JO ( 605 ) ( 1983 )





IS 1885 ( Part 7l) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

Note- According to the type of circuit, a substation may 605-02-17

include: feeder bays, transformer bays, bus coupler kiosk substation
bays, etc.
A compact substation, often prefabricated and used
605-02-10 only for distribution purposes.
feeder bay
In a substation, the bay relating to a feeder or a link to underground substation
a transformer, a generator or another substation.
vault substation
60502-11[12] A substation which is built to operate underground.
outgoing [incoming] feeder
In a substation a feeder bay which is normally used to
transmit power to the system [receive power from the pole-mounted substation
system]. An outdoor distribution substation mounted on one or
more poles.
open-type substation 605-02-20
A substation in which the insulation to earth and be- substation structures
tween phase conductors is mainly provided by air at The assembly of rigid frameworks either for hanging
atmospheric pressure and in which some live parts a’re conductors or for supporting conductors or switchgear
not enclosed. and other apparatus.
Note - An open-type substation may be indoor or outdoor. 605-02-21
rigid busbar
605-02-14 A substation busbar which is made up with metallic
gas insulated metal-enclosed substation tubes or bars and which is supported by insulator posts.
Asubstation which is made up with only gas insulated Nole- The busbar may be in the form of a self supporting
metal enclosed switchgear. bridge construction.

flexible busbar
indoor substation
A substation busbar which is made up with flexible
A substation sheltered from external weather condi- conductors.
tions by being installed within a building.
605-02-16 phase-to-phase clearance
outdoor substation The minimum distance between live parts of two
A substation which is designed and inttalled to adjacent phases taking into account all operating
withstand external weather conditions. conditions.

IS 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

u A BC




IS 1885 (Part 71) : 1993
IECPub50(605)(1983) ’


605-02-24 605-02-26
phase-to-earth clearance cable trough (in a substation)
The minimum distance between any live parts and all Achannel intended to enable secondary, auxiliary and
structures at earth potential. control cables to be laid within a substation.

605-02-25 605-02-27
working clearance cable duct (in a substation)
The minimum safe distance to be observed between A conduit laid in the ground and intended to enable
normally exposed live parts and any person working in secondary, auxiliary and control cables to be drawn
a substation. through within a substation.

IS 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

equipment usuaily oil-filled to prevent the spread of 605-02-39

fire from one to the other. transformer circuit-breaker
605-02-32 In a substation, one of the circuit-breakers located on
acoustic enclosure each side nf a transformer and which is usually desig-
nated by the corresponding voltage level.
An enclosure (partial or total) made of sound absorbing
material that surrounds a transformer in order to reduce 605-02-40
its emitted noise. bus coupler circuit-breaker
605-02-33 In a substation a circuit-breaker which is located be-
tween two busbars and which permits the busba’rs to be
earth circuit connector
coupled; it may be associated with selectors in case of
A device which is designed to connect together the more than two busbars.
different parts of an earthing system within a substa-
tion. This device sometimes includes a component 605-02-41
which is intended to connect the earthing for work. switched busbar circuit-breaker
605-02-34 III a substation a circuit-breaker, connected in series
within a busbar, between two busbar sections.
substation control room
A room of a substation in which are located 605-02-42
facilities necessary to monitor and control substa- selector switch disconnector
tion items. In a double or triple busbar substation, a disconnector
which is intended to connect a primary circuit (line,
transformer, etc.) to one of the busbars.
substation telecontrol room
A room of a substation in which is located the equip-
ment necessary to transmit and receive information earthing switch
relating to telecontrol. In a substation, a special disconnector which is in-
tended to connect phase conductors to earth for safety
605-02-36 purposes.
substation relay room
A room of a substation in which protection and auto-
feeder disconnector
matic equipment is located in a centralized arrange-
ment. A disconnector which is located in series at the end of
a feeder, within a substation bay, in order to isolate the
605-02-37 feeder from the system.
substation relay building 605-02-45
substation relay kiosk busbar section disconnector
Asmall building or cabinet close to the bay switchgear
and controlgear, where protectionand automaticequip- A disconnector which is connected in series between
ment relating to this bay is located. two busbar sections, in order to disconnect them from
each other.
feeder circuit-breaker
auxiliary transformer
In a substation, a circuit-breaker which is located
within a feeder bay and through which a feeder can be In a substation, a transformer intended to provide
energized. supply to the auxiliary equipment.


