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Review of literature is necessary as it familiarises the researcher with concepts and
conclusions already evolved by earlier analysts. It also enables the present researcher to
measure the scope for future study and to frame appropriate objectives for the proposed
Aradhana Krishna (1994)5 made a study on “The effects of Deal Knowledge on
Consumer Purchase Behaviour”.The study considered many factors to know the effects of
such factors on consumer buying behaviour. The study findings revealed that price plays a
significant role in the buying decision. It has been concluded that not only the current price
of a product influences the buying behaviour but also its expected price in future influences
Syed et al (1994)6 made a study on “Technical complexity and consumer knowledge
as moderators of service quality evaluation in the automobile service industry‖. In their
study they examined the relationship between a customer's assessment of the service quality
of an automobile service/repair facility and the few factors such as perceived fairness of the
facility and its personnel, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and convenience. It has been
found from the study that perceived fairness is an important determinant of service quality
Muruganandam (1997)7 made a study on "Consumer Brand Preference for Motor
Cars in Coimbatore City”. The study found out few factors that influenced consumers in
the brand preference of a car. They are price and design of the cars, and after sales services
provided by the dealers. It has been found that price and design influenced the consumers
more to buy Maruti and Ambassador Cars. The study has further revealed that customers
were highly satisfied with the after-sales service.

Aradhana Krishna, ―The effects of Deal Knowledge on Consumer Purchase Behaviour‖, Journal of
Marketing Research, Volume 31, 1994, pp.102-108.
Syed Saad Andaleeb and Amiya K. Basu, ―Technical complexity and consumer knowledge as
moderators of service quality evaluation in the automobile service industry‖, Retailing, Volume 70,
Issue:4, Winter 1994, pp. 367-381.
Muruganandam,―A Study on Consumer Brand Preference for Motor Cars in Coimbatore City‖,
M.Phil. Dissertation, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 1997.

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Maran et al (2002)8 made a study on "Passenger Cars: Enormous Scope for
Development". In their study they opined that the demand for cars depends on many factors.
The study identified many key variables that strives the demand of cars and they are per
capita income, new models, availability and pricing, rate of interest, finance schemes, fuel
cost, depreciation norms, public transportation facilities, duties and taxes. It has been found
that the factors per capita income, new models, availability and pricing, rate of interest have
a positive relationship with demand, whereas the others have negative relationship with
Sheetal et al (2004)9 made a study on ―Relative importance of service quality
dimensions: A Multi Sectoral study”. The study attempted to explore a relative importance
of service quality dimensions across a select service context. The results suggested that
almost all the service quality dimensions are equally important as no proper order of their
importance could be established. .
White (2004) in his study presented the factors those play a key role in car
buyer‘s decision making. He observed that consumers negotiate with dealers for various
offers and incentives such as reduction in price, low-interest payment plans and so on. It has
been found that women play a significant role in purchase of new cars and they occupy a
predominant role in the buying process. It has been suggested to the car dealers and
advertisers to target the right audience because of an increasing trend in multi-car
Chidambaram et al (2004)11 undertook a study on "Brand Preference of
Passenger Cars - A Study with Special Reference to Coimbatore City in Tamil Nadu".The
study identified that the customers consider fuel efficiency as an important factor when
compared to other factors. It has been also found that the customers highly believe that the

Maran K. and Madhavi S., "Passenger Cars: Enormous scope for Development", Motor India -
Annual Issue, August 2002, P. 92 C.
Sheetal B. Sachdev and Harsh V. Verma, ―Relative importance of service quality dimensions: A
Multi sectoral study‖, Journal of Services Research, Volume 4, Number 1, April- September 2004,
White, R., How people buy cars, Admap Journal (2004), 39(3), pp 41-43.
Chidambaram K., Soundararajan A. and Alfred Mino, ―Brand preference of Passenger Car: A
Study with special reference to Coimbatore City in Tamilnadu‖, Indian Journal of Marketing,
September 2004, pp.18-29.

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brand of car they use is explanatory of product, quality, utility and technology. It has been
revealed from the study that consumers prefer to purchase passengers cars because of car
companies offer cars with high fuel efficiency, good quality, technology and durability with
a reasonable price.
Ranganathan (2005)12 has conducted ―A Study on Consumer markets and Buying
behaviours of cars”. It has been found that most of the respondents are considering
"mileage" as an important factor in selecting a car. It has been suggested that Hyundai cars
should be designed in such a way that the actual fuel efficiency obtained must be the same
as that being promised.
Utpal Bhaskar (2005)13 made a study "The Great Indian car Puzzle". In his study
he identified many different reasons that influence people to prefer and buy a particular
brand of car. Among the factors identified, mileage and fuel efficiency were found to be the
common needs of the car consumers in the Indian market.
Mandeep Kaur et al (2006)14 made ―A Study on Factors Influencing Buying
Behaviour of Passenger Car Market.” Thestudy aimed to find out the important features
considered by the buyers while going for the purchase of a new car. The population of the
study covers the owners of passenger cars major cities of Punjab and Chandigarh. The study
concluded that the respondents remarksafety and comfort as the most important features of
the passenger car followed by luxury. It has been also suggested that the manufacturers
must design the product giving maximum weightage to these factors.
Suresh et al (2006)15 made an attempt to measure the customer satisfaction with
small cars in Bangalore city.In this study, the customer satisfaction was measured by using
many variables. They are after sales service, ability to understand customer needs,
behaviour and knowledge of the mechanics, warranty, prompt delivery, 24 hours customer
care, information about the cars, horse power, engine capacity, power steering, technology,

Ranganathan R.,―Consumer markets and Buyer Behaviour of Cars‖, Indian Journal of Marketing,

April 2005, pp. 27-34.

Utpalbhaskar, ―The Great Indian Car Puzzle”, The Brand Reporter, September 1 – 15, 2005, pp.

Mandeep Kaur and Sandhu H.S., ―A Study on Factors Influencing Buying Behaviour of Passenger

Car Market‖, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 8, Issue No:2, July - December 2006, pp. 69.
Suresh A.M. and Raja K.G., ―Measuring customer satisfaction for small Cars: An empirical

study‖, Indian Journal of Marketing, February, pp. 3-8.


