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Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193


Moving the Needle: Improving the Care of the Gout

Jon Golenbiewski . Robert T. Keenan

Received: January 28, 2019 / Published online: March 2, 2019

Ó The Author(s) 2019

ABSTRACT epidemiology, expert opinion, and clinical trials

data in order to lower uric acid and eventually
Gout is a the most common inflammatory eliminate the patient’s crystal burden. This
arthritis in the United States. It is a significant review focuses on both the treatment of acute
cause of morbidity, disability, lost work days, attacks, and more importantly, the long-term
and high healthcare utilization due to inter- management of gout and the lowering of serum
mittent attacks, chronic inflammation, and uric acid levels to a goal of \ 6 mg/dl
joint damage. Despite our understanding of the (0.360 mmol/l) or treating to target. Treating to
prelude and pathophysiology of gout, hyper- a target serum uric acid goal is an opportunity
uricemia, it is still poorly misunderstood by to decrease morbidity and improve the quality
patients and poorly managed by healthcare of care of every gout patient.
providers. Several parallel treatment paradigms
have been developed by professional societies
around the world based on the understanding Keywords: Allopurinol; Colchicine; Febuxo-
of how hyperuricemia occurs, gout stat; Gout; Lesinurad; Pegloticase; Prophylaxis;
Enhanced digital features To view enhanced digital
features for this article go to
m9.figshare.7706906. INTRODUCTION
J. Golenbiewski Gout is a severe, often debilitating inflamma-
Division of Rheumatology, Department of
Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine,
tory arthritis caused by deposition of mono-
Durham, NC, USA sodium urate crystals in the joint space, peri-
articular structures and soft tissues, producing a
R. T. Keenan
pronounced inflammatory response in the
Duke Gout and Crystal Arthropathies Clinic,
Durham, NC, USA patient experienced as pain. Although the dis-
ease is well understood and effective treatment
R. T. Keenan options are available, gout is often poorly
Duke Specialty Infusion Centers, Durham, NC, USA
managed by both primary care physicians and
R. T. Keenan (&) rheumatologists alike [1]. Large retrospective
Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, studies show poor prescription rates of urate
Department of Medicine, Duke University School of
Medicine, Durham, NC, USA
lowering therapy (ULT) and high incidence of
e-mail: failure to reach appropriate serum uric acid
180 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

(SUA) levels, consequently resulting in poor 2007–2008 National Health and Nutrition
disease control [1–4]. Inadequately treated gout Examination Survey data (NHANES), 74% of
leads to recurrent attacks, chronic inflamma- participants with gout had hypertension, 71%
tion, joint damage, subclinical crystal deposi- had stage 2 or greater chronic kidney disease,
tion, and tophi formation, which can result in 53% were obese, 26% had diabetes, 14% had a
limited activity, dependence on others, recur- history of myocardial infarction, and 10% had a
rent work absences, decreased work productiv- history of stroke [13]. Furthermore, large
ity, and high rates of healthcare utilization prospective studies have shown that gout is
[5–7]. associated with an increased risk of death, pri-
Given the negative impact of disease on the marily due to cardiovascular disease [8, 14].
individual patient and society, and its increas-
ing prevalence and world-wide reach, education Mechanism
regarding best practices in gout management is
of paramount importance. In this paper, we Urate is the byproduct of purine degradation in
define the problem of gout through epidemio- the body, and therefore depends both on
logic review, discuss uric acid metabolism and intrinsic production and dietary intake, with
the pathophysiology of gout, and present the greater part derived from endogenous liver
treatment recommendations for the acute flare synthesis, and the lesser being consumption of
and chronic disease, with a focus on the con- purine-rich foods [6]. Humans lack uricase, and
cept of treat-to-target with urate-lowering therefore rely on other mechanisms of elimi-
therapy. nation to maintain a normal total body purine
This article is based on previously conducted balance. Urate is eliminated primarily by the
studies and does not contain any studies with kidneys, which accounts for approximately two-
human participants or animals performed by thirds of urate excretion [8], and gastrointesti-
any of the authors. nal elimination plays a smaller but important
Incidence/Prevalence The balance between hepatic production of
urate and intestinal or renal urate excretion
Gout is a worldwide disease of increasing pathways determines an individual’s serum
prevalence, currently in the range of 1–4%, and urate levels [15]. Hyperuricemia more com-
exceeding more than 10% in some Oceanic monly results from decreased renal urate
countries [8] [9]. In the United States alone, the excretion (underexcretors), but can also be
estimated overall prevalence of gout among ascribed to excessive urate production, or a
adults corresponds to 9.2 million people [10]. combination of both processes [6]. Urate-asso-
Along with prevalence, the burden of gout is ciated loci have been identified through gen-
increasing around the world as well, supported ome-wide association studies (GWAS) that
by an increase in gout disability-adjusted life contain genes encoding renal and gut uric acid
years from 76,000 in 1990 to 114,000 in 2010 transporters, and with this recognition, genetic
[11]. The incidence of gout increases with age contributions may be playing a larger role in
and is more common in men, with the male-to- hyperuricemia and gout than previously
female ratio generally along the order of 3 to appreciated [15, 16].
4:1; however, this gap closes with aging [9]. Hyperuricemia, defined as a serum urate
Gout should not be viewed simply as a dis- level of 6.8 mg/dl (0.360 mmol/l) or greater, is
ease affecting the joints, but rather of multiple the central risk factor for developing gout [17].
organ systems, as patients with gout frequently Uric acid is a weak organic acid that exists pre-
have comorbidities including hypertension, dominantly as monosodium urate (MSU)
cardiovascular disease (CVD), renal impair- monohydrate at physiologic pH (7.4). At con-
ment, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes and centrations greater than 6.8 mg/dl
the metabolic syndrome [12]. According to the (0.360 mmol/l), MSU exceeds its limit of
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 181

