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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2002, 41, 6149-6155 6149

Arsenic Removal Using Iron Oxide Loaded Alginate Beads

Anastasios I. Zouboulis* and Ioannis A. Katsoyiannis
Division of Chemical Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University,
Thessaloniki GR-54124, Greece

The application of biopolymers (alginate), as sorbent supports, for the removal of arsenic from
contaminated water has been investigated in the present study. Calcium alginate beads were
placed in a column to form a fixed bed and treated (doped/coated) with hydrous ferric oxides.
Three different types of modified alginate beads were examined for the removal of arsenic; the
most efficient type was found to be doped with alginate and subsequently coated with iron oxides,
whereas the other two types were calcium alginate beads doped or coated with iron oxides. The
total amount of iron loaded on this material was found to be 3.9 mg of Fe/g of wet alginate bead.
Approximately 230 bed volumes of a 50 µg/L As(V) solution were treated before the breakthrough
point was reached, whereas the removal of As(III) was not as efficient, reaching the breakthrough
point after the treatment of only 45 bed volumes. The results were modeled using the bed depth
service time and empty bed residence time models.

Introduction sand,12-14 but other materials have been also examined,

such as coated catalysts15 and coated olivine.16 In the
Arsenic is considered as a naturally occurring con- present study, alginate gel beads have been applied as
taminant of drinking water supplies, causing adverse a support matrix for the immobilization of hydrous ferric
effects on human health. Chronic exposure to arsenic oxides.
concentrations above 100 µg/L can cause vascular
disorders, such as dermal pigments (blackfoot disease) Alginate is a biopolymer, extracted mainly from
and skin and lung cancer.1,2 Since 1993, the World brown seaweed. It is a linear polysaccharide of (1 f 4)-
Health Organization has recommended a maximum linked R-L-guluronate (G) and β-D-mannuronate (M)
contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water residues arranged in a nonregular, block-wise pattern
of 10 µg/L.3 In 1998, under EC directive 98/83 related along the linear chain.17,18 Monovalent salts of alginic
to water intended for human consumption, the Euro- acid have generally been considered as being the water-
pean Commission adopted the same value as the MCL, soluble species of alginate. With divalent cations, algi-
and by 2003, all European countries will have to comply nate acid produces thermally irreversible gels that are
with this limit.4 Recently, the same limit has been insoluble in water. Calcium is the cation mostly used
adopted by the United States, and the date by which in the preparation of alginate beads.19
water treatment systems must comply with the new Alginate is one of the most widely used carriers for
standard is January 2006.5 Therefore, the arsenic the immobilization of enzymes and proteins, as well as
problem is of primary concern in many countries and for the controlled release of drugs. Furthermore, algi-
research into the development of cost-competitive tech- nate has been applied as a biosorbent material for the
nologies for arsenic removal from water sources is removal of cationic metals, such as Pb2+, Zn2+, Cd2+,
urgent. and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions.18 Regarding the
Arsenic is present in natural waters mainly in its removal of oxyanionic compounds, modified alginate
inorganic oxyanionic forms of arsenate (HAsO42-) and beads have found application in the removal of chro-
arsenite (H3AsO3). As(V) predominates in oxygenated mium and selenium,20 whereas for the removal of
waters (e.g., surface water), whereas under anoxic arsenic, only one citation can be found in the litera-
conditions (e.g., anaerobic groundwaters), As(III) com- ture.21 In the latter study (batch experiments), promis-
prises the main form.6 The main treatment methods ing results were reported regarding the sorption of
used for arsenic removal from contaminated waters fall pentavalent arsenic on modified alginate beads. In the
into the following categories: (a) precipitation-coagula- present study, the modified medium was examined
tion processes, such as coagulation with iron or alumi- under continuous-operation (fixed-bed) mode.
num salts or lime softening; (b) membrane processes, The objective of this research was to examine the
such as reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, or electrodialy- efficiency of alginate beads as possible supports for
sis; and (c) adsorption processes, such as adsorption on hydrous ferric oxides and to apply the modified filter
activated alumina or on iron oxides.7-11 medium in the adsorbing filtration processes for the
A modification of the last category is “adsorptive removal of arsenic from contaminated water sources,
filtration”. This technique is based on the coating of the to achieve a residual arsenic concentration below the
filter medium with adsorbents, resulting in modified concentration limit of 10 µg/L. The aim is not for this
media that can act simultaneously as a filter and as an particular modified medium to replace other adsorptive
adsorbent. The most widely used filter medium in or ion-exchange materials already applied in arsenic
adsorbing filtration technique is iron oxide coated removal processes, such as activated alumina or granu-
lar ferric hydroxide (GFH), but rather for more informa-
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +30 310-997794. E- tion to be obtained regarding the application of this
mail: material in the treatment of arsenic-contaminated
10.1021/ie0203835 CCC: $22.00 © 2002 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 10/29/2002
6150 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002