605-03-01[02] state of switchgear and lines of a substation (network)

control board [desk] and which may be updateable and may have control
A board [desk] on which are fixed control devices functions.
which are necessary to control and/or display a substa-
tion or a system.
visual display unit
mimic diagram A unit comprising devices which are necessary to
wall diagram display information required and, possibly to include
acknowledgement facility.
,411 armngement of symbols representing the current

1s 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
EEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

605-03-05 605-03-U
discrepancy switch auxiliary switchhoard
A switched indicator, with an acknowledgement A panel (or a cubicle) on which are fixed the devices
facility, which shows any discrepancy between the necessary to control, to protect and to distribute
actual and indicated state of the equipment being auxiliary a.c. and d.c. supplies withiri a substation.
non-essential auxiliary circuits
control discrepancy switch
Those a.c. auxiliary circuits within a substation
A discrepancy switch incorporating a control function. which are not supplied during a loss of system supp-
605-03-07 lY*
wiring (secondary wiring) 605-03-13
All the wires and connections necessary to connect essential auxiliary circuits
together and to supply all the separate protection, con-
trol and monitoring components within a substation. Those a.c. auxiliary circuits within a substation which
are supplied even during a loss of system supply, for
605-03-08 example from a stand-by generator.
jumper hoard
Aboard consisting of terminals and connecting devices 605-03-14
so arranged that they can be cross-connected in any common battery
desired manner.
Within a substation, a battery which is intended to
605-03-09 supply the control, monitoring and protection equip-
dedicated low-voltage wiring ment relating to all circuits.
The part of a substation secondary devices and wiring
which is essentially associated with a given primary
circliit (a line, a transformer, etc). dedicated battery
Within a substation, one of the batteries which is
inter-circuit wiring intended to supply the control, monitoring and
The part of a substation wiring which is intended to protection equipment relating to one or a few cir-
transmit any information between different circuits cuits.

IS 1885 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605 ) ( 1983 )

jumper board 605-03-08
acoustic enclosure 605-02-32
associated phase layout 605-01-26
attended substation 605-01-12 kiosk substation 605-02-17
auxiliary switchboard 605-03-l 1 M
auxiliary transformer 605-02-46 main busbar 605-02-03
B manned substation 605-01-09
bay (of a substation) 60.5-02-09 master substation 605-01-14
busbar 605-02-O 1 mesh substation 605-01-20
busbars 605-02-02 mimic diagram 605-03-03
busbar section 605-02-08 mixa phase layout 605-01-28
busbar section disconnector 605-02-45 N
bus coupler circuit-breaker 605-02-40 non-essential auxiliary circuits 605-03-12
C 0
cable duct (in a substation) 605-02-27 oil leakage sump 605-02-30
cable rack 605-02-29
one-and-a-half breaker arrangement 605-01-25
cable trough (in a substation) 605-02-26
open-type substation 605-02-13
cable tunnel 605-02-B
outdoor substation 605-02-16
common battery 605-03-14
outgoing feeder 605-02-l 1
control board 605-03-01
control, desk 605-03-02 P
control discrepancy switch 605-03-06 permanently manned substation 605-01-11
converter substation 605-01-07 phase-to-earth clearance 605-02-24
phase-to-phase clearance 605-02-23
pole-mounted substation 605-02-19
dedicated battery 605-03-15
dedicated low-voltage wiring 605-03-09 R
disconnectable busbar 605-02-07 remotely controlled substation 605-01-13
discrepancy switch 605-03-05 reserve busbar 605-02-04
double busbar substation 605-01-17 rigid bushar 605-02-21
ring substation 605-01-19
earth circuit connector 605-02-33 S
earthing switch 605-02-43 satellite substation 605-01-15
essential auxiliary circuits 605-03-13 selector switch disconnector 605-02-42
separated phase layout 605-01-27
,single busbar substation 605-01-16
feeder bay 605-02-10 &ep-down substation 605-01-05
feeder circuit-breaker 605-02-38
step-up substation 605-01-04
feeder disconnector 605-02-44
substation ( of a power system) 605-01-01
tire protection wall 605-02-31
substation control room 605-02-34
flexible busbar 605-02-22
subs,station relay building 605-02-37
four-switch mesh sobstation 605-01-21
suhstation relay kiosk 605-02-37
four-switch mesh substation with mesh 605-01-23 substation relay room 605-02-36
ing disconnectors
substation structures 605-02-20
frequency converter substation 605-01-08
substation telecontrol room 605-02-35
G switchable busbar 605-02-06
gas insulated metal enclosed substation 605-02-14 switched busbar circuit-breaker 605-02-41
switching substation 605-01-02
incoming feeder 605-02- 12
indoor substation 605-02- 15 three-switch mesh substation with bypass 605-01-22
inter-circuit wiring 605-03-10 traction substation 605-01-06

IS lSS5 ( Part 71) : 1993
IEC Pub 50 ( 605) ( 1983)

transfer h~sbar 605-02-05 V

transformer circuit-breaker 605-02-39
transformer substation 605-01-03 vault substation 605-02-18
triple hush sulxtation 605-01-18 visual display unit 605-03-04
two-breaker arrangement 605-01-24
XT 605-03-03
wall diagram
underground subs!ation 605-02-18 wiring (secondary wiring) 605-03-07
unmanned substation 60.5-01-10 working clearance 605-02-25

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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are any
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