solubility in serum under physiologic condi- Therefore, the diagnosis of gout should be made
tions, allowing precipitation and the formation with crystal confirmation from analysis of syn-
of MSU crystals [6]. ovial or bursal fluid or tophus aspiration
The presence of MSU crystals, mediated by whenever possible. If there is clinical concern
interaction with resident macrophages, leads to for infection, aspiration with cell count, Gram
an inflammatory cascade involving IL-1B pro- stain, and culture should be performed.
duction, activation of neutrophils and mast A low or normal SUA in the setting of an
cells, activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, acute flare cannot be used to rule out the diag-
and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such nosis of gout, as SUA may be falsely lowered
as IL-6 [6]. Acute attacks of gout are often trig- secondary to the uricosuric effect of ACTH and
gered by specific events such as trauma, surgery, cortisol released in response to pain, in addition
intercurrent illness, excess alcohol intake or to the indirect uricosuric effect of IL-6 on the
drugs that alter serum urate levels [18]. Such kidney [21–24]. Imaging modalities, including
events may stimulate de novo formation of musculoskeletal ultrasound that reveals the
MSU crystals or may trigger release of micro- double contour sign, and dual-phase CT are
crystals from existing crystal deposition within alternative ways of supporting the diagnosis
the joint [18, 19]. when crystal evidence is not possible (Fig. 1).
The progression of gout can be defined by
four pathophysiological stages: hyperuricemia Acute Flare
without evidence of monosodium urate crystal
deposition or gout; crystal deposition without Management of acute gout flare is aimed at
symptomatic gout; crystal deposition with relieving pain through rapid control of inflam-
acute gout flares; and advanced gout character- mation and restoring function. Therapy should
ized by tophi, chronic gouty arthritis, and be initiated as soon as possible at the first sign of
radiographic erosions [20]. The natural history an attack [25–27], as this improves the likeli-
of an acute gouty attack, without treatment, hood of a positive response to therapy, and
typically lasts 7–10 days. The first presentation potentially minimizes the dose and duration of
is often defined by podagra (gouty inflamma- potentially harmful medications. Accordingly,
tion of the big toe), but can also involve the the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
feet, ankle, knees, hands, wrists, or elbows. An recommends providing patients with education
acute attack is followed by complete resolution and instructions to initiate treatment of an
in signs and symptoms of joint inflammation acute flare at home [25]. As a general rule, urate-
during the so-called intercritical period [8], lowering therapy should be continued as pre-
which can last for a variable amount of time. scribed during an acute flare, unless an absolute
The course of gout following the first attack is contraindication exists. This promotes compli-
highly variable, with some patients having no ance with treatment, mitigates the risk of failing
recurrence, while in other individuals the flares to resume therapy after symptom resolution,
become more frequent, leading to advanced and minimizes changes in SUA, as this can lead
gout with chronic pain, joint destruction, and to continued or recurrent flares.
tophus formation [1]. The specific anti-inflammatory treatment
utilized depends on the severity of presentation,
Treatment number of joints involved, the presence of
medical comorbidities, and concomitant phar-
The differential diagnosis of an acute gout flare macologic agents being used. NSAIDs, colchi-
includes infection, other forms of inflammatory cine, or prednisone are the most effective means
arthritis (reactive arthritis or rheumatoid to control the acute flare, and all can be con-
arthritis, for example), and alternative crys- sidered first-line therapy. Combination therapy
talline arthropathies such as calcium with any of the above may also be necessary for
pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD). severe, polyarticular flares not responding to a
182 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