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fuel capacity, acceleration, easy finance, convenience and accessibility, ground clearance,
easy processing and documentation, price, discount and rebates, fuel efficiency,
maintenance cost, luggage capacity, safety measures, model and color of the car, music
accessories, engine pickup, availability of spares, cost of labour and spares. It has been
identified from the research that sales support, vehicle design, purchase support, cost of
ownership and delight features are the underlying factors that have satisfied the customers.
Chidambaram et al (2007)16 made “A Study on Brand Preference of Passenger
Car with Reference to Coimbatore City”. The study identified few factors which help in
affecting preferences of customers. They are fuel efficiency, brand name, good quality,
reasonable and durability and among the factors identified the study revealed that customers
give more importance to fuel efficiency than other factors.
Jelsy Joseph et al (2007)17 in their study "Customer Relationship Management in
Passenger Car Industry" unveiled the importance of after sales service. They declared after-
sales services as a mean for the firm to get closer to the customer and to build reliability for
their service and commitment towards the customer. They also opined that after sales
service will help to improve mouth publicity and good will. Since customer acquisition and
relations are the most important in sales it has been suggested that the firms should improve
their market share and interaction with consumers to maintain relationship.
Kaushik et al (2008)18 conducted an empirical study to investigate customers‘
preference towards a passenger car brand. In the study pre-purchase and post-purchase
behaviour of the customers were evaluated and factors influencing the customers were
determined. It has been found that customers are more influenced by friends and relatives
than dealers and salespersons and brand name whereas fuel efficiency and price are the
primary factors that determine the buying decision of the car. The study concluded that
Maruti dominates the market with its top three models namely Maruti 800, Alto and

Chidambaram and Alfred, ―A Study on Brand Preference of Passenger Car with Reference to

Coimbatore City‖, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 34, Issue: 9, September 2007.pp.30.
JelsyJoseph J. and Hemalatha T., ―Customer Relationship Management in Passenger Car

Industry‖, Southern Economist, Volume 45, No. 20, February 15, 2007, pp. 30-32.
Kaushik.V.K. and Neeraj Kaushik, ―Buying Behaviour of Passenger Cars: A Study in South West

Haryana‖, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVIII, No: 5, May 2008, pp.34-39.

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Guiles (2008)19 in his study found that fuel economy and lower maintenance are the
important attributes that the consumers expect from the vehicle and the same influence the
customer behaviour towards the passenger cars.
Dornoff (2008)20 in his study ―Consumers Perceptions on Cars: A Market Segment
Analysis” stressed about market segmentation. Market segment was found to be the primary
determinant of the consumer behaviour in the passenger car market. It has been found that
the level of expectation and perception on various attributes of car differ from consumers in
one segment to another.
Clement Sudhakar et al (2009)21 made ―A study on Automobile Purchase–Peer
Influence in Decision Making with reference to Coimbatore District”. The study aimed to
know which social group influences the consumers large in their purchase decision making
and it has been found out that the influence of friends is higher.
Sudharani Ravindran et al (2010)22 made a study on the customer satisfaction
towards Hyundai i10 cars in Coimbatore city. The study aimed to find out the factors that
influence their purchase decision and their expectations towards Hyundai i10 cars. Design
and Style were found to be the most motivated factors to buy Hyundai i10 cars.
Rajnish Katarne et al (2010)23 in their study aimed to measure the service quality
level of a typical automobile dealership in an Indian city. The study was conducted using
the owners of one of the popular brand vehicles. It was found that the performance of the
service centre was not satisfactory and necessary suggestions have also been made in the
study for the improvement.

Guiles M.G., ―Fuel Economy Takes a Hack Seat as Cars Get Faster and More Fun‖,Wall Street

Journal, October 2008, pp.33.

Dornoff, ―Consumers‘ Perceptions on Cars: A Market Segment Analysis‖, Akron Business and

Economic Review,3 (Summer), pp.26 – 29.

Clement Sudhakar J. and Venkatapathy R.,‖A Study on Automobile Purchase–Peer Influence in
Decision Making‖, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 35, No:6,June 2009.
Sudharani Ravindran and Gayathridevi, ―A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Hyundai i10

customers in Coimbatore‖, CBS E-Journal, Biz n Bytes, Volume 3, March 2010, pp.22-26.
Rajnish Katarne, and Satyendra Sharma, ―Measurement of Service Quality of an Automobile

Service Centre‖, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2010 pp. 9 -10.

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Mahapatra et al (2010)24 made a study on "Customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction
and post purchase evaluation: An empirical study on small size passenger cars in India".
The study aimed to examine the satisfaction of customers and their impact on future
purchase decision. It has been found that pollution, engine, quietness, battery performance,
and pick up are the product attributes for which consumers give much importance and the
same influence the consumer in their future purchase decisions.
Subadra et al (2010)25 made a study on ―The consumer perceptions and behaviour
of the car owners in Namakkal town of Tamil Nadu”. The study applied various analyses
like multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis to
establish relationship between the various factors influencing the consumer purchase of cars
and their level of satisfaction after purchase. The study insisted many features that the
manufacturers should concentrate on how to attract the prospective buyers. The study
finally concluded that consumer behaviour plays a vital role in car marketing and the study
of the same will surely enable the marketers to survive in the market for a long time.
Banerjee et al (2011)26 studied about car acquisition and ownership trends in Surat
city of motorized vehicle owning households. The study considered many reasons that
decide the acquisition of cars. It has been recognized from the study that household income
is the foremost determinant of the number and size of cars that house hold possess.Family
size was found to be the least important factor that decides the number and size of cars
possessed because smaller vehicles were preferred even by larger family.
Thiripurasundari (2011)27 made a study on “Factors Facilitating Brand Equity
Dynamics - A Study on Indian Car Industry”. The study aimed to analyze the importance of

Mahapatra, Kumar and Chauhan, ―Customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and post purchase

evaluation: An empirical study on small size passenger cars in India‖, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2278-6236, Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2013
Subadra. S, Murugesan K.M., Ganapathi R.,‖Consumer Perceptions and Behaviour: A Study with

Special Reference to Car Owners in Namakkal District‖, APJRBM , Volume 1, Issue :3, December,
2010, pp. 21-25.
Banerjee, Ipsita, Walker, Joan,Deakin, Elizabeth, Kanafani, ‖New Vehicle Choice in India:

Household Choice among Motorized Vehicle Segment‖, 12th WCTR, July 11-15, 2010.
Thiripurasundari U., ―Factors Facilitating Brand Equity Dynamics-A Study on Indian Car
Industry‖, International Refereed Research Journal, Volume 2, Issue :2, April 2011, pp.27-32.

