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A 3-Step System For

Business Growth With

Facebook Ads

| Welcome!

| What is the Whale Method?

| Critical Components of
Successful Facebook Ads

| The Two Ways to Do Facebook Advertising

| The P.B.S Strategy

| What You Need to Do Now

I want to thank you and send my sincere appreciation to you for
choosing to learn these Facebook advertising strategies for business
growth. I’m thrilled to teach you the most powerful and effective
Facebook advertising strategy that I know. I’ve developed over the last
4 plus years from 10,000’s campaign split tests in over 23 different
industries. Plus I’ve studied nearly all the other Facebook advertising
strategies on the market and you’ll find this system to be the easiest to
learn and apply to your business for accelerated growth in any
area of your business.
I’ve used this exact system at some of the most valuable and
popular brands on the internet. Companies like Hubspot, Canonical,
Gametime, and many, many more.
You can apply these this advertising system to acquire new
users/emails, increase retention rates, increase sales, drive traffice and
much more. So are you ready?
Let’s get after it!
What is the Whale Method?

As marketers, we want our business to acquire the dominant

market share. We want to have the biggest audiences, the biggest
email lists, be the most profitable.
The Whale Method is a Facebook advertising strategy that is
designed to find profitable campaigns that rapidly grow your business.
It leverages consumer psychology, direct response fundamentals, high
velocity A/B testing, and the predictive power of Facebook’s advertising
algorithm to create high-converting and profitable campaigns.
The Whale Method is designed to find an ad and audience
combination that swallows up all the customers in your market just like
a blue whale scarfing up swarms of krill.
This strategy is simple yet powerful way to consistently grow
businesses. It’s been tested on thousands of campaigns across
dozens of industries.
Here’s a visual demonstration of the Whale Method. You are the
blue whale, and the krill are your target customers. J

Krill method-pQlAJ2
The 3 Steps of the Whale Method
So let’s dive straight into the 3 steps of the Whale Method, so you
can start building kickass Facebook campaigns asap.

The 3 steps are, Portfolio, Blue Chips and Scaling.

You’re going to build an ad “portfolio” to test against several audiences and
copy/language. Just like an investment portfolio where you have a
diversified group of investments, we’re going to create a diverse number of
ads with different headlines and images, and test those against a variety of
audiences. The goal here is to find the “language/market” fit.

2.Blue Chips
Blue chips are you’re best performing ads from your portfolio. The
performance will be determined by your ad objective. For example if you’re
running a campaign to drive traffic you’d want to select the campaigns with
the lowest cost per click. For a new lead acquisition campaign, you’d select
the ads with the lowest cost per lead. For sales campaign your blue chip
ads would be the lowest cost per sale.

After you’ve discovered the best performing ads you know want to reach all
the prospects you possibly can with that ad. The goal of scaling is to reach
as many people in your target audience and convert them while
maintaining a positive return on you ROAS or ROI. For example, your test
campaign earned you 10 sales. Can you scale you campaign and convert
100 sales and still maintain a profit? Mastery of the art and science of
scaling can increase your sales by 10%, 100%, even 1000% or more.
The Critical Components of Successful
Facebook Ads
You just had a quick overview of the 3 steps for our Facebook
advertising strategy. I needed to provide you with the high-level overview
so you have a clear idea of where this is going. Before we dive into more
detail on the P.B.S steps, we need to cover the most important elements
of high-converting Facebook ads. I call these the C.I.A (this has nothing
to do with that C.I.A, it’s just an easy way to remember important
components of Facebook ads.

The three components of a Facebook ad are the copy, image, and audience.
According to a recent study, the attention span of an average person is 8
seconds, down from 12 seconds of person in 2000. On Facebook, and perhaps
you’ll agree the attention span is more like the blink of an eye.

This means we absolutely need to create the most compelling copy, images,
and responsive audiences we can to have the highest converting campaigns on
the internet.
1. Copy
The copy is the language in our ad that needs to grab your prospects
attention, and compel them to take a desired action (click, subscribe, buy,
etc.). You want your copy convey a transformation that your prospect desires.

How important is the copy/language in your ad?

”A good headline can be the difference between 1,000 people and 1,000,000
people reading” Eli Parser, founder of viral content site Upworthy. Yes, your
headline is critical to the success of your ad.

Facebook ads have 3 main places for copy called, post text, headline
and description.

The combination of the copy and imagery in your ad needs to show the
transformation your prospect desires. Plus, make their result seem as instant
and effortless to achieve as you can.

