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Human Resource Information Systems in Select Software Companies in
Bangalore City

Research Supervisor Research Scholar

Prof.B.Krishna Reddy M.Nishad Nawaz
MCom.,M.Ed.,83® 3 Department of Management
Department of Management Sri Krishnadevaraya University
Sri Krishnadevaraya University Ananthapur - Andhra Pradesh
Ananthapur - Andhra Pradesh

Note:The data are collected for developing Ph.D Thesis in the area of
Management Studies.
This questionnaire is divided into 6 sections A, B, C, D, E and F. You are
required to fill the answers for all the questions. Kindly read the instructions
wherever provided.
Section A: Personal and Organizational Background
Section B: HRIS on HR Process
Section C: HRIS on Time and Cost Savings Analysis
Section D: HRIS on Information flow Analysis
Section E: HRIS on Decision Making Analysis
Section F: Evaluation of Employee Satisfaction, & Suggestions and Improvement

This section is divided into two parts Personal and Organizational background
Kindly provide the answers by entering the number in the Box

I. Personal Background of the Respondent: (Please enter the number in the

space provided in [ ] brackets) (Optional)

1. Name of the employee :

2. Sex : l.Male 2.Female [ ]

3. Marital status : 1. Married 2. Single
4. Employee designation :
1. IT Recruiters 2. HR Executive 3. Asst. HR Managers.
4. HR Managers 5. HR staff 6. Managers of other departments
5. Qualification
1. Graduate general (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.B.M.,B.C.A etc)
2. Graduate professional (B.E.,B.Tech.,B.Pham.,Medicine.,etc)
3. Masters degree
4. Doctorate (Ph.D)
5. Other (Specify):
ILOrganizational Background
6. Name of the company :
7. Name the department with which you are associated the brackets :Please enter
the number in the space provided in
1 .Personnel Management 2.Payroll Accounting [ ][ ]
3.Time & Labor 4.Compensate Employees [ ] [ ]
5. Self-Service Human Resources 6.1ncentive Compensation [ ] [ ]
7.Organizational Management 8.Personnel Development [ ] [ ]
9.Leaming Management 10.Benefits [ ][ ]
11./Recruitment 12.HRIntelligence [ ] [ ]
8. Company origin / Type [ ]
1 .Indian 2. MNC
9.No of years of service in current organization
1 .< 5 years 2.6-10 years
3.11 -15 years 4.More than 15 years
10.No of Employee in your Business Unit
1. Less than 300 Employees
2.300 and more but less than 2,000 Employees
3.2,000 and more Employees

Section B: HRIS on HR Process
Hereunder are given some factors / statements on the HRIS on HR
process and Time and Cost Analysis in the Software Companies. You are
requested to tender your opinion on 4 point scale as under
4 - To a great extent 3 - To some extent
2 - Uncertain 1 - Not at all
1. In which of the following stages of HRP processes HRIS is being used in your
Factors Opinion
i Forecasting manpower requirements report [ 1
ii Preparing manpower inventory report [ 1
iii Identifying manpower gaps report l 1
iv Formulating manpower plans report _L_
2. In which of the recruitment processes the HRIS is utilized in your company?
Factors Opinion
i Identifying the vacancy [ ]
ii Prepare job description and person specification f 1
iii Advertising the vacancy [ ]
iv Managing the response f 1
V Short-listing f 1
vi Arrange interviews f 1
vii Conducting interview f 1
viii Decision making _J_
3. From the following employee selection processes, HRIS in your organization
is used in the areas like?
Factors Opinion
i Preliminary reception of application f 1
ii Initial screening interview f 1
iii Selection tests [ 1
iv Background investigation f 1
V Medical / Physical examination \ 1
vi Reference check f 1
vii Job offer [ ]
viii Employment _J_ 1
4.HRIS is being used in your organization to get information mostly related to?
Factors Opinion
i Daily work f 1
ii Organizational background f 1
iii Organizational policies and work rules _±__]_