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various factors like brand knowledge, brand preference, brand loyalty, brand application,
etc. In the study brand equity was found to be an added value endowed by the brand to the
product. It has been also found that brand application factor has been rated as the most
important factor in car industry.
Pallawi (2011)28 made ―A Comparative study on service quality of Maruti Suzuki
and Hyundai Showrooms in Nagpur”.From the study it has been found that service quality
is a fundamental aspect of service provision. It has been concluded that service quality is
being given much importance regarding motor vehicles where considerable profits are
generated in the servicing of vehicles.
Sathyapriya et al (2011)29 made a study on ―Factors Influencing Brand
Preferences of Existing PassengerCar Owners in Chennai”. The study aimed to analyze the
impact of demographic variables on customers‘ choice of a passenger car. It has been found
that the factors influencing the brand preference among the consumers of mid and premium
segments vary. Age and Income were found to be the important factors that influence the
consumers brand choice of a passenger car.
Ajoy (2011)30 studied the buying behaviour of Passenger car customers towards
auto finance. The study aimed to know the behavioural pattern showed by passenger car
customers towards auto loan schemes and financiers during the car purchase. It has been
found that availability of auto finance or consumer credit is one of the most important
factors that influence purchase of passenger cars in India. It has been also found that less
processing time, easy documentation and explanation of the financing scheme by the staff
are the most important three factors that are considered by car purchasers while deciding
auto finance company.

Pallawi B. Sangode, ―Service Quality of Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai Dealer in Nagpur: A
Comparative Study‖, International Journal of Research in Finance Marketing, Volume 1, Issue:1,
May 2011, pp.41-45.
Sathyapriya P., Suganesh R.P., ―Factors Influencing Brand Preferences of Passenger Cars Existing

Car Owners‖, International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Volume 2, Issue 7,
July 2011, pp.61-66.
Ajoy S Joseph, Kamble H.Y., ―Buying Behaviour of Passenger Car Customers towards Auto

Finance – An Empirical Study‖, Indian Journal of Commerce Management Studies, Volume 2,

Issue:1, January 2011, pp. 66-74.


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Afshar Jahanshahi (2011)31 made a study to know the relationship among four
variables customer service, product quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context
of the Indian automotive industry. The sample respondents were the Tata Indica car owners
in Pune. From the findings of the study it has been proved that there was a high positive
correlation between the constructs of customer service and product quality with customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
Gunjan Malhotra et al (2012)32 made ―An Empirical Research on Consumer
Behaviour towards Small Car Segment in Indian Market”. The study focussed on
identifying two things: The first one was to know customer perception towards various
features of existing cars and the second one wasto find different automobile features that
influence consumer buying behaviour. It has been found that the increasing disposable
income and affordability of high quality cars stimulates the growth of the Indian automobile
sector. The study also suggested that manufacturers should concentrate on certain product
aspects to attract the new customers and also to retain the existing customers.
Samin Rezvani et al (2012)33 in their study strongly insisted that people always
consider the product‘s origin, i.e. which country the products come from, where they are
made and they give much importance to these factors when evaluating the quality of a
product. Finally the study concluded that country of origin has considerable influence on the
purchase intention process.

Ramesh Sardar (2012)34 made a study on “Brand Preference of Passenger Cars in

Aurangabad District”.In the study consumer brand preference towards passenger cars have
been identified by analyzing the factors that influence brand choice of the customers. The
study highlighted an important fact regarding the Indian consumers that they are highly

Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi, ―A Study on the Effects of Customer Service and Product Quality on

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty‖, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 1
No. 7, Special Issue –June 2011, pp. 253-257.
Gunjan Malhotra, Abhishek Nandi and Amitava Mukherjee, Business Perspectives and Research.
Samin Rezvani, Goodarz Javadian Dehkordi, Muhammad Sabbir Rahman , ―A Conceptual study

on the country of origin effect on consumer purchase intention‖, Asian Social Science, Volume. 8,
No.12, 2012, pp. 205-215.
Ramesh Sardar, ―Brand Preference of Passenger Cars in Aurangabad District‖, ZENITH

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2231 5780, Volume.2 Issue :3, March
2012, pp. 431-44.

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conscious towards price and fuel efficiency. Within this context it has been suggested to the
foreign car playersto have small cars in their portfolio to penetrate into the Indian
marketbecause whoever is selling low-priced, fuel-efficient small cars in India will succeed.
Jagathy Raj et al (2012)35 framed “Logistic Regression Modelling for Consumer
Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars” based on the study conducted in the state of
Kerala. It has been found that TV commercials on car models and brands, search in internet
websites of the manufacturer and visit to dealers / distributors are the prime sources of
information for the customers to gather information on car models and brands. Hence it was
suggested to marketers to focus on these factors to catch the attention of new customers.
Further it has been identified that regarding comfort factors customers give much
importance to comfort in driving, value for money and interior design. So it has been
suggested to the manufacturers to look into these aspects while designing the cars so as to
attract car passengers who decide the models based on these criteria.
Vidyavathi (2012)36 made a study on“Customer Life Style Influence of Consumer
Behaviour with Reference to Automobile Industry in Chennai”.It has been found that fuel
economy and driving comfort are the most important parameters that influence the
consumer behaviour followed by the availability of spares and their price. Growing number
of nuclear families and parking problems are found to be the important reasons that drive
the increasing demand for the small automobile segment. It has been suggested to the
manufacturers to find out the needs, wants, tastes and preferences of consumers in order to
design the products.

