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Our astrological chart is divided into 12 segments called Houses. 

Each House has a relationship to one of the 12 astrological signs or constellations. 
It is a living example of the old truism: "As above, so below." 

Imagine yourself as a soul sitting in a garden on the other side with a view of the earth. You are getting ready to return to the earth for another
physical incarnation. You are preparing your astrological chart that will serve as a guide and a script throughout your life. With this in mind you
know that the earth is a reflection of the sky and that each constellation has its image on the earth. The earth is a grid that is divided into twelve
equal segments, called Houses, each one reflecting an astrological sign. This grid will become the earthly base of your astrological chart. "As
above, so below." 
Your soul will choose the right time, date and place of birth to create your "perfect" astrological chart. When you are ready, say good-bye to your
heavenly friends and teachers. Imagine yourself being born into the physical world. You have the ability to see a huge circle around you. 
This is your astrological chart and you are at its center. 
Each House is there to provide you with all of the questions that your soul wants you to answer. It is your soul's guidebook. 
Welcome to the journey of a lifetime.

Here is an analogy to help you understand the relationship between the 12 constellations and their attendant Houses: There are 12 Houses in a
neighborhood situated on a circle. Each of the Houses has a skylight, through which the energy of one constellation from above shines through.
For example, the energy of Aries would shine through the skylight in the first House, the energy of Taurus would shine through the skylight in
the second House, the energy of Gemini would shine into the third House, etc. Each of the 12 Houses is ruled by a related energy from a sign

The ten planets and the comet Chiron fall in different Houses in your chart.  
The following information provides you valuable information as to how each planet affects each House.

Astrological Houses and their meaning

When you are born, you symbolically enter the first House of your Astrological Chart and begin your personal earthly journey. 
This position is called the Rising Sign or Ascendant. 
Because of the rotation of the earth each astrological sign moves through the Twelve Houses once a day. 
The Astrological Sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is the Ascendant or Rising Sign and your personal ruler of the
First House. 
Moving counter clockwise the Second House will be ruled by the sign naturally following the sign on the First. 

So You have Aquarius rising the Second House which will be ruled by Pisces and around the wheel through the twelfth. 
The sign on each House is called the Cusp Sign. 
The cusp is the gateway into each house corresponds to the sign of Aries. 
An issue of Aries and the first house is the essence of Self.  
An important question therefore could be "How does my soul wish me to aspire to be the best Self I can be?" 
For instance, I have Sagittarius on my 10th house. A 10th House question is: "What career would my soul wish for me to pursue?" The answer
would come from Sagittarius words, such as being a teacher, a philosopher and a traveler. 
(Which, of course, I am!)

Take a question from each of the Houses and answer it with the sign that is on the cusp of that House. 
You now have 12 answers to 12 significant questions! 

First House Second House Third House Fourth House

Natural Rulers: Aries Natural Ruler: Taurus  Natural Ruler: Gemini Natural Ruler: Cancer

  Approach to life  Ability to relax  Capacities for adapting  Early childhood

  Beginning of all enterprises  Balance between needs  Early education experiences
  Early childhood for material and  Expressive and  Emotional
  Façade spirituality receptiveCOMMUNICATIO undercurrents
  Health  Karma involving N  Endings
  How others relate to us money  Making connections in my  How you guard your
  How you achieve  Natural gifts and talents immediate environment privacy or personal
  Impulsive actions based on  One’s heredity  Your need matters
self-image     One’s own money and toCOMMUNICATE idea  Learning self-
  Personality:mannerisms, style, possessions  Your personalized filter sufficiency outside of
disposition  One’s personal  Your sensory perceptions    family influence
  Physical appearancance resources   Sibling relationships  Mirrors the
  Self-awareness  One’s sexual awareness  Taken for granted skills psychological makeup
  The self you let others see  Personal comforts you  The awareness of our of your life
  The way you “package” allow yourself immediate environment  Your early environment
and MARKET ” yourself  Personal resources and  The concrete mind  Your emotional
  What our personality needs to how we use them  The way we move in our day foundations
aspire to  Personal value of by day lives  Your mother (primary
  Worldly outlook services given/rendered  The way you think, speak care giver)
 Self-esteem and self- and write  Represents the basic
worth issues and fundamental side of
 Sense of values your nature
 Material goals  The beginning and end
of life
 The karmic reasons we
choose our parents
 What home, tradition
and family means to
 What your physical
home needs to be

Fifth House Sixth House Seventh House Eighth House

Natural Rulers: Leo Natural Ruler: Virgo Natural Ruler: Libra Natural Ruler Scorpio