iv Employee incentives [ 1
V Welfare activities _[_____L
5.HRIS is being used mostly in the employee training and development practices
of your organization as mentioned below?
Factors Opinion
i Organizational job analysis f 1
ii Evaluating the trainee report [ 1
iii Identification of training needs [ 1
iv Cost benefit analysis report f 1
V Designing the training programme report f 1
vi Instructor / trainer/ trainer/ Learner details ( 1
vii Course / Trainee performance information f 1
viii Employee training results details _[__
6. From which of the following employee career planning and development
processes as the HRIS is used?
Factors Opinion
i Identification of individual interest area \_____
ii To find out the individual career plans and goals f 1
iii To identify the individual skills history f 1
iv Career development opportunities report _J_
7. Which of the following HRIS is used in your organization seeking information
is regard to employee performance appraisal?
Factors Opinion
i Creating the performance standards f 1
ii Communicating the performance standards and [ ]
duties with employees
iii Measuring employee actual performance f 1
iv Comparing the actual performance with standards f 1
V Communicating the appraisal with employee _J__1_
vi To directing employees understand how is [ 1
performing and where he stands
vii To help in determining training needs and [ ]
development of the employees
viii It is useful in calculating feedback of employee [ 1
8.From the following employee compensation processes ,HRIS is made use in
your organization mostly to get information related to
Factors Opinion
i Identification of direct and indirect financial [ ]
payments details
ii Wage and salary history
_[__ _ 1
iii Incentive awards report f 1
iv Wage boards and pay commissions information [ 1
V Social security data [ 1
vi Health, Safety [ ]
vii Accident related information _L_
9. In your organization HRIS is used to get the required data on input processes?
Factors Opinion
i HR Planning & Analysis [ l
ii Employee personnel information [ l
iii Employee communication l
iv HR Development rf i
V Recruitment and Selection \ i
vi Compensation i l
vii Performance Appraisal f l
viii Health, Safety and Security information i l
ix Labour relations _L_
RIS is being followed in our organization to get the data on maintenance
Factors Opinion
i Personnel inventory data report i
ii HR Planning & Analysis report ri i
iii HR Development report f l
iv Recruitment and Selection report f i
V Compensation report r l
vi Performance Appraisal report f l
vii Health, Safety and Security report i l
viii Labour relations report
Section C : Time and Cost Savings Analysis
11. HRIS has decreased the time spent on recruiting the employees in our
organization especially in the activities as mentioned below?

Factors Opinion
i Prepare job description and person specification [ 1
ii Organizational job analysis r i
iii Advertising the vacancy [ ]
iv Managing the response [ ]
V Short-listing [ ]
vi Arrange interviews [ i
vii Conducting interview [ ]
viii Decision making _I_ _ _ L
12. HRIS is a useful devise in decreasing the time spent on training the employees

in the organization in the following aspects?
Factors Opinion
i Training courses / Schedule records f 1
ii Employee training history [ 1
iii Preparing the instructor and trainee details [ 1
iv Trainee performance information record f 1
13.HRIS is playing strategic role in decreasing the time spent on making staff

Factors Opinion
i Administration f 1
ii Strategic Use f 1
iii Both \ 1
14. The HRIS available in our company has decreased the time spent following

Factors Opinion
i Personal information of employee f 1
ii Additional information of employee [ 1
iii Adding / deleting of employee f 1
iv Storing information and avoid repeation f 1
V HR daily routine work _J__ __ ]_
15. HRIS has decreased the time spent on communicating information with in

Factors Opinion
i Internet f 1
ii Intranet f 1
iii Both [ __ 1_
16. In our organization HRIS has decreased the time spent on processing