Balakrishnan Menon et al (2012)37 made a study on “Consumer purchase

behaviour for Passenger Cars”. The study aimed at the identification of possible
parameters that influence the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car

Jagathy Raj.V.P. and Balakrishnan Menon,―Logistic Regression Modelling for Consumer Purchase

Behaviour of Passenger Cars‖, AIMA Journal of Management & Research, ISSN 0974 – 497,
Volume 6, Issue 3/4, August 2012, pp. 29-58.
Vidyavathi K., “Customer Life Style Influence of Consumer Behavior with Reference to

Automobile Industry in Chennai‖, Zenith International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research,

Volume 2, Issue:4, Apr 2012, pp. 37-50.
Balakrishnan Menon, Jagathy Raj V.P., ―Dominant partial Least square factors of consumer

behaviour of passenger cars‖, Asian Journal of Management Research, Volume 3, Issue:1, 2012,

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owners in the State of Kerala. The greatest influencing factor of their car purchase decision
is peer group. It has been found that Small car market is becoming prominent due to its
limited road and parking space availability. It has been identified that the customer looks for
personalized care for after sales service with the manufacturer / distributor. The study
concluded that while focusing on an industry brands, marketing knowledge and distribution
networks have been important determinants in the growth and survival of firms.
Adithya (2013)38 made ―An empirical study on Consumer Perception and
Behaviour of Car Owners in Bangalore city”.The study identified many key features that a
manufacturer should pay attention to attract new customers. They are, regarding the sources
of informationT.V ads are the biggest influence on purchase of four wheelers.While coming
to the selection criteria of a brand, brand name, popularity and price seems to be an
important factor in choosing the brand. A significant number of respondentssee for offers
and discounts while purchasing a four wheeler and most of the respondents left undecided
about the importance of range of colours to choose the product. The key finding of the study
is that quality is the important factor that influences the respondents while making the
purchase decision.
Sangeeta Gupta (2013)39 made ―A Study on the Buying Decision Influencers for
Passenger Car Segment in New Delhi”.The study revealed that the reference group plays an
important role in buying decision of passenger cars. The significant source of information
and influencers identified for passenger car buying is friends, family and relatives reference.
It has been found that price-off and fuel efficiency are the important factors that influenced
the customer buying decision. It has been concluded that fuel efficiency, price and powerful
engine are the most considered product attributes by the customers. It has been suggested
that passenger car manufacturers should improve their product in terms of fuel-efficiency
and improve technology to improve the mileage in order to attract more customers.

Adithya H.S., ―Customer Perception and Behaviour of car Owners: An Empirical Study in

Bangalore City‖, GRA - Global Research Analysis, Volume: 2, Issue:1, Jan 3, ISSN No:2277-8160,
Sangeeta Gupta, ―A Study of Buying Decision Influencers for Passenger Car Segment in New

Delhi‖, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028,
Volume 2, Issue: 12, December,2013, pp.64-71.

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Balasubramani et al (2013)40 made “An Empirical Study on Consumer Preference
towards Hyundai Cars in Salem City”. It has been found from the study that advertisement
is the major source of information used by the respondents to know about the brands they
considered.Regarding the source of finance it has been identified that majority of the
respondents preferred bank finance as the source to buy the car rather than the private
financefor buying the car.
Beena John et al (2013)41 made a study entitled ―A study of small car consumer
preference in Pune City”.It was found that usage of compact cars was more than mini cars
in Pune city. They also found thatPrice, Quality and Value consciousness are the important
factors that influenced consumers for buying the small car. The study suggested that small
car segment companies should concentrate to analyze consumer preference to satisfy and
retain consumers in the long run. They concluded that the manufacturers have to analyze
some important factors that are considered by the consumers before decision making to
promote their small cars in India.
Sridevi (2013)42 made a study on “Consumer Satisfaction of Hyundai Car Users
withSpecial Reference to Coimbatore City”. The study discussed about the role of transport
in the consumers purchase decision of the car. It has been found that road transport plays a
very important role in this modern world where car has attracted many people because of its
various added advantages and technologies. Alsoconsumers are found to be satisfied with
the attributes like performance, good looking, resale value, vehicle design and safety of the
Hyundai cars.
Shiv Prasad Joshi (2013)43 made an ―Empirical study on Consumer Behaviour for
Small Cars”. The study aimed to identify the factors that influence the consumer behaviour

Balasubramani S., Suganthi M. and Suresh P., ―An Empirical Study on Consumer Preference

towards Hyundai Cars in Salem City‖, PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, ISSN - 2250-
1991,Volume 2, Issue: 9, Sept 2013, pp.21.
Beena John and Pragadeeswaran S., ―A Study of small car consumer preference in Pune city‖,

TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research ,Volume 2, Issue: 3-4, March-April
Sridevi V., ―A Study on Consumer Satisfaction of Hyundai Car Users with Special Reference to

Coimbatore City‖, M.Phil .Dissertation, Bharathiar University- 2007.

Shiv Prasad Joshi, ―Empirical study on Consumer Behaviour for Small Cars‖, International

Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Management & Technology, ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume
2, February,2013, pp.52.

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towards small cars. It has been found that the small car industry in India is dominated by
Maruti. The Key finding of the study is that Alto is the most preferred car in this segment.
Santro, Tata Indica, Maruti Zen, Spark are the small cars that are preferred next to Alto.
Advertisements, family and friends‘ recommendations are the factors that strongly
influenced the consumers for making the buying decision of the car. It has been found that
the Price has been an important criterion for selecting the car. It has been suggested that the
Car companies/ Manufacturers need to pay attention to fuel efficiency, warranty and after
saleservices and availability of accessories to retain the existing consumers.
Ranjithkumar et al (2013)44 in their study entitled “A Study on Customer’s Brand
Loyalty and Satisfaction of Maruti Car at Erode District”found thatBrand image motivates
the people to useparticular brand particularly by the business people. The study suggested
that the companies must try to find the unnecessary and ineffective expenses to reduce the
selling price.It has been also found that Omni is the most preferred car in the Maruti Udyog
brand. The study concluded that price, brand, image, convenience, appearance and quality,
less maintenance cost are the factors that the respondents are satisfied with.
Lokhande et al (2013)45 made a case study on“Marketing Strategies of Indian
Automobile Companies”. The study found out many reasons for the impressive growth of
the Indian passenger car Industry. Some of them are easy availability of vehicle finance,
attractive rate of interest and convenient installments. It has been also found that Maruti
Suzuki India Limited is a leading company in Indian Automobile sector which occupies
important place because of its innovative strategic marketing, promotional, brand
positioning, and advertising strategies. It has been concluded that the success of company
lies in structuring and restructuring the marketing strategies and continuous innovation of
product and services.