 Creativity and self-  Aunts and Uncles  Business & professional  Dealing with other
expression  Coping with stress relationships people’s values
 Emotional attitude  Health awareness  Face-to-face relationships  Death and other mysteries
 Enthusiasm and energy  How we need to prepare  Grandparents  Facing unknown
toward personal interests ourselves for our debut  Inner attitudes about  Hidden assets
 Exercise  Interest in food and diet compromise and   harmony  Wills, inheritance
 Generosity  Our habits andWORK    Interpersonal skill  Intensely significant
 How we experience skills  Lawsuits/lower transformational
joy/create fun/Vacations  People who work for us   courts/divorce experiences
 How you mold inner self’s  Personal integration  Marriage partners    Legacies and joint assets  
yearning into issues  Physical and psychological  Open enemies  Partner’s resources
 Mastery of self and self health  Peers  Phobias based on the our
goals    Self discipline  Projections previous deaths
 Our birth children  Self-analysis  The karmic aspects to  Secrets
 Our inner child  Service to others relating  Sexuality
 Our social life  The care and importance  The public  Spiritual regeneration
 Play games of small animals  What relationships  Support from others
 Risk-taking/gambling  The meaning or work in symbolize to us  Surgery
 Self-expression our lives  What we see about
 The manner in which we ourselves in others
give love  Unconscious mind  What you most lack in self
 Values and lessons you
give to others

Ninth House Tenth House Eleventh House Twelfth House

Natural Ruler Sagittarius  Natural Rulers: Capricorn Natural Rulers: Aquarius Natural Rulers: Pisces

 Dreams (visions)  Achievements  Anything new  Abandonment

 Expanding your  Authority over you  Attitude towards friends &  Chronic illness left from
consciousness  Fame acquaintances karmic memories
 Gaining wisdom from our  Honor  Capacity for friendship  Clandestine affairs
life  How the world sees &  Causes  Difficulties that we refuse
 Grandchildren evaluates you  Circumstances beyond to acknowledge
 Higher education  How we feel about being control  Dreams
 Intuition in the world  Friendships  Hidden/secrets, our hidden
 Law  Material & objective goals  Goals self
 Long travel      Our career and what it  Groups and their  Large animals and our
 Personal philosophy and means to us importance to us   relationship to them
belief systems  Our father and what he  Focus on the need for  Our karmic strengths and
 Philosophic orientation symbolized togetherness weaknesses    
 Religious orientation  Public visibility,  Hopes & wishes, our  Places of confinement
 The collective mind reputation dreams & ideals  Self-undoing, frustration,
 Travel and its significance  Road blocks you meet in  Humanitarian interests and limitations
 Understanding different life  Political trends  Sensitivity to our psychic
cultures  Status in the community  Social consciousness, social environment
 Understanding of the  The government and how movements  Sorrow/suffering
meaning of life we relate to it  Step/foster/adopted children  Spiritual debts to be paid
 Vision of life  Your influence  The manner in which we (karma), subconscious
receive love  Unconscious memories of
 What you most desire in life our past lives
   Where we hide problems
too difficult to face
There are twelve astrological signs in our universe. 
Each sign has traits, characteristics, energies, colors, emotions, drives, relationships and beliefs. 
Each sign will appear on the doorway to a House (that we call cusps).
 They answer the questions that you have for that particular House. 
Each chart will have different signs on the houses based on your date, time and place of birth. You have your questions, now you want to answer them.
 To do that you will need to understand the astrological signs
There are 12 Constellations in our Solar System. We also refer to them as signs of the Zodiac. The signs are divisions of the ecliptic or the journey of
the Sun around the earth. (This is more symbolic than actual, since the Earth orbits around the Sun.) 

The signs are:

Each astrological sign has a corresponding glyph.
The Houses ask the questions, the astrological sign on the cusp of the House answers them.
Each sign will appear on the doorway to a House (cusps). 
They answer the questions that you have for that particular House. 
Each chart will have different signs on the houses based on your date, time and place of birth.
Take a question from each of the Houses and answer it with the sign that is on the cusp of that House. 

For example, one of the issues of the 10th House is career.  A question could be 'What career would be best for me?" Find the sign on the cusp of the
10th and find the answer.. 
You will have 12 answers to 12 significant questions!
The 10 PLANETS and the COMET CHIRON fall in different HOUSES in your chart. 
Here are some characteristics of each of the planets, providing valuable information as to how each planet affects each House. 
Each planet lives in an astrological sign that shows the energy  of how that planet manifests itself. 
Most of us know our Sun Sign. 
The Sun is placed in one of 12 signs and expresses its energy through them. 
If the Sun was moving through the constellation of Aries, we could see that the ego (characteristic of Sun) is manifested through
assertion, action and physical vitality (characteristic of Aries). 
A 10th House question is: "What career does my soul want me to pursue?" The answer would come from Sagittarius on the cusp.
Sagittarius words are teacher, philosopher and traveler. Since I have a planet in that house (Venus in Sagittarius in the 10th House), I
can add more information to my original statement. Because Venus is there asking the question: "What do I love?" it is important for
me to love my career as a teacher, philosopher and traveler.
This chart provides a sample analysis of PLANETS IN SIGNS-
Sun Mercury Venus

