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Glimpse Practices

Awake Awareness Is Aware without Using Thought, 29–31

Awareness Following the Breath Home, 135
Awareness of Awareness, 51–52, 68–69
Awareness of Space, 67–68
Awareness Yoga, 52–53
Cave of the Heart, 217–18
Coming Back to Your Senses, 66–67
Effortless Focus, 117–18
Effortless Mindfulness, 232–33
The Eighteen-Inch Drop from Head to Heart, 135–36
Embodied Presence, 149–51
Emotional Wisdom, 147–48
Experience Attention, 64
Experience Local Awareness, 65–66
The Four Fields of the Ground of Being, 182–85
Infinite No-Self, 171–72
Inner Hearing, 133–34
Making a You-Turn, 53
The Memory Door, 216–17
Mind, the Gap, 31–32
Nondual Balance, 119–20
No Problem, 28–29
The Now, 168–71
Om Sweet Home, 148–49
Open-Eyed Meditation, 113–15
Open-Hearted Connecting, 197–200
Panoramic Awareness, 115–17
Seen, Seeing, and Awareness, 51
Shift into Freedom, 91–95
Welcoming Shadow Parts, 255–56

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