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Pre-requisites to Focused Build Configuration (Focused Build Setup and Solution Validation)

The following should be completed in the Solution Manager system prior to the Configuration

(a) The Mandatory Configuration must be completed upfront.

(transaction SOLMAN_SETUP • Cross Scenario Configuration • Mandatory Configuration)

(b) Embedded Search for SAP Solution Manager must be completed

(transaction SOLMAN_SETUP • Cross Scenario Configuration • Embedded Search)

(c) Change Request Management (ChaRM) basic configuration must be completed (including
central SAP note for Change Request Management).

Managed Systems Setup in terms of Change Request Management must also be completed.

(d) Solution Landscape and the Branches have been setup according the official Best Practice

(e) At least the following configuration steps in Process Management (transaction

SOLMAN_SETUP) have been completed:

o 1. Perform Basic Setup: 1.1, 1.2

o 4. Activities 'Define Document Status Values' (4.4)
and 'Define Document Status Schema'
o 6. Configure Embedded Search
o 7. Configure SAP Best Practices Connection
o 8. Define Authorization Concept: 8.2

(f) Test Suite configuration must be completed (at least Test Classification and Analytics).
In addition, if Test Suite functionalities are to be used, it is important to implement the
Collective Note for Test Suite
(transaction SOLMAN_SETUP)

(g) At least the following configuration steps in IT Service Management (transaction

SOLMAN_SETUP) must be completed:
a. 1. Perform Prerequisites: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
b. 3. Configure Search Infrastructure: 3.1
c. 4. Configure BW Reporting: 4.1 (ITSM BW content must be active)

(h) The following SAP Central Note for focused build needs to be implemented: 2846575

(i) Create Template Users for Focused Build requirement-to-deploy scenario

(j) It’s required to create 4 demo clients in your SAP Solution Manager development system
for the (demo) FB configuration. These clients will simulate systems landscape: development
system → QA system → pre-production system → production system. We don’t use and
don’t recommend to run pilot with your real landscapes so this is a reason why we propose
demo/simulation landscape:
a. Run transaction SCC4 and create the four clients.
b. Logon to each and every created client and run transaction SCCL. Use the following
i. Profile : SAP_CUST (if disk capacity is an issue, otherwise you can choose
ii. Source: Client 001 (or xxx)
iii. If wanted the existing users can be copied from the working client with
profile SAP_USER

(k) Setup READ, TMW and LOGON RFC connections to newly created clients

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