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Why there are so few Entrepreneur Architects?

Extended Royalty Program & Architect Signature Products (ASP).

Royalty pays 5 times more, along with a regular fees.
It is just a "yes" from 125 architects, to kick start the program at no cost.

Being an Architect is an epitome of being an entrepreneur, who are suppose to formalise

complex ideas in their mind, organise resources to get them fabricated, offer them to
mitigate people's challenges. A profession to earn life time royalties.

Unfortunately, after five years of higher education, joining a firm, then leaving to start on
their own, searching clients which is not that easy nor highly profitable, highly time
consuming the remuneration do not match up the efforts.

There are few who could partner with Industry to make Royalty generating Design
Enterprises. The one's likes of Charles Eames, Frank Gherry, Norman Foster, Walter Gropius,
Alvaar Alto etc.

Architect Signature Products are next gen. products required in any Architecture or Interior
projects. Industrially processed, fabricated on latest CNC machines of high end OEMs,
showcased in leading stores, delivered directly to the customer by an Architect's
recommendation, assembled/ maintained on site by a trained team.

ASPs could be an empowering catalyst for any recommending Architects/ Designer to earn
the Extended Royalties from Manufacturing Syndicate. Project customisation & inclusion of
ASP also enriches the creative inputs with exclusivity.

First batch of twenty Products in Residential segment will be available from September 2020
to participating Architect, enabling them to earn the Extended Royalties worth Rs. 5.00 lakhs
on an Interior assignment of a 2 BHK. Apartment, without disturbing their fees/
arrangement with the client.

Bangalore based, organiser, Lumber Yard INC is a consortium of Senior Corporate

Consultants who network with Residential and Institutional Project prospects to acquire
first-hand information of forthcoming projects. From January 2021 onwards, the organisers
will be able to provide considerable business leads to all the participating Architects.
For ASP, Lumber Yard, co-ordinates among Architects, Furniture/ Product Designers,
Manufacturers, Artisans, Material manufacturers, Distributors and Consumers with after
sales service, print/ electronic/ digital Media.

Maximum induction capacity of 1000 Architects across 44 cities of South India.

No cost to the Architects, the resources to initiate are pooled in by OEMs.

Information available on request.

List of first 20 Nos. ASP. List of Resource pooling OEMs, List of 44 cities covered
by the program, Extended Royalty calculation chart.

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