Fig. 1 Double contour sign on musculoskeletal ultrasound of the knee. Notched arrow: uric acid crystal deposition;
arrowhead: tibial plateau; diamond: meniscus; star: small effusion

single agent, or historically fail to respond to heart failure, peptic ulcer disease, hepatic dis-
monotherapy [25]. Corticosteroid injections are ease, and history of gastrointestinal intolerance.
an appropriate treatment option for patients The presence of these conditions should not
with involvement limited to only one or two automatically disqualify use, but should lead to
joints and may be an ideal choice in patients a benefit-versus-risk assessment and discussion
with contraindications to systemic therapy, or with the patient. A medication review should be
with multiple comorbid conditions that limit performed to look for potential harmful inter-
systemic therapeutic options [28]. If the patient actions. The combination of an NSAID and an
does not respond to initial therapy (and the ACE inhibitor is of particular concern because of
diagnosis of gout is not in question), changing the combined effects on blood pressure and
to an alternative agent (such as from colchicine renal function [12]. Additionally, concurrent
to an NSAID, for example), or adding another use of anticoagulation or other antiplatelet
agent in combination may be warranted agents and the resulting bleeding risk need to be
[25, 26]. considered, and often times negate the use of
While there are only three FDA approved NSAIDS.
NSAIDs (indomethacin, naproxen, sulindac), Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory agent
there are many to select from in the treatment that serves as another primary treatment option
of acute gout. The specific NSAID chosen is less in the management of acute gout. It works
important than the dose and duration of treat- through multiple proposed mechanisms,
ment. NSAIDS should be prescribed at the full including microtubule inhibition resulting in
anti-inflammatory dose for the shortest period decreased NLRP3 inflammasome activation
of time for the duration of the flare [8]. The [29]. In the US, colchicine is typically given as a
authors typically use naproxen 500 mg BID, one-time dose of 1.2 mg, followed by 0.6 mg 1 h
given its less frequent dosing regimen, or later, with daily dosing starting as soon as 12 h
ibuprofen 800 mg TID, for example. Lower thereafter until flare resolution. Colchicine is
doses of NSAIDS have less of an anti-inflam- felt to be more effective when initiated early in
matory effect, potentially prolonging the dura- the setting of a flare. Consistent with this view,
tion of flare, leading to persistent pain and The European League Against Rheumatism
disability. (EULAR) advocates for the ‘pill in the pocket’
Prior to prescribing NSAIDS, a review of approach to treat flares in fully informed
comorbidities and medications should be per- patients [27], and recommends treatment with
formed to see if the patient is an appropriate colchicine within 12 h of flare onset, although
candidate for therapy. Reasons to consider practically speaking, colchicine should be taken
avoiding NSAIDS include the presence of at the very first sign of a flare.
chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease,
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 183