Ranjithkumar M.S., and Snekalatha T.,―A Study on Customer‘s Brand Loyalty and Satisfaction of

Maruti Car at Erode District‖, Indian Journal of Research, Volume 2, Issue : 10, October 2013,
ISSN - 2250-1991, pp.19.
Lokhande M.A. and Vishal Sunil Rana- “Marketing Strategies of Indian Automobile Companies”,

International Journal of Science, Spirituality, Business and Technology (IJSSBT), ISSN (Print)
2277—7261, Volume 1, Issue:2, February 2013 , pp.44.

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Prasanna et al (2013)46 studied ―The factors influencing customers brand
preference of the economy segment SUV’s and MUV’s”.Product reliability, monetary factor,
trendy appeal, frequency of non-price promotions offered, trustworthiness and customer
feeling or association towards brand are the six factors that are considered to know the
consumers preference of a given brand. It has been also suggested that marketers need to
consider these factors when crafting product innovations in the SUV segment of
Automobile market.
Yesodhadevi et al (2013)47 made “A Study on Consumer Preference and
Satisfaction towards Sedan Cars in Coimbatore City”. It has been found that there is no
significant relationship between personal factors and sedan car owned by the respondents. It
has been also found that there is no significant difference between the Age, Gender, Marital
status, Occupation, Monthly income, Number of members in the family and their
satisfaction level towards cars.The study concluded that most of the buyers are satisfied
with theservice providers and comfortability is the main factor considered by the
respondents to prefer fiesta brand.
Venkateswaran et al (2013)48 made an empirical study on “New Media Influence
on Compact Car Purchasing Decision Making in Tamilnadu”. It has been found from the
study that new media has huge impact over the car buyers where the internet supplies them
the needy information through the electronic devices likecomputers, laptops, mobile phones,
tablets etc. Popular companies like Maruti, Tata, Hyundai, Volkswagen, has a big role in
new media marketing through websites like Google, Gmail, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,
Personal blogs, Commercial websites and their own websites. It has been suggested in the
study that car companies need to pay attention to penetrate through new media for making
the consumer to come for their products. The study finally concluded that new media

Prasanna Mohan Raj. M, Jishnu Sasikumar and Sriram S., ―A Study of Customers Brand

Preference in SUVS and MUVS: Effect on Marketing Mix Variables‖, International Referred
ResearchJournal, Volume 4, Issue:1, Jan 2013, pp. 48-58.
Yesodha Devi N., Gomathy C. and Krishnakumari R.,“A Study on Consumer Preference and
Satisfaction towards Sedan Cars in Coimbatore City‖, International Research Journal of Business
and Management IRJBM, ISSN 2322-083X, Volume 4, October 2013, pp.36-43.
Venkateswaran. T.S. and Clement Sudhahar J., ―New Media Influence on Compact Car Purchasing

Decision Making in Tamilnadu: An Empirical Study‖, Online International Interdisciplinary

Research Journal, (Bi-Monthly), ISSN 2249-9598, Volume 3, Issue:6, Nov-Dec2013, pp.430-439.

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marketing has a positive impact on individuals even before buying car by knowing its
features and reviews through internet.
Anandh et al (2014)49 conducted a study on“Factors Affecting Consumer’s Brand
Preference of Small Cars”in Chennai. The study identified the factors that positively
influence the consumer‘s overall satisfaction. They are Value, Comfort, Efficiency,
Accessibility, Ambition and Need which affect consumers brand preference of small cars.
Therefore it has been suggested to the small car makers to concentrate on all these factors in
their production and marketing plans.
Vidhyakala (2014)50 has conducted ―A study on factors influencing the customers to
prefer Hyundai i10 car in Coimbatore city”. The study aimed at finding the expectations of
the customers regarding the brands of cars. It has been identified that customers have
expectations like high design, comfort, and mileage in lower cost involvement. It has been
suggested that the firms should train their staff to service the customer in a way that leaves a
lasting impression on them. It has been concluded that annual income of the consumer has
an impact on his own perception.
Balasubramanian et al (2014)51 made―A Study on Satisfaction level of Customers
towards after-sale service- with special reference to Mahindra Car Dealers”. The study
was conducted to know the after sale service performance of the company. For that the
various factors considered are after-sale service like time, service quality, spare parts, price,
rectification measures provided on problem, car washing, explanation of jobs etc. It has
been found that majority of the customers are satisfied with the after-sale service provided
by Mahindra Car Dealer. It has been suggested that organisations need to change their car
washing area which has negative impact with the satisfaction on customers. It was also

Anandh K. and Shyam Sundar K., ―Factors Affecting Consumer‘s Brand Preference of Small

Cars‖, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2319-7668, Volume 16, Issue:5. Ver. III
(May. 2014), pp. 43-47.
Vidhyakala K., ―A Study on Factors influencing the Customers to Prefer Hyundai i10 Car in

Coimbatore City‖, IRMJCR, Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789, Volume 2, Issue:3,
July 2014, pp.01.
Balasubramanian B. and Sundar V., ―A Study on Satisfaction level of Customers towards after-

sale service- with special reference to Mahindra Car Dealers‖, EXCEL International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Management Studies, ISSN 2249- 8834, EIJMMS, Volume.4 (6), JUNE (2014),
pp. 94-101.

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observed that price offered and time of delivery of cars was perfect and well satisfied by the
customer and hence it has been suggested to the organisation to maintain these facilities to
attract customers.
Shailesh K. Kaushal (2014)52 made “An empirical study on Four- Wheeler car
buyer’s purchasing behaviour”. The study aimed to examine the buyer behaviour in
reference to car purchase intentions. Safety & security, quality, performance, value and
technology are the five dimensions of car buyers‘ purchase intentions which have been
identified in the study.
Sriram et al (2014)53 made a study on ―Consumers’ Perception towards Local and
Global Branded cars in India – A Study on Literature Review‖.In their literature survey they
have found that the reference group playsa vital role in buying decision of passenger cars
followed by friends, family and relatives‘ reference. Age, marital status, occupation,
education, family size and income are the socio-economic factors that influenced the
customers‘ purchase decision. The study has also listed out some important attributes that
the customers expect in a brand such as good quality, high fuel efficiency, technology,
durability, reasonable price, safety and comfort towards local and global branded cars.
Hence it is suggested to the manufacturers to redesign their cars by considering the above
said factors in accordance with the customers‘ expectations.
Parasakthi et al (2014)54 made ―A study on Customer Awareness and Brand
Preferences towards Small Cars in Coimbatore District”. The study brought out many
factors and reasons that why people prefer small cars. They include features like compact
size with small turning radius, convenient for traffic roads, high mileage. It has been found
that some respondents are not aware of few car models and hence it is suggested to the
marketers to make their advertisements reach all the people. Further it has been observed