Legendary copywriter John Carlton calls this “selling with magic”. You see
the most appealing ads offer the easiest and fastest solution. For example, a
weight loss pill that you take and the next day you’ve dropped 35lbs and are
brimming with energy with absolutely zero side effects. That’s a magical
result! If you prospect is looking to lose weight that’s an incredibly appealing

Contrary to that is an ad that tells overweight people they can lose 35lbs over
the next three months if they remove carbs and sugar from their diet, plus
they need to go gym 5 times a week. This ad is the reality of what it takes to
drop the weight, but nobody wants to buy the hard solution.

The key insight here is that the closer you get to the magic solution with your
copy and images the more appealing it is to your prospects. And you’ll drive
better campaign results.

And the closer you get to the reality of the effort the fewer people your ad will
appeal to.
1. Copy

Here’s a diagram that illustrates how the more magic in your ad results in a
higher number of people it appeals to, and the closer to the reality results
in fewer people your ad will appeal to.


Number of
people ad
appeals to.


Reality Magic
1. Copy
The headline is the ad for your ad. It is the first thing your prospect is
going to read. The purpose of your headline is to compel your prospect to
read the rest of your ad or take action (click, download, buy, etc.).

With our Facebook ad strategy we want to create variety of headlines

with different appeal to discover what resonates best with your target

The more headlines you test and the more variety of appeals you test the
better your ad performance will be because you give Facebook more
opportunity to find a profitable campaign for you.

Let’s look a few different formulas of proven headline formulas that you
can use to create a high converting ad.

Formula #1: How to Achieve [Result Prospect Desires] Without [Typical

Problem Prospect Faces]

How To Lose 10lbs Without Diet or Exercise
How To Effectively Project Manage Without Long Confusing Email

Formula #2: Direct Benefit – This one is straightforward, you make a

claim in your headline that illustrates a benefit in a unique and powerful
way. To write this headline write down, in one sentence the unique
aspect of your product or service.

Score Last Minute Tickets at Lowest Prices (App for a last minute tickets)
Our $5 Wines Are Better Than Most $50 Wines (headline for a wine
1. Copy
Formula #3: [X] Ways to [Y]

5 Ways To Write High Converting Headlines
3 Ways To Lose 10lbs In One Week
2 Ways To Double Your New Trial Sign Ups For Your SaaS Business

Formula #4: A Bonus Offer/Discount

A better offer/discount headlines work excellent for eCommerce businesses to
drive more sales, especially when they are retarget visitors who’ve viewed
products but didn’t buy.

Today Only When You Buy a Golf Driver Get Free Shipping Plus a Sleeve of
Callaway Golf Balls
Get Two Free Filet Mignon’s With Your Butcher Box Subscription

Formula #5: [Case Study] How [Company X] [Achieved Desired Result] With
[Your Product/Service]

Case studies are great at making your prospects curious because they reveal
how a company similar to them achieved the result and they provide credibility
to your product offer.

[Case Study] How This Ecommerce Company Generated an Extra $57,000 In
Monthly Sales With The Help of [Your Product/Service]

[Case Study] How [Company X] Increased Their Blogger Productivity By 15%

With This Wordpress Plugin
1. Copy continued

Post Text
The post text is the copy above the image. Compared to the headline
character limits the post text is near endless. You can write long detailed
messages in the post area.

You can use this to your advantage because as the say “the more you tell
the more you sell”. Use it support your headline and image with
additional copy that shows value and intrigues the viewer to engage with
your ad.

Post text examples:

Post text

Here’s an ad by Slack
which was the fastest
company to a billion dollar

Their post text describes

three benefits to using
Slack, “Making work
simpler, more pleasant and
more productive”.

What additional benefits

could you describe about
your product in the post
1. Copy continued
Post Text Examples

Here’s an ad by Teachable a popular

platform to build online course.

Their post text adds urgency with

“Don’t miss one of the most
impressive deals you will find in the
online course world. Offer ending
Urgency increases the
responsiveness of the ad because
prospects feel like they need to act
now or else they miss the opportunity.

How could you add urgency to your


Here’s an ad by Leesa an
online mattress company
increase the appeal in their ad
by using social proof. They
claim their mattresses are
“Loved by over a quarter of a
million happy sleepers and
counting. “

How could you add social proof

to your ad? Do you have
customer testimonials? Great
1. Copy continued

Compared to the post text and headline the description is least important
copy of the Facebook ad. This is because the description text is usually
read last. That being said it can still be used to a final call-to-action, more
benefits, scarcity, etc. to push your prospects over the fence.

Description examples

Here’s an ad by 10X Factory

that uses the description for a
call-to-action, “Click Here to
See If You Qualify”. Simple but

What call-to-action could you use

in your ad?

