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{In the name of Allah the merciful the compassionate }

A-Naeem Al-sawaie
Jordanian University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Medicine & surgery –MD
1. The key enzyme in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis is
A. acetyl CoA carboxylase

B. AMP activated proteinkinase

C. protein phosphatase

D. none of these
2. Arachidonate has 20 carbon atoms with
A. 3 double bonds

B. 2 double bonds

C. 4 double bonds

D. 8 double bonds
3. In the intestine, the dietary fats are hydrolysed by
A. triacylglycerol lipase

B. adenylate cyclase

C. pancreatic lipase

D. protein kinase
VLDLs are synthesized in
A. blood

B. liver

C. intestine

D. pancreas
5. Triacylglycerols are
A. soluble in water

B. insoluble in water

C. soluble in water at elevated temperature

D. partially soluble in water

Answer: Option B

6. Animals cannot convert fatty acids into glucose because

A. acetyl CoA can not be converted to pyruvate

B. absence of malate synthase

C. absence of dehydrogenase

D. absence of a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

Answer: Option A
7. In eukaryotes fatty acid breakdown occurs in
A. mitochondrial matrix

B. cytosol

C. cell membrane

D. endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: Option A
8. Phospholipid contains
A. hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails

B. long water-soluble carbon chains

C. positively charged functional groups

D. both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option A
9. Micelles of fatty acids in water are organized such that the __________ faces the solvent and
the __________ are directed toward the interior
A. carboxylic acid groups, hydrocarbon chains heads

B. hydrophilic heads, hydrophobic tails

C. hydrocarbon chains, carboxylic acid groups

D. both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option D
10. Chylomicrons are synthesized in
A. blood

B. liver

C. intestine

D. pancreas
Answer: Option C
11. Fatty acid synthesis takes place in
A. mitochondria

B. cell membrane

C. cytosol

D. endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: Option C
12. Cholestrol is the precursor of
A. steroid hormones

B. vitamin A

C. bile salts

D. both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option D

13. Palmitate has 16 carbon atoms with

A. 2 double bonds

B. 3 double bonds

C. One double bond

D. None of these
Answer: Option D
14. How many ATPs are formed during complete oxidation of palmitate?
A. 35

B. 96

C. 129

D. 131
Answer: Option C
15. Synthesis of fatty acid takes place when
A. fatty acid are plentiful

B. carbohydrate is plentiful

C. carbohydrate and energy are plentiful

D. none of these
Answer: Option C

16.The irreversibility of the thiokinase reactions (formation of initial acyl-CoA)

A. make this activation reaction the committed step on the pathway
B. is due to the subsequent hydrolysis of the product

C. applies only to even-chain fatty acids

D. both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option D

17. Long-chain fatty acids are oxidized step-wise in one carbon units starting from the
A. carboxyl end

B. aliphatic end

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of these
Answer: Option A

“Note : the aliphatic end is the terminal

methyl end of fatty acid chain”
18. How many molecules of acetyl-CoA are produced in oxidation of palmitic acid (C16), which
involves seven rounds of oxidation?
A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9
Answer: Option C

19.The maximum energy per gram on oxidization is yielded from

A. fat

B. protein

C. glycogen

D. starch
Answer: Option A

20.Each cycle of β-oxidation produces

A. 1 FADH2, 1 NAD+, and 1 acetyl-CoA

B. 1 FADH2, 1 NADH and 1 acetyl-CoA

C. 1 FADH2, 1 NADH and 2 CO2 molecules

D. 1 FAD, 1 NAD+ and 2 CO2 molecules
Answer: Option B

21.Where the acyl-CoA formed in the cytosol is transported for oxidation?

A. Mitochondrial matrix

B. Microsomes

C. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Remains in cytosol
Answer: Option A
22.The transport of acyl-CoA for oxidation using a shuttle involves formation of the intermediate
A. 3 acetyl-CoA

B. Acyl-coenzyme A

C. acyl-carnitine

D. None of these
Answer: Option C
23.ketone bodies are synthesized in




Answer: Option A
24.enzyme common to synthesis of cholesterol and ketone bodies

A.HMG CoA Lyase

B.HMG CoA reducrase

C.HMG CoA synthase

Answer: option C
25.ketone bodies are metabolic end products of



D.all of them

Answer:option A

26.ketosis is associated with which of the following:


B.prolonged fasting

C.heavy exercise

D.more fat utilization

F.two answers are correct
G.all of them are correct
H.non of above is correct
Answer: option G

27. all statements regarding ketone bodies are

correct except
A.they may result from starvation

B.they may be excreted in urine

C.formed only in kidney

D.increased in uncontrolled DM-1


28.Carnitine involved in B –oxidation is synthesized




Answer: A
29-B-Oxidation of odd-chain fatty acid produce:


B.Acetyl CoA

C.propionyl CoA
D.Malonyl CoA

E. two answers are correct

Answer: E
DONE BY : A-Neem Al-Sawaie

“Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est”

-Ludwig van Beethoven

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