Factors Opinion
i HRP l
ii Recruitment and Selection f 1
iii Training and Development f 1
iv Performance Appraisal f ]
V Compensation _[__ _ L_
17.HRIS has decreased the time spent on correcting error in your organization?
(Please enter the number in the space provided in [ ] brackets)
l.Yes 2.No [ ]
18. HRIS has decreased data input expenses in your organization?
l.Yes 2.No [ ]

19. HRIS has decreased cost per hire in your organization?
l.Yes 2.No [ ]
20. HRIS has decreased expenses on personnel aspects in your organization?
l.Yes 2.No [ ]
If yes
Factors Opinion
i Advertising in company websites [ 1
ii Advertising in job sites _I___ 1_
21. HRIS, as a matter of fact, has decreased training expenses in our company?
(Please enter the number in the space provided in [ ] brackets)
1. Video 2.Audio 3.No [ ]
22. HRIS has decreased the overall HR staffs salary expenses in your
organization? (Please enter the number in the space provided in [ ] brackets)

1. Increased computer usage 2.Training for HRIS 3.Not at all [ ]

Section D : HRIS on Information flow Analysis
Hereunder some factors / statements on the HRIS on Information flow
and Decision Making Analysis in the Software Industry. You are requested to
tender your opinion on 4 point scale as under
4 - To a great extent 3 - To some extent
2 - Uncertain 1 - Not at all
23. HRIS disseminate information in our organization for various purposes as
Types of information flow Opinion
i Strategic information f 1
ii Managerial information [ 1
iii Operational information JL_ 1
24. HRIS sharing information for all HR functions in your organization like (for

HR functional areas Opinion

i Personnel Management f 1
ii Recruitment f 1
iii Application Tracking f 1
iv Selection f 1
V COBRA Administration and Time & Labour [
25. HRIS has generated in our company detail information of the employee? (for
your opinion)

Employee related aspects Opinion
i Employee abilities report [ 1
ii Motivation of Employees report ____ L_
26. HRIS generation information being used in our company is useful for various

Purpose for which information is used Opinion

i General work activities f 1
ii Decision Making f 1
iii Planning f 1
iv Organizing and administering f ]
V Coordinating and Monitoring __L_
27.HRIS showing is being used in our organization on the employee related

Employee related aspects Opinion

i Employee security f 1
ii Teams and Job redesign [ 1
iii Promotions _J__JL
28.HRIS being used in the following aspects in our organization mentioned as

Organizational development related aspects Opinion

i Human Process such as l ]
T-Groups/ Process Consultation
//Team Building
ii Techno Structural such as [ ]
Structural Design/ Downsizing /Reengineering/ /Total
Quality Management/Work Design
iii HR Management l ]
Goal Setting/Performance Appraisal/Reward
Career Planning& Development
iv Strategic [ ]
Integrated Strategic/Change/ /Organization Learning
and Knowledge Management
29.The information generated from our HRIS is shared with as flows? (for

Level of Management Opinion

i Top Management (DSS) f 1
ii Middle Management(MIS) f 1
iii Lower Level Management (EDP) _L_ 1
30.The information generated from our HRIS is shared with top managers?
(for your opinion)

To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
____ [_____]____ ___ [_____1___ J_____L J___L
31. The in ormation generated from our HRIS is underutilized by top management?
(for your opinion)
To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
____ [_____1____ ___ f 1____ _____ L J___L
32. The information generated from our HRIS las increased coordination between
HR department and top management? (for your opinion)
To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
____ I_____]____ ___ [____ ]___ _[_____ 1_ J___L
33. HRIS generated information developed the organization productivity?
(for your opinion)
Factors Opinion
i Recruitment such as Hiring, Job [ 1
Evaluation, Personnel Requirement
ii Training aspects such as [ ]
Skills Inventory and Requirements
iii Placement such as Career Plans, [ ]
Specific Job Requirements
iv Compensation aspects such as [ 1
Payroll Benefits
V Maintenance aspects like Employee absenteeism [ ]
Tracking and turnover