Colchicine has known side effects of diarrhea It is highly effective, providing rapid improve-
and myopathy. It also has the potential to cause ment in pain and swelling, with the most
agranulocytosis. The dose should be reduced in common side effect being injection site pain. IL-
patients with kidney impairment and those 1 inhibitors such as anakinra are often utilized
receiving cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors such in the inpatient setting mainly when NSAIDS,
as diltiazem, verapamil, or p-glycoprotein inhi- colchicine, and corticosteroids are contraindi-
bitors such as cyclosporine, and avoided in cated. There are several case series in the liter-
patients taking clarithromycin. Colchicine ature demonstrating the efficacy and safety of
should also be used with caution in those with anakinra in such complicated hospitalized
liver disease or taking statins [8]. patients [30]. Anakinra is currently being eval-
Steroids are a viable option in the treatment uated in phase II studies for its use in the out-
of acute gout, given their potent anti-inflam- patient setting [31]. Canakinumab is approved
matory effects. They can be given orally, intra- for use in acute gout in Europe, but not in the
venously, or as an intramuscular depot. IV U.S. Finally, adrenocorticotropic hormone
steroids are often utilized for inpatient treat- (ACTH) is also an effective treatment for acute
ment of a severe, polyarticular flare. A typical gout, but is cost-prohibitive in the U.S.
effective prednisone regimen is dosed at a
minimum of 0.5 mg/kg/day for the duration of Urate-Lowering Therapy
the flare. Sometimes, initial treatment with
0.5 mg/kg/day, followed by a prednisone taper When to Treat
for a total treatment duration approaching While the risk of developing gout increases with
14 days, is necessary due to recurrent flares with rising serum urate concentrations, not all indi-
steroid discontinuation. If there are no con- viduals with elevated SUA will develop gout
traindications, the authors typically start with [17]. Accordingly, treatment of asymptomatic
50 mg daily and taper by 10 mg every 2–3 days hyperuricemia is not recommended currently in
based on response, for a course lasting 10–- the United States and Europe. Indications for
14 days. Shorter courses increase the risk of a ULT include the presence of tophus or tophi
rebound flare. (verified by clinical examination or imaging
Hyperglycemia resulting from steroid use is a study), two or more flares per year, or one flare
valid concern in the management of gout as in the setting of chronic kidney disease stage 2
insulin resistance and hyperglycemia often or worse and history of urolithiasis per the ACR
accompany disease. Many patients with gout 2012 guidelines [32] (Fig. 2). The EULAR makes
have advanced renal impairment, in which similar recommendations, and further suggests
NSAID or colchicine use is contraindicated and proceeding with treatment close to the time of
steroid use is unavoidable. Increases in blood the first diagnosis in young patients
sugars can be managed in the short term while (\ 40 years), or with a very high SUA level
the acute episode is treated [12], and patients ([ 8 mg/dl or [ 0.475 mmol/l), and/or comor-
with diabetes should be educated on monitor- bidities such as renal impairment, hyperten-
ing blood glucose levels and may require tem- sion, ischemic heart disease, and heart failure
porary adjustments to their hypoglycemic [27]. The British Society for Rheumatology
regimen. Guidelines share the same overarching princi-
Canakinumab and anakinra are IL-1 inhibi- ples as ACR and EULAR, and also recommends
tors used for cases of refractory gout or when consideration of extending therapy to those
alternative therapies cannot be used. It exerts its with gout taking diuretics and those developing
effect through inhibition of the NLRP3 inflam- gout at a young age, as these patients are more
masome and attenuation of the accompanying likely to experience a higher cumulative burden
inflammatory cascade. Canakinumab is a sub- of disease over the course of many years, and
cutaneous injection given once every 8 weeks. also to have a heritable cause that predisposes to
Anakinra is available in a subcutaneous form a lifetime of active disease [26].
that is typically given for a duration of 3–5 days.
184 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

Fig. 2 Gout treatment algorithm utilizing T2T approach. (0.360 mmol/l) once UA at goal and disease stable.
*Severe disease: tophaceous disease, chronic arthropathy, **Consider starting lower based on creatinine clearance
frequent attacks. Consider decreasing goal to 6 mg/dl
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 185

