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Class: D3A1

Topic: Choose a manager (first line, middle or top) and describe about their responsibilities, duties,
skills, knowledge, rewards and challenges. Write at least two pages.

Vincent Kennedy McMahon was born in 24 August 1945, USA. He is a chief executive

officer of WWE Entertainment. McMahon is widely recognized as the pioneer of the professional

wrestling revolution in the United States of the 1980s and 1990s, as well as being the industry's

most important figure well into the 21st century.

Nowadays he is the highest-ranking executive in this company, whose primary

responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and

resources of this company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of

directors and corporate operations and being the public face of the company. He have created the

policies for WWE, he is the leader so the leader of this company establish procedures and

expectation through those policies. The way the company run day to day, based on those policies,

help make the corporation culture. Next, he needs to direct front line managers to establish goals

for each employee. These should be achievable but challenging so they push each employee to

grow. The goals must take into consideration the company's current situation and its overall

strategy and direction. He is also creating, communicating and implementing the organization’s

goals. Moreover, CEO need to evaluate the success of the organization in reaching its goals. He

always join the conference that will enhance his leadership skill, the organization’s reputation and

the organization’s potential for success.

Before he become a CEO of WWE Entertainment, he have studied and trained from other

job because he knew that if he want to be a CEO he need to develop himself at least at bachelor’s

degree and have a lot of experience. CEO is the greatest rank in company so if he have amount of

experience, it is easier to push him to this position quickly. In additional, he have training for

program for executive development and leadership, as well as ongoing professional development.

Last month he interviewed at his office and he told that, if you want to successful in this role, you

should be generally need the following four skills and qualities. It is mean he have already had this

skills for himself. The first one is Interpersonal skills, he need to form good relationships with

other leader in this company and get significant input from the organization so that there is little

pushback regarding strategic decisions and direction. The second is Analyst skills, He always

participate in evaluating the success of company in reaching goal. He make sure that each strategic

goals is measurable. Thirdly, He has leadership skills due to he should demonstrate the leadership

necessary to make the company’s mission success. This included providing vision direction. The

last skill is management skill, CEO is responsible for creating a culture of learning to increase and

grow the skills and abilities of employees. Mr. McMahon got a lot of profit from this company, he

got by salary, supported, advertisement etc. The leader always think of for how to develop this

company because he need to compete with other wrestling entertainment, so if he fail or cannot

improve this company’s quality he will face with problem in coronavirus pandemic. For these

reason it shown that when we are a CEO, it is not easy to lead the whole organization so we need

the specific skill and understand about situations for enhance the company to future.

CEO is the top position in the company so if you want to be a CEO, you need to learn

amount of skills and understand about responsibilities and duties and you need to think for finding

the way to reform or transform the organization and compete in local or around the world so it is

a serious role for people who want it.

The End

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