1. Copy continued

Description examples

Here’s an ad by Spy Fu that

uses the description to add a
benefit (access competitors
profitable keywords) of the
product and remove a common
objection (does not require credit

What additional benefit could you

add? Or what objection could you
eliminate in the description?
2. Image
The image can often make or break the campaign. Visual imagery is one of
the most powerful ways to get your prospects attention and then persuade
them to act by clicking, buying or subscribing.

People are visual creatures. We often believe what we see. With that in mind
(and from testing thousands of images) your images should be you or
someone doing what your customer desires. For example you’re a B2B sales
consultant teaching clients how to get close more deals. A great image for you
to test would be you speaking in front of an audience (social proof), or a
handshake closing a deal.

What I would want to steer away from are the generic graphics of your
companies logo or some generic image that doesn’t relate to your product.

Image example

Here’s the ad from 10X

Factory again. I wanted to
highlight this ad again for it’s
image. I like this image
because it grabs attention a
prospect attention with the 20
faces (mostly all smiling) and
simultaneously adds social
proof with the text “1000+
3. Audience
The audience is group of people we want to display our ads to and get them
to act. We want to target our ideal customers. One of the amazing features
of the Facebook advertising platform is its capability to create nearly endless
variations of custom audiences. But that’s a deep rabbit hole which I’ll show
you more about that in future trainings.

For today let’s focus on three of the basic types of audiences:

1. Interests: Examples of interest targeting are, pages people like, topics,

public figures, books, popular websites, magazines.
2. Behaviors: Examples of behavior targeting are, people who’ve visited
your website, people who’ve purchased a product, people who’ve
subscribed, people who viewed a video, etc.
3. Demographics: Examples of demographic targeting is age, gender,
income, location, etc.
3. Audience continued
How do we want to build our audiences?

We want to test a variety of audiences to discover what performs best. For

example, if I want to bring in leads for a B2B marketing case study. I could
target people who like popular B2B software:

Such as:

• Marketo
• Hubspot
• Salesforce
• Buzzsumo

These would be decent audiences to target. The next step is to test

the different ads against the different audiences.

Now that we now how to create a Facebook campaign with our ads
and audiences. So let’s look at the two different ways to run a
Facebook ad campaign.
The Two Ways to do Facebook

1. The Hard Way

2. The Easy Way

The Two Ways to do Facebook Advertising

The Hard Way (What You Don’t Want to Do)

When most people start Facebook advertising they do things the hard way.
And they often see poor results and stop their campaign. The hard way has
two common mistakes:

Mistake 1: Obsessing over Ad Creative and Copy

I see it over and over again with a growth marketer’s first advertising
campaign. They spend all of their time trying to get every detail of the ad
perfect. They want to create their ads up to the standard of the commercials
they see television. So they obsess over every detail of the copy and image.
The result is 1-2 ads they think are perfect.

Mistake 2: Making Their Audience Sizes too Small or Too


People often get far to specific when they first select their targeting. They’ll
select a few interests, then narrow it down by selecting something like
females aged 25-35, and own a SUV. While in theory this is a good idea, but it
does not work well on Facebook.
The Two Ways to do Facebook Advertising

Mistake 2: Making Their Audience Sizes too Small or Too

Big Continued

Here the ad manager wants every person on Facebook to see their product
so they’ll chose a audience that is far to broad. For example, I’ve seen
audience targeting that was literally everybody on Facebook. The ad manager
had selected “Worldwide” as targeting. That resulted in 1 or 2 leads for over
$400 a lead. Yikes!

We want balanced targeting. Not too narrow and not too broad.
The Two Ways to do Facebook Advertising

The Easy Way

“A man is a fool if he doesn’t use his tools” – Jake Robinson ;)

Rather than tirelessly obsessing over the details of your ad, and the audience.
We’re going to let Facebook to the heavy lifting and let Facebook show you
the best audience and ads for your campaign.

Facebook has become a favorite platform for advertisers because it produces

amazing best results for any product or service in all industries.

It produces fantastic results because of it’s insanely powerful ad algorithm.

Facebook has a incredibly detailed profile of your what you do and like on the

Their algorithm uses all those data points to determine what posts to show
you. And it’s algorithm is creepily good predicting what content to show you
that you are most likely to engage with.

We are going to leverage the intelligence of Facebook’s advertising algorithm

and fuel it with a large number of different ad variations, and let it work it’s
magic to find the ad and audience combination that produces the best results.

Read on to see how the P.B.S ad strategy leverages the Facebook algorithm
to give you the best results.
The P.B.S Strategy: Portfolio
Just like people have a diversified investment portfolio, we are going to create
a diversified portfolio of advertisements.

As I said earlier most beginners make only one or two ads, run the campaign
and then become discouraged by the lack of results. After, they give up on
Facebook advertising and miss huge opportunity for business growth.

