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Lagro Campus

Quarter Exam in Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year/Section: ______________________________________ Date: ____________
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter with the best answer, and write the letter before the number.
__________1. A sudden, calamitous event, bringing great damage loss, destruction and devastation to life and property.
a. disaster b. disaster risk c. hazard d. vulnerability
__________2. The probability that a community’s structure or geographic area is to be damaged or disrupted by the impact of a
particular hazard, on account of its nature, construction and proximity to a hazardous area.
a. disaster b. disaster risk c. hazard d. vulnerability
__________3. Is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health
impacts, property damage, loss of .livelihood & services, social and economic disruption or environmental damage
a. disaster b. disaster risk c. hazard d. vulnerability
__________4. Is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging
effects of hazard.
a. disaster b. disaster risk c. hazard d. vulnerability
__________5. The degree in which the element at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different magnitude.
a. disaster b. disaster risk c. hazard d. exposure
__________6. These originate from the different ‘forces’ of nature. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
typhoons, and cyclones affect many countries in Asia particularly the Philippines.
a. Natural disaster b. manmade disaster c. artificial disaster d. phenomenon
__________7. These disaster occur due to people’s actions against human, material and environment. These include transport and
industrial accidents, such as air and train crashes, chemical spills, and building collapses.
a. Natural disaster b. manmade disaster c. artificial disaster d. phenomenon
__________8. Which of the following is not belong to natural disaster?
b. Typhoon b. earthquake c. tsunami d. terrorism
__________9. Which of the following is an example of manmade disaster?
a. Chemical spill b. earthquake c. tsunami d. tidal wave
__________10. It is an example of disaster which is all about a show became so popular that thousands of fans flock to ULTRA to
watch the noon time show. That turned out to disastrous tragedy when there was a human – induce disturbance among the
watching crowd that cause a stampede.
a. Wow wowie stampede b. earthquake c. tsunami d. terrorism
__________11. The amount of exposure to the disaster is highly related to risk of future mental problems. At highest risk are those
that go through the disaster themselves. Next are those in close contact with victims.
a. Severe exposure b. age c. gender and family d. status
__________12. Disaster recovery is more stressful when children are present in the home. Women with spouses also
experience more distress during recovery.
a. Severe exposure b. age c. gender and family d. status
__________13. Adults who are in the range of 40 – 60 are likely to be more distressed after disasters. The thinking is that
if one is in that age range, he / she has more demands from job and family.
a. Severe exposure b. age c. gender and family d. status
__________14. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991, thousands of families in Zambales and Pampanga were displaced. Their
communities were ravaged by lahar flow that turned these communities.
a. Displaced Populations b. Health Risk c. Food Scarcity d. Emotional Aftershocks
__________15 Severe flooding can result in stagnant that allows breeding of waterborne bacteria and malaria carrying mosquitos.
Dengue fever is another serious health problem caused by mosquitos.
a. Displaced Populations b. Health Risk c. Food Scarcity d. Emotional Aftershocks
__________16. After natural disasters, food often becomes scarce. Thousands of people around the world go hungry as a result
of destroyed crops and loss of agricultural supplies, whether it happens suddenly in a storm or gradually in a drought.
a. Displaced Populations b. Health Risk c. Food Scarcity d. Emotional Aftershocks
__________17. Natural disasters can be particularly traumatic for young children. Confronted with scenes of destruction and the
deaths of friend and loved ones, many children develop post – traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a serious psychological condition
resulting from extreme trauma.
a. Displaced Populations b. Health Risk c. Food Scarcity d. Emotional Aftershocks
__________18. It is the combination of a community’s strengths, characteristics, and resources that can utilized to achieve certain
a. capability b. agility c. mobility d. abilit
__________19. What best describes an "earthquake"?
a. Sudden movement along the earth's surface c. Violent shaking or motion of the earth's surface
b. Huge collision of earth's plates d. none of the above
_________20. What is one of the most important actions to take before an earthquake?
a. Locate safe spots in each room c. Place large items in high places
b. Move to higher ground d. none of the above
_________21. How do you stay safe during an earthquake?
a. If inside when the shaking starts, move no more than a few steps, drop to the ground, cover and hold on
b. If outside, find a clear spot and drop to the ground
c. Both of the above
d. none of the above
_________22. The first action I will take after an earthquake is...
a. to expect after-shocks c. Both of the above
b. to beware of fires d. none of the above
_________23. Which of the following should you pay attention to before a flood?
a. A dam break c. Both of the above
b. Prolonged rainfall over several days d. none of the above
_________24. What is one of the most important actions to take before a flood?
a. Prepare an emergency kit c. Make a canoe
b. Bulk together staple food d. none of the above
_________25. How do you stay safe during a flood?
a. Put on your swimming suit c. Ask a member from a rescue team to stay with you

b. Climb to higher ground d. none of the above

_________26. The first action I will take after a flood is...
a. prepare my floating rubber boat c. stay away from my flooded house

b. help myself, then others d. none of the above

_________27. Why do landslides occur?
a. Because of heavy rainfall, or during an earthquake or volcanic eruption
b. Because of land mismanagement or improper land use
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
_________28. Which of the following should you pay attention to before a landslide?
a. An unusual sound that indicates moving debris c. A loud sound from the sky, like a thunderstorm

b. The sound of water flowing d. none of the above

_________29. What is one of the most important actions to take before a landslide?
a. Make a brick barrier in front of the house c. Be alert to changes and patterns in the land

b. Prepare sandbags d. none of the above

_________30. How do you stay safe during a landslide?
a. Go outside to observe the landslide c. Both of the above
b. Get out of the landslide's path d. none of the above

II. Enumeration
A. 31- 40. List 10 examples of natural disaster

B. 41. -50. List 10 examples of manmade disaster

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