Shailesh K. Kaushal, ―An empirical study on Four- Wheeler car buyer‘s purchasing behavior‖,

International Journal on Global Business Management and Research, Volume 2, Issue: 2; March
2014; ISSN 2278 8425.
Sriram A. and Nirmaladevi B., ―Consumers‘ Perception towards Local and Global Branded cars in

India – A Study on Literature Review‖, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 3,

Issue:10, October, 2014, ISSN NO-2277-8179 pp.250.

Parasakthi P. and Banudevi P.B., ―A study on Customer Awareness and Brand Preferences

towards Small Cars in Coimbatore District‖, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 4, Issue:
9, September 2014, ISSN - 2249-555X, pp.75.

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that main expectations of the young customers in small cars are Stylish look, Good
performance, Pick up, Easy maintenance, Different colours etc, whereas middle age
customers prefer Low cost, Good mileage,Resale value,Easy driving, Brand name, etc.,
Arpita Srivastava et al (2014)55 made ―A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards
Passengers Cars in Delhi”. It has been found from the study thatconsumers in Delhi are
influenced by various factors such as culture, family, reference, age and life style. Price of
the cars, social status and durability are the most important factors that influence the
consumer to use passenger cars. The study concluded that people apart from using the car as
means of transport also considering that using the car as their status symbol.
Kalyan Nallabala et al (2014)56 made “A study on Customer Satisfaction on Fiat
Car at Concorde motors in Chennai”. It has been found that customers are highly
dissatisfied with the delivery of vehicle and therefore it is suggested to the organization to
decrease the time period of vehicle delivery. Further it has been observed that the majority
of the customers are satisfied with the after sale service and dissatisfied with the location of
the dealers and it has been suggested that the dealer points must be made easily accessible
to customers.
Sundar et al (2014)57 made a studyon ―Satisfaction level of customers towards After
Sale Service- with special reference to Mahindra Car dealers”. Some of the factors that are
considered in the study regarding after sale service include price, quality of service and
service admins attention in the service area. Price offered and time of delivery of cars was
found to be perfect and well satisfied by the customers. It has been also suggested to the
organisation to maintain these facilities to attract customers.

Arpita Srivastava and Mitu Matta, ―Consumer Behaviour towards Passengers Cars - A Study in

Delhi NCR‖, Global Journal of Finance and Management, ISSN 0975- 6477, Volume 6, Number 6
(2014), pp. 589-598.
Kalyan Nallabala and Padiri Usha, ―A Study on Customer Satisfaction on Fiat Car at Concorde

Motors in Chennai‖, Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management, Volume 1, Issue: 4 (April,
2014), Online ISSN-2347-7571, pp.9.
Sundar V. and Balasubramanian B., ―A Study on Satisfaction level of customers towards After

Sale Service- with special reference to Mahindra Car dealers‖, International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Management Studies, ISSN 2249- 8834, Volume 4 (6), June(2014), pp. 94-101.

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Vikram Shende (2014)58 made an “Analysis of Research in Consumer Behaviour of
Automobile Passenger Car Customer”.The study aimed to analyse the purchase decision
process and its interaction with behaviour parameters across all the segments of car. It has
been identified that buyer has different way of behaviours in each segment whereas main
driver for car purchase is disposable income. It has been found that brand image is the main
deciding factor for purchasing higher segment cars and safety, driving & seating comfort
and brand is main deciding factor for purchasing mid- size segment cars. The study also
identified that customers face problems with their dealers regarding after sales services
hence it has been suggested that the service area should be concentrated by the dealers to
improve the reliability and friendly approach in service. The study concluded that customers
are more inclined to purchase cars like Suzuki Swift, i20.
Gautam Rajkumar (2014)59 made a study on “Purchase Decision of Indian
Consumers: Thefactors of attraction while purchasing car”. The study aimed at analysing
the factors affecting the purchase behaviour of the automobile consumer in Delhi and
Punjab. It has been found from the study that safety, looks, shape, features and interior
image and presales and post sales policies have forced the customers to select and buy the
car. It was concluded that most of the customers have bought car to have status in the
society under family pressure and peer pressure. The study pointed out the perception of
different car brand consumers for preferring a particular car brand. It has been identified
that brand image of company, interiors and exterior style/design, mileage of the vehicle, and
brand loyalty are the most important factors of attraction that are considered by the Hyundai
Car consumers for making purchase decisions. Price, safety, services differentiation, brand
loyalty are the reasons that are considered by the Volkswagencustomersfor buying the car.
However, customers of Maruti considered the factors such as good network of the company,
sales team influence, and discounts and other schemes, whereas, Honda customers
considered availability of product as the important reason to buy the car.

Vikram Shende, ―Analysis of Research in Consumer Behaviour of Automobile Passenger Car


Customer‖, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue: 2,

February 2014, ISSN 2250-3153, pp. 7.
Gautam Rajkumar- Studies in Business Economics, Volume no. 9(3)/2014, pp. 29-42.

