Pismeni Iz Engleskog Jezika I Knjizevnosti

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Everybody needs friends

-For some people making friends is quite easy, but for some others are extremely hard. There
are few reasons why they are struggling while trying to make friends. One of the reasons for
that is probably they got hurt in the past by some of their old friends, so they have fear of
getting hurt again. This might be an advantage for some people. Bad friendship experiences
are signals and enhance new skills that allow you to filter people better. You become safer as
you gather friendship experience, and you’ll to see the warning signs before you get
disappointed. The next big factor is fear of rejection. We all have that fear from birth, that’s
in human nature.

-Having good friends will make you feel great and positive. Friends should always support
you and be there for you. If you’re feeling bad, good friends will bring you up. As we are
social beings, we need someone to tell them our stories and talk about our problems. By
doing that you will get a good feeling and feel happy. That’s also one of the reasons why we
need friends. People who are lone wolfs, might get depressed more likely than people who
are spending time with friends. No one wants to be depressed so go outside and meet new
people. Don’t spend the whole day playing games and doing different things alone. It’s a lot
more fun when doing them with someone else.

-For the reason that this world is not perfect, bad friends also exist. I will tell you now some
characteristics about this group of people. They talk badly about you to other people, but
also talk badly about other people to you. Those people uncover your secrets and constantly
judge you, so you should be very careful while choosing friends. To share a load and know
how bad it feels everybody needs to have friends.

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