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Course Pack


Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 60 Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 4

Max Marks : 100 Credits : 04

Course Objectives/Course Description:

This subject of Business Environment focuses on impact of environment on the organizations. The main
objective is to familiarize and equip students with techniques of environment analysis as a foundation to
corporate strategy. As a prerequisite the students must know the basic factors affecting the business and
knowledge about business management.
Learning Outcome
• Understand the nature and scope of business. • To make the students gain conceptual knowledge of the
process of environmental scanning and analysis. • Analyze the impact of technology on society, economy, and
on an individual plant. • To familiarize the students with the industrial policies. • Understand the importance of
small scale industries in economic growth. • Describe the interface between culture and business. • Explain
how organizations implement social responsibility actions.
Unit-1 Teaching Hours:14

Conceptual Framework of Business Environment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual Concept, Significance, and Nature of Business
Environment – Internal , External, Micro and Macro; Environmental Analysis-Concept, Process, Limitation,
Techniques of environmental analysis and Strategic Management (VRIO framework, Porter’s five force
model, Need Gap analysis, SWOT Analysis, QUEST, Blue ocean Strategy and PESTLE); Demographic
dividend, Happiness index.
Unit-2 Teaching Hours:14

Economic Environment and Legal Environment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual Economic Environment: Concept of Economic system,
Objectives, Strategies and Evaluation of current five year plan, Industrial policy 1991 (Industrial Licensing,
Foreign Investment, Foreign Technology Agreements, Public Sector Policy and MRTP Act); NITI Aayog,
Functions and initiative; Performance of Indian Economy in 21st century, Effect of recession on Business
and remedies for that. Legal Environment: Company regulatory legislation in India, Competition Act and
its salient features, FEMA, Monetary policy, Fiscal policy and Latest EXIM policy.
Unit-3 Teaching Hours:12

Natural Environment and Technological Environment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual Natural Environment: Meaning and significance, Natural
environmental factors affecting business, The Environment Protection Act 1986; Paris Climate Agreement.
Technological Environment: Innovation, Technological leadership and followership, Sources of
technological dynamics, Technology and competitive advantage, Transfer of technology and its problems,
Management of technology, Impact of technology on business and society (Artificial Intelligence and
Augmented Reality)
Unit-4 Teaching Hours:14

Political Environment and Socio-Cultural Environment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual Political Environment: Three political institutions:
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, Brief note on Fundamental rights and Duties, Rationale and extent of
state intervention, Role of Government – Regulatory, Promotional and Entrepreneurial, Government’s
responsibility to business, Business’s responsibility to Government; Brief overview about Make in India.
Socio-Cultural Environment: Corporate Social responsibility of business- Business Ethics and Corporate
Governance, Social audit, impact of culture on business- Cross-Cultural Business Environment.
Unit-5 Teaching Hours:6

Global Environment
Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual Foreign Collaborations and Indian Business, Benefits and
problems from MNCs, New Foreign Direct Investment policy of India; World Trade Organization-
objectives and principles, implications for India; Trading Blocks-Meaning and types.
Text Books And Reference Books:
• K. Ashwathappa, Essentials of business environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications. DOI: Edition)
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading:
• Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest Edition) •
S.K.MishraP,Economic Environment, Delhi: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest Edition) • K Chidambaram,
Business Environment,Vikas Publications.(Latest Edition)
Additional Information
Question Paper PatternMid-Semester ExaminationI Sem – B.Com. / BBM / BBA F&APaper I – Hindi Max. Time: 2 Hrs

Max. Marks: 50

Section Subject Title Types of Questions Choice Marks

A Poetry 1. Annotations 2 questions 5x2=10
2. Essay question 1 out of 2 15x1=15
3.short note on music 1 question 5x1=5
B Translation 4.One passage for translation 1 question 10x=10
from English to Hindi

C Business letters 5. letter writing 1 question 10x1=10

End-Semester ExaminationI Sem B.Com/BBA /BBA F&APaper I – Hindi Max. Time: 2Hrs Max. Marks:


Subject Title Types of Questions Choice Marks

A Poetry 1.One word/phrase/sentence 5 questions 1X5=5
2.Annotation 1 question 5x1=5
3. Essay question 1 out of 2 10X1=10
4. short note on music 1 question 6x1=6
B Translation 5. Practice- English to Hindi & Vise- 2 questions
versa 8X2=16
C Business letters 7. letter writing 1 question 8X1=8