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Najeemudeen et al (2014)60 made “A Study on Consumer Perception and
Behaviour towards passenger cars in Tirur”. It has been found that customers prefer petrol
and diesel cars rather than LPG driven vehicle. It has been identified that public opinion or
suggestions from referral group is the prime factor that influences the customers‘ purchase
decision of cars followed by price, brand name, style and design of the car, advertisements,
availability of service and spare parts facilities nearby, salesman‘s personality and
communication skills.The study finally concluded that consumer behaviour has a significant
role to play in the LPG era of economic activities.
Elizabeth Chacko et al (2014)61made ―A Study on Buying Behavioural pattern of
women drivers regarding B segment cars‖. The study identified many factors that are
responsible for the changing purchase preference of the consumer in four wheelers like
Safety, Maintenance, Mileage, Easy mode of financing and easy driving. The study also
found that since companies are providing easy finance facility the consumers always prefer
easy mode of financing a car.
Shahir Bhatt et al (2015)62 made an empirical study on “Factors Influencing the
Purchase of Hatchback Cars in Ahmedabad District”. The study revealedfive factors that
highly influence the purchase behaviour of consumers. They are Brand promise, Features,
Reach, Promotions, Perceived Quality and Price/Make. It has been identified from the Post-
hoc tests that consumers belonging to age group of 25-35 years of age were more conscious
of brand as well as features of the cars. It has been further identified from the study that
there exists a significant relationship between brand promise and age, monthly income and
educational qualification and also there exists a relationship between reach and monthly
income, features and age, and price/make and marital status.

Najeemudeen K.P. and Panchanatham N., ―A Study on Consumer Perception and Behaviour

towards passenger cars in Tirur‖, International Journal of Management Focus, ISSN: 2250-2971,
April-June 2014, pp.31-37.
Elizabeth Chacko and Punnya Selvaraj , ―A Study on Buying Behavioural pattern of Women

drivers regarding B segment cars in Bangalore‖, The International Journal Of Engineering And
Science (IJES), Volume 3, Issue:5, 2014, ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805, pp.40-43.
Shahir Bhatt and Amola Bhatt, ―Factors Influencing the Purchase of Hatchback Cars in

Ahmedabad District‖, a WEshkar - A Peer Reviewed Research Journal, Volume 19, Issue :1, March
2015, We-School, pp.68-80.

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Aindrila Biswas et al (2014)63 made a study on “Leveraging Factors for
Consumers’ Car Purchase Decisions”.The car segmentsofSedan, SUV, Mini-cars, Sports
cars and Prestige cars have been included in the study. It has been observed that the mini car
segment dominates the Indian car market along with the sedan segment. It has been found
that Maruti, Tata, and Mahindra and Mahindra are the highest preferred car brands by the
Suriya et al (2015)64 conducted a study on ―Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction towards Tata Indicaatvst motors in Cuddalore”. It has been found that the
customers have few expectations regarding the service rendered by the dealers and service
providers. Majority of the customers expect a reduction in the service rate. They also expect
that the persons at dealers point and service point to consider the customer waiting time on
both arrival and delivery of service.It has been also suggested that these areas should be
improved systematically to receive more satisfaction from customers.
Vishal et al (2015)65 made “A Study of Consumer Preferences & Attitude towards
Passenger cars of Maruti Suzuki & Hyundai Motors in Marathwada Region of
Maharashtra”. The study aimed to know the preferences and opinions of Maruti and
Hyundai customers towards the factors such as after sales service, resale value, and fuel
efficiency. The study revealed that the Maruti car customers give preference to factors like
fuel efficiency, after sales service, resale value, availability of spare parts whereas hyundai
customers prefer the brand on considering variables like comfort & convenience, exterior,
technology etc. The study finally suggested that automobile companies should periodically
conduct meetings with marketing & sales managers, production managers, and customer
care officers to frame innovative strategies.

Aindrila Biswas, Angshu Mukherjee and Mousumi Roy, ―Leveraging Factors for Consumers‘ Car

Purchase Decisions- A Study in an Emerging Economy‖, Journal of Management Policies and

Practices, ISSN: 2333-6048 (Print), 2333-6056 (Online), June 2014, Volume 2, Issue: 2, pp. 99-111.
Suriya R., Vinotha P. and Ganga M., ―Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction towards Tata

Indica at vst motors in Cuddalore‖, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,
Volume 5, Issue:4, April 2015 , ISSN 2250-3153, pp.4.
Vishal S. Rana and Lokhande M.A.,―A Study of Consumer Preferences & Attitude towards

Passenger cars of Maruti Suzuki & Hyundai Motors in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra‖,
Pratibha: International Journal of Science, Spirituality, Business And Technology (IJSSBT),
Volume 3, No: 2, June 2015, ISSN (Print) 2277—726, pp.37-42.

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Srinivasa Rao (2015)66 made a study on “Triggers that drive decision making
process of Indian consumers while buying a vehicle – A study on Hyderabad passenger car
market”.The key finding of the study is thatmost of the respondents were opined that the
innovation is the important consideration while selecting a brand and the majority of the
respondents have opined that they are enjoying personalizing their vehicle for reflecting
their individual taste.
Kusuma (2015)67 made “A Study on Impact of Consumer Behaviour Pattern on
Buying Decision of Small Cars in Karnataka”.The study aimed at identifying the
parameters that influence the consumer buying behaviour patterns of passenger car owners
in Karnataka.The study revealed that engine, performance and power, comfort in driving,
interior and exterior design are the factors that have huge impact on the respondents for
making buying decision. The study found that Internet plays a vital role in marketing and
communication strategies of car manufacturing companies. It has been also found that peer
group is the greatest influencing factor for the youth in making their buying decision.
Rajasekar et al (2015)68 studied the “Determinants of Preference towards
Passenger Cars – The Case of Madurai City in Tamilnadu”. They made an attempt to
identify and analyse the factors influencing the selection of a particular brand of car by the
car owners in Madurai City. The factors taken for the study are brand image, maintenance
cost, latest technology, pick-up and comfort, fuel efficiency, price, model, size and style,
resale value, after sales service and availability of spare parts.It has been found that the
important factors that influence the respondents on the purchase of Maruti Alto include
price, fuel efficiency, maintenance cost, resale value, and after sales service whereas the
purchase of Tata Indica is concerned with fuel efficiency. The study concluded that the

Srinivasa Rao U., ―Triggers that drive decision making process of Indian consumers while buying

a vehicle – A study on Hyderabad passenger car market‖, International Journal of Multidisciplinary

Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2349-4182, p-ISSN: 2349-5979 Volume 2, Issue: 7, 251-258
July 2015, pp.251-258.
Kusuma P., ―A Study on Impact of Consumer Behaviour Pattern on Buying Decision of Small

Cars in Karnataka‖,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and

Technology, ISSN (Online):2319-8753, Volume 4, Issue: 10, October 2015, pp.10167-10177.
Rajaseka T. and Rameshkumar S., ―Determinants of Preference towards Passenger Cars – The

Case of Madurai City in Tamilnadu”, IOSR, Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), E-
ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 17, Issue 7.Ver. III (July. 2015), pp. 84-88.