groundwaters where soluble iron might also coexist. Experimental Setup and Conditions for Adsorp-
Iron is usually removed from groundwaters by oxidation tion Experiments. A glass column (40-cm height, 2.86-
and subsequent filtration. The oxidation of iron and cm inner diameter) was filled with calcium alginate or
subsequent filtration result in a natural coating of the Ca-Fe-immobilized alginate beads (of mean diameter
filter medium. Iron-oxidizing bacteria can then attach 3.6 mm, with approximate bed porosity 0.33). For the
and grow on the medium surface, accelerating the preparation of Fe-coated beads, alginate beads were
overall process. Subsequently, arsenic can be removed treated with an Fe(NO3)3 suspension (of various initial
by sorption on the naturally produced iron oxides, and concentrations) at pH 5.0, where ferric oxides are
possible As(III) oxidation by bacteria might enhance the practically insoluble. The preformed iron oxide suspen-
overall treatment efficiency.22 sion was passed through the column in upflow mode
The obtained results were modeled by the application under recirculation to coat the surface of filtration
of the bed depth service time (BDST) and empty bed media. The bed was subsequently washed with deion-
residence time (EBRT) models.23,24 ized water to remove iron oxides residuals that were
not coated on the surface of filter media. This washing
action was finished when no iron could be detected in
Materials and Methods the outlet stream. It should be noted that, in the present
Reagents and Stock Solutions. All chemicals used research, the artificial coating of beads by ferric oxides
were reagent-grade, and all glassware was acid-washed has been examined, whereas natural coating might also
and rinsed with deionized water. Alginate beads were find application under certain conditions (i.e., treatment
prepared from sodium alginate (Parneac), which was of iron-rich groundwaters).
used without further purification. Arsenate and arsenite Following bed modification, aqueous solutions spiked
stock solutions were prepared from sodium arsenate with arsenic entered the treatment column in upflow
heptahydrate (Na2HAsO4‚7H2O, Parneak) and arsenic mode and passed once through the modified medium,
trioxide (As2O3, AnalaR), respectively, dissolved in and samples were collected from the exit of the column.
deionized water. Working solutions were prepared by After the treatment of several bed volumes, the break-
dilution of certain amounts of stock solutions with tap through point was reached. Breakthrough was defined
water. The final concentration of the working solutions as the point at which the effluent arsenic concentration
for both arsenate and arsenite experiments was 50 µg/ was over the permissible maximum concentration limit
L, i.e., the previous limit for arsenic in drinking water. of 10 µg/L.
Calcium solutions, used in the gel synthesis, were Analytical Determinations. The determination of
prepared from CaCl2‚2H2O (Merck) dissolved in deion- total arsenic in the collected samples was performed by
ized water. Hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) suspensions hydride-generation atomic absorption spectrophotom-
used for gel activation were prepared from Fe(NO3)3‚ etry (HG-AAS, Perkin-Elmer MHS 10, Perkin-Elmer
9H2O (Merck) dissolved in deionized water with adjust- 2380). The method is based on the conversion of soluble
