SP-1246-1 Specification For Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities - Part 1 Technical Requirements PDF

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

UNRESTRICTED Document ID : SP-1246

April 2010 Filing key : xxxx

Specification for
Painting and Coating of
Oil and Gas Production Facilities




Acceptance Criteria
New Construction
Performance Tests
Surface Protection

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed
to others nor reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic
recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.
Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities –Part - 1 Version 2

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

ERD-48-01 Jan 89 ETH/5 Original ERD Document
SP-1246 Ver.0 May 2002 OTT/11 Updated and in new PDO format
SP-1246 Ver.1 July 2003 TTO/11 For issue
SP-1246 Ver.2 April 2010 UEC/121 For issue

Make sure this is the latest issue of this specification. Refer to the EMDS for the last issue date.

Where this Specification refers to DEPs and International Standards, it refers to the issues that were in-use when
the author wrote this Specification. Exceptions are references to specific issues. If you use DEPs or International
Standards with this Specification, make sure you use the relevant issues.

Do not change this Specification without approval. Only the Custodian, the Corporate Functional Discipline
Head (CFDH) who owns this Specification, can give approval for changes. If you think the Specification is not
correct, write your comments on a copy of the User Comment Form. The form is the last page of this
Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2


1 Preface.................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Applicability ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Units of Measurement ............................................................................................................................... 6
2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.2 Exclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Circulation......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Technical .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Paint and Coating Materials ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Recommended Materials.................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Paint Vendor Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 8
3.2.3 Paint Colours ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.4 Thinners ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.5 VOC Requirements............................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Finish Colour and Colour Coding Schedule ............................................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Overall Top Coat Colours .................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.2 Colour Identification for Plant Pipework and Pipelines ....................................................................... 9
3.4 Metallic Coatings ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.4.1 Hot Dip Galvanising .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.4.2 Thermal Sprayed Coatings ............................................................................................................. 10
4 Quality Assurance.............................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Quality System........................................................................................................................................ 10
5 Qualification of existing ERD 48-01 coating systems ....................................................... 10
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 10
6 Related Business Control Documents ............................................................................... 11
6.1 ISO specifications ................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 British specifications ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Euronorms ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.4 Other International Specifications ............................................................................................................ 12
6.5 PDO and SIEP Documents ...................................................................................................................... 13
7 Appendix A Glossary of Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations ...................................... 14
7.1 Standard Definitions................................................................................................................................ 14
7.2 Special Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 14
7.3 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 16
8 Appendix B - Paint and Coating System Evaluation ....................................................... 17
8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 17
8.2 Performance Tests ................................................................................................................................... 17
8.2.1 Test Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 17
8.2.2 Test Methods ................................................................................................................................... 17
8.2.3 Acceptance Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 17
8.2.4 Means of Evaluation Following Test ................................................................................................ 17
8.2.5 Application and Technical Information ............................................................................................ 17
8.2.6 Notes to Tables B1 – B8 .................................................................................................................. 18
9 Appendix C - Cathodic Disbonding Resistance Test ........................................................ 30

10 User Comment Form......................................................................................................... 31

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2


Table B1 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria -External Onshore Above - Ground Structures .................... 19
Table B2-B4 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – External Below-Ground Structures.............................. 20-23
Table B5 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Internals of Tanks and Vessels ......................................... 24
Table B6 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Offshore Structures.......................................................... 25
Table B7 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Miscellaneous Areas ........................................................ 26

Table B8 Summary of Performance Tests ....................................................................................................... 27

SP-1246 4 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

1 Preface
1.1 Background
This Specification SP-1246 covers the minimum requirements for protective painting and coating systems,
materials and application methods for the internal and external surface of steel structures and equipment within
the oil and gas production facilities.

Relevant structures and equipment include aboveground and buried onshore tanks, vessels, in-station pipework,
buried sections of above ground flowlines and pipelines, structural steel, electrical and mechanical equipment.
For further information on buried sections of above ground flowlines and pipelines refer to GU-368.

Whilst the Specification is directed predominantly at protection of onshore oil and gas installations, it also
covers external protective coating of marine facilities such as jetties, mooring buoys, barges and launches.

Internal surfaces of pumps, valves and other mechanical equipment requiring special protective treatments are
not dealt with in this Specification. For guidance on this contact UER/CFDH Materials and Corrosion.

The coating of new pipelines and existing pipelines requiring rehabilitation are covered in the following
alternative specifications and procedures. For guidance on this contact UER/CFDH Materials and Corrosion.

GU-368 Guidelines For The Protection Of Buried Sections Of Surface Laid Pipelines/Flowlines
PR-1180 Procedure for Qualification of Pipeline Rehabilitation Coating Systems
DEP Technical Specification for External Polyethylene and Polypropylene Coating for Line
DEP Technical Specification for External Fusion-bonded Epoxy Powder Coating for Line Pipe
DEP External Field Joint And Rehabilitation Coatings System For Line Pipe .

1.2 Applicability

All coating work shall be carried out in accordance with this Specification. If a variance is required then
approval in writing from the Custodian, UER/CFDH Corrosion and Materials is required.

This Specification is not applicable retroactively.

This specification does not apply to concrete structures. For concrete structures in corrosive environment consult
UER/CFDH Materials and Corrosion.

This is Part 1 of a five part Specification and must be read in conjunction with Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5.