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price and fuel efficiency are the dominant factors that influence the decision of the
passenger car owners.
Haiyadri Sharma (2015)69 made “A Study of Demographic Characteristics
Influencing Consumer Behaviour Regarding Premium Car Brands”.The study investigated
about the evaluative criteria used by consumers when purchasing premium car brands. The
evaluative criteria used wereexclusiveness of the car,brand name of the car,technical
superiority of the car,historical background of the car company,quality of the car,celebrity
endorsements for promoting the car and reliability and safety of the car. The study also
revealed how the gender of the respondents and various evaluative determinants has an
impact on consumers‘ car purchases.
Sachin Malke (2015)70 made a study on “Buying Behaviour of Consumers in Small
Car Market in Pune.”The study considered many demographic factors that influence
consumers indirectly for small car buying preference. The analysis showed that factors like
age, gender, and education, status, and income influence consumers indirectly for the
preference of small car buying. The study found that price & fuel efficiency are the
important factors that influence small car buying. Further it has been suggested for
promoting the product consumption and for creating awareness manufacturersshould use
advertising campaigns to promote higher consumption of small cars with lots of
promotional offers.
Akila et al (2015)71 made a study on ―Brand Preference and Purchase Behaviour of
B – Segment Passenger Cars in Vellore City".The study was aimed to examine the
customers brand preference among B-segment cars and their buying behaviour. The study
findings identified that there is a significant relationship between income factor and the
variables-brand the customers own, nature of a car, budget and finance and there is a

Haiyadri Sharma, ―A Study of Demographic Characteristics Influencing Consumer Behaviour


Regarding Premium Car Brands‖, Pacific Business Review International, Volume 8, Issue: 4,
October 2015, pp.17-30.
Sachin Malke, ―Buying Behaviour of Consumers in Small Car Market in Pune‖, ASM’s

International E-Journal on Ongoing Research in Management and IT, E-ISSN 2320-0065, INCON
– X 2015, pp.358-364.
Akila, R. Pamavathy N. Balaji S. and Senthilkumar A.B., ―Brand Preference and Purchase

Behaviour of B – Segment Passenger Cars in Vellore City‖, The International Journal of Applied
Business and Economic Research, Volume 13, No:1(2015), pp. 1-17.

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significant relationship between occupation as factor and the variables like brand purchased,
offers and finance. Family size has been found to be the significant factor that influences the
purchase decisions of a car model. The study concluded that irrespective of the brand the
customers highly consider their financial status while buying the vehicle. It has been proved
that people prefer to have a comfort vehicle that falls within their financial status.
Thirunarayanasamy et al (2016)72made a study on “Attitude of consumers towards
purchase and use of small cars”.It has been observed in the study that customers give much
importance to social status image in the car acquisition. It has been found that customers
prefer to buy smaller size cars as the price is much smaller, even though its designs are out
Asokan et al (2016)73 made “A Study on Consumer Behaviour with Reference to
Small Cars in Tiruvarur District”. They found that the customers are influenced by the
factors like price, fuel efficiencyand after sales services of the company. It has been also
foundthat customers are satisfied with product factors of the small cars manufactured by the
company but they showed the dissatisfaction towards the factors like fuel efficiency,
maintenance cost, delivery time, and free service, price of the car, spare parts price and after
sales services of the company. Hence it has been suggested to the manufacturers to reduce
the running and maintenance cost of car and to lay the emphasis on the manufacturing of
economic fuel-efficient cars. The study also revealed the major problems marked by the
customers such as high price of the car, high priced spare parts and high maintenance cost.
It has been concluded that service quality of the dealers in the study area needs to make
improvements in service quality which increases customer satisfaction.
Divisha Arya (2016)74 made “A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour regarding
Four –Wheeler”.The study aimed to know the important variables that influence the

Thirunarayanasamy M. and Rajavel R., ―Attitude of Consumers towards Purchase and Use of

Small cars in Kanchipuram District‖, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-
2347-4793, Volume 1. Issue: XXXVI, February 2016, pp.211-217.
Asokan P. and Manikandan C., ―A Study on Consumer Behaviour with Reference to Small Cars in

Tiruvarur District‖, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 6, Issue: 8, August 2016, ISSN -
2249-555X, pp. 411-413.
Divisha Arya, ―A Study on Consumer Buying Behavior regarding Four –Wheeler‖, International

Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM),Volume 5,

Issue:10, October 2016, ISSN 2319 – 4847, pp.52-56.

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consumer while purchasing automobile. It has been found that influence of family and
suggestions about the utility of the vehicle, the after sales support and availability of trained
service personal influences the purchase motives of consumers. The study insisted that
referral dimension plays dominant role and therefore the car manufacturers are suggested to
concentrate more on consumers with respect to word of mouth sales.
Ravinder et al (2017)75 made “An Empirical study onConsumer Behaviour towards
Small Cars”. The study aimed at identifying the factors that influence the consumer
behaviour towards small cars in Hyderabad. It has been found that price is the important
criteria which people consider in the selection and purchase of car. It has been also
suggested in the study that fuel efficiency, technology, warranty and after sale services and
availability of accessories are the some of the aspects where the car companies need to pay
Anantha Laxmi et al (2017)76 made a study on “Factors influencing the consumers
towards Buying Maruti Cars‖. It has been found thatappearance, comfort and cost
efficiency are the factors that influenced the brand preference of the consumers. Also
factors like income, age and gender influenced the consumers in the purchase decision. It
has been also found that customers showed high satisfaction towards the performance of all
car companies.

Ravinder D. and Srikrishna G., ―Consumer Behaviour towards Small Cars in Hyderabad: An

Empirical Study‖, International Journal of Research in Management Studies, Volume 2, Issue No:
1(Janaury 2017), ISSN No: 2455-7595 (Online), pp.12-15.
Anantha Laxmi R. and Antony Selva Priya A., ―Factors influencing the Consumers towards

Buying Maruti cars in Thoothukudi district‖, International Journal of Research Granthaalayah-

Volume 5 (Iss.4: SE):ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P) April, 2017, pp.41-51.

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