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This questionnaire is framed to identify the stress levels in your life. Kindly
furnish the details, as it will enable my research study. Read each question carefully
and answer as accurately as you can. Please note that your personal information and
other details provided by you will be kept confidential.

A. Kindly furnish your personal particulars by ticking appropriate options.

1. Name:

2. Sex :

a) Male b) Female

3. Designation:

4. Age:

a) Upto 25 years b) 26 -35 years c) 36-45 years

d) 46- 55 years e) Above 55 years

5. Sugar Mill Name:

6. Educational Qualification:

a) School level b) ITI c) Diploma

d) Bachelor’s degree e) Master’s degree

7. Job Experience:

a) Less than 5 years b) 5 -10 years c) 11-15 years

d) 16- 20 years e) More than 20 years

8. Monthly Income:

a) < Rs.5000 b) Rs.5,001 – Rs.10,000

c) Rs.1,0001 – Rs.15,000 d) Rs.15,001 – Rs.20,000

e) > Rs.20,000

9. Marital Status:

a) Married b) Unmarried

10. Family Type:

a) Nuclear family b) Joint family

11. Number of Dependents:

a) < 4 b) 4 – 5 c) > 5

B. Below is a list of stress symptoms and factors influencing work stress. Tick
the appropriate options for the questions 12-16.

12. What are the symptoms of stress that you experience? (Please put a tick mark in
the relevant column)

Some Most of the

S.No Stress Symptoms Never Rarely Always
times times
1 Moody

2 Irritability

3 Short- temper
5 Nail-biting

6 Restlessness
Lack of
Getting confused
Gain/Loss of
Feeling negative
about everything
11 Worrying

12 Nervousness
13. What causes you to get stress in your job? Rank the following options.

S.No Job related Factors Rank

1 Workload
2 Poor salary
3 Time pressures and deadlines
4 Frequent travel
5 Repetitive and boring work
6 Poor and unplanned work
7 Shortage of cane harvesting laborers
8 Unexpected accidents of sugarcane-loaded lorries
9 Lack of career development
10 Feeling of powerlessness
11 Lack of job security
12 Unable to satisfy all stakeholders

14. What type of difficulty do you feel in your job?

a) Group behavior
b) Lack of information
c) Office politics and conflicts
d) Excessive interruptions
e) Lack of recognition

15. What makes you feel that you are overloaded in work?

a) Shortage of required resources

b) Insufficient co-workers
c) More administration and paper work
d) Continuous and chaotic job demands
e) Shortage of help at work

16. When forced to work overtime, how do you deal with it?

a) Redouble my efforts
b) Slowly take efforts
c) Get annoyed with work
d) Won’t take any extra efforts
e) Complain about it

C. This section [questions 17-20] deals with the impact of stress on health,
behavior and job. Tick the appropriate options.

17. Does stress show its impact on your health?

a) Yes b) No

If ‘Yes’ answer from 18, If ‘No’ means answer from 20

18. Are you suffering from the following physical and mental health problems?
(Please put a tick mark in the relevant column)

S. Some Most of
Problems Never Rarely Always
No times the times
1 Headache
2 High blood pressure
3 Stomach disorder and Ulcer
4 Chest pain
5 Back pain
6 Skin irritation and allergies
7 Cancer
8 Diabetes
9 Asthma
10 Fatigue
11 Sleep disturbances
12 Anxiety
13 Depression
14 Tendency to remain alone
15 Poor concentration
19. What are the behavioral changes that you experience due to physical and mental
health problems? (Please tick all the options that is applicable to you)

S.No Behavioral Changes Tick

1 Frequent hospitalization
2 Increased smoking
3 Excessive alcohol
4 Drug addiction
5 General proneness to accidents
6 Under eating /Over eating
7 Frequent crying
8 Withdrawal from relationships
9 Consumption of supari/ tobacco items
10 Gambling
11 Suicidal thoughts
12 Violence
13 Shouting at family members
14 Seeking help from others
15 Poor performance in job

20. How stress shows its ill effects on your job performance? (Please put a tick
mark for all the options that is applicable to you in the square brackets given

a) Increased absenteeism [ Yes ] / [ No ]

b) Decreased productivity [ Yes ] / [ No ]
c) Wasted potentials and skills [ Yes ] / [ No ]
d) Loss of goodwill [ Yes ] / [ No ]
e) Reduced work effectiveness [ Yes ] / [ No ]
f) Low morale [ Yes ] / [ No ]
g) Premature retirement plan [ Yes ] / [ No ]
h) Reduced job satisfaction [ Yes ] / [ No ]

D. This section [questions 21-25] deals with the organizational and individual
strategies for managing stress. Tick the appropriate options.
21. Did you utilize stress management facilities offered by your workplace?
a) Yes b) No
If ‘Yes’ answer from 22, If ‘No’ means answer from 23

22. Which of the following stress management facilities are utilized by you? (Please
put a tick mark for all the options that is applicable to you in the square brackets
given below)
a) Health awareness programmes [ Yes ] / [ No ]
b) Vacation and holiday trips [ Yes ] / [ No ]
c) Stress management course [ Yes ] / [ No ]
d) Job redesign [ Yes ] / [ No ]
e) Recreation centre [ Yes ] / [ No ]
f) Social support system at the work Place [ Yes ] / [ No ]
g) Stress management workshops [ Yes ] / [ No ]

23. What are the coping strategies that you are practicing yourself to reduce stress?
(Please put a tick mark in the relevant column)

Some Most of
S.No Coping Strategies Never Rarely Always
times the times
1 Yoga/Meditation
2 Physical exercise
3 Entertainment
Away from stressful
5 Sleep
Speaking with
likeminded persons
7 Playing with pet animals
8 Prayer
9 Medications
10 Positive thinking
11 Time management
12 Tour

24. Do you feel that some other coping strategies should be followed to reduce

a) Yes b) No

If ‘Yes’ specify

25. To what extent, do you overcome the stress by utilizing stress management
facilities and practicing coping strategies?

a) To a great extent

b) To some extent

c) No change

E. This section [questions 26-29] deals with social support factors,

expectations and suggestions of employees to make workplace stress free.
Tick the appropriate options.
26. Would you say that the following mentioned factors serve as sources of social
support to reduce stress? (Please put a tick mark in the relevant column)

S. Sources of social Strongly Strongly

Agree Neutral Disagree
No support Agree Disagree
1 Superiors
2 Subordinates
3 Co-workers
4 Family
5 Friends
6 Neighbors
7 Relatives
Religious / Social
9 Spiritual discourses
10 Community centres
11 Social welfare people
12 Doctors
27. Under which situation, do you get support from above people?

a) All new tasks

b) Early stage of all tasks

c) Work-related issues

d) Home- related issues

e) Difficult situation

28. What are your expectations from the management to make workplace stress
free? (Please put a tick mark for all the options that is applicable to you in the
square bracket given below)

a) Counseling programmes [ Yes ] / [ No ]

b) Training and development activities [ Yes ] / [ No ]

c) Proper recognition [ Yes ] / [ No ]

d) Exclusive staff for procuring labor for cane

harvesting [ Yes ] / [ No ]

e) Opportunities for career development [ Yes ] / [ No ]

f) Effective performance management system [ Yes ] / [ No ]

g) Open communication [ Yes ] / [ No ]

i) Sufficient support [ Yes ] / [ No ]

29. What are your suggestions to make workplace stress free?




Thank you for completing the questionnaire

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