There is some controversy regarding whether acid levels [36], and also have beneficial effects
or not to start ULT during an acute gout flare, on related comorbidities (e.g., improvement in
such as in a hospital setting. Traditionally, lipid profile, blood glucose levels, and lower
starting ULT during a flare was thought to blood pressure). Many foods are associated with
potentially exacerbate or prolong an acute flare, increased serum uric acid levels including red
and ULT should be delayed until resolution. and processed meats, shellfish, alcoholic bever-
Recently, there have been small studies that ages, sugar-containing beverages and foods (in-
showed starting ULT during an acute flare while cluding high-fructose corn syrup), and refined
being treated did not necessarily worsen or grains [15, 36, 37]. These should be consumed
prolong a flare, but rather was a window of in moderation or avoided altogether, in some
opportunity to start ULT in a hospital setting cases.
[33]. Given there is not good evidence to sup- Certain diets, including the Dietary Approa-
port either starting ULT during a flare or waiting ches to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet) and the
until resolution [34], it may need to be a clinical Mediterranean diet have been shown to reduce
judgment. In our practice, we typically wait serum urate levels and the risk of gout [15], and
until resolution of the flare before starting ULT, are an appropriate preventative approach for
although we may make exceptions in the hos- those with hyperuricemia at increased risk of
pital setting and start before full resolution developing gout [37]. While diet is an impor-
occurs to ensure initiation of ULT and tolerance tant modifiable factor, it may have less of a
prior to discharge. direct role in modulating SUA levels than pre-
viously thought. A recent meta-analysis con-
Non-pharmacologic Management cluded that individual food items and estimates
Non-pharmacologic management is beneficial of dietary patterns explain very little variation
in all patients with gout and should focus on in serum urate levels, with genetic variants
education, diet, and lifestyle recommendations, explaining substantially more of the variation
as well as screening for comorbidities that occur [15]. Nevertheless, we should still promote
with gout [26, 27, 32]. Knowledge gaps fre- overall health through diet, and utilize it in
quently exist in understanding basic gout prin- conjunction with urate-lowering therapy in
ciples, including the use of ULT, optimal goal minimizing the burden of disease. It is impor-
SUA levels, appropriate duration of ULT, life- tant for both the provider and the patient to
style modifications, and the use of prophylaxis understand that diet alone typically does not
for gout flares during the early phase of urate- resolve hyperuricemia, and should not delay
lowering therapy [35]. It is important to ensure ULT initiation.
the patient possesses a solid understanding of
the underlying pathogenesis of gout, in addi- Pharmacologic Management
tion to the rationale for long-term ULT in order
for treatment to be successful [8, 36]. Treat-to-Target
In general, diet should be considered an Crystal formation is reversible, which means
adjunct to urate-lowering therapy, as diet alone that gout can be ‘‘cured’’ [1]. As such, the goal of
often fails in adequately treating gout, and can therapy is rather simple: to lower SUA below the
lead to delayed treatment with urate-lowering limit of solubility, and sometimes well below
pharmacologic therapy. The primary aims of [1]. Given the fact that diet alone may not be
diet and lifestyle modifications in gout are the effective in the management of gout, initiation
promotion and maintenance of health and of urate-lowering therapy is the primary means
preventative care through optimal management of treatment. Treat-to-target (T2T) is a concept
of comorbidities that are commonly observed developed for use in a number of rheumatologic
with gout, including coronary artery disease, diseases to guide treatment toward a predefined
obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, therapeutic level. This approach is recom-
hyperlipidemia, and hypertension [32]. Diets mended by the ACR, EULAR, and the British
that promote weight loss can reduce serum uric
186 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

Society of Rheumatology (BSR) in the manage- evidence of the efficacy of sustained ULT in
ment of gout. The American College of Physi- patients from two replicate 6-month random-
cians (ACP) is the only organization that does ized controlled pegloticase trials [46]. Serum
not recommend a T2T approach [38], although uric acid levels remained \ 6 mg/dl
their reasoning is not clear given the known (0.360 mmol/l) in a large number of previously
pathophysiology and published evidence that determined pegloticase responders throughout
surround this approach. the study and were accompanied by sustained
While the optimal SUA level has not been and progressive improvements in tophus reso-
precisely defined, data from phase III and open- lution, flare incidence, and quality of life.
label extension studies of ULT trials support an
association between lower, sub-saturation Urate-lowering Therapy
serum urate concentrations (\ 6.8 mg/dl or
\ 0.360 mmol/l) and less flares, reduced tophus Although patient adherence to ULT is often
size, and improved morbidity [39–41]. Further- blamed for poor gout management, it should
more, there is imaging support for a T2T not be just considered a ‘patient’ issue. There
approach in the management of gout. In one are a number of ways to improve medication
case series, achieving a SUA level below 6 mg/dl compliance with patients through regular SUA
(0.360 mmol/l) resulted in resolution of the monitoring [47], and helping the patient
double contour sign over time, an ultrasound understand the mechanism by which gout
finding indicative of MSU crystal deposition in occurs. Once ULT is started, serum urate levels
cartilage that is often present in gout, whereas should be monitored monthly to every other
failure to reach a target SUA resulted in persis- month while titrating therapy to the target goal
tence of this finding [42]. (Fig. 2). Once the target has been achieved, this
Some of the major, high-quality trials used in interval can be decreased to every 6 months
forming the ACP guidelines were based on [8, 32, 48]. Periodic testing serves the purpose of
12 months of trial data. It would not be unex- ensuring treatment adherence, given the natu-
pected to see no difference using a T2T ral tendency for patients to de-escalate or stop
approach in this time frame, given: (1) Despite treatment due to clinical stability. When
attaining a serum target urate level, gout can patients receive inappropriately low doses of
still remain active in the presence of a high ULT, ongoing urate deposition occurs leading to
crystal burden, and (2) initiation of urate-low- progression of tophaceous deposits, further
ering therapy can lead to gout flares in the short joint damage, and functional disability. It is felt
term, which would unfavorably reflect upon the that the costs of measuring serum urate are
intervention group [40]. minimal, especially when compared with the
Some recent trials have investigated specifi- damage that can occur over time with active
cally a treat-to-target intervention, which have disease, requiring the use of more aggressive
yielded positive results. A RCT in the UK com- and expensive therapies [39].
pared a nurse-led gout care T2T model to gen- The ACR and EULAR recommend a goal SUA
eral practitioners over a 2-year period, which of \ 6 mg/dl (0.360 mmol/l), at the very least,
resulted in a high percentage of the nurse-led based on high-quality evidence. There are cir-
group achieving the recommended SUA target cumstances where a goal of less than 5 mg/dl
(95% less than 6 mg/dl or 0.360 mmol/l com- (0.300 mmol/l) is recommended, including in
pared to 30% in the usual care group), and a tophaceous gout (both ACR and EULAR), or
significant improvement in flare frequency, severe disease as judged by chronic arthropathy,
presence of tophi, and quality of life compared or frequent attacks (EULAR). In contrast, the
to those in the usual-care group [43]. Addi- BSR recommends a more stringent target of less
tionally, a pharmacist-led T2T intervention has than 5 mg/dl (0.300 mmol/l) for everyone, but
also shown benefit, but to a lesser degree [44]. does allow for a less strict target after years of
T2T is furthermore supported by the open-label stable disease. Both the BSR and EULAR
extension (OLE) study [45], which provided
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 187