ment of the pH to 5.0 using NaOH solution. arsenic in the respective volatile arsines, which are
Alginate Bead Synthesis. The biopolymer powder subsequently determined by atomic flame absorption.
(2 g) was dispersed in 100 mL of deionized water to give The reduction of arsenic was performed by KI addition
a 2% w/v alginate solution; this solution was mixed with (10% w/v), and the pretreatment of the samples also
a mechanic stirrer until a transparent, viscous solution involved the addition of HCl (32% v/v). Following this
was obtained. procedure, the samples were reacted with Na(BH4), and
the produced arsines were determined by means of the
Calcium alginate beads were prepared by dropping respective calibration curve. The calibration curve
sodium alginate aqueous solution into a continuously enables the determination of arsenic in the concentra-
stirred calcium chloride solution. This technique enabled tion range from 1 to 20 µg/L. To measure separately the
the formation of spherical droplets, which after being trivalent arsenic (speciation), samples were pretreated
dispersed in CaCl2 solution, would result in the forma- only with acetic acid (0.05 M), to avoid the reduction of
tion of spherical particles. Approximately one drop of pentavalent arsenic. Following pretreatment, samples
polymer solution was dispensed per second into 500 mL were also analyzed by hydride generation atomic ab-
of CaCl2 solution under gentle stirring (60 rpm) during sorption spectrophotometry.25
formation of the gel beads, because the beads were
The samples were also analyzed for iron by flame
reported to be susceptible to hydrodynamic forces.18
atomic absorption spectrometry. To determine the
A glass tube was used to dispense the polymer amount of iron loaded on the calcium alginate beads,
solution. A pipet tip (3-mm diameter) was positioned 10 g of modified beads was treated with (1 M) HCl acid.
approximately 6 cm above the surface of the calcium In this way, iron was dissolved in the acid solution.
solution used in the gel formation. It has been reported
that this is the optimum distance, as smaller distances
Results and Discussion
lead to the formation of beads with short tails whereas
longer distances result in deformation of the obtained Alginate Bead Characterization. The concentra-
particles.18 The beads were allowed to cure in Ca2+ tion of cationic solution (CaCl2), as well as the duration
solution and then removed and rinsed twice with of incubation (curing) in this solution, was determined
deionized water. The concentration of the CaCl2 solution on the basis of preliminary experiments. Alginate bead
and the contact time of the alginate beads within this characterization was performed by scanning electron
solution were selected after preliminary experiments. microscopy (SEM JSM-840A, JEOL scanning micro-
For the preparation of Ca-Fe-doped beads, biopoly- scope). It was found that the contact time in CaCl2
mer powder (2 g of sodium alginate) was dispersed in solution, as well as the CaCl2 concentration, affects the
100 mL of various concentrations of HFO suspensions structure and the mechanical properties of the beads.
at pH 5.0.; then, the aforementioned procedure was The most appropriate beads for sorption experiments
followed. in column operation were those formed by incubation
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002 6151