Section E : HRIS on Decision Making Analysis

34 HRIS has develop the organizational decisions as flows (for your opinion)
Factors Opinion
i Strategic f 1
ii Managerial [ 1
iii Operational 1
35.HRIS generated information is used and useful for decision making in our
organization as stated below (for your opinion)
Aspects of organizational decision making Opinion
i Problem solving [ 1
ii Record keeping f 1
iii Assigning Leadership f 1
iv HRP _L__JL

V Recruitment / Selection plan f 1
vi Training and Development f 1
vii New Technology adoption [ 1
viii Employment Benefits and laws
36.Decision makers in our organization are taking advantage of information
generated from the HRIS in this way (for your opinion)_____ ________
Factors Opinion
i Decisions related to competitive advantage l 1
ii Decisions related to product quality [ 1
iii Decisions related to customer services f 1
iv Decisions on goal oriented and alternative decisions _L_
37. Decision makers in our organization are identifying gaps in the following
issues with help of HRIS information (for your opinion) _________
Factors Opinion
i Need Decision f 1
ii Decision criteria f 1
iii Develop alternatives and Evaluate the alternatives f 1
iv Select the best alternatives __L_

38. HRIS generated information is very useful in our organization for decision
makers in designing of organizational settings (for your opinion)
Factors Opinion
i In agenda setting f 1
ii In risk analysis [ 1
iii Updating job vacancies [ 1
iv In hiring new employees [ 1
V In framing Company policies and procedures f
RIS generated information in our organization is very usefu for decision
makers in reengineering HR activities (for your opinion)
Factors Opinion
i HR Activity f 1
ii Position and Classification l 1
iii Recruitment and Selection l I
iv Job evaluation Job evaluation & Downsizing ( 1
V Performance appraisal [ 1
vi Legal / Labour Management relations _J_ ]
40.Decision makers are generating variety of reports in our company with the help of
Factors Opinion
i HRP - Workforce dynamics analysis , and Success [ ]
planning report, Organizational charting, Skills
inventory report& Turnover analysis

ii Staffing - Basic employee analysis and HRP structure [ ]
analysis report, Recruitment analysis and Application
tracking report, Selection analysis report, Staffing
iii Training and Career Development - Career profile, [ ]
Training evaluation and decision report,
Training need and Promotion analysis report
Employee training data
iv Performance - Performance appraisal,Attitude & [ ]
Attendance maintenance report
V Compensation - Compensation stimulation report [ ]
Routine , Insurance and Payroll reports
41.The information generated from our HRIS helps our organization to make more
effective on employee promotions (for your opinion)
To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
____ I_____]____ ___ [_____]___ f 1 J___ L
42.The information generated from our HRIS helps our organization make better
decisions in choosing better people (for your opinion)
To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
____ l_____1____ ___ [_____1___ _[_____L _i_____L
43.The information generated from our HRIS helps our organization decide when
training and skill development are necessary (for your opinion)
To a great extent To some extent Uncertain Not at all
[ ] ___ I_____]___ _____L J___ L
Section F :(Employee Satisfaction Evaluation, Suggestions and Improvement)
Please elicit your overall satisfaction on the use of HRIS in Software
Companies in the competitive business environment as of today on a 5 point scale
5 - Highly Satisfied 2 - Dissatisfied
4 - Satisfied 1 - Highly Dissatisfied
3 - Moderately Satisfied
44. Employee level of satisfaction in this below areas

Level of Satisfaction Opinion
i HR Processes [ 1
ii Time and Cost Savings [ ]
iii Information Flow l ]
iv Decision Making [ )

Suggestions and Improvement

Kindly provide us detailed information for the following questions so that it
will enhance the quality of research and can throw light for further studies

45. What are the problems you are facing from HRIS in your company?

46. From your experience, suggest some measures for improving HRIS usage in
Indian software Companies?

Thank You For your kind co operation in completing the questionnaire. Your
help in this regard is highly appreciated and it will be duly acknowledged.


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