Table 1 Dosing and cautions of urate-lowering therapy

Agent MOA Dosing Caution Other
Allopurinol Xanthine 100 mg by mouth daily, titrate Avoid use with Check for HLA-B*5801 allele
oxidase by 100 mg every 2–4 weeks azathioprine or in patients of Han Chinese
inhibitor to max of 800 mg qd mercaptopurine use or Tai descent to mitigate
50 mg PO qd, titrate by 50 mg Hepatic impairment risk of AHS
every 4 weeks for CKD stage Renal impairment: In Monitor CBC, hepatic and
IV or greater general, start low, renal function at baseline,
titrate dose slowly and then every 4–8 weeks
educate on symptoms
of AHS
Febuxostat Xanthine 40–80 mg by mouth daily Avoid use with Not studied in Child–Pugh
oxidase (start 20–40 mg) azathioprine or Class C hepatic impairment
inhibitor mercaptopurine use Check CBC and LFTs at
Caution in severe baseline and every
hepatic impairment 8–12 weeks
Max dose 40 mg qd CrCl
\ 30; unknown dosing for
120 mg qd approved in EU
Probenecid Uricosuric 500 mg by mouth twice daily NSAID use Can cause increase in
agent (initiate 250 mg twice G6PD deficiency concentration of
(inhibits BID 9 7 days) as methotrexate, beta-lactam
Renal insufficiency
proximal monotherapy or antibiotics, numerous other
(avoid if CrCl \ 50)
tubule urate combination therapy with drugs that may require dose
reabsorption) XOI Nephrolithiasis (avoid if adjustments
chronic urate stones)
Blood dyscrasia
Lesinurad URAT1 and 200 mg by mouth daily in Renal insufficiency (d/c Check creatinine at baseline,
OAT4 combination with if CrCl persistently then periodically
inhibitor allopurinol \ 45) No hepatic dosing
(doses [ 300 mg/day) or recommendations
Acute renal failure has
occurred when used as
188 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

Table 1 continued
Agent MOA Dosing Caution Other

Pegloticase Recombinant 8 mg intravenously every Do not administer with Should be prescribed only by
urate oxidase 2 weeks concurrent urate- physicians experienced in
lowering therapy the management of
Risk of anaphylactic advanced gout
reaction with infusion
due to development of
anti-drug antibodies
can occur
CrCl creatinine clearance, URAT urate transporter, OAT organic anion transporter