 Signifies power and talent as well as  Signifies your talent for  Shows where social harmony is
creative self-expression. verbalCOMMUNICATION  with important.
 Defines the key to manifesting your others.   Indicates where you may lose
personal power.  Indicates your talent for verbal confidence and self-esteem in social
 Conveys inspired self-expression communication with others.  situations.
 Shows where talents can be  Indicates the fear that may  Reveals where you need to be socially
spontaneously expressed. unconsciously keep you from being expressive.
 Area of instinctive warmth and yourself verbally.   Shows your natural talent for
enthusiasm.  Displays the process by which you may experiencing pleasure.
 Indicates where personal vitality is create endless mental worries and  Describes what attracts you as beautiful
maintained. negative expectations   and gratifying.
 Discloses your area of radiance.  Shows the way toCOMMUNICATE  in  Defines how you might put other’s
a manner that inspires a sense of affinity values in front of your own.
Moon and mutual sharing with other people.   Shows where “luck” may easily come to
 Reveals the type of mental connection you.
with others resulting in mutual  Defines where money may be gained or
 Describes essential self and creativity understanding and expansion.  spent.
 Defines the area of our deepest personal  Defines the nature of your mental talents  Describes where over-indulgence may
needs. and intellectual approach.  cause difficulty.
 Indicates the process that separate us  Signifies the area upon which you can
emotionally from others. focus mental attention to being  
 Discloses the unconscious process by understood by others. Pluto
which you attempt to manipulate others
through dependency  Uranus
 Shows the path to gaining inner  Reveals where you resist change.
fulfillment and illuminates your ability  Shows where change will create the
to integrate change.  Illuminates the circumstances through biggest impact on your life.
 Pinpoints where the lessons of emotional which an intuitive perception can be  Depicts your shadow self.
dependency and personal insecurity arise achieved.  Symbolizes your path to personal power
.  Indicates how eccentricity and and self-mastery.
 Reveals that area of life in which you disruptiveness can make you unreliable  Represents the area of greatest challenge
need to nourish and be nourished. and unpredictable. Shows the areas of to using power.
 Describes your ability to adjust life where you must be personally free  Indicates the area we must be willing to
emotionally to the changing  Pinpoints where you need to experience die psychologically, to be reborn.
circumstances of life. excitement, adventure and change.  Reveals past life karmic experiences that
 Represents habits of survival  Reveals the areas of life where you can need to be healed.
dependency from childhood  expect the unexpected.  Shows where you must investigate your
 Shows where the need for emotional  Indicates where your willfulness and unconscious motivations.
nurturing  satisfies your sense of rebelliousness can create emotional  Represents the area that old toxins have
emotional survival. alienation and separation. been stored and need to be released.
 Describes an area of your life where  Denotes where you have the potential to  Shows where anger, rage, jealousy and
your Inner Child is unconsciously express innovative ideas . possessiveness create destructive
powerful.  Shows where you are individuated and behavior.
will be the inventor and reformer of your  Reveals your passions and intensity, and
life. what is essential to you.

Chiron Saturn

 Points to the area in a chart where you  Shows the process by which you fulfill
remember being deeply wounded.    Removes the illusion and reveals the your social obligations.
 Symbolizes karmic wounds. truth, thereby showing the way to  Indicates the fears interfering with your
 Shows you the issues that will bring actualizing ideals. fulfilling your ambitions.
forth these old wounds.   Depicts where your expectations can be  Pinpoints the area of your greatest fear
 Points you to the way that you can heal at their highest causing longing and and greatest desire.
these karmic wounds. disappointme  Represents the area where you need to
 Defines our path to redemption that learn self-discipline, endurance and
Jupiter needs to be brought to consciousness physical responsibility.
and altered.  Illuminates the area where purpose,
 Shows your trickster and your self- direction and social responsibility will
 Defines the means through which trust deception patterns. bring respect.
and faith in self is developed.  Indicates the area of life where true faith  Shows the road to your soul mission.
 Represents the understanding aiding in in your soul can create joy.  Pinpoints the area where you must apply
creating personal growth.  Shows where you can actualize the repeated effort to gain self-mastery.
 Reveals the natural attitudes of faith and “Victim/Redeemer.”  Reveals the area of personal commitme
vision.  Signifies where delusions of grandeur
 Shows how trust can be cultivated may manifest.
through a philosophical approach.  Symbolizes your personal “Garden of
 Pinpoints the area of freedom towards Eden” and your fall from grace.
personal vision.
 Denotes natural expansive energy and
possible good fortune.
 Illuminates the area of life where faith in
an ordered universe can become a
 Shows the area where higher learning
can be the most beneficial.
 Reveals how travel and learning other
cultures creates more philosophical

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