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Checklist for Listening to Your Recorded Sales Conversations

You cannot gain mastery in sales (or anything else) unless you practice (i.e. condition your body
and your brain). Record and listen to your calls. To the right of each item, each time you hear
an “infraction,” stop the tape, make a check mark and snap your wrist with a rubber band. Do
this each day and within a few days, you will break habits which cost you sales. Note: this must
be done consecutive days to work.

Two ways to record your calls:

1. For $18, get this software (there may be free

versions of same but for $18, it is not even worth your time to look for it)

2. The company that supplies xlite ( has a paid version of the software
called BRIA which has a recorder built in

Once you record your calls, listen to them as if you are listening to a stranger.

Did you ask enough questions so that you fully understood the advisors business and

On the booklet ad, did you make the points:

a. This is how we get your interested prospects (top of ad)
b. This is how we get you motivated prospects (bottom of ad)

Every time the prospect asked a question, did you address it (or not) and finish your
reply with a question?

Did you avoid any extraneous information – i.e. avoid talking when it was
unnecessary/ excessive explaining? If you did talk unnecessarily, why?

If the prospect brought up irrelevant topics, you quickly brought them back to the
main sales track

When you saw the results for their zip codes, did you quickly assess whether you
would sell:
a. Would you like to meet these people and make them your clients (if prospects
were waiting)?
b. Would you like to hire us to get you new clients in your zip codes?

Did you close with a powerful question, the only answer to which could be yes?
If the advisors hesitated to buy, did you find out why, EXACTLY?

Did you make the sale? (give yourself a 0 or a 10). If you did not make the sale, the
#1 reason:

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