guidelines advise against maintaining serum to the more water-soluble and readily exc-
urate at very low levels for a prolonged period of retable allantoin through use of recombinant
time based on the results of observational uricase [5] (Table 1). In general, the approach to
studies showing a negative association between ULT is to start low and go slow, although there
serum urate and the risk of certain neurode- are some instances where more aggressive
generative diseases, although this association is therapy is warranted, mainly in severe disease
still not entirely clear [40]. There are times, requiring rapid lowering of SUA through the use
however, where it is appropriate to have SUA of pegloticase.
levels less than 3 mg/dl (0.180 mmol/l), Xanthine oxidase inhibitors (XOI) are the
including in cases of severe tophaceous disease main class of medications used in the treatment
to hasten crystal dissolution. of gout. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that
Given that fluctuations in uric acid can through the use of oxygen, converts hypoxan-
induce flares, pharmacologic prophylaxis thine and xanthine to urate [6]. Allopurinol is a
should be provided during the urate-lowering purine analogue XOI and febuxostat is a non-
process, which may lead to improved ULT purine inhibitor of XOI; both are recommended
adherence. At least 6 months of prophylactic as first-line ULT [32]. Allopurinol is inexpensive
therapy is recommended by the ACR, EULAR, and generally well tolerated. Side effects can
and BSR. Daily to twice-daily colchicine, low- include elevated transaminases and myelosup-
dose NSAID, or low-dose steroid (\ 10 mg day pression. There is a significant interaction
prednisolone) should be used as prophylaxis between xanthine oxidase inhibitors and aza-
[25]. Treatment should be continued if active thioprine, which can result in profound
disease remains, as judged by the presence of myelosuppression [12]; this is something to
tophi, recent flare, chronic gouty arthritis, or consider in patients who have undergone organ
serum urate targets that are not achieved. The transplantation or have a concurrent rheuma-
ACR recommends continuing prophylaxis for at tologic disease that requires the use of
least 6 months after achieving target SUA in azathioprine.
patients, or 3 months after the last attack, Allopurinol can cause a mild form of hyper-
whichever is longer. sensitivity with maculopapular eruption to
There are three potential pharmacologic more severe cutaneous adverse reactions
mechanisms for achieving target SUA: (1) inhi- including Stevens–Johnson syndrome/toxic
bition of urate production through the use of epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN), drug reaction
xanthine oxidase inhibitors (XOI), (2) increas- with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
ing renal uric acid excretion through the use of (DRESS), and allopurinol hypersensitivity syn-
uricosuric agents, and (3) metabolism of urate drome (AHS) [49]. AHS is a rare but potentially
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 189

fatal condition that occurs in 0.1% of patients is usually prescribed in cases where patients do
and is characterized by a rash combined with not respond to or cannot tolerate allopurinol.
eosinophilia, leukocytosis, fever, hepatitis, and Febuxostat does not offer the same titration
progressive renal failure [49]. AHS is thought to potential as allopurinol, being available in
be associated with renal impairment, diuretic 40 mg and 80 mg doses in the U.S., but is a more
use and higher starting doses of allopurinol, and potent XOI when compared to allopurinol [55].
occurs usually within weeks to months after Large, high-quality trials have demonstrated the
starting treatment, with most cases occurring by efficacy of febuxostat as compared to allopuri-
3 months and 90% by 6 months [49, 50]. The nol in reaching target SUA goals with a favor-
HLA-B*58:01 allele is associated with an able safety profile, including those with mild-to-
increased risk of allopurinol-induced severe moderate renal impairment [56, 57].
cutaneous adverse reactions, and should be The cardiovascular safety of febuxostat has
checked in certain Asian groups [32]. been called into question based on a number of
In order to minimize adverse events, it is trials showing a possible increased risk of
important to initiate therapy at a low dose and adverse cardiac events. The CARES trial in 2018
titrate gradually when lowering serum uric acid. was performed to further assess this risk. It
The starting dose of allopurinol should be no found that among gout patients with coexisting
greater than 100 mg/day in all patients, with cardiovascular disease, febuxostat was noninfe-
the exception being those with stage 4 CKD and rior to allopurinol with respect to rates of
beyond; these patients should initiate allopuri- composite endpoint major cardiovascular
nol at no more than 50 mg/day, titrating up events, but did have higher all-cause mortality
gradually [32]. In our experience, it may be resulting from cardiovascular deaths (sudden
prudent to start allopurinol at a dose of cardiac death) [58]. There were a number of
50 mg/day in patients with moderate chronic issues with this study, including high rates of
kidney disease, in addition to those patients treatment discontinuation and loss to follow-
who are more sensitive and prone to flares with up, a paucity of information on the severity
even small fluctuations in SUA levels. gout, lack of a placebo (which may show that
Given safety concerns, allopurinol is often allopurinol confers a safety benefit, while
prescribed based on calculated creatinine clear- febuxostat may confer normal baseline risk),
ance recommended dosing, which often leads and the fact that all-cause deaths occurred while
to failure to achieve target SUA [51]. However, patients were not taking drugs 85% of the time
studies have shown that in patients already [59]. For these reasons, in addition to the
tolerating allopurinol, increasing doses above potential cardiovascular risks associated with
creatinine clearance recommended dosing is gout and hyperuricemia, practice patterns have
effective and safe in reaching UA goals [51–53]. not changed in regards to febuxostat at this
In these trials, there were numerically more time.
SAEs with higher doses, though these were not Probenecid and lesinurad are agents that
deemed allopurinol-related, and there were no decrease uric acid reabsorption in the proximal
cases of AHS [54]. The ACR recommends that tubule, thereby promoting uric acid excretion
the maintenance dosage of allopurinol can be and lowering serum urate levels. Probenecid is a
raised above 300 mg per day, even in those with uricosuric agent that inhibits URAT1, OAT1,
renal impairment, provided there is adequate and OAT3 transporters and is considered an
patient education and regular monitoring for alternative first-line pharmacologic ULT [32].
drug hypersensitivity with symptoms such as However, it is more commonly used in combi-
pruritus, rash, and lab findings of elevated nation with a XOI for added urate-lowering
transaminases and peripheral eosinophilia. effect. Probenecid should be avoided in patients
Febuxostat is a hepatically metabolized, non- with a CRCL \ 50 and/or history of
purine xanthine oxidase inhibitor [50] that is nephrolithiasis, as it may contribute to the for-
also considered a first-line agent in the treat- mation of renal stones. Lesinurad is the newest
ment of gout. Practically speaking, however, it uricosuric agent that exerts its effects
190 Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193