Figure 1. As(V) removal by alginate beads doped with iron oxides Figure 2. As(V) removal by alginate beads coated with iron oxides
(conditions: linear velocity, 1.16 m/h; bed volume, 50 mL; pH 7.0). (conditions: linear velocity, 1.16 m/h; bed volume, 50 mL; pH, 7.0;
[As]o, 50 µg/L).
in CaCl2 solution (0.3 M) for 24 h. Following this
procedure, calcium alginate beads were modified by iron
oxides suspension, either doped or coated. Previous
investigations have shown that calcium alginate beads
(unmodified) have a minimal tendency to adsorb ar-
senic;21 therefore, they were not further examined in
this study.
Arsenic Removal by Calcium Alginate Beads
Doped with Iron Oxides. Iron oxides were doped into
the calcium alginate network during the preparation of
beads as previously described. Two kinds of calcium-
iron alginate beads were prepared, depending on the
concentration of the Fe(NO3)3 suspension used for iron
doping, and tested against the removal of As(V). The
results are presented in Figure 1.
It can be noticed that the removal of arsenic was
greatly affected by the Fe(NO3)3 concentration used for Figure 3. As(V) removal by alginate beads coated with iron
the creation and doping of iron oxides. Because adsorp- oxides: influence of coating duration (conditions: linear velocity,
tion processes are greatly dependent on the available 1.16 m/h; bed volume, 50 mL; pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/L; [Fe]coat, 0.3
amount of adsorbent,12 the extent of arsenic removal
was increased when 0.05 M doped iron concentration
([Fe]dop) was used, as compared to the experiments The preparation of this material was previously de-
performed with 0.025 M [Fe]dop. The amounts of doped scribed, and it was performed after the placement of the
iron oxides were 2.8 and 1.4 mg of Fe/g of wet alginate calcium alginate beads in the column. During the
bead, respectively. In the first case, the breakthrough coating procedure, most of the adsorbent was loaded
point was reached after the treatment of around 80 bed onto the surface of the material, probably as a result of
volumes. It has been reported that, for calcium-iron ion exchange between calcium and iron.21
alginate beads (batch experiments), the retention of When the coating was performed with the 0.3 M Fe-
arsenic was around 1.7 µg of As/g of wet alginate bead (NO3)3 suspension, the amount of iron coated per gram
when incubated for 2 h, which increased to 6.5 µg of of wet alginate bead corresponded to 0.63 mg of Fe/g of
As/g of wet bead when the incubation time was 24 h.21 wet alginate bead, whereas when 0.025 or 0.1 M Fe-
In this study, the retention of arsenic up to the (NO3)3 was used, the amounts of iron coated were 0.24
breakthrough point was found to be 4.75 µg of As/g of and 0.44 mg of Fe/g of wet alginate bead, respectively.
wet alginate bead or 1.75 µg of As/mg of Fe doped. The pronounced effect of the adsorbent quantity on the
These results can be considered satisfactory, because, sorption efficiency was also confirmed by the results
in contrast to previously published results (batch equi- displayed in Figure 2. Arsenic removal was found to be
librium experiments), the solution passes only once more efficient when the coating was performed with the
through the sorptive bed during column operation, more concentrated iron oxide suspension, and the
resulting in a short residence time (5.5 min). Further- breakthrough point was reached after the treatment of
more, the results from continuous column experiments almost 45 bed volumes. The maximum amount of
cannot be directly compared with those from batch arsenic sorbed onto the alginate beads was found to be
experiments, because, in the first case, the operation 2.6 µg of As/g of wet alginate bead, or 4.4 µg of As/mg
terminates when the breakthrough point is reached and, of Fe.
in this case, it terminated when the effluent concentra- During these experiments, the duration of the coating
tion exceeded 10 µg/L, rather than when the bed reached procedure was 3 h. To investigate the kinetics of iron
its maximum sorptive capacity. coating onto the calcium alginate beads and the sequen-
Arsenic Removal by Calcium Alginate Beads tial effect on arsenic removal, the coating procedure was
Coated with Iron Oxides. Apart from Ca-Fe-doped also performed for 24 and 96 h, and the results are
alginate beads, calcium alginate beads coated with iron presented in Figure 3. It can be noticed that, when the
oxides were also examined for the removal of arsenic. coating was performed for 24 h, the removal of arsenic
6152 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002