Evaluation Pattern
Assessment Description
Component Weightage
CIA I Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, 10%
discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.
CIA II Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration 25%
CIA III Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report 10%
ESE Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration 50%
Attendance 05%
Total 100%

Course Plan

Subject Code : COH133 Teacher Name : RISHIKESHKB

No of
Planned Date Unit Heading Details Method Reading/Ref
Concept, Significance,
and Nature of Business
Environment ? Internal, Mind Mapping, Chalk K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
05/06/2018 Framework of
09/06/2018 4.00 Unit-1 External, Micro and and Talk, and environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Macro; Environmental Discussion Method DOI: Edition)
Process, Limitation
Techniques of
environmental analysis
Conceptual and Strategic
K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
11/06/2018 Framework of Management (VRIO PPT,Case Study and
16/06/2018 4.00 Unit-1 environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Business framework, Porter?s five Discussion Method
DOI: Edition)
Environment force model, Need Gap
analysis, SWOT
K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
18/06/2018 Framework of QUEST, Blue ocean PPT,Case Study and
23/06/2018 4.00 Unit-1 environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Business Strategy and PESTLE Discussion Method
DOI: Edition)
Demographic dividend,
Economic Happiness index.
Environment and Concept of Economic
Legal Environment, system, Objectives, Chalk and Talk, PPT K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
25/06/2018 Unit-2,
30/06/2018 4.00 Conceptual Strategies and and Discussion environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Framework of Evaluation of current five Method DOI: Edition)
Business year plan, Industrial
Environment policy 1991 (Industrial
Foreign Investment,
Foreign Technology
Economic Chalk and Talk, PPT, K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
02/07/2018 Agreements, Public
07/07/2018 4.00 Unit-2 Environment and Guest Lecture (NITI environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Sector Policy and MRTP
Legal Environment Aayog) DOI: Edition)
Act); NITI Aayog
Functions and initiative
Performance of Indian
Economic Economy in 21st K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
09/07/2018 4.00 Unit-2 Environment and century, Effect of Self- Learning environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Legal Environment recession on Business DOI: Edition)
and remedies for that.
Legal Environment:
Company regulatory
Economic legislation in India, Discussion Method, K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
16/07/2018 4.00 Unit-2 Environment and Competition Act and its Guest Lecture (Legal environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Legal Environment salient features FEMA, environment) DOI: Edition)
Monetary policy, Fiscal
Latest EXIM policy.
Environment and
Meaning and
Technological K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
23/07/2018 Unit-3, significance, Natural
28/07/2018 4.00 Environment, Video Analysis environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Unit-2 environmental factors
Economic DOI: Edition)
affecting business CIA 1
Environment and
Legal Environment
Natural The Environment K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
30/07/2018 Chalk and Talk, PPT,
04/08/2018 4.00 Unit-3 Environment and Protection Act 1986; environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Video Analysis
Technological Paris Climate DOI: Edition)
Environment: Innovation,
Technological leadership
Environment and followership,
Sources of technological
dynamics, Technology
and competitive
06/08/2018 CIA 2 MSE
Natural Transfer of technology
K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
13/08/2018 Environment and and its problems,
18/08/2018 4.00 Unit-3 Chalk and Talk, PPT environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
Technological Management of
DOI: Edition)
Environment technology
Brief note on
Fundamental rights and
Political Duties, Rationale and Chalk and Talk, Case
Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment,
20/08/2018 Environment and extent of state Study and Discussion
25/08/2018 3.00 Unit-4 Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest
Socio-Cultural intervention, Role of Method, Guest
Environment Government ? Lecture
Regulatory, Promotional
and Entrepreneurial
responsibility to
business, Business?s Chalk and Talk, Case Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment,
27/08/2018 Environment and
01/09/2018 3.00 Unit-4 responsibility to Study and Discussion Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest
Government; Brief Method Edition)
overview about Make in
Political Environment:Corporate
Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment,
03/09/2018 Environment and Social responsibility of Case study Based
08/09/2018 4.00 Unit-4 Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest
Socio-Cultural business- Business teaching
Environment Ethics and Corporate
Political Social audit, impact of
Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment,
10/09/2018 Environment and culture on business- Case Study based
15/09/2018 3.00 Unit-4 Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. (Latest
Socio-Cultural Cross-Cultural Business teaching
Environment Environment.
CIA 3 submission
Foreign Collaborations
and Indian Business,
Chalk and Talk, Case K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
17/09/2018 Benefits and problems
22/09/2018 3.00 Unit-5 Global Environment Study and Discussion environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
from MNCs, New
Method DOI: Edition)
Foreign Direct
Investment policy of
World Trade
Organization- objectives
K.Ashwathappa, Essentials of business
24/09/2018 and principles,
29/09/2018 4.00 Unit-5 Global Environment Chalk and Talk, PPT environment, Bangalore: Himalaya publications.
implications for India;
DOI: Edition)
Trading Blocks-Meaning
and types.

