Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production PDF

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Course: English B1+
Code: 900004
Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Writing

1. Task description

Type of the task: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment : Intermediate at Unit 1
Task higher score: 90 points
Task starting date: viernes, Task deadline: miércoles, 3 de junio
17 de abril de 2020 de 2020

In this task, it is expected to achieve the following learning

results: The student will be able to build different sentences according
to the topics studied with the support of the E-Tutor and e-students.
Through this exercise, the student will recognize and apply the contents
of the unit 1 in the online contents, the environment and the context to
express himself or herself according to the course level.

The task is as follow:

Stage 1- Individual work

A. Check out and study the online content of the B1 level of the Unit
1 (module 7 and 8) and Unit 2 (module 9 and 10) which are located
in the Learning Environment.

B. Introduce yourself.

C. Select a role for the collaborative work.

D. Observe the following picture and write about it according to your
own criterion:
 Give a name to each person in the picture.
 Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothes…).
 Where is that place? (Place, city…)
 What can you do there?
 What are they doing? (present progressive)
 What did they do yesterday?
 What are they planning to do tomorrow?

Then, enter to the Learning Environment forum and share directly (Do
not attach files), the answers.

Stage 2- Collaborative work

In group, choose a movie and complete the chart:

Who is (are) the protagonist(s)?
Who is (are) the antagonist(s)?
Chronological time of the movie

Plot Knot:

Link of a trailer
What did you learn about the
How did the film make you feel? S3.
How does the movie relate to the S3.
academic program you are S4.
studying? S5.
Another ending for the movie
could be…

To develop this task, consider:

At Initial information Environment, you must: To check the agenda out

to verify the opening and closing of the task.

At Evaluation Environment, you must: Upload only one written work per

At Learning Environment, you must: To check out and study the content
online (Level B1 from module 7 to module 12).
Enter to the forum and participate in the development of the
collaborative work.

Individual work evidences:

At this activity no evidences needed

Group work evidences

The groupal work evidences to submit are:

In the Evaluation Environment, upload the Final Document in PDF Format

with the following information:
1. First page: Cover (complete names, IDs and Date)
2. Writing about the picture.
Complete chart about the movie.
2. General guidelines for the development of the evidence to

For evidence developed Group - Collaborative, consider the following


 Every member of the group must participate with academic’s

contributions in the task development.

 Every group must choose a member (just one) who is the one in
charge to submit the required paperwork in the space assigned
by the teacher in charge.

 Before delivering the requested product, all the requirements

indicated in this task must be checked.

 Only the members of the group that have participated with

contributions during the time earmarked for the task must be
included as authors of the submitted work.

Take into account that all individual or group written work must fulfil
with the orthographic rules and presentation conditions that have been
Concerning the use of references, consider that the requested work in
this task must fulfil with the standards APA

In any case, the standards of reference must be complied. Academic

plagiarism must be avoided. Students can support the written products
by using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual campus.

Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99,
it is considered as offenses that undermine the academic order, among
others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting as of its
own authorship the all or part of a work, document or invention made
by another person.
It also implies the use of quotes or false references, or proposing quotes
where there is no match between it and the reference ”and literal f)
“Reproducing or copying for profit, educational materials or results of
research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the

The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:

a) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective academic

work or evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will be zero points
without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

b) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work

whatever its nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero
points, without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

3. Evaluation rubric Format

Type of the task: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1
Task higher score: 90 grades
High level: Participations are relevant, articulated and
First evaluation contribute to the construction of the final document. The
standard: contributions are posted according to the schedule.
Participation If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 15
Assessment points to 20 points.

Participation & Media level: There is minimum participation in the

interaction writing forum.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 8 points
This standard to 10 points.
represents 20
score of the task. Low level: There is not forum participation at all.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain 0 points.
High level: The group answers and writes about the
picture with no mistakes in the sentences.
standard The group doesn’t use the online translator.
Procedure If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 25
Assessment points to 30 points.

Development of Media level: The group answers and writes about the
the phase II. picture, but they have some mistakes in the sentences.
The group answers and/or writes about the picture, but
This standard it is incomplete.
represents 30 The group uses the translator to construct the sentences
score of the task. If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 8 points
to 10 points.

Low level: The student does not answer or write about

the picture.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain 0 points.

High level: The group choose a movie and complete the

chart. The sentences are well structured. The group does
not use the online translator.
Third evaluation
If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 25
standard: Content
points to 30 points.
Media level: The group choose a movie, but the chart is
Development of
incomplete. The group choose a movie and complete the
the phase III.
chart, but the sentences are not well structured. The
group uses the online translator.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 20
This standard
points to 15 points.
represents 30
score of the task.
Low level: The group does not choose a movie and not
complete the chart. The student does not choose a movie
and not complete the chart.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain 0 points.

High level: The final document is delivered in the Link
standard: Formal
established for that purpose and contains all the
dispositions for that matter
Final PFD delivery. If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 8 points
to 10 points.
This standard
represents 10 Media level: The final document is not delivered in the
score of the task. proper link or lacks some dispositions in the final version.
The student presents the task alone.
If your task is at this level, you can obtain among 3 points
to 5 points.

Low level: The student did not participate in the task.

If your task is at this level, you can obtain 0 points.

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