PART 1 specifies technical and related requirements. This part includes performance tests and acceptance
criteria for assessing the acceptability of paint/coating/lining systems for each service specified in Parts 2 and 3.

PART 2 contains recommended protective coating systems for the following categories with respect to new
construction painting/coating activities:

- External surfaces of carbon steel structures, piping and equipment, onshore and marine
- External surfaces of buried carbon steel structures, piping and buried sections of above ground
flowlines and pipelines. (except Class I and Class II pipelines)
- Internal surfaces of tanks and vessels
- Stainless steel and galvanised piping and equipment
- Areas beneath insulation
- Specialist applications

This Part also gives descriptions of the generic types of paint used for new construction projects. The
descriptions apply equally to the maintenance paint systems presented in Part 3.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Protective coatings for new pipelines based on Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP) or Fusion Bonded Epoxy
(FBE) are not covered in this Specification but the general good practices described in this volume are equally
applicable to the coating of line pipe.

PART 3 contains recommended Maintenance Coating Systems for the following categories with respect to
location and painting/coating activities and inspection of old coatings:

- External coatings on carbon steel structures, piping and equipment, onshore and marine
- External coatings of below ground carbon steel structures and piping including Class I and
Class II pipelines
- Internal coated surfaces of tanks and vessels
- Stainless steel and galvanised piping and equipment

PART 4 contains the detailed requirements for surface preparation and application of coatings to the categories
stated in Parts 2 and 3. This Part contains HSE advice and general inspection requirements.

PART 5 Contains the list of approved coating systems and is a live document that will be updated by UER. This
includes coating systems that have been grandfathered in.

New Projects

PARTS 1, 2 and 4 apply in their entirety to new projects where painting and coating activities are carried out at
site or in the shop.

For painting and coating of package items, carried out prior to delivery to site or to existing facilities, the
requirements, stated in PARTS 1 and 4, apply in their entirety, whilst those of PART 2 apply where applicable.


Where maintenance painting is to be done, PDO’s technical requirements are stated in PART 1 and those
sections of PART 3 and 4 as appropriate, dependent upon the Scope of Work.

1.3 Units of Measurement

This specification uses and requires the use of the International System (SI) units of measurement in all
documentation. Paint film thicknesses are expressed in microns, 1micron is 0.001mm.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

2 Introduction
2.1 General

This Specification (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) has been prepared for the use of PDO staff and by their Contractors,
Inspectors, Painting Contractors, Equipment Vendors and Paint Vendors as a reference or as a contractual
document (as appropriate) for all painting and coating contracts. This applies to both New Construction and
Maintenance as appropriate.

2.1.1 Scope

Part 1 of this Specification establishes the minimum requirements of PDO as regards materials performance
requirements to be employed for new construction and maintenance painting and coating of offshore structures
and facilities and onshore process facilities. It details the PDO technical and related requirements. In general
PDO requires coating systems to be of medium durability that is 5-15 years life, in medium corrosive conditions
as defined in the various parts of ISO-12944. Attention is drawn to the performance requirements specified in
Appendix B. The acceptable coating systems from ERD 48-01 are listed in Part-5 of the specification.

Part 2 of this Specification gives the recommended generic coating systems for New Construction

Part 3 of this Specification gives the recommended generic coating systems for Maintenance and includes how
old coatings should be assessed and repaired.

Part 4 of the Specification states the detailed requirements as regards to materials, surface preparation,
application, testing, inspection and HSE requirements to be employed.

Part 5 of the Specification lists the approved coating systems for each Paint Coating System (PCS)

2.1.2 Exclusions

This Specification is not applicable to:

- pipelines and risers except as explicitly stated

- reinforcing steel for concrete structures, where it will be fully embedded in concrete
- drilling facilities
- Temporary construction items that are to be removed during the installation phase and to
which only a primer shall be applied.

2.1.3 Circulation

Circulation of this Specification shall be restricted to the parties mentioned under Section 2.1.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

3 Technical

3.1 General
This section of the Specification covers the minimum performance requirements for painting and coating
materials, and outlines the requirements for equipment, surface preparation, paint and coating application, testing
and inspection, and HSE requirements. Full details of these requirements are given in Part 4. The requirements,
unless otherwise indicated within this Specification, are applicable to all activities concerned with New
Construction work, Repair and Maintenance wherever these activities are done.

3.2 Paint and Coating Materials

3.2.1 Recommended Materials

Recommended generic materials are detailed in the relevant section for each system in Parts 2 and 3 of this
Specification may only be used if they meet the performance criteria defined in Appendix B of this
Specification. Demonstration of performance criteria to the requirements of Appendix B is necessary before any
paint/coating system can be used.

The materials specified in Parts 2 and 3 of this Specification are those appropriate to large scale application. For
local treatment brushable grades of these materials may be found to be necessary and the number of coats may
need adjusting to achieve the necessary dry film thickness (DFT). The use of brushable grades of the materials
specified in Parts 2 and 3 will not require any additional testing in accordance with Appendix B.

All coatings, applied to surfaces that will be buried or wetted in service, will be subject to cathodic protection
with design criteria in accordance with PDO Specification SP-1128.