Figure 5. Effect of linear velocity on As(V) removal by alginate

Figure 4. As(V) removal by different types of modified alginate beads doped and coated with iron oxides (conditions: bed volume,
beads (conditions: linear velocity, 1.16 m/h; bed volume, 50 mL; 50 mL; pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/L).
pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/L).
was investigated by applying different values of linear
was more efficient, in comparison with the 3-h coating velocity, and the results are presented in Figure 5. As
duration; however, it was found to be almost equal to expected, the extent of adsorption decreased as the
the results obtained when the coating was performed linear velocity was increased because of the resulting
for 96 h. This finding can be directly correlated with lower contact times. The contact time, or empty bed
the amount of iron oxide coated onto the surface of the residence time (EBRT) is the time required for the liquid
calcium alginate beads, which was found to be almost to fill the empty column: EBRT ) bed volume/volumet-
equal for 24- and 96-h coatings (1.13 and 1.145 mg of ric flow rate of the liquid.23
Fe/g of alginate, respectively). The best results were obtained when the linear
From the obtained results, it was obvious that the velocity was lowest examined, i.e., 0.6 m/h, with a
sorption of arsenic could occur on both the interior and corresponding residence time 10 min. In this case, the
the exterior surface of the alginate beads, if this breakthrough point was reached after the treatment of
material were modified appropriately. Therefore, the almost 230 bed volumes, or if expressed in pore volumes,
best conditions for preparing modified alginate beads the breakthrough point was reached after the treatment
would be to use calcium alginate beads doped with Fe of almost 700 pore volumes. The amount of arsenic
([Fe]dop ) 0.05 M) and, after placing them in the sorbed was also found to increase and reached 13.8 µg
operating column, to treat them with Fe [at an iron of As/g of wet alginate bead.
coating concentration ([Fe]coat) of 0.3 M for 24 h] to allow The increase in sorption capacity with increasing
sufficient coating to occur. residence time indicates that the sorption process is
Arsenic Removal by Calcium Alginate Beads controlled by intraparticle mass transfer, rather than
Doped and Coated with Iron Oxides. Arsenic re- by external mass transfer,23 thus the critical stage in
moval was examined using alginate beads prepared by the arsenic removal kinetics is the diffusion of liquid
a combination of doping and coating with iron oxides into the bed porosity. However, the main mechanism
and was compared with previous results (Figure 4). The responsible for arsenic removal is the chemical reaction
removal of arsenic was found to be more efficient. The between iron and arsenic. As(V) is known to form stable
adsorbing agents (iron oxides) were immobilized on both coordination compounds with iron oxides, by specific
the interior and exterior surfaces of the beads. The adsorption, through the following reaction26
deposition of iron oxides onto a greater area contributes
to the extension of the active surface for sorption. M-FeOH + H3AsO4 f M-Fe-H2AsO4 + H2O
Subsequently, more efficient utilization of the respective
adsorption sites can be achieved by the adsorbates. The The product of this reaction is ferric arsenate, which
amount of iron loaded onto this combined (doped and has a very low solubility product (10-20 mol/L).8 These
coated) material was found to be 3.9 mg of Fe/g of wet results can be considered as satisfactory regarding the
alginate bead, comparable to the amount of iron coated applicability of the method, as they were obtained
on sand (2-10 mg of Fe/g of sand, although efficient without any pretreatment of the solution (i.e., pH
coating requires temperatures over 200 °C).14 The adjustment). Additionally, because no studies regarding
increased amount of loaded iron had a direct conse- the application of modified alginate beads in fixed beds
quence on the efficiency of the sorption process, as the for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water
breakthrough point was reached after 120 treated bed could be found in the literature, the direct comparison
volumes, which corresponds to 7.2 µg of As/g of wet of the obtained results with other literature findings was
alginate bead or 1.8 µg of As/mg of Fe loaded on the not possible.
bead, which is comparable to previous findings.21 Previous investigations regarding arsenic removal by
Further investigations regarding treatment efficiency adsorptive filtration have been performed by applying
included an examination of the residence time of the conventional iron oxide coated sand.12 These results
solution in the filtration bed. The residence time is a were equally efficient regarding the number of bed
critical parameter in adsorption experiments are carried volumes treated before the breakthrough point (200-
out, as the removal efficiency depends strongly on the 250 bed volumes), although the pH of the treated
contact time between the adsorbent (iron hydroxides) solution was adjusted to 3.5, which certainly is not
and the adsorbate (arsenic). The effect of residence time typical of natural waters. It is well-documented that
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002 6153

Figure 6. Comparison between As(V) and As(III) removal by Figure 7. Breakthrough curves of As(V) for different sorbent
alginate beads doped and coated with iron oxides (conditions: quantities (40, 80, or 160 g of alginate beads doped and coated
linear velocity, 0.6 m/h; bed volume, 50 mL; pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/ with iron oxides) (conditions: linear velocity, 0.6 m/h; pH, 7.0;
L). [As]o, 50 µg/L).