Here’s how we build our ad portfolio to almost guarantee to find a profitable

campaign that we can scale for a huge ROI.

We want to create at least 4 unique headlines and at least 4 images. If you

like math you know that’s 16 different combinations of copy and images.

For each ad we create we want the headline to have a unique appeal. For
example, two different appeals for an eCommerce product could be “FREE
Shipping” versus “”Take 10% OFF Your Next Order” (discount should be the
same overall value as the free shipping.

But we’re not done yet.

We are going to take those 16 ads then test them against the 4 different
audiences we mentioned before. If we total that up it’s 64 (16 ads X 4
audiences) different ad and audience combinations!
The P.B.S Strategy: Portfolio
Then if you really want to take it to the all-star level and have the absolute
best campaigns we can take the 16 ad variations and test them against more

For example the 4 audiences we had fall into the category of B2B software.
We could also test them against B2B thought leaders, popular B2B websites,
anyone who has visited our website. If we added those three new audiences
we would be testing 256 different combinations. The more data we give
Facebook the better our campaigns will be.

You may be thinking, holy smokes how am I supposed to created and upload
64 let alone 256 different ads and still have time left in the day?

Well luckily there are tools that manage large scale ad campaigns which I will
teach in more advanced training.

If you’re just starting out and want to create a quick campaign start with
at 2 headlines, 2 images and 2 audiences.

But for now we need to move on the the second stage of the P.B.S. strategy.
The P.B.S Strategy: Blue Chips
This step is straightforward. After you have test your portfolio of ads you’ll
have lots of results. Some of the result will be good, some will be bad, and
others will be great.

You want to find your best performing ads. Your best performing ads are your
”blue chips” just like in the stock market your blue chips are the best

The best performing ad is determined by your campaign objective. If your

campaign objective is leads then ad with the lowest cost per lead is your blue
chip. If your campaign objective is link clicks then the ad with the lowest cost
per link link is your blue chip.

Keep the best performing campaigns on.

And turn off every poor performing ad.

So at the end of the Blue Chip stage you will have turned off every losing
campaign and you’ll only have you’re winning campaigns running.

Now let’s move on to the final step of the P.B.S strategy…

The P.B.S Strategy: Scaling
Let’s quickly recap. We’ve built an ad portfolio of at least 4 different ads and
tested them against at least 2 audiences. We let the test campaigns run long
enough to provide us with results.

After the test run we’ve looked at the results and selected our blue chip ads
and turned off the losers.

Now, we want to scale our winning ads. The purpose of scaling is drive more
sales, leads, traffic, conversions etc. at profitable cost.

The two primary types of scaling are:

1. Vertical Scaling
2. Horizontal Scaling

Vertical scaling: Vertical is when you increase the budget of the ad set that
is performing the best, or duplicate it and add more budget in the duplicated
ad set.

This is named a volume test. A volume test answers the question, how many
leads or sales can we get while maintaining a positive ROI?

For example, we tested an ad campaign with a budget of $20 per day. At $20
per day we brought in 20 leads at $1 each. Because we can make profit with
a $1 cost per lead we want as many as leads for a dollar as we can get.

So we increase our daily budget to $100 to see if we can bring in 100 leads
for $1 each. This increased our leads to $1.50. That is too expensive so we’ll
have to lower the daily budget to find the daily that generates leads at a $1

The goal of scaling is to find the maximum number of leads we can generate
at a profit.
The P.B.S Strategy: Scaling
Now let’s move to horizontal scaling. A common problem advertisers
experience when they vertically scale is an sharp decline in ROI.

That’s when we deploy….

Horizontal scaling: Horizontal scaling is when you take your winning ad and
test it against new audiences. The audiences can be lookalike, interests,
behavior based etc. Once again the more new audiences you test, the better
chance you’ll find new winning campaigns.
What You Need to Do Now
Now that you’ve read this it’s time to take some action!

Right now create at least 2 different headlines and find 2 different images to
test against 2 different audiences.

Use the the included worksheet to help complete this assignment.

Whale Method Worksheet
This should take about 30 minutes and no more than an hour to complete. We
want get in the habit of coming up with ideas then testing them quickly.

To start write down two headlines using the formulas provided in the guide, if
you’re feeling ambitious write down 4.

Post text
Write down post text that adds an extra benefit, intrigue, scarcity, or call-to-
action to increase the conversion power of your ad.

Write down description that adds an extra benefit, intrigue, scarcity, or call-
to-action to increase the conversion power of your ad.

Image ideas
Come up with at least 2 image ideas for your idea that you can quickly
access or create. Again, if you’re feeling ambitious come up with 4.

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