3.2.2 Paint Vendor Responsibilities

The Paint Vendor shall submit original test data and test results as performed by an independent testing authority
to show compliance with the requirements of Appendix B. If this is not available then in house testing will be
acceptable provided the testing is witnessed by a PDO approved third party inspection company such as BV and
Velosi. Test results, from previous testing programmes provided they are less than 3 years old will be considered
acceptable provided the coating systems are generically the same with no changes to any formulations.

The Paint Vendor shall ensure that all parties mentioned in Section 2.1 are supplied with up-to-date data sheet
before any painting and coating commences. In the event of any changes to Paint Vendor’s Technical Data
Sheets, product number etc, the related product shall be subject to the formal approval procedure, by testing of
the complete paint/coating system to the requirements of Appendix B.

The Paint Vendor shall comply with PDO environmental requirements and submit Materials Safety Data Sheets
for each product to PDO. Paint Vendors shall assist PDO Production Chemistry Department in development of
Safe Handling of Chemicals (SHOC) cards for each generic type of paint.

Vendors are to notify PDO of any changes to the PCS shown in Part 5 as only approved coatings that are
included in this part will be acceptable for use.

3.2.3 Paint Colours

The colours of alternate paint coats of the generic and proprietary systems listed in Parts 2 and 3 of this
Specification should be contrasting.

3.2.4 Thinners

Only thinners as specified by the Paint Vendor shall be used. Mixing and thinning directions, as furnished by
the Paint Vendor, shall be followed.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

3.2.5 VOC Requirements

There are no statutory requirements in Oman for control of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and PDO uses
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) publication which covers the
current USA statutory regulations for controlling the exposure levels to paint solvents (VOCs). This publication
lists the maximum exposure limits and occupational exposure standards.

The levels of VOCs that can be admitted to the atmosphere through both the manufacture and application of
paints and associated products shall be in accordance with the above.

Paints and other coatings, specified in this Specification, shall not contain any components that are carcinogenic
or possess high toxicity (eg. isocyanates) which can be released during application, in service or during removal.

3.3 Finish Colour and Colour Coding Schedule

3.3.1 Overall Top Coat Colours

The final coat of a coating system shall be of a colour in accordance with PDO colour scheme for equipment and
process facilities shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Recommended Colours for Oil and Gas Installations

Facility Description Colour BS 4800 RAL

Oil and gas installations in the Interior and Government Gas White 00 E 55 9010
installations on the Coast, including above-ground tanks,
vessels, piping and structural steel. See also SP-1166
Bottom strake of oil and water storage tanks Black 00 E 53 9005
Oil installations in Mina al Fahal including above-ground tanks, Camouflage 1019
vessels, piping and structural steel.
Stacks and heat transfer equipment Aluminium 00 A 05 9006
Electrical equipment Light Grey 7036
Instrument panels Silver Grey 18 B 21 7032
Safety markings including handrails Yellow 08 E 51 1021
Pipeline isolating joints Red 3000
Offshore mooring buoys topside steelwork Yellow 08 E 51 1021

3.3.2 Colour Identification for Plant Pipework and Pipelines

Colour coding shall be in accordance with SP-1166 the technical specification for Identification of On-plot

3.4 Metallic Coatings

3.4.1 Hot Dip Galvanising

All carbon steel gratings, ladders, handrails, fences, stairways, walkways, cable trays, and other items as
specified by the Project Technical Information shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461:
covering hot dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles. The minimum coating weight shall comply with
the values laid down in Table 1 of BS EN ISO 1461: and shall not be less than 610 g/m2.

All sealed tubes must have a small weep-hole to allow hydrogen gas to escape.

Small areas of galvanised coating, damaged by cutting, welding, drilling or any preparation during fabrication,
erection, transportation or installation, shall be repaired in accordance with Part 3.

Painting systems for galvanised items that are to be painted are detailed in Sections 5 of Part 2 and Part 3 of this
Specification, for new construction and maintenance painting respectively.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

3.4.2 Thermal Sprayed Coatings

If required all thermally applied coatings shall comply with DEP. with a minimum DFT of 100

4 Quality Assurance
4.1 Quality System
The Paint Vendor shall operate a Quality System in line with recognised PDO standards and in general
accordance with ISO-9002. PDO reserves the right to audit the Paint Vendors manufacturing facilities.

5 Qualification of Existing ERD 48-01 Coating Systems

5.1 Introduction

The existing coating systems approved for use under ERD 48-01 and elsewhere are shown in Part 5. The
tables show which systems can be carried forward and do not require testing in accordance with the
following tables in Appendix B of this part.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

6 Related Business Control Documents

The following standards, codes and specifications shall form part of this Specification. Except where a specific
edition or revision is identified by date or revision/edition number, the latest edition in effect at the date of
contract shall govern.

6.1 ISO specifications

ISO 1513 Paints or varnishes – Examination and preparation of samples for testing

ISO 2063 Metallic Coatings and other inorganic coatings – Thermal spraying –
Zinc, aluminium and their alloys

ISO 2808 Paints or varnishes – Coating thickness measurements

ISO 2815 Paints or varnishes – Hardness testing

ISO-3233 Paints and varnishes - Determination of percentage volume of non-volatile

matter by measuring the density of a dried coating

ISO 3248 Paints and varnishes – Determination of the effect of heat

ISO 3549 Zinc Dust Pigments for Paints- Specification and Test Methods

ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion

ISO 4628-1 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 1: General principles and rating schemes

ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 2: Designation of degree of blistering

ISO 4628-3 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 3: Designation of degree of rusting

ISO 4628-4 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 4: Designation of degree of cracking

ISO 4628-5 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 5: Designation of degree of flaking

ISO 4628-6 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 6: Rating of degree of chalking by tape method

ISO 6270-1 Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to humidity- Part 1:

Corrosion by condensation

ISO 6272 Paints and varnishes – Falling weight test

ISO 7253 Paints and varnishes – Determination of the resistance to neutral salt

ISO 8501-1/BS Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

7079-A1 Supplement products – Representative photographic examples of the change of

appearance of steel when blast-cleaned with different abrasives

ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3:
Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-
sensitive tape method).