As(V) tends to be more strongly adsorbed at lower volumes. This difference in removal efficiencies of
solution pH, because the extent of complex formation inorganic arsenic forms could be attributed to the
between arsenates and iron depends on the ratio of the speciation of inorganic arsenic in natural waters. Pen-
concentration of arsenates to the concentration of tavalent arsenic in the pH range of interest for drinking
OH-.27 The log K values (affinity constants) of hydrous water is present in its anionic forms of H2AsO4- and
ferric oxide and ferric arsenate are 3827 and 20.2,28 HAsO42- (pKa ) 2.19, pKb ) 6.94).31 Thus, it can be
respectively, which indicates that OH- has a stronger adsorbed more easily on iron oxides, which, in this pH
affinity for Fe(III) than does arsenate, as both anions range, are mainly present with the cationic monomeric
compete with Fe(III) for the same adsorption sites. form [Fe(OH)2+],32 because adsorption is facilitated by
Thus, by decreasing the pH, the tendency of the arsen- Coulombic interactions.
ate ions to enter the coordination sheath of the Fe(III) In contrast, trivalent arsenic in the same pH range
ions will increase. Therefore, if the pH value in the is mainly present in its nonionic form of arsenious acid
present study were adjusted to 5.0, the results could be (H3AsO3, pKa ) 9.22).31 Therefore, at pH 7, it is not
further improved, but the applicability of this method dissociated. Although specific chemical interactions
would also be restricted, because the pH values typically between Fe(III) and As(III) can occur, Coulombic inter-
encountered fall in the range 6-8. actions are unfavorable, and thus, sorption is decreased.
However, the efficiency of alginate was found to be These results indicate that, when both forms of inor-
equal to or greater than that of other polymeric materi- ganic arsenic are present in an aqueous stream, a
als applied in the adsorbing filtration process.29 Under preoxidation step is essential to achieve maximum
similar conditions, the use of iron oxide coated polysty- overall arsenic removal. This oxidation step can be
rene beads was found to reach breakthrough after the performed by the application of chemical reagents, such
treatment of 60 bed volumes, and iron-coated polymer- as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, etc.,8,33,34 and
ized high internal phase emulsion (poly HIPE) produced biological processes could also be used to catalyze
similar results. In this study, the effect of other con- trivalent arsenic oxidation.22
stituents of natural waters was also examined. It was Modeling Fixed-Bed (Column) Operation by the
found that phosphates inhibit the sorption of arsenic Application of the Bed Depth Service Time (BDST)
on iron-coated polymeric beads, whereas other anions, Model. During operation of a fixed-bed adsorption
such as chlorides, nitrates, and bicarbonates, have a column, the service time of the system can be related
smaller effect on arsenic removal. These results were to the bed depth for a given set of experimental
consistent with the findings of previous studies,30 and conditions.23 The main consideration when sizing ad-
it was considered that similar results would be obtained sorptive columns is to predict the service time until the
in the present study. effluent exceeds a predefined pollutant concentration.
The aforementioned results refer to the removal of The BDST model relates the service time of a fixed bed
pentavalent arsenic anions. The other main inorganic to the height of the adsorbent material in the bed and,
form of arsenic that is usually present in aquatic hence, to its total quantity, as it is directly proportional
environments is trivalent arsenic (AsIII), which is to the bed height for a specific column size. Therefore,
mainly present under mildly anaerobic or anoxic condi- sorbent quantity is used in preference to bed height
tions, such as those found in groundwaters.6 This fact (Figure 7).24 The BDST model was found to be suf-
aggravates the overall problem of arsenic removal, ficiently described by the equation
because trivalent arsenic anions are far more toxic than

( )
pentavalent ones.1 Therefore, experiments were also qo Co
performed by spiking the samples with trivalent arsenic, t) M- ln - 1 ) RM + b (1)
to investigate the removal of As(III) separately using CoV kCo Ct
the same modified alginate beads (Figure 6).
It was found that As(V) was removed from the where t is the service time (h), qo is the adsorption
aqueous stream more efficiently, whereas the removal capacity (µg/g), Co is the initial concentration of adsor-
of trivalent arsenic was not significant, reaching the bate (µg/L), V is the applied flow rate (L/h), M is the
breakthrough point after the treatment of only 45 bed quantity of sorbent inside the column (g), and Ct is the
6154 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002