Component/Task 1
CIA Details
MCOs based on first unit to assess the conceptual framework of business environment(10 Marks)
CIA Details will display form 15/06/2018
Learning Objective
Assignment Learning Objectives: Students will be attempting Multiple Choice Questions each carrying
1 markStudents will be evaluated on Remembering and Understand level Assessment Strategies
aligned to LO: Aligned with LOTechnology Tools used along with their Purpose: Moodle
Assignment Learning Objectives: Students will be attempting Multiple Choice Questions each carrying
1 markStudents will be evaluated on Remembering and Understand level Assessment Strategies
aligned to LO: Aligned with LOTechnology Tools used along with their Purpose: Moodle
Evaluation Rubrics
20 objective type Questions of 1 mark eachAssessment of scores based on Accuracy of answers- 1 mark
for every correct answer and 0 for every incorrect answer.
Component/Task 2
CIA Details
Report writing assignmenton performance of Indian Economy in 21st century, prospective challenges and
opportunities to be identified. (individual assignments need to be submitted by students )
CIA Details will display form 15/06/2018
Learning Objective
Assignment Learning Objectives:1) By the end of this CIA, students will be able to assess the
performance of the Indian Economy, the changes and its impact on the business in the 21st century2) This
CIA will help students to develop analyzing skills and report writing skillsAssessment Strategies aligned to
LO: Technology Tools used along with their Purpose:
Assignment Learning Objectives:1) By the end of this CIA, students will be able to assess the
performance of the Indian Economy, the changes and its impact on the business in the 21st century2) This
CIA will help students to develop analyzing skills and report writing skillsAssessment Strategies aligned to
LO: Technology Tools used along with their Purpose:
Evaluation Rubrics
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Criteria 10-9 8-6 5-3 2-1

Content All the points are Any four Any three points Any two points are
Conceptual covered points are are covered covered.
understanding, Latest covered
relevance, facts,
Organization All points are Any three Any two points are Any one point is
Introduction covered. points are covered. covered.
Supporting literature covered.

Quality of Information 75-100% originality 50-75% 25-50% originality Below 25% originality
(originality report originality
based on turnitin)
No errors Only one or More than two Numerous errors
Grammar, Usage,
two errors errors distract from
References At least 10 At least 7 At least 5 Less than 5
Books, Research
articles, periodicals,
websites, reports.

Component/Task 1
CIA Details
Group Presentation consisting of 7-8 members per group need to present a detailed SWOC
Analysis of a local business unit keeping in mind Environmental Protection (20 Marks)
CIA Details will display form 15/06/2018
Learning Objective
Assignment Learning Objectives:Students learn to pick up the right resources, evaluate and grasp the
concepts on their own, think critically about the concepts and present it in their own unique way.To
develop creative skills of students based on syllabus and orient them about service learning.Assessment
Strategies aligned to LO: Aligned with LOTechnology Tools used along with their Purpose:Power
Assignment Learning Objectives:Students learn to pick up the right resources, evaluate and grasp the
concepts on their own, think critically about the concepts and present it in their own unique way.To
develop creative skills of students based on syllabus and orient them about service learning.Assessment
Strategies aligned to LO: Aligned with LOTechnology Tools used along with their Purpose:Power
Evaluation Rubrics
Criteria Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory
16-20 12-15 8-11 Below 8
Understanding of Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory
material and using comprehension and comprehension and comprehension and comprehension
of discretion in understanding understanding understanding and
choosing the gathered from gathered from gathered from understanding
resources. Various resources. Various resources. Various resources. gathered from
Presentation Clear, concise Clear, concise Good presentation, Lacks
presentation. presentation but not but no planning and presentation
Adherence to time adhered to time, yet no adherence to time skills but content
and planned well planned well is just
Demonstrates Exemplary Noteworthy Good Fair
intelligence and
sense of Judgement
Creativity Creatively puts Good use of Fair use of creativity Lacks creativity
forward points and creativity
attracts audience’s

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