ISO 11997-2 Paints and varnishes – Determination of the resistance to cyclic corrosion
conditions – Part 2: Wet (salt fog)/dry/humidity/UV light

ISO 12944 –all parts Paints and Varnishes- Corrosion protection of steel structures by
protective paint systems

6.2 British specifications

BS EN ISO 1461 Specification and test methods for hot dip galvanised coatings on iron
and steel articles

BS 3900 F10 Methods of tests for paints. Determination of resistance to cathodic

disbonding of coatings for use in marine environments

BS 4800 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes

BS 6920 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water

intended for human consumption

BS 7079-0 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

substances. Introduction

6.3 Other International Specifications

API RP-5L2 Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-
corrosive Gas Transmission Service

ASTM C868 Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Protective Linings

ASTM D257 Standard Test Method for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating


ASTM D822 Standard Practice for Filtered Open-Flame Carbon-Arc Exposure of

Paint and Related Coatings and Materials

ASTM D870 Standard Practice for Water Resistance of Coatings using Water

ASTM D1002 Standard Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of Adhesively
Single-Lap-Joint Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading

ASTM D1653 Standard Test Method for Water Vapour Transmission of Organic
Coating Films

ASTM D1894 Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of
Plastic Film and Sheet

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

ASTM G6 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Pipeline Coatings

ASTM G14 Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings
(Falling weight Test)

ASTM G17 Standard Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings
(Blunt Rod)

ASTM G154 Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for
Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials

ASTM E96 Standard Test Method for Water Vapour Transmission of Materials

NACE TM0184 Accelerated Test Procedure for Screening Atmospheric Surface

Coating Systems for Offshore Platforms and Equipment

NACE TM0185 Evaluation of Plastic Coating by Autoclave Testing

NACE RP0188 Recommended Practice. Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New

Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates

SSPC-SP-3 Surface Preparation Specification. Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal

SSPC-SP-12 Joint Surface Preparation Specification NACE No. 5/SSPC SP 12.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard Materials
by High-and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating

6.4 PDO and SIEP Documents

DEP Technical Specification for External Polyethylene and Polypropylene

Coating for Line Pipe

DEP Technical Specification for External Fusion-bonded Epoxy Powder

Coating for Line Pipe

DEP Gen Technical specification- Thermal Sprayed Coatings

DEP Technical Specification – Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-
corrosive Gas Transmission Service

GU-368 Guidelines For The Protection Of Buried Sections Of Surface Laid


PDO-SP-1166 Identification of On-Plot Pipework

PDO-PR-1180 Procedure for Qualification of Pipeline Rehabilitation Coating


PDO-SP-1128 Specification for Cathodic Protection Design – Dec2005

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

7 Appendix A Glossary of Definitions, Terms and

7.1 Standard Definitions

Within the context of this specification the following words shall have the meanings stated:

must/shall Indicates a mandatory requirement.

should Indicates a preferred course of action.

may Indicates one acceptable course of action.

API American Petroleum Institute

SIEP Shell International Exploration and Production bv.

PDO Petroleum Development Oman.

SHOC Safe Handling of Chemicals

Contractor The PDO appointed Contractor for a defined piece of work.

Vendor The supplier of materials or equipment - not necessarily the Manufacturer.

Manufacturer The company responsible for the manufacture - not necessarily the Vendor.

Paint Vendor The supplier of paint and coating materials.

Paint Vendor’s Data sheet, published and maintained by the Paint Vendor, detailing the
Technical Data Sheet properties of the paint/coating materials and the requirements for their
application. These data sheets also state the conditions for surface preparation
prior to application of paint/coating materials and associated acceptance

Paint Vendor’s Health Data sheet, published and maintained by the Paint Vendor, detailing the
and Safety Data Sheet hazardous properties of the paint/coating materials and the health and safety
requirements for their storage, preparation and application.

Painting Contractor The company responsible for a defined piece of painting, coating or lining

7.2 Special Definitions

Amplitude Peak to valley height in a steel surface profile, usually after surface preparation.

Atmospheric Zone That part of the structure above the splash zone.

Dew point Temperature of an air-water mixture, at which condensation starts. ie where the
mixture has reached water saturation point.

DFT Dry Film Thickness (thickness of paint film in its dry cured state)

Holidays Pinholes or small defects in a coating film that penetrate through the film to the
underlying substrate.

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Micron One thousandth part of a mm ().

Pot Life The length of time a two-pack paint will remain usable, at a given temperature,
after mixing.

Shop Permanent enclosed facility used for painting/coating with temperature and
humidity control.

Site Place of new construction/repair painting and coating works for onshore or
offshore projects. (Approved by PDO).

Submerged Zone That part of a fixed offshore structure below the splash zone or that
permanently wetted area below the water line of a floating vessel.

