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Critical Thinking Test


Please write your answer in the space provided. Your answer should be
written in neat, legible handwriting.

For the below statement, discuss your personal stand (that is, either in favour or
against) and support that with FIVE distinct arguments. [Answer Length: 300 –
400 words]

National anthem in cinema hall is not a real test of patriotism




































Group Exercise
1. Participants need to provide the deliverables within 30 min.
2. Participants may use the standard resource kit for completing the given
3. The faculty members will serve as silent observers.
4. Any query should be resolved within the group.
5. Mobiles to be kept on silent mode.
6. Participants cannot leave the room during group exercise.

Your group is entrusted by The Government of India with a task to design a new INR
1000 currency note that would come into circulation by June 2017. Discuss in your
group your ideas to design the currency note.
Based on the insights generated from the discussion, design the currency note in a
manner that each person contributes to various elements of design.

[Standard Resource Kit: 2 Chart papers, 1 small packet of sketch pens, 1

big ruler, 1 small packet of crayons, 1 packet of Origami sheets, 5 A4 size
sheets, 1 small scissors, 1 pencil, 1 eraser, 1 sharpener, 1 glue stick, 1 cello
tape, 1 paper cutter and 1 packet of Paper flags]

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