predominately through URAT1 along with to-target approach, it is possible to decrease

some OAT4 transporter inhibition. Lesinurad is MSU crystal deposition burden, prevent further
only to be given as combination therapy due to crystal deposition, and subsequently eliminate
an increased risk of renal toxicity when given as the acute and chronic inflammation caused by
monotherapy, and should not be given if the gout. There are a number of pharmacologic
eGFR is \ 45 ml/min per FDA labeling [60]. agents that can be used alone or in combination
Adequate hydration of at least 2 l/day is optimal to treat acute flares, and also to lower the con-
when taking these agents. centration of SUA below the level of solubility.
Pegloticase is a recombinant mammalian Despite all these tools at our disposal, gout
urate oxidase produced from a genetically remains a poorly controlled disease, and
modified Escherichia coli conjugated to multiple patients continue to suffer. Gout care can be
strands of monomethoxypoly ethyl glycol improved dramatically through ongoing
(PEG) [50]. Pegloticase, given as an intravenous research, patient and provider education focus-
infusion every 2 weeks, is typically reserved for ing on optimal management, and treating to a
patients with severe gout in whom target serum target SUA level of \ 6 mg/dl (0.360 mmol/l) or
urate concentrations are not achieved or who better.
cannot tolerate oral ULT [50]. Patients with
contraindications to other ULT or who have
large crystal burden are also candidates. Resis- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tance can develop due to the development of
anti-PEG antibodies, which can also increase
the risk for adverse reactions. Pegloticase is Funding. No funding or sponsorship was
typically prescribed by rheumatologists. received for this study or publication of this
Treatment should also consider other com- article.
monly prescribed medications that can affect
UA levels, including loop diuretics, Authorship. All named authors meet the
hydrochlorothiazide, and fenofibrates. Loop International Committee of Medical Journal
and thiazide diuretics are known to increase Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
uric acid reabsorption in the proximal tubule. article, take responsibility for the integrity of
Losartan has been shown to lower uric acid the work as a whole, and have given their
levels through inhibition of the renal urate approval for this version to be published.
transporter URAT1, thereby increasing urinary
uric acid excretion and lowering UA [12]. Disclosures. Robert T. Keenan has been or is
Losartan can be substituted as an antihyper- a consultant with Horizon Pharma, Selecta
tensive in place of a thiazide or loop diuretic Biosciences, Sobi; and has received research
where clinically appropriate. These medica- support from Sobi. Jon Golenbiewski has noth-
tions, however, should not be discontinued ing to disclose.
when medically indicated. Fenofibrates can be
used as an adjunct ULT when dyslipidemia is Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
present [26, 32]. article is based on previously conducted studies
and does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the

Gout is a debilitating disease of increasing Open Access. This article is distributed

worldwide prevalence and is associated with under the terms of the Creative Commons
multiple comorbidities that leads to significant Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
pain, disability, impaired quality of life, and License (
societal costs. The silver lining is that gout is by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommer-
entirely curable, and through the use of a treat- cial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
Rheumatol Ther (2019) 6:179–193 191

medium, provided you give appropriate credit survey 2007–2016. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019.
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12. Stamp LK, Chapman PT. Gout and its comorbidi-

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