Surface Profile (Anchor The cross-section of a prepared steel surface. Measured distance from depth of
Pattern) troughs to tops of peaks on the blast cleaned surface. (Amplitude)

WFT Wet Film Thickness (thickness of a wet paint film prior to evaporation of any

Tidal zone That part of a fixed offshore structure between + 2m above mean high water
spring tide and the lowest level at which the preparation for, and application of,
repair coatings is possible without recourse to underwater techniques

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

7.3 Abbreviations
ACGIH American Conference for Government Industrial Hygienists

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BS British Standard

CFDH Corporate Function Discipline Head

DIN Deutsches Institut Für Normung

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

SHOC Safety Handling of Chemicals

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

TA Technical Authority

TPI Third Party Inspection

UER CFDH Materials and Corrosion

VOC Volatile Organic Compound

WRC Water Research Council

SP-1246 16 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

8 Appendix B - Paint and Coating System Evaluation

8.1 Introduction
Coating systems proposed by the Paint Vendors are to comply with the generic painting systems as specified in
Parts 2 and 3 and may only be used if they can be demonstrated, by testing performed by an independent test
house, to satisfy the performance criteria defined in this appendix. Each coating system must pass each of the
criteria detailed in the tables shown in this appendix. In general the assessment guidelines used in ISO12944 and
ISO 4628 have been used and the systems proposed should meet the requirements of medium durability with a
life of 5-15 years before maintenance is required.

The performance tests shall be carried out on samples coated from paint manufactured in a regular production
batch and not from specially prepared laboratory samples. Test data shall be provided that verifies the
composition of the coatings as detailed on the technical data sheets.

For status of existing approved coatings refer to tables in Part 5. Systems with performance significantly in
excess of that required by this Specification may be used, provided any additional capital expenditure associated
with the enhanced performance can be justified on the basis of a lifecycle cost assessment.

8.2 Performance Tests

8.2.1 Test Schedule

The required tests for each system are defined in Table B1-to B7

8.2.2 Test Methods

The test methods for each of the tests listed in Tables B1 to B7 are defined in Table B8

8.2.3 Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria for each evaluation test are defined in Table B1 to B7. To pass the coating system must
pass all the acceptance criteria.

8.2.4 Means of Evaluation Following Test

After performing the tests the samples shall be evaluated by the methods shown in Tables B1 to B8

8.2.5 Application and Technical Information

Under the local prevailing site conditions, the coating systems shall be capable of being applied at the specified
thickness using application equipment recommended by the Vendor. The coating so applied shall be of uniform
thickness, free of runs, sags, blemishes, inclusions and holidays.

The Vendor shall supply technical data relating to the following: All product data and all test data shall be
supplied electronically in a read only format such as pdf. File. As part of qualification the Vendor shall provide
test data that verifies the solids content and zinc content (if required) as detailed on the technical data sheets.
The testing shall be done in accordance with ISO 3233 and ISO 3549.

Solids content

Specific gravity

Flash point

Pot life

Mixing method and ratio

Recommended wet and dry film thickness

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Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Identification of thinners and cleaners

Theoretical/practical spreading rates (m2/litre)

Application data, including spray pressure, nozzle tip sizes, hose lengths and diameter

Health and Safety data

8.2.6 Notes to Tables B1– B8

RQD Test required

N/R Test not required

N/A Not applicable

1. For New Construction: The coating system should be subjected to cyclic exposure and then evaluated against
the specified requirements.

For Maintenance and repair: The procedure is:

- apply a new coating (to be compatible with the selected maintenance coating)
- subject to cyclic exposure
- apply maintenance coating to a selected area
- conduct test to the specified requirements

Testing in this way qualifies the adhesion of new coating, adhesion of the maintenance system and
overcoatability of new system.

2. Test to be conducted at manufacturers recommended maximum service temperature.

3. Measurement of disbondment from X-cut to be carried out in accordance with annex A of ISO-12944-6
4. Test solution details and duration are given in table B8
5. Where CP is not proposed, ie as for GRE and glassflake coatings, cathodic disbondment qualification is not
6. Required for vessels only. Rate of depressurisation shall be at 5 bar per minute from 85 bar to 5 bar.
7. Coating system to have potable water certification. ie listed by Water Research Council/Water Byelaws
Schemes (UK), KIWA, or compliance with BS6920.
8. Not required for coatings for submerged areas ie hulls of boats/SPM.

SP-1246 18 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B1 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria -External Onshore Above Ground
Tests and Parameters Measured Method External External Galvanised Stainless
A/G A/G C.Steel Steel
<100C 100-400C <100 oC <100oC

Acceptance Criteria
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99 No defects No defects No defects No defects
Adhesion (dry) at 23 C
Pneumatic pull-off MPa min ISO 4624 5 5 5 5
Cyclic Exposure ISO 11997-2 RQD N/R RQD RQD
Disbonding from X- cut3 ISO-12944-6 5 5 5
mm max
Rusting, cracking, blistering, ISO 4628 0 0 0
Chalking % max ISO 4628 2 2 N/R
Hardness - Buchholz ISO 2815 90% of 90% of 90% of
as new as new as new
Adhesion MPa min ISO 4624 5 5 5
Overcoatability Adhesion ISO 4624 5 5 5
(of repair) MPa min 1
Salt Spray ISO 7253 RQD RQD RQD RQD
Disbonding ISO-12944-6 5 5 5 5
mm max
Rusting ISO 4628 0 0 0 0
2 o
Heat Resistance (dry) ISO 3248 N/R 400 C N/R N/R
Adhesion pneumatic pull-off ISO 4624 >90% of
MPa min new
Hardness ISO 2815 Within
Buchholz Indentor ±10% of
Chemical Analysis
Part Solids ISO 3233 RQD RQD RQD RQD
Zinc content ISO-3549 RQD N/A N/A 0

 Zinc content only required for zinc rich systems.