Table 1. Calculated Constants of Bed-Depth Service Time Equation for Adsorption of As(V) on Alginate Beads Doped
and Coated with Iron Oxides
k qo qo
pH of breakthrough (10-3 L (µg of As/ (µg of As/ correlation
influent species (%) min mol-1)
-1 g of alginate) mg of Fe) coefficient, r2
7 As(V) 10 11.7 7.79 1.99 0.99
20 2.91 13.75 2.91 0.99
30 1.6 22.6 5.79 0.99

amount of arsenic sorbed onto the modified alginate

beads was found to be in good agreement with the
experimental results. The amount of arsenic sorbed for
20% breakthrough was calculated as 13.75 µg of As/g
of wet alginate bead, whereas the experimental calcula-
tions for the corresponding experimental conditions
produced a sorptive capacity equal to 13.8 µg of As/g of
wet alginate bead. The application of different flow rates
of contaminated water through the column can be also
calculated by multiplying the original slope (R) by the
ratio between the original and the new flow rate,
because a linear change in flow rate is not expected to
have any effect on the intercept (b). The influence of
the feed concentration of the metal from Co to a new
value Cn can be determined by performing the following
correcting calculations
Figure 8. Iso-removal lines for As(V) sorption on alginate beads

doped and coated with iron oxides at 10, 20, and 30% breakthrough
(conditions: linear velocity, 0.6 m/h; pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/L).
Rnew ) Rold (2)
Definition of percent breakthrough (e.g., 10%): the point when Cn
the effluent has a concentration equal to 10% of the influent

bnew ) bold ( )[
Co ln(Cn - 1)
Cn ln(Co - 1) ] (3)

Fixed-Bed Operational Optimization Using the

Empty Bed Residence Time (EBRT) Model. The two
major parameters in the design of an adsorber unit are
the contact time (or empty bed residence time) and the
adsorbent exhaustion rate. The definition of EBRT was
mentioned earlier. The adsorption exhaustion rate is the
mass of adsorbent used per volume of liquid treated at
the breakthrough point.23 The EBRT model enables the
calculation of two basic parameters in the design of
fixed-bed columns: (a) the minimum EBRT required to
achieve the desired effluent concentration at infinitely
high adsorption exhaustion rate and (b) the minimum
Figure 9. Operating line plot for fixed-bed alginate exhaustion adsorbent exhaustion rate, which occurs when the
rate vs minimum residence time for As(V) removal for 20% total EBRT is large enough, so that the exhausted adsorbent
breakthrough (conditions: pH, 7.0; [As]o, 50 µg/L; quantity of is in equilibrium with the influent and the total volume
sorbent, 40 g; material, alginate beads doped and coated with iron
treated at breakthrough will not increase with increas-
ing EBRT. These two parameters can be calculated by
respective effluent concentration of adsorbate at time plotting the EBRT versus the adsorbent exhaustion rate
t. From the iso-removal lines (plots of t versus M) for the preselected breakthrough concentration and for
(Figure 8), regarding column operation under constant different flow rates, which provides different EBRTs for
experimental conditions (except sorbent quantity), the the same amount of adsorbent (Figure 9). This plot
main parameters of the BDST model can be calculated. produces the so-called “operating line” of the process,
Subsequently, from the slope (R) of the respective lines, from which the aforementioned parameters can be
the adsorption capacity (qo) can be calculated, and from obtained from the respective intercepts.23
the intercept (b), the rate constant of adsorption (k) can This study was directed toward removing arsenic from
be found. Table 1 contains the summarized results of contaminated water, so the breakthrough concentration
these calculations. of 10 µg/L was selected. Therefore, the operating line of
The application of the BDST model describing the the modified alginate system was designed for 20%
sorption of arsenic onto (modified) alginate beads or onto breakthrough for an initial As(V) concentration of 50
iron oxides has not previously been reported. Therefore, µg/L. From the data presented in Figure 9, it was found
the direct comparison of the obtained results with other that the minimum EBRT required to achieve an effluent
related experimental work is not possible. Nevertheless, concentration of 10 µg/L was 76 s (for an adsorbent
the calculated parameters regarding the theoretical exhaustion rate 4.3 kg of modified alginate/dm3), and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 24, 2002 6155

the minimum adsorption exhaustion rate after which (11) Viraraghavan, T.; Subramanian K. S.; Aruldoss J. A.
the influent was in equilibrium with the exhausted Arsenic in drinking watersProblems and solutions. Water Sci.
adsorbent was 0.45 kg of modified alginate/dm3. Technol. 1999, 40 (2), 69.
(12) Benjamin, M. M.; Sletten, R. S.; Bailey, R. P.; Bennett, T.
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