SP-1246 19 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B1 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – External Below-Ground Structures

up to 70C
Tests and Parameters Method <70C
Buried CS and stainless steel Acceptance criteria
Holiday Test NACE RP0188-99 No defects
Cathodic Disbondment Appendix C RQD
70oC mm max 5
Adhesion (dry) RQD
Pull-off MPa min ISO 4624 10
Shear 70 C MPa min ASTM D1002 10
Salt Spray ISO 7253 RQD
Disbonding3 mm max ISO-12944-6 <5mm
Rusting ISO 4628 0
Adhesion. Pull-off MPa min ISO 4624 10
Overcoatability. Pull-off 1 ISO 4624
(of repair) MPa min 10
Adhesion (wet) Distilled water RQD
immersion 70oC
Pneumatic pull-off MPa min ISO 4624 10
Resistance to Loading ASTM G17 RQD
Penetration at 23oC <5%
Penetration at 70 C <10%
Impact Resistance ASTM G14 No breaks
Water Vapour Permeability ASTM D1653 RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <300
o 2
at 50 C g/m <1500
Water Absorption ASTM D870 RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <40
o 2
at 50 C g/m <70
Part Resistivity ASTM D257 RQD
Wet panels v Ωm >107

SP-1246 20 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B3 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – External Below-Ground Structures

for more than 70C

Tests and Parameters Method >70C
Buried CS and stainless steel Acceptance criteria
Holiday Test NACE RP0188-99 No defects
Cathodic Disbondment Appendix C RQD
95C mm max 10
Adhesion (dry) RQD
Pull-off MPa min ASTM D 5
Shear 95oC MPa min ASTM D1002 5
Salt Spray ISO 7253 RQD
Disbonding3 mm max ISO-12944-6 <5mm
Rusting ISO 4628 0
Adhesion. Pull-off MPa min ASTM D 5
Overcoatability. Pull-off 1 ASTM D
(of repair) MPa min 5
Adhesion (wet) Distilled water RQD
immersion 95oC
Pneumatic pull-off MPa min ASTM D 5
Resistance to Loading ASTM G17 RQD
Penetration at 23 C <5%
Penetration at 95 C <10%
Impact Resistance ASTM G14 No breaks
Water Vapour Permeability ASTM D1653 RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <300
at 50oC g/m2 <1500
Water Absorption ASTM D870 RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <40
o 2
at 50 C g/m <70
Part Resistivity ASTM D257 RQD
Wet panels v Ωm >107
Tests to be carried out at manufacturers recommended maximum allowable operating temperature. Some
acceptance criteria will vary based on the proposed temperature and has to be agreed upfront with material and
corrosion CFDH. Hardness and glass transition temperature acceptance criteria may be used based on the
chemistry of the proposed coating

SP-1246 21 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B4 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – External Below-Ground Structures

up to 70C using Visco Elastic Wrapping Coating
The required tests for this coating system are listed in table B4 below based on ISO 21809-3. Some of the tests
require aged samples of the coating system. Aging of the samples must be accomplished in two ways: according to
ISO 21809-3 Annex N (dry 100 days at +90C) and according to Shell shrink sleeve document MF95/0290-Rev 1
(immersion in water for 100 days at +90C). All tests on steel pipes will be conducted on carbon steel pipes with
100mm pipe diameter, in three fold.

SP-1246 22 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

SP-1246 23 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B5 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Internals of Tanks and Vessels
Oil/ Water Vessels and PCS-10
Tests and Parameters Method Tanks Separators Potable7
Measured PCS-7a PCS-8 PCS-7b PCS-8 Water
<60 oC 60 - 93 oC <60 oC 60 - 93 oC Tanks

Acceptance Criteria
Holiday Test NACE No defects No defects No defects No defects No defects
Adhesion new 60/93oC ISO 4624 10 10 10 10 10
MPa min
Chemical Resistance ASTM C868 RQD RQD RQD RQD RQD
In specified solution 4
X-cut test3 ISO-12944-6 <4mm <4mm <4mm <4mm <4mm
Rusting, cracking, blistering ISO 4628 0 0 0 0 0
Adhesion wet ISO 4624 10 10 10 10 10
Cathodic Disbondment Appendix C RQD RQD RQD RQD RQD
60oC / 93oC mm max 5 5 5 5 5
Disbonding mm max 3 3 3 3 3
Rusting ISO 4628 None None None None None
Heat Resistance (dry)2 N/R RQD N/R RQD N/R
Adhesion pneumatic pull-off ISO 4624 >90% of >90% of new
MPa min new
Hardness ISO 2815 Within Within ±10%
Buchholz Indentor ±10% of of
original original
Depressurisation N/R N/R RQD RQD N/R
Holiday Test No defects No defects
Visual examination ISO 4628
Blistering ISO 4628-2 0 0
Cracking ISO 4628-4 0 0
Adhesion ISO 4624 10 10
Water Vapour Permeability ASTM D1653 RQD RQD RQD RQD RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <300 <300 <300 <300 <300
o 2
at 60 C g/m <1500 <1500 <1500 <1500 <1500
Water Adsorption ASTM D380 RQD RQD RQD RQD RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <40 <40 <40 <40 <40
o 2
at 60 C g/m <70 <70 <70 <70 <70
Part Resistivity ASTM D257 RQD RQD RQD RQD RQD
Wet panels v Ωm >107 >107 >107 >107 >107

Note: For operation >93oC UER to be consulted.

 ASTM C868 is used to condition the samples and evaluation to be done using tests shown above.
 Depressurisation test is detailed in Table B8

SP-1246 24 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B6 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Offshore Structures

PCS-11a PCS-11b PCS-11c
Tests and Parameters Method Atmospheric Submerged Splash Zone
Measured Topsides and Tidal

Acceptance Criteria
Holiday Testing NACE No defects No defects No defects
Adhesion (dry) RQD RQD RQD
Pneumatic pull-off MPa ISO 4624 5 10 10
Cyclic Exposure ISO 11907-2 RQD RQD8 RQD
Disbonding mm max 5 5 5
Rusting, cracking, blistering ISO 4628 0 0 0
Chalking % max ISO 4628 2 2 2
Adhesion MPa min ISO 4624 5 10 10
Overcoatability Adhesion (of ISO 4624 5 10 10
repair) MPa min1
Salt Spray ISO 7253 RQD RQD RQD
Disbonding3 mm max 5 5 5
Rusting ISO 4628 0 0 0
Cathodic Disbondment Appendix C N/R RQD N/R
23oC mm max 5
Immersion Exposure (Seawater) ASTM C868 N/R RQD N/R
Disbonding from X-cut mm max 4 4
Rusting, cracking, blistering ISO 4628 0 0
Water Adsorption ASTM D380 N/R RQD RQD
o 2
at 23 C g/m <40 <40
at 50oC g/m2 <70 <70
Impact Resistance ASTM G14 N/R RQD RQD
No breaks No breaks
Abrasion Resistance ASTM G6 N/R RQD RQD
Time to failure hrs >25 >50
Chemical Analysis
Part Solids ISO 3233 RQD N/R N/R
Zinc content ISO-3549 RQD N/A N/A

SP-1246 25 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B7 Required Tests and Acceptance Criteria – Miscellaneous Areas

PCS-4 PCS-5 PCS-12
Tests and Parameters Measured Method Insulated External Internal
Up to Flow coat gas
100oC >400oC lines

Acceptance Criteria
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99 No defects No defects No defects
Adhesion (dry)
Pneumatic pull-off ISO 4624 5 3 See DEP
MPa min
Corrosion Resistance Salt Spray ISO 7253 RQD RQD RQD
Disbonding3 mm max 5 5 See DEP
Rusting ISO 4628 0 0 0
2 o o
Heat Resistance (dry) ISO 3248 100 C 400 C
Adhesion pneumatic pull-off ISO 4624 >90% of >90% of
MPa min as new as new
Hardness ISO 2815 Within ±10% Within ±10%
Buchholz Indentor of of
original original
Chemical Analysis
Part Solids ISO 3233 RQD RQD RQD

 Tests to be carried out at manufacturers recommended maximum allowable operating temperature.
 For PCS-12 acceptance criteria refer to DEP

SP-1246 26 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Table B8 Summary of Performance Tests

Test/Method Test Type Basic Test Duration Notes
Holiday Test
NACE RP0188 DC spark 5 - 6V/1DFT Periodic checks
Cathodic Disbondment
Appendix C Electrical Test at specified temp. 28 day Test temperature as stated in
stress cycle previous tables. Measure
disbondment from X-cut
Adhesion (dry)
ISO 4624 Pneumatic Test at 23oC and Tests at service temperature
pull-off maximum where appropriate for heat
recommended service resistance qualification.
Adhesion (Shear)
ASTM D1002 Lap shear Test at 70oC 14 days For buried structures
Cyclic Exposure
ISO 11997-2 Accelerated 20 cycles Specimen preparation to
weathering over ISO 1513
3000hrs Test time may be reduced for
external onshore above-
ground coatings
salt spray 70hrs Systems to be tested at low
DFT (i.e. 75% of the Paint
Vendors recommended
nominal DFT). Alternative
acceptance criteria may be
proposed for systems tested at
the Paint Vendor's
recommended nominal DFT.
dry in ambient air 16hrs
UV light ‘Weatherometer’ 80 hrs Alternative light source –
exposure exposure - carbon arc to ASTM D822
Performance Observations
ISO-4628-2 Degree of blistering
ISO-4628-3 Degree of rusting
ISO-4628-4 Degree of cracking
ISO-12944-6 annex-A Level of disbondment
ISO-4624 Adhesion
ISO-2815 Hardness
Salt Spray
Corrosion Inspection of X-cut test min. Specimen preparation to
ISO 7253 testing panels 3000 hrs ISO 1513

System DFT and criteria

comments, as for cyclic test

Quantitative assessment to
ISO 4628-2/3/4
ISO-12944-6 annex-A

SP-1246 27 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Test/Method Test Type Basic Test Duration Notes

ASTM C-868 Exposure to Distilled or de-ionised 6 months Condition in accordance with
potable water water test media. ASTMC-868 and inspect for
coating deterioration using
ISO 4628
Exposure to Solution to be 15% 6 months Condition in accordance with
saline water NaCl @ pH4.0 ASTMC-868 and inspect for
coating deterioration using
ISO 4628
Test at manufacturers
maximum service
Evaluation Tests
ISO 4628-2/3/4
ISO-12944-6 annex-A
Resistance to Loading
ASTM G17 Blunt rod Test at 23o and 50oC After 24 Check % depth of penetration
Impact Test
ASTM G14 Falling weight Min .10 repetitions Inspect for coating damage
Test at 23o and 50oC
Abrasion Resistance
ASTM G6 Surface wear Electrical resistance Measure time to failure
ISO 2815 Surface Check change in
hardness hardness using
Buchholz Indentor
Water Vapour
ASTM D1653 Wet cup Test at 23o and 50oC 90 days 30 day monitoring
Distilled or
Water Absorption
ASTM D870 Immersion Test at 23o and 50oC 90 days 30 day monitoring

Part Resistivity
ASTM D257 Conductivity Test at 50oC 90 days 30 day monitoring
Immersion in Visually inspect
sea water
Heat Resistance (dry)
ISO 3248 (modified for Test at manufacturers 200hrs Condition in accordance with
recommended ISO 3248 and inspect for
test temperature)
maximum service coating deterioration using
temperature. tests below.
ISO 4624 Pneumatic Adhesion Test
ISO 2815 Hardness Change in
Buchholz value

SP-1246 28 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Test Method Test Type Basic Test Duration Notes

Resistance to NACE TM0185
Pressurise at 5 bar/hour Blowdown Pressure cycling with 60 days with 4 Visual assessment to
simulation hydrocarbon gas. depressurisation ISO 4628
Depressurise at 5 bar/min Gas content methane cycles at 15 day
from 85 bar to 5 bar at with 2 barg partial intervals.
temperature of 93oC pressure CO2

Evaluation Tests
ISO 4628-2 Blistering
ISO 4628-4 Cracking
ISO 4624 Adhesion

Chemical Analysis
ISO 3233 Check for solids Result to be in
content. accordance with
technical data sheets
ISO 3549 Check for zinc content Result to be in
accordance with
technical data sheets

SP-1246 29 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

9 Appendix C - Cathodic Disbonding Resistance Test

The cathodic disbonding resistance of the coating shall be tested as follows:
The test sample shall be free of holidays when tested in accordance with NACE RP0188.
A 6 mm hole shall be drilled in the coating, by means of a flat-faced mill. The hole shall not
penetrate more than 0.5 mm into the pipe steel. The hole shall be at least 50 mm from any weld.
The sample shall be placed inside an electrolytic cell or an electrolytic cell shall be constructed
on the pipe surface. All metallic parts other than the test defect shall be sealed from the
electrolyte by means of a resin or other suitable compound. The volume of the cell shall be at
least 250 ml.
The cell is filled with a 3 % sodium chloride solution.
An inert auxiliary electrode (e.g. platinum wire or mesh) shall be placed in the electrolyte, remote
from the test defect.
A saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE) shall be placed in the electrolyte with the tip
10 mm from the test defect.
By means of a potentiostat, the electrochemical potential of the steel shall be polarised to -1500
± 10 mV with respect to the SCE. This potential shall be maintained throughout the test.
The current required to maintain the potential shall be continuously recorded.
The duration of the test shall be 28 days, after which the sample shall be removed from the cell
and examined.
For tests at elevated temperatures, the temperature shall be controlled as follows:
When the sample is immersed in the cell, the solution, including the sample, shall be kept at the
test temperature by the cell being placed in a thermostatically controlled water bath.
When the cell has been constructed on the pipe sample, the steel sample shall be placed in a
thermostatically controlled furnace or sand bath that also covers the top surface of the sample
with at least 1 cm of sand. The furnace or bath shall be adjusted to maintain the required test
temperature on the pipe surface in the test defect.
During tests at elevated temperatures, suitable reflux coolers shall be used to prevent
evaporation of the test electrolyte.
At the end of the test period, the sample shall be rinsed with fresh water and wiped dry.
Two cuts shall be made through the coating in the longitudinal direction of the pipe and two
similar cuts shall be made in the circumferential direction, each pair of cuts being 5 mm apart and
approximately following the tangent of the test defect. The length of the cuts shall extend to
approximately 20 mm each side of the defect; see Figure 1.
By means of a knife, the strips of coating between the cuts shall be peeled from the pipe surface
as far as possible, starting at the test defect. The distance over which the coating is detached
and the metal is exposed, measured from the edge of the original test defect, shall be recorded
for all four directions. The radius of disbonding shall be the arithmetic mean of the four
measurements. A photograph of the test sample after testing, showing the disbonded area,
should be included in the test report.

SP-1246 30 April 2010

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

10 User Comment Form

User Comment Form

If you find something that is incorrect, ambiguous or could be better in this Procedure, write your comments
and suggestions on this form. Send the form to the Document Control Section (DCS). They make a record of
your comment and send the form to the correct CFDH. The form has spaces for your personal details. This lets
DCS or the CFDH ask you about your comments and tell you about the decision.
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SP-1246 31 April 2010

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